
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 70: The Epic Hoax-a-Palooza




"Wipe that grin off your face," Little Fairy admonished, her voice tinged with playful annoyance. In one swift motion, she hurled a snowball directly at Yun Che's face as they departed the city, riding atop Cang Yue's majestic white eagle.

Yun Che spluttered, snowflakes clinging to his startled expression. "What?" he protested, hastily wiping the cold snow from his cheeks.

"It's annoying," Little Fairy replied, her tone unyielding.

"Hey, cut me some slack here," Yun Che retorted, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "We just pulled off the biggest scam in this planet. We're practically rolling in riches!"

"Planet?" Cang Yue's curiosity was piqued; the term was unfamiliar to her.

"It means this Blue Pole Star, Sister Yue," Retsu chimed in, providing a helpful explanation. Her understanding of the term helped bridge the gap between their worlds, making their newfound wealth all the more thrilling.

Just a few days prior, Yun Che, Retsu, Cang Yue, and Little Fairy had decided to make a stop in New Moon City to gather supplies for their upcoming journey into the mountains. While Little Fairy and Cang Yue embarked on a shopping spree for provisions, Yun Che and Retsu had their own plans involving the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan.

However, the notorious reputations of both the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan soon caught up with them. The elders of these sects were promptly replaced by representatives from their main sects due to the irreplaceable loss of high-level Spirit Profound Realm disciples and dozens of Earth Profound Realm masters. It was a catastrophe that would take extensive time and resources to mend.

Desperate to uncover the truth behind the loss of their sect leaders and elders, both sects initiated investigations. They came to the conclusion that Yun Che and Retsu, who had been disavowed by the New Moon Profound Palace, had infiltrated the palace to attend the banquet and subsequently orchestrated the destruction of the seven sects in a single night, even assassinating the Supreme Elder of the New Moon Profound Palace. They believed the palace was nothing more than a safehouse, with Wu Nie as the likely target.

To protect Yun Che and Retsu from the vengeful wrath of the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan, Qin Wuyou and the other Supreme Elders had no choice but to deny any association with them. Coincidentally, the assassination of both Wu Nie and their own outstanding disciple served as an alibi, further removing suspicion from the two. Initially, doubts arose about the New Moon Profound Palace's survival, with some speculating that Yun Che had paved the way for the palace to become the dominant power in New Moon City. However, Yun Che provided undeniable proof of Wu Nie's betrayal and the seven sects' plot to annihilate the New Moon Profound Palace through a Profound Imagery Stone gifted to Qin Wuyou. In the end, the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan were left humiliated in front of the New Moon Profound Palace.

The palace now found itself at the epicenter of a profound transformation, eclipsing even the esteemed governor's influence within the city. Qin Wuyou's authority reached unprecedented heights, extending to nearly every aspect of city affairs.

Initially, Yun Che had craftily outwitted the sect masters, employing a clever ruse by using a deceptive imagery stone to divert their attention. Meanwhile, he discreetly passed the genuine artifact to Qin Wuyou. When the truth was unveiled to the bewildered onlookers, the seven sects found their foundations crumbling beneath them. Bereft of their esteemed elders and sect leaders, chaos reigned, and the New Moon Profound Palace swiftly seized control of their territories and wealth, though it refrained from assuming control of the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan due to their stature as the four great sects of the Blue Wind Empire. Even so, their dominance was on the brink of collapse within a matter of days. The palace earned newfound respect and honor, solidifying its status as the paramount authority in the city.

Qin Wuyou and the few remaining elders embarked on a solemn journey to the battlefield, where two colossal craters had become legendary landmarks. These scars marked the arena where two extraordinary disciples had clashed in a battle for the palace's honor. As their gazes followed Yun Che's path from that fateful night, they pledged an unyielding devotion to safeguard the palace, a testament to the highest honor they could bestow upon it.


As Yun Che strolled through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but overhear the constant buzz of conversations about him and Retsu. Countless versions of their story circulated through the city, painting them as heroes to some, villains to others, and simply as disciples who had brought honor to the palace. The tales had taken on a life of their own, weaving a complex tapestry of their deeds, and Yun Che realized that revealing his true identity would make him the epicenter of attention in the city. However, he had no intention of doing so.

In the wake of the dramatic events that had unfolded a few days prior, the Xiao Branch Sect and the Burning Heaven Clan were in the midst of a massive restructuring effort. Their ranks had been decimated, and they desperately sought ways to recruit new disciples and bolster their cultivation forces. Many of the lower-ranked disciples had either abandoned their sects or were living in fear of being branded as traitors. It was at this crucial juncture that Yun Che decided to step in and take matters into his own hands.

To hit them where it hurts.

Standing before the imposing gates that led to the Xiao Branch Sect, Yun Che activated the mission displayed by the system once more, ready to confront the challenges that the system laid for him.


[Wealth mission triggered: Pull the a scam on the Xiao Clan and Burning Heaven Clan.]

Optional: Host can ask Retsu to do this task on the other clan.

[XP:100000 SP:25000 Profound Coins: 300000 Purple Profound Coins and a block of cheese.]


"Scamming these poor souls, huh? Well, it's not the worst idea," Yun Che mused as he assumed his Kuchiki Ginrei disguise, donning a complete ensemble that included a scarf and black Shinigami attire, topped with a white haori that added an air of authority to his presence.

As he approached the gates, two disciples intercepted him, positioning themselves in his path. Their hands rested on the hilts of their swords as they issued a stern warning. "Halt! Who are you? The sect is under lockdown. No one enters or leaves."

Yun Che raised his hand in a placating gesture. "Fear not, for I come in peace."

The disciples scrutinized him further, clearly wary of this unfamiliar figure. "And who are you? Speak your name."

With a sly smirk, Yun Che introduced himself. "I am Kuchiki Ginrei, the Azure Alchemist Master of the Kuchiki Family."

"Kuchiki Ginrei?" The guarding disciples exchanged puzzled glances. Given the recent losses and the sect's discretion about the unfortunate fate of their disciples, it wasn't surprising that many were unfamiliar with the name.

They pressed on with their inquiries. "What brings you to our sect, Kuchiki Ginrei?"

With an air of confidence, Yun Che responded, "I have come with the noble intention of assisting your sect in regaining the glory it once possessed. Recently, I've been able to produce pills that can increase cultivation by tenfold. If the Xiao Sect is willing to invest, I can craft countless pills that will allow your disciples to experience rapid cultivation gains."

The disciples continued to pry, clearly skeptical. "Why are you so adamant about helping us? Our sect is in ruins, and few are willing to extend a hand in our time of need."

Expecting these questions, Yun Che drew upon his previous self's experiences to fashion a response that would garner trust. He tailored the story to be more palatable, coated in a veneer of gratitude. "This old man owes a debt of gratitude to the main sect for providing me with the experiences I needed in my youth. It is only natural that I return the favor."

However, the disciples remained skeptical. "Why should we believe you?"

Sighing in response, Yun Che offered proof of his claims. He handed a genuine Mark I XP pill to one of the guards, who was initially suspicious but eventually ingested it after confirming it wasn't a sham. The effects were instantaneous and astonishing. The guard's cultivation, originally at the third level of the True Profound Realm, skyrocketed to the eighth level in an instant, all without the need for any refining.

"You see," Yun Che stated calmly, "I am Kuchiki Ginrei, an Alchemist. I am here to assist the Xiao Sect in its time of need." The guardian disciple, awestruck by the results, hurriedly departed to inform the current sect master about the incredible pills.

Inside the Xiao Branch Sect's main hall, a dozen early Earth Profound Realm elders occupied seats around a rectangular table, all beneath the watchful gaze of a single figure who occupied the prominent seat at the head. This figure was Xiao Wei Ling, a lower-ranking elder sent by the main sect to oversee the Xiao Branch Sect's affairs. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of recent events.

"How… how could two infiltrators… infiltrate the New Moon Profound Palace and manage to kill all the elders, including old Tiannan?" one of the new elders spoke, his voice trembling with disbelief.

"Could it be from rival sects?" another elder suggested, his expression equally bewildered.

"No, all of the elders from the seven sects were at the Earth Profound Realm. For heaven's sake, all of them were wiped out without leaving a trace, not even their spatial rings. Not even a piece of their bodies remained," one of the current elders explained as he recalled the grim details of the incident. Even in the location of the encampment of the seven-hundred-strong attacking force, nothing was left except for two massive craters – one in the plains and another in the encampment.

"Not to mention we have to deal with the city's backlash since the seven sects were plotting to destroy the New Moon Profound Palace. Where can we keep our face now?" yet another elder lamented.

"Disciples are deserting, and all we have left are weak disciples. In a few years, if not months, this sect will be reduced to nothing," an elder concluded, voicing the grim reality they were facing.

"This is why we need to boost our disciples' cultivation. This Yun Che and that woman Retsu, both of them wiped out the pillars that supported our sect. There's nothing left for us!" the current sect master, Xiao Wei Ling, exclaimed with frustration.

"Should we disband our branch sect?" one of the nearest elders suggested in desperation.

"No, the main sect master won't take it lightly, and neither will the grand elder," Xiao Wei Ling replied, his brow furrowing in thought. As they all pondered the dire situation they needed to address, the door to the main hall suddenly swung open.

"Sect master, I come bearing great news," the disciple from the gate announced as he bowed before Xiao Wei Ling.

"What kind of great news can there be in this calamity?" Xiao Wei Ling retorted with a hint of skepticism.

"An Alchemist named Kuchiki Ginrei wishes to help elevate the cultivation of our disciples," the disciple replied.

"An alchemist? Here to elevate our disciples' cultivation?" Xiao Wei Ling began to suspect something. An alchemist had appeared suddenly in their time of need? It did sound somewhat suspicious.

The guardian disciple then continued, "He says he owes the Xiao Sect for helping him when he was young and wishes to return the favor."

Xiao Wei Ling and the other elders furrowed their brows as they tried to recall if the sect had ever assisted someone with the Kuchiki name. Then, they noticed something unusual – this guardian disciple had a significantly higher cultivation level than before. His cultivation should have been at the third level of True Profound Realm, but it had somehow reached the eighth level.

Xiao Wei Ling was the first to react. "How... how did your cultivation increase to the eighth level? It should have only increased by two levels at most!"

"It was that alchemist. He gave me a pill that increased my cultivation by five smaller realms, without any refinement," the guardian disciple explained, amazement still evident in his voice.

"How... bring us to this alchemist immediately!" Xiao Wei Ling demanded, his curiosity and suspicion piqued. The other elders shared his sentiments and were eager to see what kind of heaven-defying alchemist could perform such miracles.


"Sect master, Xiao Wei Ling, greets the alchemist," Xiao Wei Ling greeted respectfully as he was escorted by the elders to meet Yun Che, who waited in the front of the Xiao Sect's main hall.

"A pleasure. I assume this one mentioned my name," Yun Che gestured towards the guard who had already informed the sect master.

"Yes, Master Kuchiki. You spoke of increasing the cultivation of our disciples as payment for our kindness," Xiao Wei Ling replied, still astonished that they were once dealing with someone like Ginrei Kuchiki.

"Yes, It is because of that, I am willing to sell a special kind of cultivation pill that can elevate one's cultivation by an entire realm," Yun Che disclosed.

"This!" Xiao Wei Ling was taken aback alongside the other elders. A pill with such remarkable effects was unheard of. Moreover, it could increase cultivation by an entire realm. It sounds kind of skeptical.

"Perhaps a demonstration is needed?" Yun Che suggested, producing a purple pill and presenting it to Xiao Wei Ling for inspection. The elders scrutinized the pill to ensure its authenticity.

"No need. This True Profound Realm disciple of mine has already surpassed my expectations. Please, if you are willing to help us craft these heavenly pills to elevate the cultivation of our disciples, I would be honored," Xiao Wei Ling replied, his excitement barely contained. This was indeed a blessing from the heavens for the current sect.

"All I need is Purple Profound Coins and crafting materials. I am willing to sell this pill for one hundred Purple Profound Coins each," Yun Che stated. Xiao Wei Ling was left speechless. A pill capable of raising one's cultivation by an entire realm for just one hundred Purple Profound Coins? It was an incredibly generous offer, one that could potentially transform their sect. This sect and the main sect.

The sect master inquired with the nearby elders about their available funds. "We have almost one million five hundred thousand Purple Profound Coins. We can purchase fifteen thousand pills, and we should send the rest to the main sect for immediate use. Bring all the coins out," Xiao Wei Ling commanded.

He was ecstatic. It seemed that fate had smiled upon him, providing a solution he had long been waiting for. As for Yun Che, he couldn't help but grin ear to ear. He hadn't sold them his XP pill but rather a special one that increased cultivation by ten levels for just ten Purple Profound Coins each. It appeared cheap, but it allowed him to exchange 15000SP for 15,000 pills and then for 1.5 million Purple Profound Coins.

As he contemplated his newfound wealth, Jasmine suddenly sounded from his inner world with a hint of sarcasm. "You wanted to help these people? Aren't you generous?"

 "Wait, it gets better." Yun Che shared the notification about the special pill with Jasmine, who widened her eyes in disbelief as she read them.

"You are really... really despicable," she remarked.

"Told you" Yun Che smirked inwardly as he responded, "It only cost 15,000 SP for 15,000 pills, which I will sell for 1.5 million Purple Profound Coins. I'm basically rich, baby!"

Just as he was musing over his fortune, an elder from the Xiao Branch Sect approached him and bowed. "Master Kuchiki, I am Xiao Baicao, the elder of the Medicine Hall of the Xiao Branch Sect. Forgive me for being late; I was attending to Xiao Luocheng."

"Xiao Luocheng?" Yun Che's eyes widened.

Xiao Baicao continued, "The son of the former sect master. Unfortunately, those two really did a number on him. His cultivation has been destroyed, and his nerve veins were severed. He's essentially a living cripple. The nerve veins were cut so precisely that even with more than ten years of continuous healing, it's unlikely they'll recover. His cultivation is forever lost. He's condemned to live a wretched life. If his father were alive, I wondered how he would felt."

"I see. I offer to heal him as well, but I can't restore his cultivation," Yun Che replied with a smile.

"It will still be much better," Yun Che added with a smirk.


After Yun Che and Retsu's devastating actions, the Burning Heaven Branch Clan faced significant turmoil. They lost their core members, including elders and sect masters, creating a leadership void within the clan. To make matters worse, the New Moon Profound Palace quickly seized the clan's territories in New Moon City, causing financial strain. In an attempt to stabilize, the main clan sent a few replacement elders to take charge. While this brought some guidance, it also sparked internal conflicts among clan members.

A lone woman enters the gates of the Burning Heaven Clan and was immediately stopped by several disciples.

A solitary woman, her long ponytail hair swaying gracefully, approached the imposing gates of the Burning Heaven Clan. She possessed an air of confidence that radiated with every step, despite the clan's intimidating presence. Her hair, neatly tied in a waist long ponytail, flowed behind her like a silk ribbon, giving her an elegant and poised appearance.

The woman sported distinctive bangs that framed her face, accentuating her features with a hint of mystery. Her eyes, framed by those bangs, held a glint of determination and purpose. Her attire, a vibrant pink kimono adorned with intricate floral patterns, stood in stark contrast to the clan's martial surroundings, making her presence all the more striking.

As she approached the clan's gate, several disciples took notice of her arrival, their stern expressions momentarily softening. They formed an unspoken barrier, halting her progress with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. It was clear that her unexpected entrance had piqued their interest, and they awaited her explanation with a blend of caution and anticipation.

The woman's beauty was captivating and left the disciples in awe. Her features were delicate, with a graceful charm that seemed to defy the martial seriousness of the clan. Her eyes sparkled with a captivating allure, and her hair, neatly tied with a big pink ribbon in a long ponytail, cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall. The pink kimono she wore accentuated her elegance, with its vibrant color drawing attention to her every move. It was a beauty that commanded attention, and the disciples couldn't help but gawk in admiration as she approached.

"Ufuuu, quite a welcoming committee," the enigmatic lady mused, her eyes scanning her surroundings with an air of curiosity that hinted at hidden depths.

One of the guarding disciples, clearly captivated by her beauty, found his voice and asked, "Who are you, dear lady? We are sorry, but the clan is under lockdown. No one is allowed to enter or leave."

A sly smile graced her lips as she responded, "Not even a healer is allowed to enter?"

"Healer?" The surrounding disciples exchanged puzzled glances.

"I have come with my grandfather to offer our aid and help restore the clan to its former glory," the lady explained her presence and purpose.

The disciples, recognizing the gravity of her words, began to escort her to the Burning Heaven Clan main hall to make way to see the sect master, their curiosity piqued by this mysterious visitor. Approaching them from the Burning Heaven Clan's main hall, current Sect Master Fen Hanyan, a middle-aged man at the first level of the Earth Profound Realm, cut an imposing figure. He was clad in an ornate robe adorned with intricate patterns of an eagle in flight, proudly displaying the eagle insignia on his chest, symbolizing his elevated status within the clan. His countenance, etched with the marks of experience and the weight of leadership, hinted at ambitions and desires far deeper than met the eye. With an air of authority, he inquired, "I am Sect Master Fen Hanyan. To whom am I speaking?"

After the fall of their sect masters and elders, Sect Master Fen Hanyan assumed a resolute demeanor that mirrored the immense weight of responsibility now resting squarely on his shoulders. This pivotal moment saw him ascend from his original sixth elder position to become the de facto leader of the Burning Heaven Clan. His survival was owed to the fact that he had wisely refrained from involving himself in the skirmish between Yun Che, Retsu, and the other sect members, a prudent choice that spared him from the same fate that had befallen his predecessors.

The elders who flanked Fen Hanyan were similarly struck by the woman's beauty. Their expressions ranged from stunned awe to concealed admiration as they laid eyes on the woman. Whispers and hushed conversations circulated among them, with many unable to tear their gaze away from the captivating sight before them. The allure and grace of the woman they believed to be someone of importance, casting a temporary spell that momentarily clouded their judgment and heightened their vulnerability.

Stepping confidently into the grand hall, the woman declared, "I am Kuchiki Hisana, dispatched by my esteemed grandfather to assist your clan." Beneath the guise, however, was the formidable Unohana Retsu. Retsu's smile was enigmatic, her true identity concealed beneath the carefully crafted visage of Kuchiki Hisana. Yet, she had chosen a slightly altered appearance – long, flowing tresses reminiscent of Hisana, but lending an ethereal touch in line with Retsu's own persona. The charade was underway, and the room buzzed with intrigue.

"Grandfather?" Fen Hanyan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Retsu responded with a serene smile, her words laden with hidden history. "You may recall him as Kuchiki Ginrei."

Fen Hanyan's eyes widened, a flicker of recognition mixed with disdain flashing across his face. He was well aware of the incident involving Kuchiki Ginrei's refusal to accept the sect's invitation as a guest, an act that had left many disciples who tried to apprehend him with an unusual fate. "You're his granddaughter? Your grandfather caused quite a stir when we attempted to invite him."

Retsu, still wearing the facade of Kuchiki Hisana, maintained her composure as she replied in her calm, even tone. "Ara… he does have a penchant for humor. However, he let the matter slide to prevent your clan from incurring the Kuchiki Family's wrath."

Fen Hanyan couldn't resist probing Retsu's cultivation with his aura, but she noticed his prying and revealed her aura using the system's display. His eyes widened further as he realized her cultivation had reached the Third Level of the Earth Profound Realm, surpassing his own. This revelation left him and the others bewildered, raising questions about the true strength of the Kuchiki Family.

Retsu, displaying a fake hint of irritation, addressed Fen Hanyan's intrusion into her cultivation. "Quite impolite to pry into a lady's cultivation like that."

Fen Hanyan quickly offered his apologies, realizing he had overstepped. Retsu continued, explaining her true purpose. "No matter, I didn't come here to cause trouble. I'm here to fulfill my grandfather's wishes."

Fen Hanyan inquired about the nature of her assistance, to which Retsu replied with a knowing smile. "Ufuu… I am offering to sell special pills, similar to the ones my grandfather auctioned."

Fen Hanyan's eyes widened further at the mention of the Profound Pill during the auction, where fierce bidding wars had erupted. "The Profound Pill? You wish to sell it to us?"

Retsu clarified her offer, her tone measured. "Not quite the same. This is an advanced version, capable of increasing one's cultivation by a massive realm."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the hall, with elders and disciples alike exchanging murmurs of disbelief. Fen Hanyan, regaining his composure, voiced his skepticism. "How can we be sure you're not deceiving us?"

Retsu extended an offer of proof, producing one of the new pills provided by Yun Che for sale to the Burning Heaven Clan. She handed it to Fen Hanyan, who examined it cautiously. After confirming its safety, he ingested the pill, and his cultivation soared instantly from the First Level of the Earth Profound Realm to the First Level of the Sky Profound Realm. The hall erupted into a frenzy of astonishment, the idea of a pill capable of such rapid advancement defying conventional wisdom. Fen Hanyan, his earlier doubts dispelled, regarded Retsu with newfound respect.

Fen Hanyan was in a state of disbelief as he grappled with the astounding change in his cultivation. His power had increased significantly without any need for refinement, defying the conventional rules of cultivation. Typically, such a rapid surge in energy would require meticulous refinement to avoid uncontrollable bursts, with cultivators gaining only a fraction of the consumed energy.

Retsu, taking on the persona of a cheerful saleswoman, couldn't help but gloat a bit. "Impressive, isn't it? No need for bothersome refinements."

Overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events, Fen Hanyan struggled to find words. Retsu seized the opportunity to make her pitch. "This lady has more of these pills available. Would you like to purchase them for 500 Purple Profound Coins each?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Fen Hanyan bellowed a command that sent shockwaves through the clan. "Empty the entire treasury! Sell our most valuable treasures! Gather as many Purple Profound Coins as you can!"

Disciples and elders sprang into action, depleting the clan's coffers and parting with precious heirlooms to amass the necessary Purple Profound Coins.

Observing the frenzied activity, Retsu, still in her guise as Kuchiki Hisana, maintained her serene smile and activated the notification she had received from Yun Che regarding the pills. As the situation unfolded, she couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Ufuuu…"


Amidst the expansive halls of the Burning Heaven Clan, an intricate dance of power and ambition unfolded. Retsu, garbed in the elegance befitting a lady of the esteemed Kuchiki Family, witnessed the fervor with which the elders protected their newfound treasure - the potent profound pills she'd introduced.

Retsu observed as the elders meticulously packed the precious pills into wooden boxes, securing them within their spatial rings. The atmosphere in the Burning Heaven Clan's hall was charged with excitement and reverence, for these pills were now the most coveted treasures they possessed. Fen Hanyan, the sect master, had distributed some of the pills among the disciples, and the effects were nothing short of astounding. Disciples who had been stuck at their cultivation breakthroughs for years were now ascending to higher realms with ease.

The transaction unfolded seamlessly, with Retsu delivering nearly 3,400 pills to the Burning Heaven Clan in exchange for a generous sum of 500 Purple Profound Coins each. The result? An impressive windfall of almost 1.7 million Purple Profound Coins. Such a substantial exchange was beyond satisfying.

With the ingestion of the pills, the clan's disciples' power soared, many achieving the exalted realms of Spirit and Earth Profound. Fen Hanyan, the sect master, approached Retsu, gratitude evident in his eyes, yet with an unmistakable undertone of avarice. "Lady Kuchiki," he began, bowing slightly, "Your profound pills could be the dawn of a new era for our clan. In gratitude, might I propose a partnership? Join us, with your grandfather, and elevate the Burning Heaven Clan to unprecedented heights."

Retsu smiled, her gaze unwavering. "I am honored, but our paths are destined in different directions. Besides, my heart and loyalty are already committed."

Fen Hanyan's eyes flashed with a hint of envy. "A husband, I presume?"

She nodded, deflecting his prying with grace. "Indeed. A man of unparalleled worth."

The sect master sighed, his disappointment palpable. "Then, we can only hope our paths cross again, Lady Kuchiki." But as Retsu turned to depart, she was met with an unexpected obstacle. The courtyard teemed with disciples, their new-found strength evident, their intentions clear.

As Retsu crossed the threshold into the courtyard, she found herself encircled by a formidable assembly of warriors. Their auras resonated with newfound strength, a testament to the profound pills they had hastily ingested.

Her response was far from what they expected. Instead of panic, Retsu displayed a weariness, as if the situation bored her. These Burning Heaven Clan members, she thought, had a bold audacity about them. They had just unwittingly become the victims of a quiet scam, and now they dared to obstruct her path, even attempting to employ her own items against her.

Retsu sighed in exasperation. "Arara….," she mumbled out loud. The audacity of these Burning Heaven Clan members! They had just conducted business, and now they were attempting to trap her.

Retsu's calm exterior belied her alertness. Fen Hanyan's voice pierced the tense atmosphere, "Lady Kuchiki, these pills, their power, it's a secret we must guard. We cannot risk their knowledge reaching our competitors. We must hold you hostage until we extract the recipe from your grandfather. Besides, he has caused us some trouble."

Retsu's smile held a hint of pity. "You dare turn against the hand that has lifted you? You underestimate both me and the legacy of the Kuchiki Family. Do you truly wish to provoke the wrath of the my family and my husband?"

In the face of the encroaching disciples and elders, Retsu maintained her enigmatic Hisana smile as she gracefully pivoted to face the sect master. Her melodious laughter danced through the tense air like a musical refrain. "Ufufufufu… Then, I'll make my way through, although I must admit, I have dinner preparations to attend to, and my groceries remain untouched."

The elders slowly encroached upon her, their faces bearing a disturbing blend of lust and determination. The situation was dire, but Retsu had no intention of yielding.

Fen Hanyan couldn't resist a smug smirk as he unleashed his aura, a palpable manifestation of a first-level Sky Profound Realm. His words, dripping with condescension, cut through the charged atmosphere. "I must express my gratitude, Lady Kuchiki, for inadvertently propelling my cultivation beyond your own. But do you truly believe you can prevail against a Sky Profound Realm practitioner like me?"

With a soft, mocking chuckle, Retsu's finger conjured forth a golden strap that bound his mouth, effectively silencing him. In an instant, she activated her Absolute Suppression, rendering the elders and dsciples immobile. Even Fen Hanyan's desperate attempts to break free were in vain; the glowing strap held him tightly, a testament to her overwhelming strength.

"Underestimating me was your first mistake," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. Slowly, she approached the restrained sect master and pointed all her fingers at his abdomen. They morphed into a formidable fist that unleashed a punch so devastating it sent shockwaves rippling through the entrance.

Retsu reappeared, her sweet smile intact, and delivered another crushing blow to Fen Hanyan's chest. He was sent hurtling through the clan, demolishing walls and houses in his wake until he crashed at the base of the farthest pagoda. His ribs shattered under the relentless force of her punch, leaving the elders who had once surrounded her wide-eyed in shock.

"Mouu... Just because I helped you attain the first level of Sky Profound Realm, you believed you could step over me?" Retsu chuckled, her newfound strength far surpassing her previous level. The transformation brought about by the Beginner's perk was nothing short of astonishing. Even without resorting to her kido buffs or tapping into her innate Yin and Yang Essence, Retsu's power now dwarfed that of her opponents. She was keenly aware of the pills' true nature, and with or without the beginner's perk, she still outclassed them by a substantial margin.

The disciples who had partaken of the profound pills gaped at the spectacle before them. They had been so bold as to challenge her, even after emptying their treasury to buy her pills? It was clear that they had gravely underestimated her.

Retsu released her Absolute Suppression, and the disciples and elders found their voices. "Ufufufu… Such impertinent men," she mused, her smile unchanged. She turned to one of the trembling elders. "Now, don't you think I deserve compensation for this treachery?"

The elders nodded frantically, offering up the remainder of their saved Purple Profound Coins. Nearly 300,000 of them, a small fortune.

"A pleasure doing business," Retsu happily declared, casually tossing the coins into her spatial kimono purse. With her sales of the pills, she had amassed almost 1.7 million Purple Profound Coins. It was a triumphant victory, a stark contrast to their audacious attempt to rob her.

With her newfound wealth totaling 2 million Purple Profound Coins, she left the Burning Heaven Clan behind while spinning the purse on her finger. As she walked away, she couldn't help but wonder how her 'husband' or her 'grandfather' were faring. It had indeed been a good day on her side. Then, she remembered she had some of those pills left, maybe she'll make a quick visit to another sect after this.


Yun Che watched with satisfaction as the elders of the Xiao Sect piled coins upon coins, preparing to purchase a total of 15,000 pills from him. His initial plan had been to scam them, charging a steep price of 1,000 coins per pill. However, he had a different strategy in mind. He knew these elders would likely claim that the pills came entirely from their sect when they sent the rest to the main sect. So, he intentionally offered them a lower price, aiming to directly affect the main sect without being physically present. Like infecting someone with a virus and had him spread it across the main sect.

