
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 59: Intruder?

The rest of the day unfolded without further incidents. After their earlier antics, Yun Che and Retsu decided to keep a low profile for a while. Yuanba, on the other hand, departed early for his cultivation and contribution missions. When Yun Che offered him assistance, Yuanba declined, opting to test the advice Yun Che had given him for enhancing his cultivation. In the end, Yun Che gifted him some valuable cultivation pills that he had personally crafted. Yuanba accepted them gratefully, knowing their worth far exceeded anything in the palace's medicine hall, even though they might as well have been candy for Mizu and Kaze.

As the day continued, Cang Yue remained with them, engaging in conversation with Retsu and Yun Che. Little Fairy, undisturbed by their presence, continued her cultivation in the courtyard. Yun Che had erected a protective barrier around his manor to ensure their privacy, preventing any unwanted eavesdropping or spying.

"So, are we going to represent the Blue Wind Profound Palace in the tournament half a year from now?" Yun Che inquired.

Cang Yue paused for a moment before revealing, "Actually, no. Both of you will be representing my Imperial Family in this tournament."

"The Imperial Family?" Yun Che queried, while Retsu busied herself pouring tea for them.

As Retsu unveiled herself, Cang Yue was struck with awe. She had never seen someone so extraordinarily beautiful before. Her reaction mirrored the one she had when she first saw the unveiled Little Fairy. In their presence, Cang Yue couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority, wondering why Yun Che seemed unfazed by the extraordinary beauty that surrounded him.

"Yes," Cang Yue confirmed. "For years, the Blue Wind Imperial Family has languished at the bottom of the rankings. It has become a laughingstock in the eyes of the world. But when I heard about your ability to defeat a True Profound Realm expert, I began searching for you. Both of you possess remarkable character and talent. People that I have been searching all this time."

"Sister Yue, here's some tea," Retsu offered, presenting a tea brewed from herbs obtained from the system. Little Fairy, sitting alongside them, joined in serving the tea. Yun Che had purchased some Japanese Tea from the system, as it didn't exist in this world, and since he had introduced it to Little Fairy a month ago, she had developed a liking for it. Now, she even sat with them during tea time, the aroma of this particular tea captivating her senses. It seemed to invigorate her profound energy after a day of cultivation, leaving her feeling entirely refreshed, though it didn't directly boost her cultivation.

Upon taking her first sip, Cang Yue was taken aback. The Japanese tea had a profound impact on her senses. It began with a refreshing coolness that washed over her tongue. Then, she detected a unique umami flavor, reminiscent of a rich broth. This was complemented by subtle notes of grass and vegetables, and a delicate sweetness gradually emerged. Finally, it concluded with a clean, crisp finish. It proved to be a refreshing and delightful experience, as if it connected her with nature and an unknown culture.

"My goodness, this is delicious! It's the best tea I've had in years, even surpassing the finest teas in our Empire," Cang Yue exclaimed, genuinely astonished by the taste. She never anticipated that Japanese tea would be so exquisite. Yun Che simply referred to it as "green leaf tea," a term unheard of in this world.

"Ara..ara… I'm delighted you enjoyed it, Sister Cang Yue," Retsu replied with a smile as she poured a cup for her and Yun Che. She then asked, "By the way, what is this Blue Ranking Tournament?"

Cang Yue began to explain, "Ah yes, the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament is a profound competition for youths aged between 16 and 20. It draws 1,500 top talents from all corners of the Blue Wind Empire. Each sect within the empire can send three participants. Currently, our Blue Wind Imperial Family has you two as representatives, and we need one more..."

As Cang Yue's gaze drifted towards Little Fairy, Yun Che recognized her intent and intervened, saying, "You can't bring her into this tournament. She has her own sect."

"Her own sect?" Cang Yue was a bit confused. For someone from another sect to be casually befriending them was quite unusual. It wasn't something she witnessed every day. Typically, sects were in constant rivalry, but this woman seemed to get along with them just fine.

Yun Che continued with a mischievous grin, "Well, she can't tell you that though. Besides…." He glanced sideways at Little Fairy and couldn't help but tease, "She's waaaaaaaaay too old for this kind of tournament. She's like forty years old or something."

A small vein popped on Little Fairy's forehead as Yun Che made that age-related comment. Women are sensitive to three things: their looks, their weight, and their age. Yun Che had poked into one of those sensitive areas, and he knew he'd likely earn a beating during their training.

"You rascal! I am not that old," Little Fairy irritably shot back.

"Sure… right… Grandma," Yun Che grinned as he effortlessly avoided one of her playful but ultimately strengthless hits.

"Do you want a beating?" Little Fairy's irritation was palpable, but she held back.

Cang Yue watched their playful banter with a mix of amusement and envy. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she observed how close their relationship was, despite the teasing.

"Don't worry, sister, they're always like that. By the way, is the tournament held every year?" Retsu reassured Cang Yue and asked for more information.

Cang Yue responded, "No, it was previously held once every ten years, but it has now been compressed to once every three years. The increase in frequency is due to the Heaven Basin Secret Realm, which was initially opened every ten years, then every five years, and now every three years."

"Heaven Basin Secret Realm?" Retsu was intrigued, having never heard of it before.

"I don't know much," Cang Yue admitted. "My father told me that the realm is actually controlled by the Heavenly Sword Villa. It's shrouded in mystery, and its existence is relatively unknown. All I've heard is that it contains innumerable resources, treasures, and dangers. The realm is vast, and nobody has ever reached its end. Its environment changes each time it opens."

"Wow, a secret realm. That sounds intriguing," Yun Che chimed in. "It could be the perfect place for me to level up... I mean, train properly. Plus, who knows what kind of incredible things might be hidden inside?"

Little Fairy, still holding Yun Che's head, added, "She's right about that. I've explored the realm, but never delved too deep. The top ten winners in the tournament get the chance to send five people in. The portal remains open for seven and a half minutes, and people can only stay inside for two days. After that, everyone is forcibly teleported out. If they're dead, they remain in the realm."

Retsu asked Little Fairy, "You've been inside that realm, Sister Chu?"

"Yes," Little Fairy confirmed. "I went in when I was twenty, but I didn't find much."

Cang Yue couldn't hide her astonishment. "Your sect must be one of the top ten great sects in the empire if you had that opportunity," she remarked, though she wisely refrained from asking which sects were involved. Such knowledge might have been too much for her to handle.

As they continued their conversation late into the night, Little Fairy shared stories and insights about the dangers of the secret realm. She gave them tips and guidance on surviving its perils. Despite her usual cold demeanor, she found herself opening up to them, a decision she attributed to their newfound friendship.

After Cang Yue left for her residence, Yun Che and Retsu sensed something infiltrating their barrier. Little Fairy also detected something as well.

"Young master..." Retsu began, her gaze fixed on him.

"Rascal, it appears we've got an unwanted guest," Little Fairy remarked casually, taking another sip of her tea.

Yun Che grinned and gently patted Retsu's head. "I'll take care of this. You just keep our Little Fairy company."

Retsu smiled mischievously. "Hmmm, don't be too polite, young master."


At the outskirts of the residence, a figure stealthily made their way towards the manor. It was none other than Wu Ya, the young master who had offended Yun Che and Retsu earlier that day. He was the grandson of Elder Wu Nie, and he had a sinister mission to accomplish.

"Grandfather told me to bring her back alive after using this Green Mushroom powder to knock them out," Wu Ya muttered to himself as he approached the manor. He was referring to Cang Yue, and his grandfather's orders were clear. He intended to fulfill them, no matter what it took.

Unbeknownst to Wu Ya, the protective barrier around the manor began to solidify behind him, trapping him inside.

"According to my grandfather, this powder can incapacitate even Earth Profound Realm practitioners. Nascent Profound Realm individuals like them will succumb to its effects instantly," Wu Ya mused as he reached one of the trees in the manor's courtyard, observing the situation from his hidden vantage point.

"Now, how should I administer the poison?" he pondered with a sinister grin, recalling the humiliation he had suffered at Yun Che and Retsu's hands earlier that day. He harbored a vile intention to tarnish Retsu before delivering her to his grandfather as revenge.

As he contemplated his plan, a voice suddenly spoke from behind him, freezing him in place.

"Hmm, perhaps you should slip it into their room at night. They'll be unconscious before they even realize it," the voice suggested casually, sending shivers down Wu Ya's spine. Startled, he spun around to find Yun Che leaning nonchalantly against a nearby tree, a sly smile playing on his lips.

As Wu Ya defiantly confronted Yun Che, a surge of anger coursed through him. He couldn't fathom how Yun Che had appeared behind him so suddenly.

"Grrr, when did he get here?" he seethed inwardly, shifting himself into battle mode to face the unexpected threat.

"You are Yun Che, right?" Wu Ya sneered, his confidence masking his unease. "Hmph, you should know that you're already dead for provoking me."

Yun Che, who had been leaning casually against the tree, suddenly stood upright, his hands in his pockets. He fixed a piercing gaze on Wu Ya and spoke with an air of self-assuredness. "Hoo, attempting to kidnap my little girl and poison me? You must be quite confident in your abilities. Unfortunately for you, I have confidence in mine as well."

