
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · เกม
191 Chs

Chapter 13: Robbed?

Now, that's done. Yun Che felt awful for what he did to Xia Qingyue. He never expected the girl would shed tears. He turned around towards her, far away, retreating and wondered…..

"Is this the ending that I wanted? Or hoped for?" He asked himself. "The hell am I doing?"

Regaining his composure, he took Xiao Lingxi in his arms and flashed step into her room. He sets her down on her bed and tucks her in.

Yun Che then leaves a note alongside a familiar pentagon-shaped necklace on her hand.


I will never forget you. I promise I will come back to you and Grandfather. I will always have a home, even if I am far away. Gaze towards the stars every night. You will know I will gaze at it as well. Till the day we meet again.

- Xiao Che


He looks at her sleeping face for the last time before it disappears entirely. This girl had a powerful identity based on the system, but it was not the time for her to discover it. One day, he'll properly marry her instead of keeping her in the dark. If he did, she might have to step into the world. He can worry about that when he returns here once he finishes his matters on this star.

Xiao Lingxi, the girl who dedicated her life to him. Even so far as starting cultivation just for the sake of protecting him. However, he can rely on her protection forever. He was supposed to protect her, not the other way around. Where is his sense of pride as a man if she watched him forever? He doesn't know her well right now, and his proposal to her before was just on a whim. Even if it might alter her fate, he wanted to love this girl as his own, not because of the original Yun Che's relationship with her. He is sure she'll be devastated if he ever told her that the real Yun Che perished by his soul. If she chose to believe it.

Slowly patting her sleeping head, he spoke, "Little Aunt, let me fall in love with you as the real me. I admit I barely know you and can't reply to your love for me. One day for sure." He kissed her forehead before moving towards the door.

Now, he needs to hear the truth itself from his grandfather. Slowly exiting her room, Yun Che roams the hallway as servants bow to or avoid him entirely. He remembered even the servants beat him up if his Little Aunt or grandfather weren't around. Seeing him quaking in their shoes amuses him. Arriving in the clan's central hall, some elders appear to meet with each other after the crippling of the second elder and the loss of their clan leader. They tried to conclude to give Xiao Lie the position of the clan leader. If not, they might have to kiss themselves goodbye.

After his stunt during the wedding, it will be a matter of time before other clans or sects snatch away the powerful Xiao Che. The only reason they are still alive and well is Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi. Should anything happen to them, the clan will meet its demise. The hall door suddenly opens, revealing a very relaxed Yun Che walking past them as if they were none of his concern. His destination was the garden behind the hall, where his grandfather would always go to calm himself down. Some elders who saw him from afar tried to hide or turned shameless.

"Xiao Che! Do you know how I always vouch for you?" The third elder shamelessly tried to sweet-talk him.

"Zip it." Yun Che brushed him aside. The third elder immediately shut his mouth before the fourth elder directly spoke before he was about to leave the hall.

"Xiao Che… Please… You already killed the clan leader and crippled the second elder. Our powers in this city are diminishing."

"I don't see that as my problem. You guys can figure I out yourselves. It won't matter when I return later and settle some debts." He spoke as the elders had fear in their eyes once more. It's done. They couldn't talk their way out of this.

He ignored their quaking forms and walked towards the garden entrance leaving behind the shameless elders of this clan. He proceeded to the garden, and just like he read from the trivia, his grandfather would sit nearby the lake watching the fish in his pond. He would always come here and feed them every night. Like before, he depended entirely on the trivia, knowing this older man.

Shame he couldn't remember any of Yun Che's old memories. It was a logical explanation. If he remembered how the Mirror of Samsara works. It only allows its user to reincarnate and only works on the original Yun Che's soul, not a foreign soul like him. As an alien soul, he can't recall Yun Che's last first and second life memories. So, Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi aren't the people he remembered well. More like he doesn't know them.

He plays along as he goes along.

"Che'er." Xiao Lie greeted him as he approached the garden.

"Gramps." Yun Che nodded his head.

"Sit…" He nodded his head before placing Zangetsu inside his inventory. They both sat down, waiting for each other to begin their conversation. Seeing Yun Che was quiet, he decided to start his questions.

"Since when did you know how to cultivate, Che'er?" Xiao Lie's question was straight to the point.

Direct, as anticipated. Well, Yun Che's Little Aunt asked the same thing. It was logical how a cripple became powerful in a blink of an eye. Everyone wishes to know about it, but nobody can ask such a question. He answered just like he answered her. "I always was. It was necessary to hide to complete my cultivation."

"Even from us?" Xiao Lie was referring to himself and Lingxi.


"Che'er…. I know you hated the clan for abusing you for so long. I won't ask you to stop if you wish to destroy this place." Xiao Lie just stared at his grandson, but the man before him didn't have compassion like he used to. He was entirely changed. There's no use playing with his conscience. He decimated the clan leader, and his son, crippling the second elder and killing his grandson without a sense of guilt.

All for the sake of revenge. Xiao Lie could only imagine how long his grandson carried this kind of vengeance in his heart.

There's no use beating around the bush. So, Yun Che decided to speak his heart. "Gramps, I wish to leave and explore the world tonight."

The grandfather widens his eyes. "Isn't tonight your wedding night?"

"It doesn't matter to me anymore. That girl had already returned to her sect."

"I see… Nothing is stopping you or keeping you here anymore. To tell you the truth, I would rather you be here for Lingxi and me. However, as a cultivator, you won't be confined here." The grandfather spoke, and his grandson just shook his head.

"Che'er…. I know I didn't do my best to protect you. It pains me to see you getting beat up every day. If you did so to test whether I cared for you…."

Yun Che raised his hand and stopped his grandfather's speech. "Gramps, just stop. You and Little Aunt are the only ones who cared for me. You were there when I needed you. Even if I am not the same man as I always was."

Looking into Yun Che's eyes, he spoke with an affectionate tone. "Are you the Che'er I raised? Who grew up with your Aunt?"

"What do you think, gramps?" He asked the old man back, anticipating his reaction.

The old man went into memory lane once more. The Che'er that he knew was the man full of joy. Despite what the clan did to him, the man always had a smile on his face. He was always with his daughter and grew up with her. Always get in trouble and always comes to him in black and blue. He never once gave up on living and showing his best side to them. Now, he felt like a different man. Mysterious, dark, and, most importantly, powerful. Maybe getting poisoned today was the last of his patience. "*Chuckle… I don't know…. But whoever you might become right now. You'll always be my Che'er."

"Thanks, Gramps." Yun Che smiled.

"I was planning to tell you this when you have grown up. Seeing you now makes me feel like you are ready to shoulder what I will tell you. You should know your origins before stepping outside." Yun Che widened his eyes, although he knew he wanted to hear it from his grandfather.

"Go on…" Yun Che encourages him.

"I hope this doesn't change anything between us." The old man said with a hopeful tone.

Hearing this, Yun Che reassures him. "It will never change, Gramps. You'll always be my grandfather, and my Little Aunt will always be my aunt."

Xiao Lie pulls a deep breath before dropping the bomb. "Then, the truth is…. Your surname never was Xiao. It was actually Yun."


"I assumed you already know." Xiao Lie spoke with confusion. Yun Che pulled the Mirror of Samsara from his inventory as his grandfather said. He didn't pull it out to show its powers but wanted to show the word 'Yun' carved behind it. He did owe the mirror for reincarnating his life alongside the system by sacrificing the original Yun Che's life.

Xiao Lie examined the mirror before returning back to Yun Che. "I see. This mirror probably belongs to your birth parents?"

"I assumed so. I have had it with me since I was little. Kept it ever since."

"It is true. Your parents came here in hopes that the Xiao Clan would protect them. After seeing their injuries, none of the people in the clan wishes to defend them for fear of offending higher powers, except for my son, Xiao Ying. He protected your parents until you were born. Then, he did the unthinkable. He swapped you and his son so your parents' line won't die. He cared for your parents more even though the clan did nothing for them. I discovered this when I found his hidden journal after he died. I kept this from you until you were old enough." With it, he ended his story.

"He sacrificed the life of my grandson for you. Even your grandmother became depressed because of Xiao Ying's death but never blamed anyone. I never blamed anyone. Your aunt didn't blame anyone as well." Xiao Lie ended his story once more with a sorrowful tone. This old grandfather of his never blamed him for what happened. What his adoptive father did was a noble sacrifice. He sacrificed himself so his parents could live and the lives of his son so he could live. He knew Yun Che had become a cripple, so he betrothed him to Xia Qingyue to protect him despite the backlash.

The real Yun Che really had a sad past.

"So, what am I to you, gramps?"

"As I always thought, Che'er. My grandson."

"Thanks, Gramps. Thank you for telling me all of this."

"I can only wish you a safe journey and return to us if you have the time."

"Thank you again, Gramps. I apologized for what happened to the Clan Leader. His death wasn't unnecessary, but I couldn't see him after my power burst. As for the second elder, he wanted to sell Little Aunt and my wife to Xiao Kuangyun a few days from now. Even his grandson and the clan leader's son are involved. I guess they can't keep their mouth shut when talking."

"You can hear them?"

"I can hear everything around the clan back then. Every single word. Then, again. I am sorry for the loss, but it was necessary."

"Unfortunate lost. Besides, I always hated the old bastard." Both looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Turns out, Yun Che was worried for nothing. Despite whom he is, he is still the grandfather Yun Che was born into. He'll take it as a good sign and fortune.

"Gramps, take this.." He presented him with a pentagon-shaped necklace like the one he gave Xiao Lingxi.

"This is…."

"It's a barrier necklace. It should protect you and Little Aunt from at least an Earth Profound Realm cultivator. The barrier will not break unless you face a Sky Profound Realm practitioner." Yun Che provided them with the Spirit Barrier from the Quincy section of the system shop. It was cheap initially, but he can only upgrade them according to his current level. Since the man himself had soul level fifty, the barrier should withstand at least an Earth Profound Realm cultivator's attack. At least, that's what he thought his level fifty should be.

He just hoped the energy in it last until he could upgrade or recharge it.

"Che'er… you should be the one who takes this. You can use it to protect yourself."

"Gramps, don't worry about me. I can take good care of myself. I should worry about you and Little Aunt. I won't go away without anything to protect you two." Yun Che smiled as his grandfather was still worried for him despite telling him the truth just now.

"Then, I thank you for protecting Lingxi and me. It was a fortune for us to have you."

Speaking of fortune, Yun Che had an idea about doing something for Xiao Clan. Since he had a grudge against them, there's nothing wrong with taking a few things, right?

"Hey, Gramps… you won't mind if I take some spending money from the clan, right?"

Xiao Lie smiled. "You want to rob the treasury? By all means but leave some for the clan to get by. I am sure the previous clan leader won't mind if you take it as compensation for yourself, considering what they did to you." Xiao Lie spoke as he remembered how the clan refused to take out a portion of his son's inheritance to Yun Che as he was a cripple and didn't need any spending money. He'll allow him to take as much as he needs to survive in the outside world this time. Part of the treasury was his inheritance anyway.

"I am not robbing. More like reclaiming my tax money. I'll leave some for you to make changes for the clan since you're now the clan leader." Yun Che grabbed his grandfather's shoulder before activating his flash step and arrived at the Xiao Clans treasury alongside him. He always brought him and his Little Aunt here some time ago.

Despite being impressed by his movement art, he was surprised that his grandson could move this fast. He was even impressed that he was actually helping his grandson break into the treasury to give him spending money.

This might get loud and ugly.

The treasury guards saw both Yun Che and Xiao Lie approach the treasury. Despite hearing the things happening outside, standing before Yun Che took their whole guts.

"Elder Lie, the treasury is off limits even for..for him."

"He's the clan master, you know?"

"But…but.. to enter the treasury, one must have the agreement of all the elders."

"This is troublesome….." It's about time for him to test this spell. He managed to try Way of Destruction #4 – Pale Lightning this afternoon, and it performed well.

"But this one…. It might cause a big boom. You better shield yourself, Gramps." The treasury guards tried to stop him, but a familiar gold light burst out of his hand and bound the two guards together.

Yun Che thought about the bad luck the Xiao Clan faced after this, but if his grandfather led, that might be far from it. He stands in front of the treasury and channels his Reaitsu accordingly. The man might damage the door if used too little, but it'll call the entire clan here. If he used too much, he'd destroy the whole treasury.

"All right, this should be enough." Yun Che points his right arm towards the door and chants. "Way of Destruction #33 Blue Fire, Crash Down" Blue-colored wave shaped like a missile suddenly flowed from his palm towards the door, performing better than expected.

Somewhere far, a girl was still donned in her wedding attire and was watching the stars next to her master when suddenly….


Her eyes instantly turned towards the source of the explosion, and it came from the Xiao Clan itself. With it, the clan now became high alert. She wanted to go and investigate, but her master immediately stopped her. It is not wise for her to involve herself in their matters anymore, but she couldn't help but want to see what caused it.

"Che'er…. I could ask them to open it nicely. That was too strong." Xiao Lie sighs as he doesn't have the energy to be shocked.

"Whoops…" He rubs his head from behind as his grandfather sighs. The old man ignores the smoke it causes before stepping into the treasury. Yun Che followed behind him. His attack was strong enough to blast through the door but didn't harm anything.

Well, no wonder it's Blue Fire, Crash Down.

Yun Che suddenly heard an alarm sounding around the clan estate. The blast was too strong and alerted the entire clan.

"Well, here comes the cavalry."

Xiao Lie looked around before he saw a big chest near the end of the treasury. He smiled before showing it to Yun Che. "This was all my son left for you. I fought about taking this out to raise you for many years, but that old bastard just kept it in here."

Yun Che looked inside, and there were many gold coins and hundreds of silver and yellow coins. So this is the money that the clan was holding from him? Stingy bastards….

Yun Che smiled before patting his grandfather on the back. "My grandfather helped me rob the treasury for my own money. A funny tale, don't you think, Gramps?"

He looked around the treasury again and saw a few low-grade spirit weapons, medical herbs, and pills. Nothing interesting to take. Later, he might find something in the outside world to upgrade his new body. For now, he'll take his late adoptive father's inheritance. He immediately stored the chest in his inventory, shocking his grandfather again.

"Intruder in the treasury! Intruder in the treasury!" Yun Che heard a lot of footsteps make their way to the treasury. When they arrived, they saw grandfather and grandson in front of the destroyed treasury door.

"Xiao Che! Elder Lie?" The third elder and fourth elder exclaimed.

"Sup?" Yun Che looks at them with a bored look while munching one of the herbs he gained from the treasury.

"What in the world are you doing here? Are you robbing the treasury?!?" They shouted.

"Isn't that obvious… Part of it is my money, so… technically, I am robbing my own money and holding my grandfather hostage."

"You…. You…"

"It's not like you guys could do anything anyway…." He walked like it was nothing while his grandfather followed from behind.

"Xiao Che! It is wise for you to return…." The elder didn't even finish talking before a bolt of pale lightning passed by his eyes. His eyes widened once more once he saw Yun Che preparing to discharge another one. The rest of the Xiao Clan, including the elders, immediately backed away as they saw what that lightning could do.

"It was my inheritance, after all. I didn't take anything else. I only rob what my father left for me."

"Also, I am not considering myself Xiao from now on. Please refer to me as Yun Che." No one dared to stop him and just gave way to him. Even if they accused his grandfather, could they face that kind of power with their current strength? He decimated the clan head and crippled the second elder in a few incense of time. None would dare to approach him after all that. He even forsook the name Xiao and chose another one, the surname Yun.

"See you next time, Xiao Clan." Yun Che cancels his Kido charge before walking away from the shocked Xiao Clan. His interaction was heard by a couple of observers behind the clouds.

"So, you forsake the name Xiao and choose the name, Yun? Why is that?" One of the observers spoke.

Xiao Lie escorted Yun Che to the gate. Seeing the unfamiliar scene, he read about how often the real Yun Che was forced to sleep outside when the clan mostly bullied him. "So, this is it, Gramps. I'll be leaving you and Little Aunt for a moment."

"The world is full of dangerous things. Che'er. I can only hope you come back and visit us." He nodded his head before stepping out of the Xiao Clan gate. In the novel, he was chased out of the clan, but now, he was calmly left alone. No one dares to mess with him so that he can choose his own style of leaving the clan.

Once outside, he immediately flashes a step toward the city's tallest structure. After his little stunt, the clan was in chaos, and he was impressed that his Little Aunt could sleep through it. Not that it matters to him, but as long as his aunt and grandfather are Okay. That's what counts.


"All right, next destination is Cyan Town." After researching his trivia, Cyan Town was on the northern side of this city. Based on the system, Cyan Forest Town is a small backwater town located nearly two hundred kilometers west of Floating Cloud City. This town could be considered a necessary route when traveling from Floating Cloud City to New Moon City, his next destination after his matters here are done.

In other words, Cyan Town can be considered the Town of Beginning for Yun Che's development. The true beginning of his path of cultivation. Something he was looking forward to.

Yun Che executes multiple flash steps at once to Cyan Town. His flash step mastery was instant due to the cheat skill he gained. He could achieve them since he had practiced with Hoyuu back in the void. That guy is really relentless when it comes to chasing him.

The watchers from before were shocked he could execute multiple jumps and disappear entirely from the area. If they were chasing him right now, he'd be long gone before they realized what was happening.

"Qingyue, what kind of monster you just married?" Her master Chu Yueli asked her while observing Yun Che's disappearance.

"I don't know. I felt this man wasn't the same man I had known before marrying him." Xia Qingyue replied.

"How was he from before?"

"He used to be a happy man. A man full of smiles despite being bullied by the clan. I heard how glad he was when he was betrothed to me. Although it wasn't my concern, he was indeed happy."

"Now, he felt different, as if he was a completely different person. A man like that can't change in a single day. Back in the reception, he was calm, composed as if the wedding didn't even register as a happy event to him." She spoke as her master nodded. Xia Qingyue looked at her hands again and felt the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins coursing inside her. Then, she wondered, and her master's question repeated.

"What kind of man that I married today?" Xia Qingyue wondered. Does it mean the change of Xiao to Yun marks him as leaving his old shell and emerging as a dragon? She will never know the answer as the next time they meet, and it will be at the summit of the empire itself.

Currently, Yun Che was flash-stepping above the skies. He had to rely on his Shinigami powers, and his human body was still a body of a cripple. It might be annoying if the reaper cultivates two bodies at once. What if he infused his Shinigami powers into his human body? If that happens, he can use his Zanpakuto in human form.

When that happens, Yun Che can improve his human body even more after he attains the cultivation way. Using Yun Che's inheritance, he could dig the only usable skill from him, The Divine Medicine Manual. The method he used to improve Xia Qingyue's profound veins came from the manual itself. The real Yun Che used fifty-four needles and three rounds of treatment to strengthen Qingyue's body cultivation.

The current him was cheating, actually. Due to his Reaitsu control, he managed to stab all fifty-four profound entrances using his Reaitsu-enhanced finger before pumping his energy into her Dantian. The spirit energy spread all over her body and destroyed her impurities, making the Profound veins attain the highest human achievement. He was doing Xia Qingyue a favor.

He shook his head as he'll deal with the aftermath when he met her later.

Now, destination? Cyan Town.

Can anyone help me name a few achievements for Yun Che?

Think of funny achievement names and how to acquire them?


Maybe he can have more wisdom cubes in the future.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts