
Rebirth - Volume 1 - The Meeting of the Elements

What would become of the world if those who could defend it were nothing more than two amateurs, two boys with modest ambitions who one day find themselves at the center of what would be the greatest apocalyptic event known to humanity? This is the question posed by the young writer, and he answers it in an eloquent and extremely entertaining way in a story that can only be described as a modern-day teen odyssey.

Avner_Staimetz · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


In a forgotten era, so ancient that it predates the gods we now call pagan, two magnificent civilizations shaped the destiny of Earth. The first, the mystical Atlantis, spread its colonies across the world, its people united in the worship of a Creator God, living in harmony with spiritual beings. They thrived, touching the pure magic that flowed through creation. In contrast, the civilization of Nod was formed by unbelievers. Unable to access this pure magic, they turned to dark rituals and sacrifices, seeking power in black magic to wage wars and impose their principles.

It was said that, after the flood, the knowledge of the Atlanteans was lost in the waves along with their people. However, the truth was more mysterious. These secrets were not lost, but hidden, awaiting the awakening of brave individuals. They would face unimaginable dangers to find the ten lost colonies, with the mission to end the being who destroyed a dream of civilization and corrupted a planet.

As time passed, the descendants of Enoch spread out, giving rise to new civilizations, each with their own gods and legends. The Americas, with their rich spiritual legacies of the Incas and Mayas; the Egyptians, defying aridity with advances in agriculture and medicine; Greece and Rome, symbols of power and wisdom, worshiped similar pantheons of imposing gods.

During this period, known as the 'Ethereal Wars', many pagan gods fell. Some disappeared, others chose new ways to protect humanity, and some were confined to unknown realms. The surviving gods established new rules. Some abandoned humanity, others continued to protect it, and a small number, over the centuries, sought the destruction of humans. Thus, divine wars erupted, gods fighting and imprisoning each other, while humanity grew and spread, increasingly distant from its divine origins.

Today, after ages marked by countless bloody wars, humanity has ascended through technology, but not without costs. Atlantis and Enoch, once as real as the sun shining in the sky, have become mere legends, whispered by the few who still delve into the mysteries of ancient peoples. The gods, once sovereign and tangible, are now seen as relics of a distant past, narratives on dusty pages of history.

In this world dominated by science, where the echo of ancient magic has been lost in the noise of machines, humanity faces its own creations: economic instabilities and environmental threats, the shadow of human greed cast over its future. However, on the horizon, something monumental stirs, a prelude to change. An event of epic proportions, something that contemporary humanity has never witnessed, is about to erupt, promising to transform not just human understanding of their own history, but also their relationship with the cosmos.

This event, although still hidden in the shadows of the unknown, carries with it the promise of reigniting the flame of hope, of uniting mankind again in a common cause - the search for answers and salvation. Magic, long dormant, begins to pulse subtly beneath the surface of reality. And so, on the eve of this great revelation, humanity finds itself on the brink of a war, unlike any they have ever witnessed. A war that will decide not just the fate of Earth, but perhaps of the universe itself.

Welcome to the Universe of Rebirth!