He couldn't help but wonder about the looks on their faces when they realized the true nature of the pills. Everything was going according to plan.

Yun Che acquired almost 20,000 pills for the price of 20,000 SP and gave 5,000 pills to Retsu to sell to the Burning Heaven Clan for 500 Purple Profound Coins each, while he sold the remaining 15,000 pills to the Xiao Sect. It was a lucrative deal for him, not only providing immense wealth but also a direct influence on the main sect.

The sect master's expression was one of pure ecstasy as he consumed the pill, instantly ascending to the third level of the Sky Profound Realm from the Earth Profound Level. This was truly a heaven-defying pill, and it sparked a thought in his mind. A skilled alchemist like Kuchiki Ginrei could easily create a sect of powerful individuals using such pills. If someone managed to recruit him, their sect could surpass even the four great sects.

However, the sect master couldn't allow such a formidable figure to exist. The 15,000 pills were sold, and the elders promptly packed up the remaining 14,000 pills to send them back to the main sect for distribution. Yun Che pocketed the 1.5 million Purple Profound Coins into his inventory, his satisfaction evident as he managed to scam these poor people.

But there was one last matter to attend to. Xiao Baicao led him to Xiao Luocheng's room, and when Yun Che entered, he found the young man in a state of rage and despair.

"Get out!!!" Xiao Luocheng shouted, his voice filled with bitterness.

"Young master!" The female attendants attempted to soothe him, but he only yelled back at them.

"My father's dead, and my fiancée abandoned me! What more suffering must I endure? That bastard Yun Che! That wench Retsu! I swear they'll pay! They'll pay for this!" Xiao Luocheng's voice quivered with anger and despair, his profound and nerve veins completely destroyed by Yun Che and Retsu, leaving him permanently bedridden.

Yun Che's expression darkened momentarily when he heard Xiao Luocheng insult Retsu. One could call him a bastard, but no one could insult his queen, especially Retsu.

"May I have a moment of your time?" Yun Che requested, and the rest of the Xiao Sect members left the room. Then, he quietly erected a soundproof barrier.

"Who the hell are you?" Xiao Luocheng noticed Yun Che's approach and retorted.

"My, my, how low you've fallen, Xiao Luocheng. Such a pitiful child. My condolences on your fiancée, though. She did have quite the temperament. Aren't you relieved to be rid of that woman?" Yun Che spoke in his aged, wise voice.

"You... are you not a doctor? Why aren't you healing me?" Xiao Luocheng asked, still unsure of Yun Che's true identity.

"So cranky. Perhaps this will make you feel better." Yun Che waved his hand, and his face transformed from Kuchiki Ginrei's to his own.

"You... Yun Che!" Xiao Luocheng's eyes widened, a mix of fear and anger in his gaze.

"Guards! Guards!" Xiao Luocheng panickedly called, but Yun Che calmly informed him, "Oh, they won't hear you. I've placed a soundproof barrier in this room. Your shouts are nothing more than a whisper."

"You... what do you want? Haven't you caused me enough suffering?" Xiao Luocheng practically begged as despair was all over him. If Yun Che wanted to kill him, he'll be dead already.

"Maybe you should think twice before speaking ill of my woman," Yun Che warned.

"That wench! She did this to me! You crippled me! I swear I'll get you both for this!" Xiao Luocheng retorted angrily.

Hearing this, Yun Che grabbed him by the throat and said, "All for defending herself? Maybe I should cripple one last thing in you. So, for now, you're permanently silent." Yun Che's eyes shifted to Sharingan, and he used the Sharingan Illusion attack to manipulate Xiao Luocheng's memories, planting false information that might prevent him to pursue false vendettas in the future.

"Perhaps you will come to appreciate what you have," Yun Che remarked with an air of finality. He had kept his promise to heal Xiao Luocheng's nerve veins by administering a health potion, but it was a bittersweet gesture. While his debilitating condition was alleviated, his cultivation was lost forever. Xiao Luocheng would be reduced to an ordinary civilian if the sect disbanded.

After a while, Xiao Luocheng fell silent, the illusion permanently overwriting his memories without any side effects. He had suffered enough already – his father was dead, the sect faced possible disbandment, and his fiancée had abandoned him. Even his own family might no longer want a crippled heir. Yun Che had done what he could, offering him a chance to regain his mobility and rewriting his memories. What Xiao Luocheng chose to do with his life from this point onward was entirely up to him. He should consider himself fortunate that Yun Che extended this offer to him instead of other former geniuses.

In the hushed chamber of the Xiao Branch Sect, Yun Che deactivated the soundproof barrier and once again donned his elderly disguise. As he opened the door, a cluster of Xiao Sect members awaited his report.

"He will regain his mobility, but his cultivation remains lost," he declared, hinting at Xiao Luocheng's new state.

Xiao Baicao, with a heavy heart, responded, "It is indeed regrettable. But if you truly restored his ability to move, that in itself is a blessing."

Nodding, Yun Che said, "I must now depart." He felt a twinge of irony; in healing Xiao Luocheng, he'd bestowed upon him the life once lived by the original Yun Che, marred by infirmity and hardship.

Back in the sect's main hall, as Yun Che prepared to take his leave, the atmosphere grew palpably tense. Suddenly, he was encircled by a sea of sect elders, their intent clear. He let out an exasperated sigh, having anticipated this turn of events.

"Is there a problem?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

Sect Master Xiao Wei Ling stepped forward with a smug smile. "Master Kuchiki, the pill you've introduced us to is groundbreaking. Imagine the power of gaining ten levels without refinement, in a matter of seconds. Do you truly believe we'd let its creator just walk away?"

Inside his mind, Jasmine remarked, "Their audacity knows no bounds."

Yun Che quipped back, "Right?"

Unfazed, Yun Che challenged, "Do you honestly believe you can contain me?"

Xiao Wei Ling's smirk grew wider. "You are outnumbered, Master Kuchiki. What hope do you have of escaping from us? Hand over the recipe for the pill. Imagine the heights our sect will scale with your expertise."

A mischievous smile danced on Yun Che's lips. "Thinking of robbing an old man of his possessions and knowledge, eh? Perhaps you owe me for this inconvenience."

"Compensation? Listen to this guy!" one of the elders laughed, and others joined in. They severely underestimated him. As laughter echoed around him, Yun Che added, "By the way, who said anything about escaping?"

Unleashing his Absolute Suppression skill, the entire room was immersed in oppressive force. The elders, once brimming with arrogance, now found themselves gasping for breath, their pride crushed beneath Yun Che's might.

The elders were oppressed to the point of almost vomiting. Yun Che maintained his composure as he approached Xiao Wei Ling, a contemptuous smile on his face. Xiao Wei Ling seemed as if he were carrying a thousand pounds of weight, struggling to stand. The sect master, once so imposing, was now pitifully overburdened.

Yun Che stood there, his hands behind his back, and his scarf billowing in the air. His presence was imposing, and he regarded the elders with an air of superiority, as if they were nothing more than dust at his feet.

Slowly advancing towards the now subdued Xiao Wei Ling, Yun Che declared, "I believe you owe me compensation." Swiftly, he confiscated Wei Ling's spatial ring, drawing forth a bounty of 600,000 Purple Profound Coins before throwing it back to him.

Leaving the shell-shocked assembly behind, he coolly remarked, "Until next time," and vanished with a graceful flash step.

Xiao Wei Ling slowly stood up, deeply affected by the Absolute Suppression technique. Consumed by anger and greed, he shouted and mobilized the sect's forces. "Find him! Don't let him escape! Find him!"

From his perch atop a towering spire, Yun Che, free from his guise, surveyed the sprawling city below. Given his unique abilities and disguise, the Xiao Sect was, quite literally, chasing shadows.


[Wealth mission triggered: Pull the scam of the century on the Xiao Clan and Burning Heaven Clan.]

Optional: Host can ask Retsu to do this task on the other clan.

[XP:100000 SP:25000 Profound Coins: 300000 Purple Profound Coins and a block of cheese.]

[Achievement achieved: I am Scemer, a Scammer! – Scam the Xiao Branch Sect and the Burning Heaven Clan.]

[Ding... New Frame Unlocked]

A frame shows Chibi Yun Che with sunglasses smirking while running away from Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan members.


Yun Che contemplated the peculiar cheese they had acquired during their adventure. "Hey, more cheese for me!" he exclaimed, pondering the unique properties of the cheese and potential culinary experiments.

In a swish of movement, Retsu appeared next to him, dispelling her Hisana disguise. A warm smile crossed Yun Che's face as he affectionately petted her head. "Mission accomplished, Retsu."

Retsu nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "Young master, I managed to sell those pills to the Burning Heaven Clan. Since I had some extra, I even sold them to the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion. They willingly purchased them for 1000 coins each," she reported, detailing her successful venture in swindling both the Burning Heaven Clan and the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion.

Yun Che's eyes widened in surprise. "You sold all of them?"

Retsu chuckled. "Yes, although the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion was a bit persistent. They even followed me into the forest, but I managed to lose them," she explained, recounting how she had evaded her pursuers in the forest.

"Now that we're essentially rich, we can have anything we want," Yun Che remarked with a smirk as he counted their newfound wealth.

Retsu pouted playfully. "Everything I desire comes from you and the system – cultivation items, clothes, and ingredients for cooking. Moreover, all I truly want is your love. These coins are essentially useless."

Yun Che blushed at her words, shifting his gaze away in embarrassment. "You really know how to rizz me. If you ever need spending money, just ask."

Retsu smirked, satisfied with her playful nudging that had elicited a reaction from him. "Understood. By the way, what does 'rizz' mean?"

Yun Che quickly changed the subject, realizing that Retsu's charm was turning the tables on him. "Never mind that. Anyway, just because we have coins doesn't mean we can't spend them on food. Considering how much you've been eating, we might as well use some of it to buy extra ingredients."

Retsu blushed at the mention of her appetite, her embarrassment endearing to Yun Che. He couldn't help but chuckle as he contemplated their future. "I wonder how they'll react when they discover the truth three days from now," he said, displaying the notification from the system, and they both shared a chuckle at the descriptions.


[Haywire and Tricky Profound Pill]

[Description: Instantly grants a fake 10-level boost upon consumption. The user original strength will not change, and the fake boost will disappear within three days.

[PS: After three days, it may result in 'random joke' side effects. Lasted for three hours.]


In the shadow of the looming tower, Retsu's mischievous laughter danced in the air. "Ufufufu, I wonder what sort of hilarity will ensue from those random joke effects?"

Yun Che, trying to maintain a straight face, simply shrugged. "Honestly? No idea. But we should head back. Little Fairy will have our heads if we're late again." With a nod of agreement, the two vanished from the tower's vantage point.

Meanwhile, the city below bustled with chaos. The Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven Clan, and the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion frantically searched every nook and cranny for the elusive duo, Kuchiki Ginrei and the granddaughter Hisana. All wanted the secrets of the revolutionary 'Special Cultivation Pill' they'd introduced. Yet, none had the slightest inkling of the mayhem that awaited them in three days.

Upon reaching their inn, Yun Che and Retsu's triumphant return was met with a mix of awe and incredulity by Little Fairy and Cang Yue. The two were faced with the staggering sight of six million Purple Profound Coins, stacked high like a dragon's hoard, filling Yun Che's room to the brim.

"They owed us, so we took some compensation," Yun Che said nonchalantly, beginning the process of converting the coins into Black Profound Cards for more convenient storage since a single black card can hold up to one million purple coins.

Cang Yue's eyes widened, a mixture of disbelief and admiration. "Did you...rob them?"

Grinning, Yun Che clarified, "Not all, just the Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven Clan, and courtesy of Retsu's side quest, the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion. We concocted special pills and sold them at quite the premium."

Both Little Fairy and Cang Yue exchanged puzzled glances. "Special pills?"

Retsu chimed in, her voice dripping with mischief, "Oh, a delightful pill that promises a meteoric rise in power, its only aura."

The pair listened intently as Yun Che further elucidated, "It's genius, really. The pill creates an illusion of enhanced strength, a mirage that convinces the user of their newfound power. In reality? They're no stronger than before they swallowed it."

Cang Yue smirked, "That sounds like a classic con. Quite the ruse."

Little Fairy's eyes went wide, her lips curling into a smile, "So, in essence, you two orchestrated the scam of the century?"

With synchronized nods and identical devilish grins, Yun Che and Retsu responded while high five each other, "Precisely."

Cang Yue and Little Fairy exchanged amused glances, their faces betraying a mix of disbelief and admiration. The pair of them had to admit, Yun Che and Retsu made quite the formidable duo.

"Sweatdropped" at their audacious antics, Cang Yue mused as she remembers what they did during the banquet, "These two might just be the most cunning couple to ever walk the star. Anyone who crosses them in the future will undoubtedly think twice, or they'll find themselves regretting it in the most painful way."

Indeed, the thought of incurring their wrath was enough to give anyone pause. Yun Che and Retsu were masters of hitting their adversaries where it hurt the most.


After some time, both Little Fairy and Cang Yue returned to their shared room to prepare for their upcoming journey alongside Retsu. As they busied themselves with preparations, Retsu couldn't help but be haunted by Jasmine's conversation regarding the mysterious wisdom cubes. These cubes possessed the intriguing power to summon potential companions from her original world in the future. She contemplated the implications of this power, particularly if the newcomers happened to be women rather than men.

Unable to shake her curiosity, Retsu decided to confront Yun Che and share her thoughts. With a gentle knock on the door, she awaited his response.

"Come in…" Yun Che's voice rang from within before he opened the door, revealing his current fiancée, Retsu, standing there as if with something important on her mind. "Retsu?" he queried, his expression softening upon seeing her.

Nervously, she began, "Young master, can I talk to you about something?"

Yun Che nodded warmly, gesturing for her to enter. She took a seat on the bed, and he settled in beside her, his eyes filled with curiosity. "So, what is it?" he inquired.

For a moment, Retsu hesitated before she broached the subject, "Young master, you obtained wisdom cubes from your quests, correct?"

Yun Che considered the question's oddness but responded honestly, "I've acquired some through realm advancements as well. It's somewhat random. Why do you ask?"

Clutching her robe, she steeled herself and continued, "Young master, you were summoned to this world with the help of the system using those cubes, right? This means you possess the ability to summon more..."

Yun Che confirmed, "You could say that."

With a heartfelt concern that had been weighing on her mind, Retsu asked, "Then, if you were to summon another girl in the future who happens to be better than me, would I still be your girl?"

Yun Che was momentarily taken aback by her sudden inquiry. However, his gaze softened, and he tenderly placed his hand on her head, affectionately petting her. Retsu looked up into his eyes, her own filled with uncertainty. He gently cupped her cheeks and spoke with sincerity, "May I?"

Retsu understood what he meant and nodded her head. Yun Che began kissing both of her cheeks, his actions filled with tenderness and care, much like their usual routine. Despite knowing her response, he always asked the question before he kissed her.

After a while, he finally comprehended her intention in asking such a question. She was afraid of being replaced, of losing her uniqueness as the only one who came from her world. He slowly embraced her, his gaze unwavering as he looked directly into her eyes. "Retsu, do you even need to ask that question? Having you right now is like a dream come true."

"But..." Retsu began to respond, only for Yun Che to gently place a finger on her lips, silencing her. He continued, "Back in my world, you and Yachiru were created characters."

"Created?" Retsu's eyes widened in surprise.

Yun Che nodded and explained, "Yes, your world is constructed from the imagination of a person in my world. It's a place where your reality unfolds without any knowledge of my world's existence. Someone created your entire world, crafting the stories within it for the entertainment of readers in my world. While everything in your world happened for real, we could observe everything in my world. I knew everything about you as I read, saw, and heard about you, as intimately as we are right now, but you never knew I existed. Back then, you were a remarkable and mature woman. I could only watch as you lived your life from the moment I first saw you until your eventual passing."

Retsu was left completely speechless. Yun Che knew everything about her because her world was crafted by someone in his world? This meant he didn't learn about her through the system, but rather, he had known about her before arriving in this world. She couldn't help but wonder why she had no knowledge of him.

Yun Che continued, "As much as I mourned your passing, there was nothing I could do except watch as you succumbed to death, leaving behind your title of Kenpachi. Imagine having feelings for something that doesn't even exist; it's a painful sentiment, but it was the reality I lived with in my world. I could only love you, but you would never know it. When I discovered that I could summon people from your world, I was ecstatic, though it was a random process. I didn't know how many years I'd have to wait for you to be summoned. And then, it happened. You came to me on my first try using those cubes. Can you imagine how overjoyed I was when I laid eyes upon you? Now, I can live my dream of loving you for the rest of my life, caressing your cheeks like this and proclaiming my love for you over and over again. You can hear me, see me, touch me, and now, love me."

"Young master..." Retsu's eyes became a bit watery, overwhelmed by the depth of his affection.

"You became the first love of my life, and now, my fiancée, and we've faced trials and tribulations together," Yun Che continued with heartfelt emotion. "Even if there are more system-based sisters or flock sisters in the future, you will always be my primary. My previous world's unattainable love." He gazed at her with eyes filled with love, determined to ease her fears.

Moved by his words, Retsu hugged him as tightly as she could. "Young master! I love you... I love you so much."

He smiled as Retsu poured out her love for him once more. "My love for you is just as strong, my beautiful and sweet fiancée. Forgive me if I were to summon more sisters for you in the future, and they too become cherished companions. I promise to treat you with the same affection and devotion as you are now, my first love, the one I've yearned for, for a long... long time."

Retsu shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper, "Hnnnn... Hnnnn... We may be summoned and have duties to be with you until the end. I can accept the companions my heart allows and protect you from those who do not. I cherish the moments when I fell in love with you. I'll do everything I can to have your affection in the future."

"Thank you, my beautiful and adorable future wife," Yun Che expressed his gratitude before she raised her head and lowered it once more.

"Again..." Her voice now held a teasing tone.

"What is it?" He asked, intrigued by her sudden playfulness.

Retsu, who was usually reserved, now blushed like a shy maiden. It was a side of her that even the previous Unohana Retsu didn't possess. Yun Che found himself fond of this version of her and waited for her next words.

With a teasing glint in her eye, she blurted out while blushing, "Call me cute again."

Yun Che grinned, fully understanding her desires. With each endearing term he used, her happiness and blush intensified. If anyone were to witness her in that moment, her beauty radiated with a luminous glow. "My adorable fiancée. My sweetest angel. I'll call you cute for as long as you need."

Retsu was genuinely delighted. "Eheee. Let's be together forever, young master."

Yun Che couldn't help but question the term "young master" that Retsu always used when addressing him. After all, they were soon to be married, and it seemed somewhat formal for their intimate relationship. He gently inquired, "How long are you going to call me that? We're about to get married, you know?"

Retsu blushed momentarily before admitting, "I... I'm still trying to say your name without getting flustered. Please give me some time to get used to it."

Yun Che raised an eyebrow, finding it amusing that his own name seemed to pose such a challenge. He affectionately petted her head and gave her the space she needed. "Understandable. We'll talk about it later."

Retsu nodded and then, with a teasing glint in her eyes, said, "Young master..." She locked eyes with him and puckered her lips, adding, "I'm waiting for my reward."

Yun Che smiled as he took a deep, nervous breath. "Very well, this is my first time as well, so..." He slowly closed the distance between their lips, their breaths quickening as their lips almost met.

However, their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

Knock, knock

Both Yun Che and Retsu were startled by the sudden interruption. The voice behind the door belonged to none other than Little Fairy.

"Rascal! What are you doing in there for so long?" Little Fairy's voice was impatient, and her curiosity was evident.

Yun Che struggled to come up with a plausible excuse and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. "I, uhhh... drugs."

Little Fairy's confusion was apparent as she responded, "What in the world is that? Where is Retsu? Cang Yue and I have been waiting for a while."

Thinking quickly, Yun Che continued his fabricated story, "I... I see... Give me a few minutes to get ready. Retsu is probably doing some last-minute shopping?"

Little Fairy sighed audibly. "Don't take too long now."

"Alright, mum," Yun Che teasingly replied, and he swore he heard her stumble as she walked away.

With a wry smile, Yun Che looked at Retsu and said, "I guess that reward will have to wait for a while."

Retsu sighed in disappointment but also admitted that she wasn't quite ready for such intimacy. Her intention had been to tease him, but when he went in for the kiss, her embarrassment had overwhelmed her. She felt a bit relieved by the interruption but also somewhat disappointed.

"Consider this a small reward for now," Yun Che said before kissing her cheeks once more and placing a tender kiss on her forehead. Feeling content, she jumped into his embrace, resting her head on his chest, and Yun Che responded by hugging her. It was indeed a blissful feeling to hold his dream girl in his arms like this.

As they embraced, Yun Che confessed, "Still, I couldn't help but think about Xia Qingyue from time to time."

Retsu reassured him, "You'll see her again, young master. Besides, I wanted to assess her abilities as well. If she's going to be my sister, she must have the capabilities."

"Thanks, Retsu. That makes me feel better for some reason," Yun Che said with a smile as they both cherished the sweet moments they shared. It was another step forward in their evolving relationship.

Regarding Retsu, with Xia Qingyue, Xiao Lingxi, Little Fairy, and their new member Cang Yue all in the picture, she couldn't help but think about the dynamics that might unfold in the future. While she was open to sharing Yun Che with others, there was one thing she was determined to secure — her position as the alpha in his heart.

Even if Xia Qingyue was the one who had married him first, Retsu had no intention of letting anyone take the role of the prime girl away from her. She knew that in a relationship as unique as theirs, it was essential to establish her presence and affection as the foremost, ensuring that her love for Yun Che remained unparalleled.


In the high tower of the New Moon Profound Palace, Qin Wuyou sank into a chair, exhausted after a long day of stabilizing the city. The events of recent days had transformed the once-ordinary palace into the undisputed power of New Moon City. Qin Wuyou's authority now exceeded even that of the city's governor, making him the grand leader. With this newfound power, he had made some significant decisions, including passing on his position as Palace Master to Elder Ya Yii, who had become the current Palace Mistress. Alongside her was Elder Sikong Han, who now served as her vice Palace Master. These two had stood by his side through thick and thin.

As they gathered in the tower, Ya Yii couldn't help but voice her astonishment, "Those two really paved the way for our palace, didn't they?" She was still trying to come to terms with the rapid changes that had taken place in the past few days. The entire New Moon City had been transformed by the actions of Yun Che and Retsu. Ya Yii hadn't expected to be thrust into a position of power, and Sikong Han had also unexpectedly become her right-hand man.

Sikong Han chuckled and replied, "Oh, come on, Yii'er. You're the new Palace Mistress now. Many disciples from the seven sects are practically begging to join our cause. Plus, we've seized the assets of the former sects, and now they fall under the banner of the New Moon Profound Palace."

Ya Yii sighed as she slumped in her chair. The influx of disciples and the responsibilities of managing the city had been overwhelming. They had become the sole martial arts institution in New Moon City, and that brought its own challenges. Qin Wuyou had to appoint more vice Palace Masters to oversee the territories of the former sects, many of whom had come from the Blue Wind Imperial City's Blue Moon Profound Palace. Even with the additional help, it still felt like an insurmountable task.

"Why do I have to be the Palace Mistress? You're much more popular among the male disciples. You should lead," Ya Yii complained, expressing the weight of her new responsibilities.

Sikong Han laughed heartily. "I'm as lazy as a cow, and you're as hardworking as a horse. We're not the same breed, Yii'er."

Qin Wuyou sighed, realizing he had missed these moments when they could all bicker with one another. He couldn't help but interject, "You two are always like this. But don't worry; I've sent a profound transmission to the Royal Family. They'll be sending us elders soon enough. What a shame that Wu Ya decided to side with the sect masters. He was within range of their power to wipe us out."

Sikong Han nodded in agreement, his jovial demeanor turning serious. "Indeed, if it weren't for Yun Che and Retsu, we wouldn't be alive right now."

Ya Yii chimed in, her voice tinged with concern, "We were worried about those two when they were pursued by countless sect masters and elders."

"We are..." Before Qin Wuyou could fully process the situation, two sets of voices cut through the air. He turned to see Yun Che and Retsu standing before him, much to his astonishment.

"Yun Che! Retsu!" Both Ya Yii and Sikong Han exclaimed in disbelief. It was hard for them to fathom that these two individuals, who had seemingly single-handedly decimated the powers of the seven sects, were now standing right in front of them.

"What... what are you two doing here?" Qin Wuyou managed to inquire, his shock still not entirely wearing off.

Yun Che flashed a grin as he replied, "Well, we actually came to say goodbye. Thank you for accepting us to this palace.

Qin Wuyou was taken aback by Yun Che's presence. His intuition told him that Yun Che and Retsu had indeed eliminated the sect masters and elders, essentially wiping out the main attacking force of the seven sects. All by themselves? Yun Che had warned them not to pursue them that day they met, and Qin Wuyou couldn't help but wonder if they were hiding secrets they didn't want anyone to uncover.

Regaining his composure, Qin Wuyou bowed respectfully and said, "No, we should thank you instead. You granted us the power that we never could have hoped to achieve, and more importantly, you gave us another chance to live. If it weren't for you..."

Yun Che then turned to Retsu and nodded, acknowledging her contribution. "No, you should thank her. We came to this palace because of her." Yun Che gestured to Cang Yue, who had been observing the scene from behind.

"Imperial Princess," Qin Wuyou blurted out in awe, immediately recognizing her royal status as she recognized her.

"She's the…" Ya Yii stuttered alongside Sikong Han.

Qin Wuyou completed her sentence for her, his voice filled with pride, "Yes, this is the Imperial Princess, Cang Yue. She came to this palace in search of outstanding disciples for the upcoming Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, under the name of a dazzling disciple, Lan Xueruo. I believe she has now found her disciples or heroes among us." Qin Wuyou's words were tinged with reverence as he referred to the heaven-defying former disciples of the palace.

Cang Yue's beautiful eyes widened in astonishment as she processed what had just been said. "Because of me?"

Yun Che took a deep breath before admitting, "Yes, to be honest, I came here with the intention of finding you. Part of it was to attend the banquet and befriend you, and the other part was to become your champion for the upcoming tournament. Without you, the palace might not have been saved at all. It was you who saved them."

"I..." Cang Yue was at a loss for words. She had never imagined that her mere presence would bring salvation to the New Moon Profound Palace. She had her own reasons for coming here, but she had inadvertently become the palace's unconditional benefactor simply by befriending Yun Che and Retsu.

Qin Wuyou and the others bowed to her in gratitude. "We thank you, Imperial Princess. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude."

Cang Yue raised her hands in denial, her humility shining through. "No, please... I didn't do anything."

Retsu placed a reassuring hand on Cang Yue's shoulder and spoke, "You did save them, Sister Yue, just as you always do. You intended to participate in the banquet to protect their honor, and in doing so, you unintentionally saved them."

Yun Che chimed in, echoing the sentiment, "You really didn't have to. Remember when I told you that you didn't need to do anything?"

Yun Che then cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Ahem, now that that's settled, we came here to bid our goodbyes. I'm taking Cang Yue on a scenic route back to the Blue Wind Imperial City. We need to prepare for the upcoming tournament."

Qin Wuyou nodded in understanding, knowing that Cang Yue would be in capable hands. "I see. I wish you all the safest of journeys, Princess Cang Yue, Yun Che, and Retsu."

As they prepared to depart, the high-ranking members of the New Moon Profound Palace couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and admiration for the unexpected heroes who had entered their lives and forever altered their destiny. Yun Che turned toward them, producing three familiar pills from his palm and presenting them to Qin Wuyou and the others.

"Oh, and take these for you and the palace masters. Don't worry; these are genuine," Yun Che reassured them as he did scammed the top sects of this city.

Curiosity filled the faces of the high-ranking members as they examined the pills. "This is?" they wondered aloud.

"It increases your levels by five smaller realms. Consider it a token from us," Yun Che grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Could it be... the rumored Profound Pill? Qin Wuyou and the others widened their eyes in disbelief. This was indeed the fabled Profound Pill, created by the enigmatic alchemist master who had briefly visited the city a month ago. Many had sought to find and befriend him, but he had vanished before anyone could reach him. Rumors suggested that he had briefly appeared in the Xiao Clan, causing quite a commotion before disappearing once more.

Footsteps echoed, and someone sprinted to the top tower in haste. When Yun Che saw the figure, he recognized it as Yuanba. "Boss! Are you leaving?" Yuanba exclaimed breathlessly.

"What are you doing here, Yuanba?" Yun Che inquired, but Qin Wuyou interjected, "He's my direct disciple. It's your wish, after all."

Yun Che placed a hand on Yuanba's shoulder and spoke, "I see. In that case, cultivate diligently, Yuanba. Remember what I taught you, and we'll meet again during the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. By the way, your father sends his regards."

