
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 80: Roasted and Toasted to Perfection

Explosions reverberated across the battlefield outside the ruins of the Phoenix Clan, an unending symphony of chaos that had persisted for a full month. The initial skirmishes had been brief, but with each passing day, hordes of Hollows gathered at the base of the mountain, where the Phoenix Clan's village stood resilient against the relentless invasion. The village's salvation hung in the balance, safeguarded only by three remarkable maidens.

Despite the relentless onslaught, these three maidens remained as stunning as they had been when the trial had begun. They had originally believed their male companion would complete the trial within a matter of days, but to their dismay, they had been waiting for a full month. The battles had started easy, but they had grown progressively more challenging. The attacks followed a peculiar pattern: days of eerie calm, then sudden assaults by small groups, repeating in an unsettling cycle. It was as if the Hollows were regrouping before launching their relentless waves.

What troubled the maidens the most were the newly emerged Hollows that had appeared a month ago. Gigantic Menos Grande, towering monstrosities, had begun showing up a week after the first one was repelled by Yun Che. However, these Menos kept appearing one after another, creating a formidable challenge for the maidens.

One of the maidens skillfully dispatched the Menos Grande, effortlessly deflecting their deadly cero attacks. But the other two maidens faced a different fate. While they initially managed to counter and eliminate several of the creatures, the passage of time brought forth even stronger Menos, capable of tearing through the air like paper.

Suddenly, a cero surged towards the protective barrier. Before it could make contact, a shadow soared in front, intercepting the deadly attack and creating a billowing cloud of smoke.

The two remaining maidens cried out in shock, witnessing the explosion caused by the intercepted cero. "Sister Retsu?!"

"I'm fine; they didn't even scratch me," Retsu assured her concerned companions. She emerged gracefully from the dissipating smoke after deftly deflecting the menacing Cero attack. Retsu, still as radiant as she had been a month ago, had discarded her Shinigami attire in favor of a traditional kimono and wielded her Zanpakuto with lethal grace.

After a month of unceasing battles and facing the ceaseless tide of Hollows and Menos, Retsu's beauty remained undiminished. If anything, it had grown even more enchanting, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

Her skin retained its porcelain perfection, untouched by the rigors of combat. It radiated a natural, healthy glow, a testament to her resilience in the face of adversity. Her eyes, always filled with unwavering determination, now gleamed with a fierce, inner fire that mirrored her unyielding spirit.

Retsu's long, obsidian hair, elegantly braided, cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall. Despite the chaos of battle, her braided hair remained neat and orderly, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance. Her features, delicate yet resolute, remained captivating, framed by the graceful lines of her face.

Clad in her traditional kimono, though now marked by the stains of battle, she moved with a graceful fluidity that contrasted sharply with the lethal precision of her strikes. The kimono seemed to enhance her beauty, as if it were an emblem of her indomitable spirit.

Retsu's beauty, always captivating, had taken on an almost mythical quality after a month of relentless combat—a testament to her strength, endurance, and unwavering commitment to defending her village. She stood as a living embodiment of the phoenix, rising above the chaos and devastation with a beauty that was as timeless as it was mesmerizing.

Over the past month, she had single-handedly vanquished thousands of Hollows and several Menos, achieving a remarkable breakthrough into the First Level of the Sky Profound Realm. This breakthrough granted her access to the third tail's worth of power from Yachiru's Ten Tailed Demon Fox mode, a power she had refrained from revealing to her companions. Her continuous battles had propelled her body into the Third Level of the Sky Profound Realm, rendering her nearly impervious to damage from lesser Hollows, even as she blocked powerful Ceros with ease.

The other two maidens were Little Fairy and Cang Yue. Little Fairy had reached the Grand Perfection of the Sky Profound Realm and was growing even stronger after consuming some of Yun Che's stabilizing pills making her current strength comparable to early Emperor Profound Realm cultivators. Her intense cultivation allowed her to combat Earth Profound Realm Menos effortlessly, and she had guided Retsu in mastering the Profound Floating Technique, enabling her to soar through the air.

Cang Yue, on the other hand, had made a breakthrough into the Peak of the Spirit Profound Realm, thanks to Yun Che's gifted pills. Her combat experience had matured, facing countless life-and-death situations over the past month. Her swordsmanship had evolved, enabling her to strike with deadly precision, even against Spirit Profound Realm Menos, without injuring herself.

After enduring a month of unrelenting battles and facing the relentless onslaught of Hollows and Menos, both Cang Yue and Chu Yuechan's unique beauty had not only remained but had become even more distinctive as beauties who survived the onslaught of hollows.

Cang Yue's regal beauty was now accentuated by her waist-length fuchsia-colored hair, a striking and uncommon hue that set her apart on the battlefield. Her high cheekbones, finely sculpted features, and captivating orange eyes still held their allure, while her fair skin, though bearing the scars of battle, maintained a smooth and flawless quality. She was adorned in her battle dress, a garment that seemed to enhance her strength and poise, with its flowing sleeves and intricate designs. Her long fuchsia locks flowed gracefully, framing her face and adding a vibrant contrast to her regal appearance. Her poise and grace remained unwavering, and her confidence and dignity shone through, making her a captivating presence amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Chu Yuechan's ethereal beauty, too, had become even more enchanting. Her back-length silver hair, featuring long braids on each side adorned with small blue bows at the ends, added a touch of elegance to her already mystical appearance. Her silver hair cascaded down her back, ending in twin braids, and her red eyes gleamed with an otherworldly allure. She, too, was dressed in her battle Frozen Cloud Asgard dress, a garment that accentuated her graceful movements and added to her overall mystique. Her delicate and elfin features remained a work of art, with porcelain skin that seemed to radiate an inner light. Her enchanting gaze, framed by her intricate hairstyle, continued to captivate all who beheld her.

Both Cang Yue and Chu Yuechan's distinctive beauty had not only endured but had become even more captivating. Their unique features and the way they carried themselves set them apart as not just warriors but as extraordinary individuals, leaving an indelible mark on those who had the privilege of witnessing their presence amid the chaos of battle, clad in their resplendent battle wuxia dresses.

A deafening roar echoed through the battlefield as the Menos taunted them. Retsu hadn't anticipated that the creature emerging from the Garganta would be a Sky Profound Realm Menos. According to Yun Che, Menos Grande had two stages before advancing to the realm of High Ranked Gillians. The first stage, encountered by Yun Che a month ago, possessed the strength of the Spirit Profound Realm. However, the foes they had battled for the past month were Earth Profound Realm Menos. These Menos differed from their earlier counterparts, with more spikes surrounding their necks.

But the greatest shock had come half a month ago when two High Ranked Gillians had appeared. Their appearances resembled Menos, but their masks had undergone a dramatic transformation. Instead of the traditional Menos mask, these giants sported white skull masks, their nose and eyes replaced by four vertical rectangular-shaped holes. These new Gillians would temporarily emerge, launching deadly Ceros before retreating into the Garganta. Retsu had attempted to engage them, but the lower-level Menos consistently blocked her, preventing her from getting closer. Lacking her hollow's mask or Bankai, she couldn't catch them in time. Using her Bankai was out of the question, as its killing intent attracted more Hollows, so she fought in her standard form. Each time the two Gillians escaped, the lower-level Menos followed suit, ending their daily battle.

Amid the chaos of the battlefield, one of the towering Gillians unfurled its gaping maw, a menacing beam of energy coalescing within. The girls, well-acquainted with the impending threat, recognized the looming danger—it was the same energy beam they had tirelessly blocked for the past month. The ominous red energy ball condensed, growing smaller and smaller, before the Gillian sealed its voracious mouth.

The Cero was unleashed with devastating force, but it wasn't aimed at their protective barrier. Instead, it was hurtling straight towards one of the maidens, with Chu Yuechan or Little Fairy in its deadly crosshairs. Swiftly, she deployed her Frozen Arts Barrier, intercepting the incoming cataclysmic strike. The Cero collided with her icy defense, and she grappled fiercely to keep it at bay. Over the past half-month, she had come to understand the peril these giants' Ceros posed; even her formidable cultivation was challenged by their immense power. Facing such an attack head-on would be a grave mistake, and Retsu remained the only one to have survived a point-blank assault, a testament to her incredible resilience.

The battlefield descended into turmoil as the girls confronted an overwhelming onslaught of Ceros from the menacing Menos. Little Fairy, using her Frozen Arts Barrier, heroically blocked the lethal energy projectile, enduring its relentless assault until it finally exploded, shattering her protective shield and sending her hurtling backward. In a blur of motion, Retsu teleported behind her, arresting her potentially catastrophic fall. Sensing her sister's profound energy depletion, Retsu swiftly administered a mana potion, replenishing her strength.

Little Fairy, her consciousness returning, gazed at Retsu with deep gratitude. "Thank you, sister Retsu."

Retsu nodded, her resolute gaze fixed upon the towering Gillians. "These Hollows are relentless."

Cang Yue joined them, having concluded her skirmish with the lower-level Hollows. "Sister Yuechan, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Sister Yue, it seems these new mask Menos are stronger than anticipated," Little Fairy replied, her unwavering gaze fixed upon the other two menacing Gillians that had targeted her earlier.

"They're not retreating like last time," Retsu noted with a hint of concern. The three girls were poised to counter-attack when something astonishing occurred—every Menos, including the lower-level ones and the Gillians, abruptly halted their movements and opened their gaping maws.

"This is bad. They're preparing for an all-out assault," Retsu warned, her voice tinged with urgency. The other Menos began to charge their Ceros, and the Gillians followed suit. One of them had already shaken the barrier with a single Cero attack earlier, and the combined force of their onslaught would undoubtedly breach the barrier's defenses.

Retsu declared, "I may have to use my full strength."

Little Fairy immediately interjected, "Sister Retsu, if you use your Bankai, all the Hollows will converge on you."

Retsu weighed her options carefully, knowing that unleashing her Bankai against these spiritual beings would not yield significant gains. Still, it could provide her with an advantage in terms of speed, armor, and offensive power. However, her companions remained unaware of her Visored's mask and its true capabilities. Despite the risks, if it meant saving her companions, she saw no other choice.

"Then, I'll do it," she declared with unwavering determination.

Cang Yue, not one to let her face the threat alone, drew her sword with resolve. "Me too."

"Sister Yue, Sister Yuechan, then let's end this together," Retsu declared with a resolute nod. They understood that by coordinating their attacks, they could disrupt the charging process and strike at the Gillians. It was a calculated risk, one that might allow the other two Gillians to escape, but it bought them precious time while awaiting Yun Che's return.


Despair cast a looming shadow over the villagers, its suffocating grip tightening with each passing moment as they helplessly watched the menacing energy beams charging relentlessly toward their fragile barrier. The encroaching Hollows, like an unstoppable tidal wave of malevolence, threatened to overrun the once-defenseless village. Even the Feng Family, who had initially welcomed the maidens with open arms, now shared in the ever-growing dread that seemed to permeate the very air.

Over the course of a grueling month, Retsu and Cang Yue had seamlessly transformed into beloved daughters to Feng Baichuan and Feng Caiyun, and Chu Yuechan had evolved from a mere acquaintance into an equal friend to the wife herself, and even something of an older aunt figure to their twin children. These figures had become more than protectors; they had become beacons of hope and pillars of strength for the entire village. Witnessing their unwavering dedication to safeguarding the village, day in and day out, had exacted a heavy toll on everyone's spirit. It was all too evident that none of them had known a moment's peace, let alone enjoyed a restful night's sleep during this relentless siege.

The weight of this burden, this ceaseless struggle, bore down heavily on the villagers' hearts, their collective worry etched deeply into the lines of their faces. Faced with the impending doom that hung like a sword above them, they realized that the maidens had transcended mere protectors—they had become integral parts of their village, beloved family members. The thought of losing them now, in their darkest hour, was a price too heavy to bear.

Desperation etched deeply into Feng Caiyun's eyes as she turned to her husband. "Husband, is there truly nothing we can do to help them?"

Feng Banchuan let out a profound sigh, his heart heavy with worry. "Ai… If there were a way, I would spare no effort to assist them. But the maidens have made it abundantly clear that we mustn't interfere, lest we risk our lives."

"But…" Suddenly, Feng Caiyun felt an unusual sensation on her shoulder, as if she were absorbing the very energy of her surroundings. To her astonishment, nearly all the villagers shared in this inexplicable experience. The discomfort that had plagued them for years, as well as the pain they had endured, simply vanished. Then, an astonishing realization struck her—her cultivation was rapidly breaking through, ascending to the Nascent Profound Realm. This was the realm she had longed to reach for so many years. What's more, she ascended directly to its peak, a feat made possible by one of Yun Che's Profound Pills that she had consumed in the past month to test whether his pills ignored the curse. Her husband and children underwent the same miraculous transformation.

It was then that Feng Caiyun noticed a remarkable change in her husband's phoenix mark, as it shifted from dark red to a vibrant scarlet hue. With heavy breaths, he spoke, "This is… the Immortal's mark. He did it; he passed the trial." The curse that had haunted their family for countless generations had finally come to an end—a true blessing bestowed upon them.

As an overwhelming pressure descended upon the battlefield, disrupting the menacing Gillians' charging process, a collective tension gripped everyone present. The palpable weight of this powerful presence hung heavy in the air, causing hearts to race and breaths to quicken. But among those who bore witness to this phenomenon, only the three girls could identify its source. And within their hearts, immense joy swelled, for they knew that this pressure belonged to none other than the person who had captured their love and admiration.

Retsu's eyes widened, filling with tears of unbridled joy. "This pressure... Is this..."

Little Fairy, her heart shaken to its very core, recognized the unmistakable sensation. It was the same overwhelming pressure she had experienced during a fateful battle three months prior—a pressure that had melted her icy heart and kindled a newfound warmth within her. With a radiant and relieved expression, she whispered, "Rascal, you took your sweet time."

Back at the temple, a solitary figure emerged from the portal with a stretch that seemed to promise there would be no tomorrow. "Oh, man… a month with the Phoenix Spirit was something else, but at least I've gained a wealth of knowledge from it."

The figure extended his senses, sweeping them across the surroundings, and what he encountered piqued his interest. A vast surge of spiritual pressure permeated the area. He halted his senses and a smirk played across his face. "Looks like dinner might be served earlier than expected."

With a burst of determination, he channeled scarlet flames into his legs, igniting them with fiery power. The figure then leaped into the skies, his form soaring upwards with a grace that defied gravity. In the next moment, he phased through the protective barrier surrounding the village, as if the very barrier itself recognized the presence of the Phoenix bloodline coursing through his veins.

"Time to save my beloved damsels"


All eyes abruptly turned towards the Phoenix ruins as a small, burning figure soared towards the apex of the protective barrier. Suspended in mid-air, the figure's right leg was engulfed in flames, a mesmerizing sight that held everyone's gaze captive. Then, a thunderous shout pierced the sky, shaking the very earth beneath them. "Diable Jamble!!!!!"

"Big brother!!!" Feng Xian'er and her twin brother, Feng Zu'er, simultaneously cried out in unison. Both twins had sorely missed their brother figure, for his presence had always been a source of inspiration on their path to becoming formidable cultivators. While the former secretly harbored dreams of marrying him, the latter aspired to be a hero in his own right, just like their esteemed image.

But there was no time for sentimentality, as the spectacle continued. "Poêle à Frire: Spectre (Frying Pan, Spectre)!!!!!!" The figure's powerful cry resonated throughout the battlefield, and as if in response, countless rainbow-hued meteors suddenly rained down upon the unsuspecting Hollows. Explosions erupted in all directions as the meteors struck their targets, and some careened towards the stunned Menos, creating a chaotic spectacle of destruction.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of fiery explosions, with the familiar flames of the Phoenix Clan blazing forth once more. The other Gillians were struck by the meteor shower, causing them to lose their balance and tumble onto the hapless Hollows beneath them.

The villagers watched in awe, sensing a familiar aura emanating from the flames unleashed by the rainbow meteors. "This is…" one of the villagers began to speak, the realization dawning.

"Phoenix Flames?" murmured the others in unanimous wonder as the figure continued his dramatic descent. In a breathtaking display, two pairs of flaming wings unfurled from the figure's back, extending with radiant brilliance. With fiery determination, the figure stretched out his A blazing leg, like a meteor of destruction, hurtled towards the very heart of the stunned Gillians.

"Flambage Shot!!!!" The shadow descended like a celestial firestorm, landing in the center of the Gillians with an earth-shattering impact. Scarlet flames erupted in a colossal wave, instantly incinerating the lower-level hollows in their path. As the sea of scarlet flames engulfed the area, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded before the eyes of the girls. A magnificent lotus composed entirely of fire blossomed in the wake of the fiery cataclysm, casting a resplendent glow across the battlefield. Slowly, the raging inferno subsided, unveiling the identity of the enigmatic figure responsible for this dazzling display.

The flames danced with a hypnotic grace, their scorching heat causing the malevolent creatures to writhe and scream in agony. The Hollows, once menacing and relentless, were reduced to mere shadows of their former selves as the relentless blaze consumed their grotesque forms. The searing Phoenix Flames licked at their darkened masks, disintegrating them like fragile paper, revealing the twisted visages beneath.

With each passing moment, the Hollows and Menos were consumed by the all-consuming inferno, their malevolent spirits unable to withstand the overwhelming power of the Phoenix Flames. Their screams and cries for mercy were drowned out by the roaring conflagration, their existence reduced to nothingness in the merciless embrace of the scarlet fire.

The young man who had emerged from the heavens wore an unconventional black outfit, a stark contrast to the prevailing fashion of their world. His attire included modern tactical trousers, a pristine white coat that draped over his torso down to his knees, and his most recognizable feature—a cascade of black raven hair that flowed gracefully in the wind. When he turned to face the girls, his eyes blazed with a fiery crimson hue, encircled by three Tomoes that revolved hypnotically around his pupils. What was truly astonishing was his right leg, which remained wreathed in furious scarlet flames, yet miraculously spared his outfit from even a hint of scorching. His back bore a pair of majestic wings composed of living fire, their flames dancing and extending gracefully through the air.

"I am not late now, am I?"

The awe-inspiring figure before them none other than Yun Che himself. His month-long training had culminated in the mastery of the Phoenix flames he so desired. While the original Yun Che had fused these flames into his hands and sword, creating a flaming sword style, the current version had a different innovation. He had infused the Phoenix flames into his leg, evolving the 'Black Leg Style' into the formidable 'Devil Leg Style' or 'Diable Jamble,' creating the awe-inspiring Phoenix Style: Diable Jumble.

The girls stood in stunned silence, their emotions running deep, unable to fathom the incredible feat they had just witnessed. None of them could find words until Yun Che himself broke the spell.

With a teasing grin, he surveyed their shocked expressions. "What? I haven't changed that much in just a month, have I?"

Retsu, her eyes brimming with tears, could barely hold back her emotions. "Young master..."

Yun Che noticed her emotional state and quipped, "Come on now, it's only been a month. You missed me that much?"

Little Fairy, always quick to adopt her tsundere persona, huffed, "Hmph, who would miss a 'rascal' like you."

Cang Yue, like Retsu, couldn't contain her tears as she spoke his name, "Yun Che…"

Yun Che regarded the tearful girls with warmth and affection. "Save the reunion for later. We have business to attend to."

However, before their reunion could proceed further, a sudden, unexpected interruption occurred.

"Oi, Bastard. You nearly killed me with that stunt of yours." A diminutive, lion-like doll materialized on Yun Che's shoulder, its tiny form perched defiantly. The girls exchanged bewildered glances as the doll began to speak, an astonishing sight that left them flabbergasted.

Yun Che's patience seemed to wane as he retorted, "Shut your yap. You're immortal, aren't you?"

"You shut up! I may take no damage, but it still stings getting burned or hit, man," the doll, named Kon, retorted. He couldn't forget the harrowing month he'd spent being relentlessly pursued by those demons in the arena. Even when he retreated to the inner world, he couldn't evade detection by the Phoenix, Mizu, and Kaze.

Rolling his eyes, Yun Che refocused on the girls. "You girls have certainly improved. Did I mention that you all look—"

Yun Che's words were abruptly cut off as a colossal white boot descended from above, slamming down upon him with earth-shattering force. Stunned, the girls watched in shock as the giant boot crushed him flat, a shocking turn of events that left them in disbelief.


"…." The other girls were rendered utterly speechless by the unfolding spectacle before them. It took Cang Yue only a moment to react, shouting, "Yun Che!!!! Sister Retsu, let's save him!" Before the others could even formulate a response, a calm and collected voice began to echo through the air.

"Ah, you know, it's rather impolite to stomp on someone's foot. They might think you're disrespecting them."

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble around the area where the Menos had brutally stomped on Yun Che. Scarlet flames erupted from beneath the Menos's foot, rapidly spreading across its massive form like a wildfire. The Menos, now ablaze with Phoenix Flames, was catapulted upward by an incredible force from below. It roared in protest as it was launched into the sky, defying its considerable size and weight. The source of this tremendous force was none other than Yun Che himself.

"Anti Manner Kick Course!!!!" Yun Che executed a series of devastating kicks reminiscent of Sanji's most powerful techniques. With a single mighty blow, he sent the Menos soaring 180 degrees into the air, his flaming leg propelling the monstrous creature to dizzying heights. The Menos's body ignited with Phoenix Flames before it plunged back to the ground, landing amidst a horde of hapless hollows. The searing flames consumed the Menos and swiftly spread among the lesser creatures, reducing them to ash.

Except for Retsu, who had witnessed Yun Che's incredible feat before, all the villagers and the two ladies were left in stunned silence. Yun Che had launched a gigantic Menos into the air with a mere leg kick.

"Bastard, never interrupt a man when he's talking to a lady," Yun Che admonished the Menos with a serious tone, his flaming leg still held aloft.

Kon, the small lion-like doll, was utterly flabbergasted by what he had just witnessed. "What the hell? You kicked that colossal thing using only your leg?"

Yun Che shrugged nonchalantly. "Sort of."

He then turned his attention to the awestruck girls. "Why don't you ladies handle the smaller ones while I take care of these colossal bastards?"

"And you…" Yun Che pointed at Kon, still hanging from his shoulder. "Make yourself useful."

"Ehh??!?? There's no way I could…." Kon began to protest, but Yun Che paid no heed to his objections.

"Making you useful. fly!!!" Yun Che tossed Kon forcefully towards the nearby army of hollows. The plushy doll let out a string of complaints, but it was too late. Yun Che's throw sent him hurtling through the air until he landed amidst the hordes of hollows.

"Bastard!!" Kon shouted as he was tossed to a crowd of hollows.

Soon after his landing, a brilliant light enveloped the area, attracting the attention of the hollows. "You… I'll get you for this," Kon muttered as he emerged from the radiance, transformed into a golden lion's cub with small wings adorning his back. Yun Che had administered several pills to Kon, unlocking his innate powers and granting him access to this golden lion form. The transformation initially began as a cub before maturing into a fully grown golden lion. In this form, Kon could withstand damage, although excessive harm would revert him to his usual plushy self.

Yun Che had discovered an interesting quirk in this form—he was impervious to damage but still felt the pain of impacts. That's why he was cautious about engaging in physical confrontations that could lead to discomfort.

Kon had fully transformed into 'the golden lion cub.' His current cultivation stood at the First Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. The rigorous trials in the Phoenix's realm had accelerated his growth and enhanced his abilities significantly.

"You ugly freaks, let's see how you handle the might of Kon-sama!!" Kon transformed into a streak of blinding light, darting across the battlefield and decimating one hollow after another. His enhanced speed and newfound power made him a formidable force.

Wearing a confident smirk, Yun Che leaped high into the air, setting his sights on the nearest Menos. "Diable Jamble Flambage Shot!!!"

Yun Che's kick shattered the mask of the Menos, flames erupting from his foot and engulfing the creature. After destroying its mask, the hollow's body disintegrated into dust under the relentless assault of his Phoenix Flames. He wasted no time, moving swiftly to target the next Menos. Combining his speed with his Flash Step technique, he arrived at the Menos instantaneously, delivering a powerful Flambage Shot, one of Sanji's signature kicks.

Hovering in the air, he turned his gaze to the last two Menos, which had evolved beyond the lower-level Menos into the high-level Menos. The menacing creatures roared and immediately charged their Ceros. The higher-level Menos possessed the ability to charge and release their Ceros almost instantly, and they unleashed them toward Yun Che.

"Hmm, that's fast. But can you dodge this?" Yun Che charged his fiery leg to the maximum. The other Menos fired their Cero at him, but instead of dodging, he dived straight into the path of the oncoming energy blasts. His blazing leg clashed with the Ceros, two opposing forces meeting head-on.

"Ha, trying to push me away?" Yun Che enhanced his kick further, pushing through the Ceros and splitting them apart effortlessly.

"Bien Cuit, Grill Shot!!!!" (Well Cooked, Grill Shot) Emerging from the disintegrated Ceros, Yun Che hurtled toward the Menos at lightning speed. His blazing kick landed squarely on the creature's body, creating a crisscrossed pattern of searing burns. This was a kick he had once used against the Kraken during an underwater battle—the same technique that now proved effective against the Menos. The fire spread across the Menos's body, eventually reaching and destroying its mask, finally putting an end to the menace that had plagued the girls for half a month.

Little Fairy and Cang Yue watched in stunned amazement as they witnessed Yun Che's spectacular performance. His kicks, already powerful a month ago, had become even more potent after merging with the Phoenix Flames.

Yun Che remained suspended in the air, looking at the last remaining Menos. He noticed a familiar tear on its left shoulder, the same injury he had inflicted a month ago when he fired the last Getsuga at it.

"You're the same one, aren't you? It seems you've been quite busy over the past month," Yun Che remarked with a smile as the same Menos, having escaped him once before, made a reappearance.

"ROOARRR!!!" The Menos roared once more and made a grabbing motion. Yun Che immediately recognized the action and flashed step toward it.

"You're not escaping this time. Bakudo #62 Hyapporankan." Yun Che's voice was resolute as he smashed both of his palms together. Instantly, blue-white hexagonal-shaped rods manifested by extending his hands apart, rapidly multiplying to a dozen large, imposing rods as a result of the Spirit Force he channeled into the spell. These rods were unique in that their size and number depended on the amount of Spirit Force channeled into the attack. In this case, Yun Che focused on size rather than quantity, creating a dozen large rods, each aimed strategically at critical points on the Menos.

With unparalleled precision honed by his Sharingan and observation mode, Yun Che had pinpointed the perfect locations to immobilize the Menos. The rods struck the Menos's limbs with deadly accuracy, immediately rendering it motionless, a testament to the immobilizing power of Bakudo #62 Hyapporankan.

Little Fairy and Cang Yue watched in awe at the strange blue-and-white rods, their curiosity piqued.

"What are those things?" Cang Yue asked, her curiosity piqued as her eyes remained fixed on the glowing rods.

With a warm smile, Retsu explained, "Those are one of our Kido spells, the Hyapporankan, or The Hundred Steps Fence."

Cang Yue nodded, her previous confusion giving way to newfound fascination. The Kido spells had opened her eyes to the capabilities of Yun Che's world, and she was eager to learn more.

Unfazed by the confusion of the others, Yun Che continued, his voice laced with determination, "You managed to escape from me last time, but this time, you've chosen the wrong opponent."

Yun Che extended his index finger and middle finger of his right hand, pointing them toward the Menos. He began to chant, "Hado #90 Kurohitsugi!!!!" As he did, a surge of purple energy flowed from his body to his outstretched fingers, accumulating into a powerful, concentrated force.

Dark torrents of energy enveloped the Menos, forming a black box around it. Then, multiple black spears of energy pierced the box from various directions, creating a deadly, towering structure that confined the Menos. The spears continued to impale the box, tearing into the hollow within. This was Hado #90, Kurohitsugi, a formidable spell that used a tremendous amount of Spirit Force. For the first time, Yun Che employed this spell, and his large spirit pool allowed him to do so without depleting his reserves, thanks in part to the Divine Water and Mana potion.

The onlookers, including Little Fairy, Cang Yue, and the villagers, were awestruck by the sheer scale of the spell. It was their first time witnessing such a grand-scale Kido in action. They had initially thought Kido was limited to small-scale binding and destructive spells, but Yun Che's display shattered their preconceived notions. He made sure the spell encompassed the entire Menos, leaving no room for escape.

Kon, who had been fighting alongside Yun Che, couldn't help but pause and marvel at the power his master commanded. He often wondered what kind of person Yun Che was to master such potent spells.

As the massive black box of Kido magic unfolded before them, the reaction of the villagers and the Feng couple was nothing short of astonishment and awe. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they beheld the grand spectacle that Yun Che had conjured.

The villagers, who had been living a simple and peaceful life, had never witnessed such a display of magical power. They watched in both fear and amazement as the towering black box engulfed the menacing Menos within. Gasps of shock and whispers of wonder rippled through the crowd, their faces a mixture of fear and fascination.

The Feng couple, who had already come to admire and respect Yun Che and his companions, were equally taken aback. Feng Baichuan and Feng Caiyun exchanged astonished glances, realizing that they were witnessing something extraordinary. The sight of the grand-scale Kido spell left them in awe of the young man they had come to regard as a protector of their village.

In that moment, as the black box lacerated the Menos and reduced it to dust, Yun Che's status among the villagers and the Feng couple was elevated to that of a true hero, capable of wielding incredible and mystical powers. The villagers couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and reassurance knowing that they had such a formidable ally in their midst.

Overall, the reaction of the onlookers was a mix of shock, wonder, and gratitude, solidifying Yun Che's place as a legendary figure in their eyes.

After the spell's destructive effects had run their course, the black box dissipated, leaving the Menos's lifeless body to crumble into dust. The final Menos that had eluded Yun Che a month ago had finally met its end, bringing a sense of closure to his heart. With the last of the Menos defeated, only the weaker Hollows beneath the Spirit Profound Realm remained.

"That spell really consumed a lot of energy," Yun Che remarked as he powered down his leg, visibly fatigued but satisfied. "Good thing my control over Spirit Force is nearly perfect now. I can unleash two-thirds of the original power without harming myself. It's a shame I couldn't use its full potential."

Kon transformed back into his plushy form, sitting down beside Yun Che. "Yare yare… that took a while, huh?"

Yun Che nodded, still recovering his energy. "Indeed, it did. I could really use a bath after all of that."

However, before they could catch their breath or celebrate their victory, a sudden rush of air alerted them to incoming figures. Yun Che turned just in time to be hit full force by two familiar figures—Retsu and Cang Yue.

"Young Master!!!!" "Yun Che!!!!" The sight of Retsu and Cang Yue rushing towards him, hugging him with all their might, took Yun Che by surprise. Their embrace was so intense that it sent all three of them tumbling to the ground.

With a shocked yet amused expression, Yun Che quipped, "Woah there, it's only been a month, and you girls missed me that much?"

Retsu, her face buried in his chest, replied tearfully, "I really missed you, Young Master." Her hug tightened, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Cang Yue, still hugging his stomach, added, "I missed you too."

Yun Che couldn't help but wonder about the change in Cang Yue's behavior during his absence. He inwardly thought, "She's really bold. What happened to her in the past month?"

He let out a small sigh at their antics and said, "Like I said, it's only been a month…."


Yun Che was left speechless as he felt both Retsu and Cang Yue fall asleep on his chest and stomach while still tightly hugging him. They looked utterly exhausted, as if they hadn't slept for days.

Little Fairy, who had remained awake, moved to sit next to Yun Che and remarked, "*sigh Looks like they finally fell asleep."

Yun Che turned to his still-awake companion and asked, "Little Fairy? What happened?"

"For the past month, these creatures have been relentlessly attacking us, wave after wave. We've been on high alert all the time, and even during the brief respites between attacks, we couldn't get a peaceful night's sleep. These two," she nodded toward the sleeping Retsu and Cang Yue, "especially, were constantly worried about you. Your return has brought them a sense of relief."

Looking at her with concern, Yun Che asked, "And what about you?"

Little Fairy turned her head, her cheeks reddening slightly. "Hmph, what do you think?"

Suppressing a smirk, Yun Che prodded further, "Well, you might have been worried about me as well. Do you like me that much…?"


Before he could finish his sentence, Little Fairy suddenly collapsed onto the crook of his neck, surprising him.

"Little Fairy? Are you…?" he began, but was interrupted by her soft snores.

Little Fairy had fallen asleep on the crook of his neck, much like Retsu and Cang Yue. It seemed that they had all accumulated a great deal of exhaustion over the past month. Yun Che sighed as he gently wrapped his right arm around Retsu and patted Little Fairy's head with his remaining arm. He gazed at the sky, taking in the peaceful moment.

These three had shown remarkable dedication in protecting the village and its ruins during his absence. He looked at them with affectionate eyes and whispered, "Thank you, girls. Just keep resting. You've earned it."

Kon, who had been observing everything with a mixture of jealousy and annoyance, couldn't help but mutter, "Chee, lucky bastard. What's so special about you that these ladies like you?"

Yun Che replied with a contemplative smile, "Who knows." He settled into his spot, gazing at the sky. It seemed he was in for some more unexpected adventures while he stayed in this village.

A rewrite version.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts