
Rebirth again?!

Daoist7DL6Xe · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Think back (1) “rabbit”

How did everything turn out like this? How did it have to come down to this? Let me think back, to when I was just another lucky go happy kid with no problems whatsoever.

Let me think back to that fateful day.

13 years ago…

A little kid was spotted running out of a house in the middle of a small village, this little kid was the then 6 year old Gye Man-Shik. He was just happily running into the forest to help his parents get some herbs and other ingredients for their store.

This time seems just like any other time, Man-Shik would go into the woods and gather materials near the exit of the forest. Where people could still hear him if he was hurt, he was told not to go too far into the forest since there might be some monsters lurking around in that area.

So while Man-Shik was gathering ingredients near the exit, he saw a little shiny butterfly and was lead deeper into the forest.

After following the shiny butterfly for awhile Man-Shik finally realized that he had gone too far out and was not familiar with the way to go back from here since he never ventured out so far before. It was also starting to get dark as the sun was setting, so Man-Shik quickly started running in the direction that he felt would lead him out of the forest.

2 hours later...

As the now nighttime moon was shining bright in the sky the little Man-Shik was whimpering on the ground, he had lost his way from the exit and now alone in the cold chilly night.

In an unfamiliar place and surrounded by numerous monsters, and danger. Suddenly there was the sound of rustling from a bush beside him. Man-Shik looked over as quickly as he could thinking it was someone there to help him. As he turned around he yelled "somebody, anybody if you are there to help me I'm here! I am Man-Shik from the Gye household. Help please I'm so scared here" as he continues to yell at the top of his lungs quickly running out of breath.

As Man-Shik's yelling came to a stop the thing that was rustling the bushes showed itself, it was just a stray rabbit. But Man-Shik knew better, he was told as a child stories of the monsters in the forest; one such monster was the ravenous rabbit named "red eye rabbit".

This kind of rabbits are one of the weakest monsters in the monster hierarchy, but to a 6 year old it might as well be a high ranking monster.

As Man-Shik continued to think about how to approach it, the rabbit suddenly jumped at Man-Shik and scratched him. "Aaack!!" while Man-Shik was still shocked from the first attack and was recovering, the rabbit showed no signs of stopping and continued attacking the poor kid. 'The rabbit is too strong and so fast my eyes can't catch up. How am I supposed to beat that thing?" Man-Shik thought.

Man-Shik quickly looked around the area and found a rock and a sharp looking stick. So when the rabbit attacked again Man-Shik got lucky as he was able to dodge it, though he was still injured because he was not fast enough to completely avoid the hit.

Man-Shik rolled and picked up the stick and rock from the floor and held it up as to intimidate the rabbit monster, which as expected it didn't work. The rabbit monster dashed quickly at Man-Shik without any fear and stabbed Man-Shik in the arm; in which Man-Shik response with slashing it with the sharp stick, but the rabbit was too fast and got away. Man-Shik without giving the rabbit monster any time to recover threw the rock at it, which it easily dodged but didn't see Man-Shik who quickly hid inside a bush.

Man-Shik hiding in the bush thought to himself 'How do I kill that rabbit without it running away?' After contemplating for a few seconds he came up with a plan to attack it and kill it before it could react.

With his weapon in hand he stared at the rabbit with such intense fury and was ready to kill it in a moments notice.