
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 88: Going Offensive

Tension crackled in the air like electricity as the six opponents faced each other, a palpable sense of anticipation hanging heavy over the snowy battlefield. The Adjuchas and the two dragons stood defiantly against Yun Che, Little Fairy, and Retsu, each side brimming with enough power to shatter mountains and sunder skies. Yet, despite the simmering animosity, none dared to make the first move, each waiting for the other to reveal their hand.

But Little Fairy, fueled by the thrill of her newfound strength, refused to wait any longer.

"Frozen Cloud Domain!" With a resolute cry, she unleashed her Frozen Cloud Domain, the very fabric of reality warping to her will as snow and ice enveloped the mountain basin. Little Fairy's domain, now bolstered by her recent breakthrough, exerted its influence with unparalleled control, conjuring raging snowstorms that swept across the battlefield like a tempest unleashed.

However, in her eagerness to assert her dominance, Little Fairy failed to realize the indiscriminate nature of her domain's power. As the snowstorms raged, they engulfed not only their enemies but also their allies, including Yun Che and Retsu. The swirling vortex of ice and snow threatened to consume them all, blurring the lines between friend and foe in a chaotic whirlwind of elemental fury.

Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Yun Che and Retsu found themselves ensnared in the icy embrace of Little Fairy's domain. Despite their formidable abilities, they were not immune to its chilling effects, their movements slowed and their vision obscured by the blizzard's icy veil.


[Ding…. Host has entered the boundary of the Frozen Cloud Domain. Within this domain, all opponents' movements, aside from the caster's, will slow down by 50%. The offensive elemental powers of the caster will increase by 50%, and they are not affected by the 50% movement debuff. The host's current elemental resistance is limited to fire. However, due to the host's spiritual enhancement mode, the host is not affected by the domain.]


Yun Che sighed inwardly as he considered his vulnerabilities in this situation. Without the Heretic God Seed of Water, he remained susceptible to elemental attacks other than fire. Despite his mastery of the Great Way of the Buddha and his Haki, he knew he couldn't let his guard down against the icy powers within Little Fairy's domain. Equipping Sode No Shirayuki and Hyourinmaru could grant him resistance, but it came at a cost – prolonged use of their Bankai would risk being consumed by the frost from within. Obtaining the Heretic God Seed of Water seemed increasingly paramount for him to unlock his full potential.

Observing Retsu's calm expression, Yun Che admired her fortunate ability to resist both frost and fire thanks to her Spirit of the Yin. It was a rare gift that afforded her significant advantage in battles like this one.

Meanwhile, Kon and Cang Yue discreetly landed on a rock within the basin, masking their presence to avoid detection by Granz or the dragons. Despite their distance from the action, they still felt the chilling effects of Little Fairy's domain.

Concern creased Cang Yue's features as she voiced her worry. "Will Yun Che and the others be okay?"

Kon reassured her with a confident grin, transforming back into his plushy form. "What are you saying? Those powerful 'busty' ladies are stronger than the dragons, and Yun Che can handle himself."

Cang Yue nodded, but her curiosity got the better of her. "By the way, what does 'busty' mean?"

Caught off guard, Kon sweated nervously, realizing his mistake. "Uh, it's just a word I use... It's nothing, really! Just a silly term." He stuttered, hoping to avoid further questioning. If Cang Yue found out, he knew he'd be in for quite the scolding or worse.

Cang Yue nodded, her curiosity piqued, but she turned her attention back to the battlefield as she made sure to ask what it meant later. Unbeknownst to her, she had inadvertently set Kon up for potential punishment.

Meanwhile, within the snowy domain, Yun Che remained unfazed as he prepared for the impending battle. "Debuff or not, it doesn't matter," he muttered, his focus unwavering. With determination in his eyes, he launched himself towards Granz with lightning speed, Tensa Zangetsu poised for combat.

Granz, recognizing Yun Che's prowess, evaded the initial swing of Tensa Zangetsu, retaliating with a powerful cero blast to create distance. But Yun Che's Observation Haki allowed him to deftly dodge the attack, closing the gap once more to engage Granz in close combat. Their clashes echoed throughout the domain, causing explosions that lit up the sky.

Dodging another strike, Yun Che coated his arm and fist with Busoshoku Haki, delivering a devastating blow directly to Granz's face. The force of the punch cracked Granz's mask, sending him hurtling backward. In return, Granz managed to land a punch on Yun Che's face, but Yun Che's reinforced Haki-coated defense mitigated the impact, allowing him to withstand the blow and maintain his ground.

Despite the relentless barrage of punches from Granz, Yun Che remained resolute, using each encounter to fortify his body and hone his skills. With each exchange, the ringing of experience reverberated in his ears, signaling his gradual ascent to greater strength and mastery.

With each powerful exchange, Yun Che felt an indescribable surge of energy coursing through his veins, pulsating with newfound strength and vitality. Then, in a moment of clarity amidst the chaos of battle, a series of resounding notifications echoed in his mind:


[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha Body Cultivation Experience +300000]

[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha Body Cultivation Level Up]

[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha Body Cultivation is now the First Level of the Emperor Profound Realm.]

[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha Level Up]

[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha has achieved the Third Realm. Host's arm strength has increased to 40 tonnes. The host's body is now capable of regeneration. The host can now heal and restore 3% of the Spirit Force, Stamina, and Health for every minute (30% in ten minutes). Small cuts and injuries will be instantly healed. The range of the third realm is in the First Level of Emperor Profound Realm until the Grand Perfection of Sovereign Profound Realm. The host must surpass Body Level 100 to unlock the Fourth Realm.]


As the notifications flooded his consciousness, Yun Che felt a profound sense of accomplishment wash over him. With each milestone reached, he knew he was one step closer to mastering the Great Way of the Buddha and transcending mortal limitations. But even as he basked in his newfound power, he remained focused on the battle at hand.


In Yun Che's inner world, the small floating silver pagoda island began to expand and transform, growing into a three-story structure with a subtle shift from silver to faint gold. Unbeknownst to him, this inner transformation mirrored his own growth and potential.


"Damn, this feels awesome!" Yun Che couldn't help but revel in the rush of energy coursing through him. However, his excitement was tempered by the realization that the path ahead was fraught with challenges, particularly as he aimed to reach the Sovereign Profound Realm.

Meanwhile, in the midst of battle, Yun Che's healing abilities were on full display as his wounds swiftly closed and his strength replenished at an astonishing rate. This remarkable recovery only served to fuel his determination to emerge victorious.

Facing off against Granz, Yun Che exuded confidence as he deftly dodged and countered the Adjuchas's attacks. Despite Granz's relentless assault, Yun Che remained unfazed, his body enveloped in a protective aura of Haki that mitigated the impact of each blow.

"Arrogant mortal," Granz sneered, his frustration mounting as Yun Che seemed to effortlessly evade his strikes. "I will crush you and your companions, one by one."

"Well, good luck with it," Yun Che retorted with a smirk, his voice laced with confidence as he faced Granz once more in hand-to-hand combat. Despite the Adjuchas's relentless assault from every angle, Yun Che remained steadfast, his movements fluid and precise.

Granz, though weakened by Yun Che and Retsu's previous onslaught, still possessed formidable strength. Each of his punches carried the force of a Tyrant Profound Realm warrior, and Yun Che felt the sting of each blow. Yet, he was undeterred, his body coated in a protective layer of Haki that absorbed much of the impact. 

With every exchange, Yun Che analyzed Granz's movements, searching for any weaknesses or patterns to exploit. He knew that victory depended not only on his own strength but also on his ability to outmaneuver his opponent.

As Granz pressed his attack, Yun Che seized the opportunity to strike back, delivering precise blows aimed at exploiting any vulnerabilities he could find. His movements were calculated and deliberate, each strike infused with the full force of his newfound power.

Within the domain, Retsu danced around the male dragon with unmatched grace, her movements a blur as she unleashed a flurry of slashes with her bankai. Each strike left deep gashes in the dragon's thick scales, causing it to roar in pain and frustration.

Despite its size and power, the male dragon found itself struggling to keep up with Retsu's speed and agility. Every attempt to strike at her was met with swift evasion, as Retsu effortlessly dodged and countered with precise swordsmanship.

"ARRRHGGGHHH!!!!! Human!!!! You dare mock the Great Flood Dragon?" The dragon's enraged bellow echoed through the mountain basin, but Retsu remained unfazed, her focus unwavering as she continued her relentless assault.

With each successful slash, Retsu felt her strength surging, fueled by the blood points she earned. As the count reached its maximum, she decided to unleash a new technique, channeling her energy into a powerful manifestation of reaitsu.

"Shut up, will you?" With a swift motion of her hand, Retsu conjured a demonic fox arm composed of pure energy, which struck the dragon with incredible force, sending it hurtling through the air with a deafening boom.

The impact shook the very ground beneath them as the dragon crashed into the rocky terrain, its roars of pain reverberating throughout the basin. For the first time, it realized the true extent of Retsu's power, and the daunting realization dawned upon it that it had met its match in this formidable human adversary.

The male dragon crash-landed on the rocky terrain, its body battered and bruised from Retsu's relentless assault. As it slowly regained consciousness, it beheld a startling sight—the human it had been fighting was undergoing a transformation. In awe and disbelief, the dragon watched as Retsu's appearance began to shift, morphing into that of a creature resembling both human and beast.

With fox-like ears atop her head and three imposing tails trailing behind her, Retsu stood before the dragon in her half-hollow form, a sight the dragon had never encountered before. Half-transformed beings were unheard of in the dragon's realm, and it couldn't comprehend how a human could achieve such a state without sacrificing their humanity.

"HUMAN, WHAT ARE YOU??" the dragon demanded, its voice laced with confusion and curiosity.

Retsu casually touched the fox-like ears adorning her head. "This? You can say I am half hollow. I guess," she replied with nonchalant ease, unfazed by her own transformation.

The dragon's astonishment turned to determination as it prepared to strike once more, but Retsu remained composed, effortlessly intercepting its claws with conjured reaitsu arms.

"Impressive for a human, but too bad you won't live to enjoy it. Now DIE!!!!" the dragon roared, launching a devastating energy ball from its maw aimed directly at Retsu.

With a calm demeanor, Retsu raised her index finger, summoning another reaitsu arm to counter the incoming attack. The force of her punch shattered the energy ball mid-air, dispersing it harmlessly into the surroundings.

Undeterred, Retsu swiftly maneuvered behind the dragon, her reaitsu arms acting in perfect synchrony as she seized its tail with one hand while supporting its body with the others. In this moment, she held the formidable creature in her grasp, her half-hollow form radiating with an aura of unyielding strength and determination.

"Why don't you fly for a change?" Retsu taunted the stunned dragon before using her reaitsu arms to swing it in a circular motion. With each revolution, the dragon's confusion turned to panic as it realized it was at the mercy of this half-hollow human. Then, with a powerful release, Retsu let go, sending the dragon hurtling through the air until it crashed down onto the unforgiving rocks below, shaking the mountain with a deafening boom.

"You, How??!?" the dragon exclaimed, its disbelief evident in its voice as it struggled to comprehend Retsu's unexpected display of power.

"I have three tails, so I can control three arms," Retsu explained calmly, her words dripping with confidence. Her breakthrough into the Sky Profound Realm had unlocked a new level of mastery over her abilities, granting her the capability to wield her reaitsu arms with precision and control. Although she could only manifest three arms at a time, her proficiency with them was unmatched.

As the dragon seethed with humiliation and frustration, Retsu dissipated her third reaitsu arm, cracking her remaining two knuckles with a satisfied smirk. The dragon glared at her with venomous eyes, its pride wounded by her overwhelming strength and cunning tactics, all while being hindered by the effects of Little Fairy's Domain.

Meanwhile, Little Fairy sensed the commotion caused by Retsu's battle with the male dragon and decided it was time for her to join the fray. With determination in her eyes, she made her way across the basin, her haki-coated sword gleaming in the ambient light. As she approached the female dragon, she prepared herself to unleash her own brand of devastation upon her formidable adversary, ready to contribute to the ongoing fight with all her newfound strength.

The female dragon narrowed her eyes at the distant explosions, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. "Hmph, looks like those two are not simple at all. But that doesn't mean you are as well," she retorted, trying to regain her composure.

Little Fairy smirked confidently, channeling her energy as she prepared to face the formidable dragon. "Last time I had to fight both of you. Maybe I should give you a handicap?" she quipped, taunting the dragon before her.

In response, the dragon lunged forward with a clawed strike, aiming to catch Little Fairy off guard. But Little Fairy's keen observation haki allowed her to anticipate the attack, and with a swift movement, she dodged the claw with ease, her movements fluid and precise.

Infuriated by Little Fairy's evasiveness, the female dragon conjured a powerful tornado, hoping to trap her opponent within its raging winds. However, instead of avoiding the tornado, Little Fairy boldly charged straight into it, her confidence unwavering.

Emerging unscathed on the other side of the tempest, Little Fairy wasted no time in unleashing her Frozen Cloud Arts with newfound determination. "Frozen Cloud Arts Second Realm, Snowball of Eternal Ice!" she declared, her voice ringing out with authority.

With a gathering of energy in her palm, Little Fairy formed a colossal snowball imbued with the chilling power of her Frozen Cloud Domain. As she swung the snowball towards the female dragon, she infused it with an iced rope made entirely of Profound energy, ensuring its devastating impact.

Caught off guard by the unexpected tactic, the female dragon could do little to defend herself as the snowball collided with her head, triggering a powerful explosion of icicles that rained down upon her. Each icicle was infused with haki, penetrating the dragon's thick scales with ease, causing her to roar in pain and frustration.

"Rascal was right. This 'wrecking ball' method seems fun," Little Fairy remarked with a smirk, reveling in her successful attack against the formidable dragon.

A rewrite version..

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts