
Memory Loss

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Toffeecito went into position to leapgulpedIP seat, and off it went in a whoosh. 

Midair, it was caught by a hand. Toffeecito begrudgingly stared down the person holding it and bit the hand. 

Shen Xi tapped its little head and warned it. "Stop squirming or I'll make dinner out of you. Look at you, have you already forgotten what I told you yesterday?" 

Toffeecito wailed in protest, but at least it stopped biting her. It affectionately rubbed her head against Shen Xi in a ploy to act cute. 

"What are you watching?" Li Yuan asked her. 

Shen Xi was smiling through her eyes. "We're watching a variety show. It's funny." 

Most importantly, she discovered a secret. She and the man had similar humor and opinions. They shared a lot of things in common. 

Jin Yu nodded and smiled in greeting as Li Yuan approached.