Wu Ya couldn't contain his disdain. "Hmph, such arrogance. Even if you managed to defeat that idiot Ya Tan, my abilities are on par with his, despite my lower cultivation. Do you really think someone as mediocre as..."

Before Wu Ya could finish his sentence, a deafening BANG interrupted him, and his face was struck by an object harder than steel. He hadn't even seen it coming before he was sent hurtling through the air, crashing into the center of the courtyard and landing with a resounding splash in the courtyard's fountain.

Yun Che couldn't tolerate Wu Ya's incessant monologuing, a common flaw he'd observed in many novel characters. His patience had run thin.

"This is what I hate about novel characters like you," Yun Che remarked, irritation clear in his voice. "Talking incessantly… If you want to fight, then just fight. Why spout such bullshit?"

With those words, Yun Che swung his Club Mode Zangetsu, delivering a powerful blow to Wu Ya's head. This abrupt strike was his response to Wu Ya's lengthy tirade. Yun Che despised how such verbosity could drag down otherwise exciting battles and stories.

Wu Ya slowly emerged from the rubble beneath the fountain, his anger evident. "Bastard! I can't believe you ambushed me like that. You had your chance, and you took it. It seems I'll have to show you the strength my grandfather and senior brother bestowed upon me. With their pills, I've achieved the same power as that idiot Ya Tan..."

As he spoke, Wu Ya swallowed a pill, and the resulting transformation was astonishing. The sound of bones creaking and muscles expanding filled the air, with Wu Ya's body growing even larger and more muscular than Ya Tan's.

Wu Ya underwent a dramatic transformation, his body expanding significantly, turning a deep shade of crimson, and bulking up with formidable muscles. In just moments, he swelled to an impressive three times his original size. His once-ordinary form had now become an imposing and powerful presence, radiating strength and intensity with his newfound, massive physique and fiery-red appearance.

Yun Che widened his eyes in astonishment, realizing that this monster had indeed swallowed a pill that had brought him to this incredible level of size and power.

"Behold my strongest..." Wu Ya started to boast, but before he could finish, Yun Che abruptly appeared right above him, Club Mode Zangetsu raised high.

"I've said it already," Yun Che declared, determination in his eyes. "If you want to fight, then let's fight."


With a resounding crash, Yun Che swung Zangetsu towards his head as if he were driving a nail with a hammer. He didn't exert too much strength, wanting to test the limits of his newfound form.

"THIS CAN'T BE!! My strongest form should have affected you. My strength is at least at the Spirit Profound Realm first level. This is impossible..." Wu Ya slowly climbed out of the hole where Yun Che had struck him, his face a mix of frustration and defeat. He could see Yun Che staring at him with a bored expression, seemingly unimpressed.

Observing Wu Ya's dejected state, Yun Che turned his back and began to walk away. "Hmph, your so-called 'strongest form' is nothing to boast about. Getting big and red doesn't automatically make you formidable. Now, get lost, and make sure to warn your grandfather to steer clear of us."

"STAY THERE!!!" A sudden scream echoed behind Yun Che, halting his steps.

He turned his head lazily, a look of nonchalance on his face. "Hmmm, still not enough?"

"You... My grandfather's clan joined forces with the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region to create this divine pill," Wu Ya explained urgently, his voice tinged with desperation. He revealed a sinister-looking pill with red scales and a foreboding aura.

Yun Che recognized it instantly; it reminded him of a method he had heard about in an anime from his previous world, one that allowed people to develop animal-like abilities by transforming into human-beast hybrids. However, the transformations were often grotesque and far from perfected.

"If you witness this form, be prepared to lose your life." With that ominous warning, Wu Ya ingested the sinister pill. His body immediately swelled to a size larger than his previous "strongest" form. His eyes turned bloodshot, and his ears elongated into something resembling an animal's.

Wu Ya's transformation was a grotesque spectacle to behold. Initially a massive and muscular figure, his body underwent a horrific metamorphosis as he consumed the sinister pill. His flesh twisted and contorted, reshaping into a nightmarish, boar-like humanoid monster.

His skin took on a sickly reddish hue, and coarse, bristle-like hair sprouted across his hulking frame. His limbs thickened, becoming stumpy and brutish, while his hands morphed into gnarled, claw-like appendages. Wu Ya's face underwent the most disturbing change, as his nose elongated into a snout, tusks protruded from his mouth, and his eyes assumed a sinister, predatory gleam.

As he stood there, transformed into this monstrous fusion of human and boar, the air was thick with a malevolent aura, and his presence exuded a primal and terrifying energy that left Yun Che utterly stunned.

"A boar?" Yun Che scoffed, though it was more reminiscent of an orc to begin with. This form of Wu Ya's was so repulsive that it could make anyone retch if exposed to the rest of the world.

Wu Ya's face had undeniably taken on boar-like features, complete with tusks jutting out above his teeth and a nose resembling that of a wild boar. His body had grown bulkier, yet his arms remained strangely muscular.

"RAAAAHAHAHAHA!" Wu Ya bellowed, indicating that he had fully unleashed his power. However, Yun Che's expression remained unimpressed.

"This is the strength of a Peak of Spirit Profound Realm? It does seem rather impressive," Wu Ya spoke with a sinister voice, casting a menacing glare at Yun Che.

Yun Che, however, couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment. "Out of all the animals you could have chosen, you picked a boar? Well, is it at least strong?" His tone was nonchalant, as if critiquing Wu Ya's choice of transformation like one would critique a piece of art.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU ANT!!! NOW PAY FOR YOUR ARROGANT WORDS!!" The boar-like Wu Ya roared with fury and charged forward, aiming to grab Yun Che in one swift motion.


Yun Che's confident smile never wavered as he suddenly swung Zangetsu with one hand, striking horizontally. In the blink of an eye, Wu Ya realized his arm was...

Break Creak

"What... You broke my arm?!" Wu Ya gasped in shock, witnessing the bizarre way his limb had twisted during Yun Che's swing.

"Hmph, Godly Pill, my ass. I've seen better-looking fruits compared to that. That's just mediocre in my eyes," Yun Che remarked with a bored tone as he swung Zangetsu behind his head in club mode.

"Don't think your swings can break this one. As long as I'm under this pill, I can reattach it as many times as I WANT!!!" Wu Ya defiantly pulled his arms together, and what was broken miraculously fixed once more.

"Dayum, bro... those fruits back then couldn't even do this," Yun Che exclaimed with a thumbs-up and stars in his eyes.

"HAHAHA...SO ARE YOU SCARED?" Wu Ya taunted, but his triumph was short-lived. Suddenly, he noticed Yun Che standing there with his bangs covering his eyes. In an instant, Yun Che unleashed a lightning-fast flash step and appeared right in front of the boar-like Wu Ya. With a powerful swing, Zangetsu cut through the air and struck Wu Ya's bloated body.

"Scared? I don't know how many years it's been since I felt those feelings. That kind of fear doesn't exist within me." Yun Che declared with unwavering resolve as his club connected with Wu Ya's transformed form, setting the stage for a thrilling battle.

"HUARRGGHH!!!!" Wu Ya couldn't believe what was happening; the sheer speed of Yun Che's assault was beyond comprehension.

"Now, let's see how many strikes you can take," Yun Che declared as he teleported around Wu Ya, his blade Zangetsu a blur of motion, striking everywhere on Wu Ya's transformed body.

"Before your body can restore itself." Yun Che's relentless attacks shattered every part of Wu Ya's form. Arms, legs, ribs, even his neck weren't spared by the constant onslaught. Wu Ya couldn't retaliate; everything broke before he could even attempt to mend it.

'Impossible! My body can't keep up with his strikes. I may have the strength of a Peak Spirit Profound Realm warrior, but he's overpowering me easily. Is he an Earth Profound Realm warrior?'

"Take this!" BANG! Yun Che swung Zangetsu towards Wu Ya's face, sending him crashing perilously close to the edge of the manor. Perched on top of a hill, his body teetered over the palace's main courtyard.

Wu Ya slowly regained consciousness, but he couldn't move. His body reverted to its normal state, but he had lost all of his cultivation. Yun Che's relentless strikes had shattered his regeneration ability, rendering his body incapable of proper restoration.

Yun Che reappeared in front of him, wearing his trademark goofy grin, Zangetsu in hand.

"You... able to overpower my strength this easily?!? What kind of person are you?" Wu Ya gawked at this unexpected turn of events.

"Me? I'm just an everyday lazy bum and a couch potato," Yun Che replied, using his own words once more.

"You... Whatever it is... You've crippled my cultivation, and you're courting death. No matter who you are, my grandfather's clan will—"

"Shut your yapping. I've already defeated you. Crawl back to your grandfather and tell him I said 'hi,'" Yun Che interrupted as he turned around, heading back to his manor.

Wu Ya wore a creepy smile as he continued to threaten Yun Che. "You... hmph... be complacent for a few more days. Once my grandfather and his clan arrive, you'll be finished."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Yun Che retorted dismissively, treating Wu Ya's threats as mere empty words.

"Not only you. That bitch, your brother-in-law, and your entire family will go along with you," Wu Ya spat venomously. As soon as those words left his mouth, Yun Che came to an abrupt halt.

"What did you just say?" Yun Che turned his head, and Wu Ya was met with two sinister, red-patterned eyes brimming with killing intent. A profound sense of fear washed over him, as if death itself were staring him down, the grim reaper ready to claim his soul.

"I didn't want to kill you, intentionally, so you could deliver a message to that old bastard. Right now, you have no one to blame but yourself for what's about to happen," Yun Che seethed with anger. Insulting him was one thing, but involving Retsu, Yuanba, and his family had just sealed Wu Ya's fate.

"You... you cannot kill me. The palace doesn't permit anyone to kill without permission. I am Supreme Elder Wu Nie's grandson. If you kill me, he will not let you go!" Wu Ya desperately clung to the palace's rules in an attempt to evade Yun Che's wrath. As a disciple of the palace, Yun Che was bound by its regulations. However...

"Rules? Supreme Elder? Do you think I give a damn about that? I only came here for the banquet and have nothing to do with the sect," Yun Che's voice grew darker, shrouded in an overwhelming aura of killing intent.

"Hmph, I've often used this as a club and rarely for its true purpose. I suppose it's time to unsheathe it, huh?" Yun Che raised Zangetsu into the air, slowly unwrapping its binding. The bindings unraveled faster than the eye could follow, revealing the true form of the weapon. The club morphed into a Khyber-shaped sword with a black upper side and a white lower side.

"It's a SWORD??!?" Before Wu Ya could react, he noticed Yun Che's attire was undergoing a transformation as well. His clothes turned black, with a white cloth lie belt around his waist. His footwear changed, and a palpable aura of death radiated from him.

"Wait... YOU ARE...!!!" Recognition struck Wu Ya; he had heard of this attire before. In Floating Cloud City, an Emperor Stage martial artist had shattered an entire mountain's peak during his wedding before mysteriously disappearing. The description of that man matched Yun Che's current appearance.

"Hmph, disappear from my sight," Yun Che commanded, releasing an arc-shaped blue energy horizontally that obliterated Wu Ya with a single shot. As the energy engulfed him, Wu Ya's thoughts raced. "Is this... no... no..." It was his final contemplation before he ceased to exist.

"AHHH!!!!" Wu Ya didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening before the energy wiped out his entire existence, body, and soul alike.


The unleashed energy showed no restraint; it surged forward, cutting a path straight through the Palace's major courtyard, obliterating everything it encountered. The deafening explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the entire New Moon Profound Palace and reverberated throughout New Moon City. In the aftermath, a colossal crescent moon-shaped trench lay in its wake, an indelible mark on the once-pristine courtyard. The impact was even greater than Yun Che had anticipated, originating from his manor and extending far beyond.

"Hmph, you can mess with me, but no one messes with my family. I can't afford to lose another loved one if I'm still alive. I refuse to experience that feeling again," Yun Che muttered, gazing at the massive trench he had created. He cared little for the ensuing consequences; the sect could speculate all they wanted, and he could simply respond with a nonchalant "No, it wasn't me" when questioned.


[Ding... Congratulations on defeating Wu Ya, Peak Spirit Profound Realm warrior.

Reward: 35,000 XP and 5,000 SP]


"System, can you restore the courtyard back to normal?" Yun Che composed himself and glanced at the devastated courtyard. It was an absolute mess.


[Ding… The system can restore it for 5,000 SP.]


"Wait, that's quite expensive. Can you offer me a cheaper discount?" Yun Che flashed a cheerful smile.


[Ding… Next time, clean up your own mess.]


"Fine, go ahead," Yun Che sighed. To avoid arousing suspicion later, he decided it was best to proceed.


[Ding… Deducting 5,000 SP from the host. Thank you for your patronage.]


Suddenly, the courtyard was restored to its former state as if no battle had taken place. As for the massive trench, Yun Che decided to leave it be. He sighed and sheathed Zangetsu behind his back.

Returning to his manor, Yun Che found Little Fairy and Retsu sleeping in each other's arms in the living room. A soft smile crept onto his face as he gently petted their heads and covered them with a blanket. Little did he know, a small, contented smile was forming on their lips.

With a satisfied heart, Yun Che retired to his own room, unaware of the warmth and happiness he had brought to those around him.

I posted two chapters just now...Do enjoy it. Sorry its long, here's a written word 'Potato'.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts