
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 66: Beast Tamer?

Yun Che and Retsu swiftly turned towards the source of the commotion, their eyes locking onto a burly figure standing regally atop the main seating area. With an impressive display of athleticism, he leaped from his elevated vantage point and landed gracefully in the heart of the arena.

"Is that Senior Brother Wu?" hushed whispers rippled through the crowd of disciples.

"Senior Brother Wu has returned at last," exclaimed one of the New Moon Profound Palace disciples with a sense of awe.

Yun Che took a moment to survey the scene. It was evident that this man was no stranger to anyone present; his reputation preceded him. But Yun Che remained stoic, unfazed by the spectacle unfolding before him.

Elder Wu Nie's gaze, filled with emotion, was locked onto the burly figure. This man was none other than Wu Leng, the legendary genius of the New Moon Profound Palace. Clad in the palace's robe, his muscular physique radiated the aura of a battle-hardened warrior.

"The first level of the Spirit Profound Realm?" murmured the young masters in astonishment, attempting to gauge the extent of his formidable strength.

"Master, I have returned as you requested. Is it true that our junior brother has been killed?" Wu Leng inquired, his voice tinged with controlled anger, as he directed his attention to Wu Nie.

Wu Nie nodded somberly. "Yes, he was brutally murdered three weeks ago. Regrettably, I lacked the evidence to bring the culprits to justice," he replied, his gaze shifting subtly towards Yun Che and Retsu, who stood defiantly in the center of the arena.

As Wu Leng noticed his master's pointed look, a palpable surge of killing intent began to emanate from him. His gaze, sharp as a blade, his teeth clenched in determination, he declared with unwavering resolve, "Then, let me be the instrument of justice for our fallen junior brother."

Without hesitation, Wu Leng vaulted into the arena, positioning himself squarely in front of Yun Che and Retsu.

"So, you're the ones responsible for the death of my junior brother. I am Wu Leng, and I shall be the harbinger of retribution in his name," he proclaimed, his words resonating with a challenge that electrified the atmosphere and set the stage for an intense confrontation.

"Wu Leng, stop this at once. You have no proof Yun Che is the one who murdered him." Qin Wuyou rose from his seat and said from above. Elder Wu Nie tried countless of times to bring Yun Che to justice but his proposal was turned down by Qin Wuyou in the end because he had no proof. In the end, he called his disciple to come back.

"You're the one they call Yun Che, hmph, a mere ant trying to be brazen," Wu Leng's voice dripped with scorn as he confronted Yun Che. "Admit it. You're the one who killed Junior Brother Wu Ya and displayed ruthless strength in the arena. I, Wu Leng, will be the hand of justice for him."

A palpable tension hung in the air as Yun Che fell momentarily silent. The audience leaned in, their eyes locked onto the two figures at the center of the arena. Then, in a shocking twist, Yun Che erupted into laughter.

Amidst his chuckles, Yun Che retorted, "Yeah, I was the one who killed him."

"You admit it! You're the murderer?!" Wu Leng's voice trembled with rage. His aura surged, crackling with unrestrained fury.

Yun Che, however, remained cool and collected, his gaze unwavering. "So what? Is it wrong for a man to protect his woman? Your so-called junior brother wanted to poison my woman and kidnap her." His words resonated with unwavering conviction, and as he glanced at Retsu, her gaze softened. She had indeed chosen the right man to stand by her side.

But Wu Leng's eyes, dark and predatory, remained fixed on Retsu. Her beauty had ensnared him, and his sinister intentions were thinly veiled.

"Consider it an honor that she chose him, and you have no right to take his life. You have no proof that my junior brother intended to kidnap her," Wu Leng retorted, his voice dripping with malevolence as he stared at Retsu, who felt his unsettling gaze like a predator sizing up its prey.

"Proof? Will this suffice?" Yun Che reached into his inventory and hurled an item toward Wu Leng's feet. It was the Green Mushroom Powder he had obtained after vanquishing the arrogant Wu Ya. As Wu Leng's eyes widened at the sight of the powder, Yun Che turned to Elder Wu Nie, whose complexion had turned ashen. The powder was Wu Nie's creation, and he was the sole possessor of it. The revelation that Yun Che had it left everyone in stunned disbelief.

"Your so-called master sought to kidnap Retsu for something she possesses. In the end, he lost his grandson for it. YOU HEAR THAT, OLD BASTARD WU NIE?!? I WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED HIM! ARE YOU SATISFIED NOW?" Yun Che's words thundered through the arena, leaving even the skeptics like Qin Wuyou in awe.

As the shocking revelation reverberated through the arena, a collective gasp swept over the audience like a sudden gust of wind. Eyes widened in disbelief, and faces contorted in various expressions of shock, horror, and astonishment. The spectators, disciples, and elders alike, were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, and a heavy, uneasy silence fell upon the arena.

Whispers and murmurs began to spread like wildfire, as people exchanged incredulous glances. The mere notion that Yun Che had confessed to the murder of Supreme Elder Wu Nie's grandson was beyond belief. The atmosphere became charged with tension, as if the very air crackled with the weight of this revelation.

Elder Wu Nie, turned ashen-faced, his hands trembling with a mixture of shock, grief, and anger. The news that his own creation, the Green Mushroom Powder, had been used in such a manner sent shivers down his spine, and he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation.

Among the disciples of the New Moon Profound Palace, confusion and disbelief were evident. They had held Yun Che in high regard for his win against the geniuses of the seven sects, but this revelation painted him in a much darker light. Qin Wuyou, who had doubted Yun Che's confession, found himself at a loss for words. He had witnessed countless conflicts and disputes, but nothing had prepared him for the astonishing turn of events in the arena.

"You dare insult my master!" Wu Leng roared, his anger reaching a boiling point. "Very well, Yun Che, on behalf of my master, the seven sects, and my fallen junior brother, I challenge you to a life-and-death battle, right here, right now, to exact justice for them. DO YOU DARE TO ACCEPT?" Wu Leng's aura exploded once more, a desperate attempt to intimidate Yun Che, but he found himself taken aback by Yun Che's unyielding resolve.

The audience collectively gasped in disbelief. A practitioner of the Spirit Profound Realm challenging a Nascent Profound Realm cultivator to a duel was a proposition that defied all logic. The disciples of the New Moon Profound Palace were left utterly dumbfounded; the legendary Wu Leng was challenging their junior brother to a duel, and the stakes had never been higher. The arena crackled with anticipation, and the showdown that loomed promised to be a clash of epic proportions.

With a nonchalant tone, Yun Che responded, "Sure... sure... I'll accept. Just make sure you don't run away later."

Retsu nodded at Yun Che, understanding his intent, before gracefully flash-stepping to the sidelines.

Wu Leng sneered, his lips curling into a sinister smile. "You, when I'm done with you, I'll make sure to teach that bitch a lesson as well." His words sent shivers through the crowd as they anticipated the ominous meaning behind his threat.

Yun Che yawned dismissively. "Yeah... yeah... keep on chatting. You're just like that stuck-up brat, full of hot air."

Enraged, Wu Leng abruptly began forming intricate hand seals before pressing his hand firmly onto the arena's floor. Yun Che recognized the technique he was employing from an anime, a summoning jutsu. He hadn't expected to witness such a technique in this world.

BOOM White smoke billowed, enveloping the arena and sending shockwaves of surprise through the spectators. As the smoke gradually cleared, a massive horn came into view, leaving Yun Che astounded.

"Holy shit! That's a summoning jutsu. A real-life summoning jutsu! So cool, even if it's not exactly like in Naruto, it's similar," Yun Che exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

As the smoke continued to disperse, a colossal figure emerged, stunning the audience once more.

"A Rhino?" Yun Che marveled at the unexpected creature summoned before him. He couldn't help but find it incredibly cool.

"There it is. The reason Senior Brother Wu is known as 'Beast Tamer Wu.' He possesses the ability to seal and control beasts within his special seals," one of the New Moon Profound Palace disciples explained to his companion.

The astonishing thing was that the summoned Rhino was the size of a small house. It left Yun Che wondering how such a massive creature could be stored within a seal.

"Man, that's one big fucking rhino," Yun Che nodded in amazement, still trying to wrap his head around the sight.

Wu Leng grinned maliciously. "It's considered an honor to die by my hand. Now, deal with them instead."

Suddenly, Wu Leng executed several more hand seals, and two more plumes of smoke billowed from behind him, shrouding the arena in an air of foreboding anticipation.

"Are those Spirit Profound Beasts? My god, he was able to tame those beasts?" The audience erupted into gasps and whispers as they witnessed Wu Leng's incredible summoning.

"ROAR!!!" A gigantic gorilla and a formidable bear burst forth from the dissipating smoke, charging straight toward Yun Che. The colossal gorilla swung its massive arms, attempting to crush him beneath its brute force.


With lightning reflexes, Yun Che executed flash steps, swiftly evading the beasts' relentless attacks. Each time he reappeared, another beast would instantly hone in on his position, launching a new assault.

"Chee, persistent pests," Yun Che muttered with an air of annoyance. He raised Zabimaru, expertly deflecting the incoming strikes. He couldn't help but admire Wu Leng's ability to summon and control these formidable creatures. Just as in the final round, these beasts moved in harmony, guarding each other's weaknesses.

"It's over, there's no way Junior Brother Yun can defeat the Beast Tamer himself. Those beasts are fiercely loyal to him," one of the New Moon Profound Palace disciples commented, the hopelessness of Yun Che's situation evident in his voice.

Yun Che continued to dance around the onslaught, leaping over the beasts in a display of agility.


"What the hell, another one?" An enormous eagle suddenly swooped down from above, its sharp beak aimed at Yun Che. Reacting swiftly, he once again employed Zabimaru to block the attack.

"These pests won't let up. Why don't you take one of mine? Howl, Zabimaru!!!" Yun Che shouted as he launched Zabimaru toward the eagle. It struck the eagle's wings and then sliced through its body, creating a deep wound. The eagle plummeted to the ground and landed beside Wu Leng's towering rhino.

"Hmph, it seems you do have some capabilities," Wu Leng remarked with a hint of respect. Stepping down from his rhino, he fed the eagle a peculiar pill. To the astonishment of the spectators, the nearly lifeless bird was instantly revitalized, its wounds healing before their eyes.

"That's one miraculous pill," Yun Che mused, retracting Zabimaru and returning to the arena floor. He had every intention of ending this duel swiftly, but his intuition urged him to let Wu Leng reveal all his trump cards first.

As Yun Che landed, he felt a wave of intense heat approaching him.


An explosion rocked the arena, caused by a fireball hurtling toward him. "What in the… Oh, come on, a fire-breathing lizard now? How many beasts does this guy have up his sleeve?"

Seeing Yun Che skillfully dodge the beasts' relentless assaults, Elder Wu Nie and the other sect masters wore sinister smiles. There was no way Yun Che could endure the simultaneous attacks of four Spirit Profound Realm beasts. Elder Wu Nie's chest swelled with pride, knowing that his disciple had subdued these demon beasts with the aid of the special pills he had provided. These pills forced the beasts into unwavering loyalty the moment they consumed them. It was a result of the collaboration between the Wu Clan and the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

"Hmph, why don't you just surrender to these beasts? Even if you injure them with that strange sword of yours, I can always heal them. There's no escape," Wu Leng taunted with a smug grin.

"Oh, have you heard the saying, 'beasts can only be fought with beasts'?" Yun Che retorted, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. Retsu, watching from the sidelines, recognized her young master's intentions. It seemed he was planning to utilize a different approach rather than overpowering them like One Punch Man.

"You... it's impossible! There's no way you have a summoned beast as well. You're a liar! Crush this liar for me!!!" Wu Leng ordered, and the beasts immediately swarmed Yun Che, leaving him with no way out.

"Brother-in-law," Yuanba muttered softly when he saw the beasts closing in on Yun Che.

"Leave it to me. Howl, Zabimaru!!!" Yun Che released Zabimaru, causing the sword to spiral around him in a circular motion. However, the beasts had already encircled him.

"I told you, it's useless," Wu Leng gloated as he directed the fire-breathing lizard to charge up another fireball.

"FIRE!!!" The lizard released the fireball toward Yun Che, while the gorilla, bear, and eagle continued their relentless attacks.

"It's over, he's going to die," the audience murmured, convinced that Yun Che had no chance of survival.

"YUN CHE!!!" Cang Yue and Qin Wuyou simultaneously shouted, their faces etched with worry as they watched Yun Che's dire predicament. But just as they were about to intervene, they were astonished once again when a red aura began to envelop Yun Che's body. What was even more surprising was that he didn't seem panicked at all. In fact, he was grinning.

On the sidelines, Retsu remained composed, knowing exactly what those surrounding energies signified. Her young master was entering the final phase of his plan.

"Heh, I told you all to leave it to me," Yun Che declared, raising Zabimaru in front of his face. The reason he had swung Zabimaru in a circular motion was not just for defense; he was setting up a devastating move. If Wu Leng wanted to fight with beasts, then the beasts would be the ones fighting him.

The arena was ablaze with anticipation as Yun Che's battle took an electrifying turn. The swirling Zabimaru, now pulsating with a vibrant red energy, drew the attention of every eye in the audience. It cast an eerie crimson glow that painted Yun Che in a foreboding light.

With bated breath, they watched as the writhing, red energy wrapped itself tightly around Yun Che, compressing him within its confines. The tension in the air was palpable, as if the entire arena held its breath in unison.

In that climactic moment, Yun Che's body underwent a startling transformation. His eyes, once ordinary, now blazed with an intense crimson hue. The audience gasped in awe as the aura around him intensified, radiating a powerful and unfamiliar presence.

The surrounding beasts momentarily hesitated, their instincts warning them of an impending threat. But it was too late; the surge of energy coursing through Yun Che reached its zenith.

With a wicked grin on his face, Yun Che roared out the phrase that would alter the course of the battle entirely. "Bankai!"

The thunderous roar echoed through the arena, shaking the very foundations of the battleground. The spectators watched in rapt fascination as Zabimaru's form shifted and extended, morphing into a colossal, crimson weapon of indescribable power.


The explosion rocked the arena with such ferocity that it sent shockwaves rippling through the palace. The ground trembled, and a cataclysmic whirlwind of crimson energy erupted from the epicenter of the blast. The sheer force of the explosion created high-speed winds that sent smaller debris hurtling in all directions.

Reacting with lightning reflexes, Yuanba swiftly shielded Cang Yue, sheltering her from the chaotic whirlwind and the debris it carried. Sect masters and elders in the vicinity scrambled to protect themselves, their robes billowing in the raging winds.

"What? An explosion?" Wu Leng struggled to maintain his composure, his eagle acting as a makeshift shield against the aftermath of the energy release. Both he and the bewildered audience watched as the frenzied energy continued to rampage at the center of the arena.

"Who is this kid, really?" A chorus of questions erupted from the stunned audience, their bewildered voices merging into a cacophony of disbelief.

When the tornado of energy finally began to subside, a collective gasp of astonishment filled the air. Everyone present, including Cang Yue and Yuanba, stood wide-eyed and agape at what emerged from the dissipating smoke.

The sight before them defied comprehension.

"Are those... bones?"

My apologies for delaying...heres my next chapter.. I am planning a mass release in the future..When? Its a secret.....

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts