
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

Clintfree · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

Towards the stars - Part2

Life is stages... The softest is love... The hardest is the separation... The most painful is the goodbye... The most beautiful is the reunion.


"Huhu, Lara is dead."

He hasn't seen the take yet but this time, Michael Mann is confident that one shot will be enough. Lara is really exceptional when she stays calm, as for Mel, no need to comment on his work; he's just perfect.

"Very good job Mel and Lara. Lara, you're going to get all dirty again if you play with the earthworms."

Lara, who has not left her prone position, digs in the dirt looking for worms to add to her insect collection.

"Yes, Mister Senile, but since I'm dead, if I get up now, it'll be some kind of movie that's forbidden to children and since I want to see myself as Rosy, I have to stay lying down. You Mel, enemy of children, aren't you ashamed to kill an innocent little girl? I'm kidding but, you scared me again in real life, you know. Even now I have to pee and I think I'm going to call my lovely Mommy and tell her that, you beat Lara very badly. Still, even though you're really ugly, I think if you tried a little harder, you could be a very average actor."

Mel Gibson bends down and picks up the bug rolling around in the yellow dirt.

"Come here, you. You too could be a very average actor. I mean, you already are when you're not running around. When you're not attacking the technicians with water bombs or dirt. When you don't sing your stupid songs instead of acting. When you don't eat during takes. When you don't call your teddy bear while the take isn't over. When..."

Lara purses her little lips and presses on the big nose of the bad man, who, whether in the movie or in real life, doesn't stop bullying her.

"You're just a little girl's executioner. If I talk with Mister who stinks during the takes it's because at least, him, he has intelligent things to say. Maï, I need a big hug. Mel is very mean to me again and on top of that, today he even killed me, huhuhu."

Michael Mann approaches the little girl who, once again, is all dirty. As he had anticipated, Lara was born to act, but for the time being, she needs someone around her who can channel this excess of energy that leads her to do a thousand stupid things.

The director also knows that without the young girl of the beautiful Asian facial features who accompanies her, nothing would have been possible and for that, he is very grateful to this poor miss who, very often, is the first victim of the little overexcited goblin.

"Lara, you were really great, however, as I told you many times, to become a real actress, you will have to learn to control your excess energy and only then you will be able to become even better. Do you want to act in movies in the future? I sincerely believe that, not pursuing this career that is made for you would be a big mistake."

Except for getting closer to Joey, Lara never really thought about becoming a real actress. It's fun to be part of a crew, but it's also exhausting to shoot a movie.

Her little head tilted towards the ground, Lara thinks about this very difficult question.

If in the future she would have to act in more movies, it would mean that she and her lovely Mommy would be separated a lot and this painful remoteness is very hard for Lara to imagine.

"Hmmm, I don't know. It's hard for me to be away from my Mommy and I know it's hard for my lovely Mommy too. Anyway, as everyone keeps saying, I'm just a little girl and actors are big adults so I'll think about it when I have more breasts than Maï. What did you say Mister who stinks? Next year? Huhuhu!"

Trying to convince a 6 year old girl to pursue an acting career would be neither very dignified of him, nor very prudent, so, smiling in the direction of the dirty little girl who is back to digging in the dust, the director a little disappointed in spite of everything, sighs discreetly.

"That's right Lara, you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do in the future. Tell me; did you like to act in my movie?"

Thinking back to all those days spent in front of a camera but, imagining her lovely Mommy all sad, Lara who refuses to admit to herself that indeed, she had never had so much fun, just gives a timid little nod of the head.

"Yes, I liked Mister Senile, and even if Mel is often unpleasant, he taught me many, many things. You see, even though you've forced me to stand next to an idiot all this time, I guess I like your world, as you so often say when you're playing the Mister pretentious."

A deep voice coming from behind her, startles Lara who inwardly laughs at the one who was her movie partner.

"Hey, the worm, the idiot is right behind you. If you act in a movie again, even though you're an annoying little pest, I'd love be included in the casting."

"Huhuhu, idiot in sight. I wonder if you deserve it. No, stop, no tickling. Maï help. Maï, Maï, an old pervert still has fun pawing the belly Lara."

Michael Mann smiles at the beautiful complicity that has developed between these two.

"We have to continue the shooting my sweety but don't worry, we will all meet again very soon. Miss Maï, I thank you for all that you have done because without you, Lara would not have been able to express all her potential and I fear that many of us, would have suffered from her deceitful attacks. Ladies, I wish you a safe journey home and be careful on the road."

Unaccustomed to receiving compliments, Maï is so red that like in the cartoons, steam threatens to come out of her ears.

"Thanks Mister Mann, but other than my job, I didn't do much."

Mel winks at Lara and looks at Maï who can't seem to regain her composure.

"Miss, how do you like my butt, hahaha."


What a bad man, huhu.

Poor Maï, she wants to hide but she is too big to enter the closets.

"Maï, I believe that from now on, your name in the movie world will be known as, the vicious girl who looks at the actors buttocks, fufufu."

I'm kidding but in truth, I'm a little sad anyway. I finished everything but, Mel and Matt who is not present today, still have to shoot the beginning and the end of the movie.

According to the script, the end of the movie, is a part that lasts more than 30 minutes after this heartless man killed his cute little girl. Really, in this movie, Mel is a mean and heartless father.

During the shooting, I learned many things about people and I think that my little house by the lake is not so bad after all.

Sometimes in the small towns where we were shooting, women in particular, were throwing themselves at the security guards to get to us and although I really don't understand why, it was mostly Mel who attracted them like flies.

There are also journalists who play hide and seek like children and take pictures by surprise, and that's really not very pleasant.

Once, a man wanted to hit Matt because his wife was collecting magazines in which he appears.

People are crazy and sometimes, they are very scary.

But of all the people who are part of this fun team, it is especially Mister Senile for whom I have great pity.

While everywhere we were touring, people were asking us for autographs, nobody wanted to throw themselves at him or hit him. Even if he is too proud to show it, I am sure that at night, all alone in his ugly room, he must feel very moldy.


The shooting of this movie was really an experience that will remain engraved in my little heart for a long time.

For once, adults aren't lying when they say that time passes too quickly. Although I am only 6 years old and I have the chance to be very pretty, when I think back to all the fun things that happened recently, my eyes get a little wet.

While too moved to look at the team that just started shooting again, one step at a time, as I hug Mister who stinks, I walk away from all the fun things that have been happening to me lately and head towards the too uncertain future that is opening its way to me.

One, two, two more steps and defeated by my too sweet little heart, perhaps to never forget, certainly to have the impression that I have not left them yet, when I look back,

I see Maï who picks up her things, fufufufu.

"You are right Mister who stinks, pupu, I'm sure some Mister and Madam idiots were expecting a tragic conclusion."

Hi readers of my story;

For a few days now, suddenly, as if frightened by a silly monkey who would throw peanuts at them, the readers have been running away from Lara's pretty story.

This monkey is a bit annoying but life is like that. Sometimes, we all face peanut throwing and that's how we become resistant to dried fruit.

Anyway, while waiting for the return of the readers, Lara will take as many days off as necessary and if ever the monkey should persist, well...

One seconde, please.

"Yes Mister who stinks, oooh, sometimes you're not as dumb as you look."

Yes, if ever the monkey should persist Lara will throw rocks at it, fufufu.

Kisses to all of you


Clintfreecreators' thoughts