
Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Taking advantage of the fire to rob

When Song Yang was looking at the female leader of the Telephone and Telegraph in front of him, Betts and the executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group were also looking at this one in front of him. America has become famous in the past one or two years, and it is quite related to the Telephone and Telegraph Group. young people.

   "President Bates!" Song Yang spoke to Bates first.

Bates nodded, and surrounded by a group of senior executives of the Telegraph Group, walked inside. Unlike the last time when Song Yang came to watch the flowers, Bates showed Song Yang some telegrams this time. The history and pride of the group.

   "This line is taken from the cable used by the Bell Telephone Company, the predecessor of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, when the first telephone line in America was established!"

  In a collection room, there are a variety of awards and trophies hanging, as well as those famous and big figures in America who have taken pictures at the Telephone and Telegraph Group.

And in a glass counter, there is a cable stored. Hearing that this thing is a thing from 119 years ago, Gallo, who followed Song Yang, couldn't help talking about the history of the Telephone and Telegraph Group. This collection room is almost It is the collection hall of Telephone and Telegraph Group Glory.

Song Yang listened to Betts and the executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, talking about the greatness of this giant company and the brilliance created in history, running through the first telephone line in America and across the Atlantic Ocean Lines, countless miracles in the history of the telephone, were created by the Telephone and Telegraph. Up to now, the Telephone and Telegraph Group is still the largest long-distance telephone company in America.

  But Song Yang just listened, and just lamented the past glory of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, but the more he listened, the more Song Yang knew why those powerful people in America tried their best to split it up.

If it is not split, the Telephone and Telegraph Group can almost completely monopolize the telephone market in America and Europe. There is no telephone company that can compete with it. The group and its seven Bell Brothers telephone companies still occupy the telephone market in America, North America, Europe and other places. It is conceivable how terrifying the strength of the Telephone and Telegraph Group was before it was split up!

To put it bluntly, if Song Yang hadn't experienced a split, I'm afraid Song Yang wouldn't need to stand here at all. Telephone and Telegraph Group is like Thanos in Marvel. The company was wiped out...

After half a ringing of the phone and telegram, a group of people finally entered the meeting room. Bartley, who had the most dealings with Song Yang, could only sit at the end of the meeting room on this occasion. Song Yang, it is estimated that Bartley is not even qualified to enter this decision-making meeting involving telephone and telegram.

  Representing America Telecom, Song Yang, although the number of people was not as large as that of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, Song Yang Shiran sat directly opposite Bates.

"President Betts, it is a great honor to see the glorious history of the Telephone and Telegraph Group today. I have always wanted to express my gratitude to the Telephone and Telegraph Group. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to come here today..."

  As soon as he came up, Song Yang first complimented the Telephone and Telegraph Group, and threatened that without the Telegraph Group, he would not be where he is today.

Regardless of whether this statement is true or not, but listening to the Telephone and Telegraph here, Bates and a group of executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group have somewhat changed their impression of Song Yang, and began to regard Song Yang as a reluctant "My own people" who are somewhat related to the Telephone and Telegraph Group.

"Song, but you are sitting here today, but what you said is a bit different!" Bates said. As the president of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, he can suppress a group of people under him. Bates' ability and means There is no doubt about it.

Song Yang did not deny or quibble, but said, "I have no intention of competing with the Telephone and Telegraph Group. I have always hoped to cooperate with the Telephone and Telegraph Group. I established a double-click company, the first partner that came to mind. Also the Telegraph Group, Manager Bartley can prove it all for me!"

Hearing that Song Yang was talking about him, all the bosses in the conference room looked at him. Bartley showed a stiff smile and nodded, as a guarantee for Song Yang's words. The first advertisement that I pulled was indeed from a telegraph group, that's fine.

   "As for the emergence of American Telecom, I can only say that it was an accident. Last year, when Double-Click and Enron were discussing cooperation on the Enron Online website, they mentioned something about the new telecommunications bill to me."

   "Then, I learned about the Wall Street Futures Investment Corporation and the Chicago Board of Trade, and then... American Telecom appeared, because Wall Street needed it!"

Listening to Song Yang's words, Betts and the executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group couldn't help but feel a little moved. Even though the media had already reported that Song Yang established the Double-Click Company just because he saw Professor Tristan on TV about Internet profits. , and subsequently established the world's first digital advertising company.

   And after hearing about the new telecommunications bill and Wall Street futures investment, the idea of ​​building a dedicated line came up.

  Betters and the others could not help but have the idea of ​​a "genius", and he was an extremely courageous genius, but now this genius has created a problem for the Telephone and Telegraph Group, and there is still a lot of trouble!

  Song Yang said this, just telling Bates and them that the emergence of American Telecom was really an accident. He didn't want to rely on this line, so he turned over the telephone and telegraph group, so that they wouldn't be too nervous.

   "Song, the Telephone and Telegraph Group has no malice towards you or America Telecom, otherwise, you would not have received a call from Bartley!"

  Bates applauded Song Yang's words, but he didn't intend to be merciful in what he said next. Bates' eyes became sharper, showing the demeanor of the head of the telephone and telegraph group.

   "Now America Telecom, indeed, is in trouble with Telephone and Telegraph, Song, we need to solve this trouble!"

   "The Telephone and Telegraph Group wants to continue the previous cooperative relationship with Song you. For this reason, the Telephone and Telegraph Group is willing to propose an acquisition to American Telecom. Song, this is a second chance!"

  Betters said to Song Yang indifferently, the Telephone and Telegraph Group proposed to Song Yang for the first time to acquire Double-click Company, but now it is the second time, it is to buy America Telecom in Song Yang's hands.

The acquisition of American Telecom was a plan that Bates and Telephone and Telegraph Group had discussed long ago. In order to avoid future troubles, it was not because they were afraid of such a new telecom company as American Telecom, but because they were afraid of rivals such as WorldCom and Comcast. , to add to the telephone and telegraph group.

  So the Telephone and Telegraph Group is planning to act first and directly buy America Telecom.

Another point is that the Telephone and Telegraph Group is a behemoth, but it is too old and very rigid, just like the emergence of American Telecom. If the Telephone and Telegraph Group can continuously update the line from New York to Chicago, there will be no American Telecom at all. Opportunities arise, but the Telephone and Telegraph Group will not invest such a large sum of money to upgrade the line for no reason.

  The Telephone and Telegraph Group also took a fancy to the popularity of the Internet and the technology industry. They wanted to let the Telephone and Telegraph Group take a ride, but they were somewhat at a loss.

The emergence of American Telecom just gave Betts an opportunity. Taking over the Telephone and Telegraph Group of America Telecom, he will be able to promote a wave of "Internetization" and the stock price will rise. The pressure on Bates will also be reduced. , She was invited back to the Telephone and Telegraph Group, but she was not here to retire. The old guys on the board of directors expected her to lead the Telephone and Telegraph Group to make them a lot of money. Come and sit in Bates' place!

   "1.2 billion U.S. dollars, Song, as long as you agree, the Telephone and Telegraph Group will immediately provide the acquisition fee!"

The person who spoke was the executive in charge of the acquisition business of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, "Exiting now may be the best choice for you. All the troubles will be taken over by the Telephone and Telegraph Group. We have estimated the cost of this line. This acquisition fee is enough for you to recover more than twice the return!"

   This is taking advantage of the fire to loot, taking advantage of America Telecom's troubles, wanting to swallow America Telecom, and breaking the price, the line worth three billion dollars, actually wants to buy it for less than half the price.

   Telephone and Telegraph Group, if you buy America Telecom at this price, you can make double or even more profit if you resell it!

Betts and the executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group all looked at Song Yang. The Telephone and Telegraph Group is taking advantage of the fire to rob, but if America Telecom cannot get a telecom license and cannot start work in New Jersey, then America Telecom's lines are better. Well, that is also a big mess. If the America Telecom project goes unfinished, then Song Yang will not get a penny and will have to pay a large sum of money.

  So the Telephone and Telegraph Group feels that the conditions proposed are quite good. If it is the companies such as WorldCom and Comcast, it is probably more ruthless than the Telephone and Telegraph Group!

  Song Yang looked around at the executives of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to the pocket where the tobacco was, but finally took it back.

   "Actually, I am willing to consider the Telephone and Telegraph Group's proposal, but I am not the only investor in American Telecom!"

  "Before talking about this proposal, I want to say something that hasn't been announced in the media. America Telecom has just received a new investment!"

  Bates' eyelids suddenly jumped up, and for some reason, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "America Telecom has reached a cooperation with Enron. Enron will invest 500 million dollars in America Telecom in exchange for a 5% stake in America Telecom!"

   "Besides," Song Yang seemed to suddenly remember, "If there is no accident, the Communications Commission is about to pass the review of the application for the Anran Telecom business license!"

  (end of this chapter)