Yuanba smiled, relieved to hear that his father was well. Yet, he couldn't hold back his tears as his brother-in-law prepared to depart once more. "Father is indeed well. Yes, sir! I, Xia Yuanba, will see you during the tournament."

"Remember, Yuanba: 'Take what you can...'" Yun Che began, teaching Yuanba the famous quote from his world.

"...Give nothing back!" Yuanba finished the phrase, tears streaming down his face as he and Yun Che clasped forearms in a heartfelt farewell.

"Goodbye, Grand Leader Wuyou, Palace Mistress Yii, and Vice Palace Master Han. Farewell, Yuanba. I wish only the best for the New Moon Palace," Yun Che, Retsu, and Cang Yue waved goodbye as they departed on Cang Yue's majestic white eagle.

"You three truly are our saviors," Qin Wuyou whispered in gratitude.

Yuanba's eyes widened as he spotted a familiar pill in Qin Wuyou's hand. "Master, isn't that a Profound Pill?"

"Do you know what this is?" Qin Wuyou and the others asked in astonishment.

"Yes, Boss was the one who made some for me," Yuanba revealed. Qin Wuyou and the others couldn't believe their ears. It seemed that Yun Che and Retsu were indeed the ultimate geniuses of their time. Qin Wuyou wasted no time; he immediately popped the pill into his mouth, feeling its effects surge through him. His aura skyrocketed, propelling him from his initial sixth level Earth Profound Realm to the first level of the Sky Profound Realm. Trembling with the newfound power, he left Ya Yii and Sikong Han gaping in astonishment.

Seeing Qin Wuyou's transformation, both Ya Yii and Sikong Han eagerly consumed their own pills. Their auras surged dramatically, directly reaching the Peak Earth Profound Realm. It was an achievement they had never dreamt possible, and it had been gifted to them by Yun Che.

Feeling this, a debt of gratitude rose within him. He turned towards his recent palace mistress and spoke "Yii'er, would you mind carving statues of both of them, alongside Princess Cang Yue?"

"It would be my honor," Ya Yii replied with a respectful bow, accepting the task as a profound responsibility.

"I'll assist you as well," Sikong Han offered, eager to pay tribute to their unexpected saviors.


Flying behind her white eagle, Cang Yue's voice was filled with gratitude as she addressed Yun Che and Retsu, "Yun Che, Retsu, thank you for saving this palace."

Yun Che offered a warm smile, his eyes reflecting his easygoing demeanor. "We did it unintentionally. Like we said, we came here to find you and join the banquet."

Cang Yue's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but wonder how Yun Che knew about her royal status. "It seems that you knew me before you came to the palace."

Yun Che, ever the enigmatic figure, chose to offer a vague response. "Let's just say, I owe someone gratitude for bringing me to this world." He left the matter hanging, leaving Cang Yue with more questions than answers.

But before the conversation could continue, a thunderous voice reverberated through the air, instantly drawing everyone's attention to the palace's main gate. Even Cang Yue's wide eagle hovered in midair.

"Qin Wuyou!!! Come out here and greet this father!!" The voice boomed, echoing with authority and menace. It was accompanied by disciples from the Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven Clan, and the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilions, each exuding formidable auras, ranging from the Peak Spirit Profound Realm to the daunting Earth Profound Realm. Some even possessed the aura of the Sky Profound Realm.

The weaker palace disciples fled in terror, leaving Qin Wuyou, Ya Yii, and Sikong Han to confront this overwhelming force. The odds appeared insurmountable, and doubts gnawed at their resolve.

At the forefront of the attackers stood Xiao Wei Ling, the current sect master of the Xiao Clan, leading this alliance with a singular intent: to annihilate the New Moon Profound Palace.

Cang Yue couldn't help but worry as Qin Wuyou faced this dire threat, but Retsu reassured her with a tap on the shoulder. "We've done enough, sister Yue. Now, it's up to them to stand up for themselves."

Yun Che nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering. "Besides, this is the third day. I haven't seen the effects of those things yet."

Cang Yue remained concerned, her eyes shifting between her former palace elders and the incoming threat. However, Retsu leaned in with a knowing grin. "Ufufufu… you know that their aura is fake, right?"

Yun Che chimed in, adding to the reassurance, "Yeah, Qin Wuyou, Ya Yii, and Sikong Han are more than capable of dealing with these impostors."

As tension hung in the air, Little Fairy, unnoticed until now, appeared behind Cang Yue. She, too, was curious about the unfolding spectacle and decided to observe from her vantage point on Cang Yue's hovering white eagle, hidden among the clouds.

The stage was set for a showdown between the forces of New Moon Profound Palace and the deceptive alliance of the three sects, and the outcome hung in the balance, shrouded in uncertainty and anticipation.

Xiao Wei Ling, fueled by his burning grudge and newfound arrogance, rose to his feet after his previous defeat, his chest heaving with newfound confidence. With a triumphant sneer, he proclaimed to the battlefield, "You all witnessed my strength today, and let it be known that I have transcended the limits of the Fifth Level Sky Profound Realm!"

His voice rang out, carrying the weight of his conviction as he continued, "I declare here and now that I, Xiao Wei Ling, will not only crush Qin Wuyou, Ya Yii, and Sikong Han, but I shall also obliterate the New Moon Profound Palace itself!" His words were a bold challenge, and he delivered them with a chilling intensity.

As the murmurs of disbelief and defiance rippled through the battlefield, Xiao Wei Ling raised his hand to quiet the crowd. "But that's not all," he declared with an air of grandeur. "I have forged an unbreakable alliance with the mighty Burning Heaven Clan and the formidable Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion! A mere first level Sky Profound Realm like you alongside two peak trash Earth Profound Realm might be a wishful thinking." His tone dripped with pride, as if he believed this alliance was an insurmountable force.

Qin Wuyou, Ya Yii, and Sikong Han exchanged knowing glances. They were aware that Xiao Wei Ling's words were brimming with arrogance and bluster, but they remained undaunted. Qin Wuyou stepped forward, his voice laced with unwavering determination, "Xiao Wei Ling, alliances and boasts won't change the outcome. True strength is measured in the heat of battle, not in empty words."

With a scowl etched deep into his face, he lunged forward, channeling his formidable Fifth Level Sky Profound Realm powers into his strike, believing that this unexpected assault would finally prove his strength.

Xiao Wei Ling's festering grudge against Qin Wuyou had smoldered for days, a relentless ember of spite that consumed his thoughts. He remained convinced that his Fifth Level Sky Profound Realm stood as an insurmountable peak, casting Qin's abilities into the shadow of irrelevance. The air was charged with tension as Xiao Wei Ling's battle cry reverberated across the battlefield, his face contorting with unwavering determination. "Prepare to taste the wrath of my newfound power!"

With his rallying cry, the elders standing behind Xiao Wei Ling surged forward, their eyes ablaze with the anticipation of battle. They unleashed their pent-up energy, ready to follow their leader into the fray.

On the opposing side, Ya Yii and Sikong Han sprang into action with the grace of seasoned warriors. Their resolve was unshakable, their loyalty to New Moon Profound Palace unwavering. This was not just a battle; it was a declaration that they would defend their home with their lives if necessary.

Qin Wuyou, the embodiment of calm and confidence, sidestepped Xiao Wei Ling's attack with an almost casual grace. With a fluid motion, he sent his foe sprawling to the ground. A chuckle escaped his lips as he remarked, "You overestimate your abilities, Xiao Wei Ling. True power isn't solely measured by realms."

Xiao Wei Ling groaned, his pride wounded, as he struggled to his feet. "This can't be! I can't lose to someone at the first level of the Sky Profound Realm! It's impossible!"

As the battle raged on, curiosity began to gnaw at Qin Wuyou's senses. He deflected another of Xiao Wei Ling's attacks effortlessly and murmured to Ya Yii and Sikong Han, who stood back to back, their determination unwavering, "Something's amiss here."

Ya Yii, the fierce new palace mistress of New Moon Profound Palace, parried a strike with grace and nodded in agreement. "I've had the same feeling, Qin Wuyou. Their lofty auras don't match their actual strength."

Sikong Han, a master of martial finesse, spun his staff with a wicked grin. "Let's put their aura to the test. We'll see if it's all just a facade."

In a synchronized display of power, the trio unleashed their auras to their fullest potential, causing the air around them to crackle with energy. It was a stark contrast to the false bravado of their adversaries.

Qin Wuyou's narrowed eyes bore into his opponent as they recoiled in surprise. "They've been feigning strength all along," he muttered.

Meanwhile, Ya Yii engaged her opponents with dual swords that moved like lightning. She taunted, "I expected more from you elders. Is this all you've got?"

Sikong Han, his staff a blur of precision, added with a hint of disappointment, "Indeed, quite underwhelming. We had higher hopes for the elite of your sect."

The combined might of Ya Yii and Sikong Han easily overwhelmed their adversaries, despite the elders' supposed superiority. As the sect elders fell one by one, Ya Yii couldn't help but voice her astonishment, "I thought they'd offer more resistance. Are we becoming too formidable for our own good, Sikong Han?"

Sikong Han's laughter echoed through the battlefield. "Perhaps, but I wouldn't have it any other way, Ya Yii. Our strength is an advantage bestowed upon us by Yun Che, and we'll use it to safeguard New Moon Profound Palace."

Qin Wuyou couldn't help but nod in agreement, his hope rekindled by the cheers of the New Moon Profound Palace disciples. It seemed that the strength of their adversaries had been nothing more than a facade. In the end, they had easily bested all of them, including Xiao Wei Ling.

"Seems like a fifth-level Sky Profound Realm feels more like a fifth-level Earth Profound Realm," Qin Wuyou commented with disdain, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Xiao Wei Ling, still in shock, couldn't comprehend how their plan had backfired so spectacularly. He stammered in disbelief, "How?! How!? The pills were supposed to grant us realms of strength. How could you three defeat us so easily!?"

Qin Wuyou, piecing it together, realized that these people had likely obtained counterfeit pills, and their effects had taken an unexpected and humiliating turn. He replied with a wry smile, "I suppose you could say you received fake pills instead."

Xiao Wei Ling's rage knew no bounds as he remembered how Kuchiki Ginrei had sold them the pills at a bargain price. He had proudly presented them to the main sect as his own creation, and now he was left to face the consequences of his greed and deceit.

However, the situation took an even stranger turn when one of the disciples suddenly emitted an odd sound. "Cockle doodle doo!!!"

"Quack Quack..." chimed in another.

Even an elder among them was not spared from the bizarre effects as he croaked, "Sect master… this… Ughhh… croak croak!"

The New Moon Profound Palace disciples couldn't contain their laughter as they watched their enemies embarrass themselves further. It was a spectacle that would be remembered and recounted for years to come, a testament to the unpredictability of the world they lived in.

The atmosphere in the New Moon Profound Palace's courtyard was initially one of solemnity and reverence as disciples and elders gathered for an important meeting. However, that solemnity quickly gave way to astonishment and then uproarious laughter as the effects of the special pills from Kuchiki Ginrei and Kuchiki Hisana began to manifest.

As the first disciples unwittingly emitted comical flatulence with each step they took, a ripple of muffled snickers spread through the area. It didn't take long for the laughter to erupt uncontrollably.

"Haha, did you hear that? It was Elder Ming!" one disciple exclaimed, pointing at the embarrassed elder. The elder who continuously emitted flatulence was a stout and dignified man in his late fifties. He had a full head of white hair and a long, flowing beard that added to his air of authority. Despite his comical predicament, his face remained stern, betraying no hint of embarrassment.

With each resounding fart, his round face would twitch slightly, but he maintained his posture, standing tall and firm as if nothing unusual was happening. His robes swayed with each expulsion of gas, but he carried himself with an air of stoicism that left onlookers both amused and bewildered.

But the hilarity didn't stop there. Some sect members, seemingly under the influence of invisible banana peels, found themselves stumbling and falling, their attempts to regain balance only leading to more uproarious tumbles.

"Careful, Brother Zhang, those banana peels are everywhere!" a nearby disciple warned while struggling to contain his own laughter.

Amid the confusion, a group of disciples seemed to be conversing in a peculiar manner, emitting quacks, clucks, ribbits, and barks with every word they spoke. Their attempts at serious discussion turned into an absurd symphony of animal noises.

"Excuse me, Mr. Duck, can you pass the tea?" one disciple humorously requested.

And then there were those who couldn't help but burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter at the most inopportune moments during discussions, leaving their fellow sect members bewildered and amused.

"Elders, we need to address this issue seriously... Hahaha, sorry, it's just too funny!" a disciple managed to say between laughter.

In the midst of this chaos, Xiao Sect Master Xiao Wei Ling, initially sporting a bewildered expression, watched as the absurdity unfolded before him. However, he soon found himself slipping on an imaginary banana peel, his laughter joining the chorus of merriment that had overtaken the assembly.

"Haha, this is madness!" Xiao Wei Ling exclaimed as he succumbed to laughter, rolling on the floor and becoming an unwitting participant in the comical antics that had ensnared the combined sect members. The solemn meeting had turned into an unforgettable and sidesplitting affair, leaving everyone with tears of laughter in their eyes.

Standing before them, Qin Wuyou, Ya Yii, and Sikong Han observed the spectacle with a mix of disbelief and restrained amusement. The trio exchanged wide-eyed glances as the esteemed members of the rival sects, once formidable enemies who had targeted their own, were now making absolute spectacles of themselves. They came here to establish a dominance and ended up becoming a joke? Showing fake profound strength and easily beaten by one punch? And this?

Qin Wuyou leaned over to Ya Yii, whispering, "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see the day when the new dignified Xiao Sect Master would be rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably."

Ya Yii stifled a giggle, her hand covering her mouth. "Or the elders making those... disgusting sounds. It's poetic justice, in a way. Is this one of Yun Che's plans as well? Ufuu, that boy. How cunning."

Sikong Han, with his arms crossed, added with a smirk, "It seems the tables have turned, and our enemies have given us quite the performance. We couldn't have planned a better spectacle even if we tried."

The trio continued to watch, a shared sense of vindication and amusement between them, as the once-threatening adversaries now seemed more like comedic actors on a stage. The scene unfolding before them was both baffling and hilariously entertaining, making the past grievances seem distant and almost trivial.

As the effects of the special pills continued to unfold, the enemies who had once posed a significant threat to the New Moon Profound Palace found themselves unwittingly embroiled in a spectacle that would be remembered for years to come. In front of the New Moon City and the very heart of the New Moon Profound Palace, they were undergoing a most humiliating and unforgettable transformation.

As the bewildering and humiliating spectacle continued to unfold before their eyes, the disciples of the New Moon Profound Palace could no longer contain their laughter. What had started as a day fraught with fear and uncertainty had transformed into an unexpected comedy of errors that left them in stitches. The once-feared sect masters and elders, who had arrived with the intent to conquer, were now reduced to bumbling, comical figures.

Laughter echoed throughout the palace grounds as disciples pointed and guffawed at the absurdity of the situation. Some couldn't help but roll on the floor, their mirth uncontainable. The tension and fear that had gripped their hearts just moments ago had given way to sheer amusement, and they reveled in the spectacle before them.

Even Xia Yuanba, who had witnessed the entire turn of events, found himself swept up in the hilarity. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that his brother-in-law and sister-in-law had played a part in this outrageous turn of events. The enemies, who had once been a source of terror, had now unwittingly become the stars of a show that would be recounted and celebrated for years to come.

The once-ominous sect masters and elders, who had marched into the city with the intent to conquer and dominate, were now reduced to sources of uproarious laughter. Their dignity had been shattered after being defeated by a total of three people, and their imposing presence had crumbled. Every step they took was accompanied by comical flatulence, echoing through the city and the palace, causing waves of amusement and hilarity among the spectators.

The disciples of the New Moon Profound Palace, who had once cowered before these formidable foes, now pointed and laughed heartily at the absurdity unfolding before their eyes. The citizens of the New Moon City, who had feared the arrival of these sects, watched in disbelief as their supposed conquerors stumbled and tumbled, resembling clowns more than martial experts. The Xiao Clan, Burning Heaven Clan and Seven Deadly Sword Pavilions ended up as jokes.

In the midst of their conversations, the enemies emitted bizarre animal noises, quacking like ducks, clucking like chickens, ribbiting like frogs, and barking like dogs. The once-menacing figures were now the unintentional stars of a bewildering and comical performance.

Even the most solemn of discussions and proclamations were interrupted by fits of uncontrollable laughter, further adding to the absurdity of the situation. The enemies, who had sought to assert their dominance, found themselves incapable of maintaining their composure.

As the enemies struggled to regain their footing, slipped on imaginary banana peels, and emitted hilarious noises, the New Moon City and the New Moon Profound Palace were treated to a spectacle that would be etched into their collective memory. It was a moment of sweet vindication and a testament to the unpredictable twists of fate. The enemies, who had once held power and intimidation, were now the unwitting entertainers, and their humiliation would be recounted and celebrated for generations to come.


High above the city, nestled amidst the ethereal embrace of the clouds, four figures perched on a majestic white eagle observed the scene below. The three women's eyes were initially wide with astonishment, their hands slowly rising to cover their gaping mouths. But amidst the shock, Yun Che's smirk blossomed into a triumphant grin.


[Ding.... Achievement Unlocked: Duped & Bamboozled!]

Scam your enemies and make them look like fools.


XP: 50,000

SP: 10,000

[New Frame Unlocked]

Frame Description: In this frame, a chibi version of Yun Che, cackling mischievously while gazing at his bewildered, dancing adversaries.


"So, those pills truly had some...unexpected effects," Yun Che mused, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Retsu, suppressing a laugh, added, "Arara… It seems we might have pulled off the greatest scam ever. Who would've imagined such an outcome from those pills?"

Cang Yue, shaking her head in mild disbelief, said, "You truly are full of surprises, Yun Che." Even she, the Imperial Princess, was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

Little Fairy, trying to mask her astonishment with a teasing tone, whispered, "Despicable and cunning. Is there no end to your bag of tricks, rascal?"

Yun Che raised his hands defensively, feigning innocence. "Honestly, I was as in the dark as all of you. This was...unexpected." He was indeed telling the truth as he didn't expect the random effect to be quite 'random'.

Cang Yue arched an eyebrow, playfully warning, "The more I know of you, Yun Che, the more I wonder if being captured and tied up by Little Fairy was indeed the safest option."

As the two ladies exchanged amused glances, Little Fairy's gaze remained intense, reflecting a whirlpool of emotions. She had always prided herself on her strength and skill, but Yun Che, with his myriad of concealed techniques and unpredictable stratagems, had thoroughly intrigued and, on occasion, bested her. She whispered her thoughts to him, acknowledging the depths of his deviousness. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before, and it both surprised and intrigued her.

Both Cang Yue and Little Fairy silently mused as the grandeur of the city shrunk beneath them and the wilderness stretched ahead. The same question echoed in their minds, growing in its intensity with every passing moment: Who were these two individuals who had orchestrated such a breathtaking display of power, cunning, and unpredictability?

A change of chapter as I made a closure of the New Moon City's Arc. A brand new for chapter 70. As for the original, I am merging it with the next one and add something to completely cover any previous loopholes. Nora 2023

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts