
Not Interested in the Slightest

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

The food was already served by the time Shen Xi and Fu Qingxuan came around. The spread was a bountiful feast of home-cooked dishes. There was seafood too. 

While Shen Xi quickly took the seat next to Li Yuan, Fu Qingxuan wheeled himself to his designated place and noticed the pair had different tableware than the rest of them. 

Shen Xi and Li Yuan's chopsticks and bowls were engraved with a motif while the rest was porcelain white. 

This was a case of sour grapes for Fu Qingxuan. Matching design for the couple, huh?

As the host, Li Yuan told Fu Qingxuan to help himself before shelling the shrimps and putting them on the plate before him. Since shrimps were in season, the plump orange flesh was rather appetizing. 

Shen Xi dug in the crayfish and made recommendations to Fu Qingxuan. "Try this. This is made by the head chef of royal banquets. Our country's top chef if I may say so."