
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Ch2: I am in NarutoWorld

Pov Yasuke

As I waited for the footsteps to approach the room where I was, I tried to figure out who they might be, after all I had laid in bed after several days of work and suddenly found myself in such a strange place.

Through my head went the idea of a kidnapping, however it did not seem to be right, since I was a small surgeon who was not famous, clearly I had no influence and no benefit can be extracted from me, on the other hand, extortion to close people would not bring anything, since I had no contact with other people apart from members of the hospital, with a working relationship only.


But before Yasuke could make any more guesses, the doorknob began to turn slowly and with a slight push, the door opened, and so the people behind the wooden door came into Yasuke's range of vision.

What Yasuke saw was certainly the least expected, a small old woman wearing a pink yukata and with an amble smile and small eyes looking at everything around her with kindness and benevolence, accompanied by several children between three and nine years old, at the end two young girls could be seen wearing a loose black dress with a white apron over it and sandals.

-Oh, you seem to have woken up," said the kindly old lady with a smile.

-Yes, ma'am.

-Nora, but everyone here calls me grandmother," answered the old lady Nora still with a warm smile.

-It's ok Mrs. Nora

-Oh please call me just grandma

-Eeeemm it's ok, grandma - said Yasuke with some awkwardness

-It's okay little boy, you don't have to force it if you don't want to.

At that moment Nora's words felt very strange to Yasuke.

Small? It is true that he is not as old as the person in front of him, but, he a man who is going to be thirty in a couple of months is clearly not "small" so he asked the question


-Sure, although you look more mature than others, I can see from your physique that you are still probably between four or five years old

-Four or five?

-Right, look - after saying this, the old woman made some sort of hand seals which seemed to gather the humidity of the environment.

Subsequently what appeared to be a wall of water rose up in front of Yasuke's surprised eyes, where one could see the reflection of a small boy of a pale off-white color, he had faint shadows to the right under his eyes, he was wearing the uniform of what appeared to be an academy, his shirt underneath more ajar, and his shorts had white spots on them.

Honestly this surprised Yasuke and almost without wanting to know the answer he slowly raised his dominant hand and subsequently brought it towards his face, the boy seemed to follow his steps with a great precision as if it were a reflex.

-How is it possible," thought Yasuke, he realized, the boy in the water mirror was him.

-Oh you're surprised, can it be that you've never seen ninjutsu?

-Wait, ninjutsu?" that name sounded too familiar to Yasuke.

-Yes, it's what ninjas use for fighting.

Suddenly Yasuke felt an ominous feeling.

-Wait old lady Nora, please tell me where I am," said Yasuke without letting the extremely uncomfortable feeling go away.

-You are currently in the orphanage of Konohagakure no sato, one of the five great ninja villages.

-Konoha..." Yasuke was silent.

Suddenly the words of the old woman Nora were like a stone thrown into a lake stirring the water, with mixed feelings.

Yasuke remained static for a while, after all it's not every day you travel to an anime world, but his recovery was extremely fast, after all he has been a surgeon for a long time and calmness in difficult or unexpected situations is one of the skills a good surgeon must develop.

After a couple of agitated breaths Yasuke turned to the kind old lady in front of him.

-Excuse me grandmother Nora, but I could rest for a while, I feel extremely tired.

-Oh little one, relax, it's almost time to go to bed and with the day you've had today you're probably pretty tired, tomorrow we'll talk more

-Thank you grandma Nora

And with that said he went to the bed from where he had woken up before, he lay down and closed his eyes, he could slightly feel how the other children lay down in the other beds and later the old woman together with the two young girls retired leaving the children to rest.

Although Yasuke seemed to be alone lying on the bed with his eyes closed and keeping a low and constant breathing as if he was asleep, a storm of conjectures was forming in his head.

But although his head worked like that of an adult his body and physique, clearly was not and although Yasuke gave the excuse of energy so he could have a solitary thought and without now having to talk to the kind old woman, he could not deny that the tiredness of this body was not low and with a few minutes of intense thought Yasuke undeniably fell peacefully asleep

Konoha Orphanage the next day.

The morning sun began to creep over the ledge of the orphanage slowly waking up the children sleeping peacefully in the bunk beds and beds in the room.

One of these was Yasuke who slowly felt the glare on his eyelids which led to a small frown on his mouth.

After a few seconds of apparent discomfort Yasuke slowly began to open his eyelids revealing piercing gray eyes with which he began to see his surrounding area and upon seeing that he was still in the supposed orphanage of Konoha, what appeared to be a grimace appeared on his childish face.

Pov Yasuke

"Wow I certainly thought that yesterday was just a dream generated by accumulated tiredness, but nevertheless who would tell me that in the end I would wake up in the same situation as yesterday" thought Yasuke.

Then I could only get up from the bed, I certainly felt a certain amount of discomfort, I was not used to it with my current size.

In the end I could only follow the other kids to what seemed to be a big dining room where more kids could be seen, about 70 kids of different ages were sitting at long tables talking, laughing and shouting. Before Yasuke decided to go somewhere a voice in all that shouting caught his attention, this was the voice of the girl named Nonoe who was sitting at what seemed to be the end of one of the tables, Yasuke with no other options could only go to sit quietly next to this peculiar girl that yesterday made him awaken in him an extremely strange and uncomfortable feeling, but at the same time warm and comforting.


After a few minutes the kind old lady appeared in the dining room together with some young people carrying some big pots.

-Good morning my little ones, I hope you have rested well enough, after all you have to become big and strong, and with this you can help others who also need help.

After the words said by the old woman, the young people were in charge of serving the food in different plates and distributing it.

After a while in front of Yasuke a steaming bowl of Miso soup appeared, Yasuke slowly began to eat it, he a busy man certainly had almost no time to cook and his diet was based on prepared food, which made him savor this dish of food extremely tasty for his palate.

While Yasuke was still eating the old lady approached him and asked him

-Is it good, little one?

-Yasuke answered between mouthfuls, "yum yum yum".

-I'm glad you like it, by the way little boy, I still don't know your name.

After hearing this, Yasuke stopped for a moment and looking at the old lady in front of him he answered

-My name is Yasuke, Yasuke Shiya.

-It's okay little Yasuke, later I want you to come to my office so we can talk a little bit about you and how we found you in front of the orphanage door.

-It's ok grandma Nora

And after this exchange of words the kind old lady left to talk to other children.

Yasuke continued eating while the girl next to him called Nonoe watched him with curiosity.

To be continued...