
Aunt Wang Ju is not dead yet

"I remember everything."

Xiao Ni's clear and melodious voice sounds like thunder in the middle of the calm ocean. Wang Kai could not keep up with the fast pacing reality after he heard Xiao Ni's confession.

Does Xiao Ni remember everything?

What does she mean by everything?

Wang Kai could not respond instantly fell into a trance while Xiao Ni is getting more and more anxious each time passed. She pressed her lips into a hard thin line as she suddenly clutched his shoulder.

"You could not divorce me because I lied to you! You promise that we will never divorce!" Xiao Ni brings up the moment where he suggests a marriage in the car.

Wang Kai sober up the moment Xiao Ni mentions divorce. His eyes contracted as he furrowed his brow in hidden fury.

"What divorce? I told you we would never divorce. Not even when you want to!"

How Wang Kai wished he could erase that word divorce from Xiao Ni's dictionary. How can she mention divorce so effortlessly every time?

Does she felt the same heart wreaking pain every time she said those curse words?

Because he does, every time that word comes out of her mouth.

"Don't mention the word divorce again. Okay?" Wang Kai's hand caressed Xiao Ni's soft cheek as his eyes turned gentle. Xiao Ni nodded her head and agreed. Her heart stops jumping around but still heavy when she sees Wang Kai's conflicted expression.

"So, about my memory," Xiao Ni said with a small voice, hesitating over continuing this painful topic for them.

Wang Kai stares deep into those lively eyes that he always loves. He suddenly blinked and pulled Xiao Ni into a warm hug. He does it in a swift moment because he wanted to hide his red eyes.

"It's must be hard for you. I'm sorry. I should have known faster," Wang Kai spoke as he tightened his arm around Xiao Ni.

Xiao Ni broke down into tears unknowingly. The strong ford that she built to protect herself suddenly crumbling down when Wang Kai apologized.

She had prepared for him to lash out at her, calling her a liar or even worse names.

She had prepared precautions if he suddenly wanted to divorce. She bought the pen recorder in her pocket.

She had prepared for him to look at her with disdain.

But Wang Kai did nothing but pulled her into a hug and apologized. Xiao Ni got choked by her tears. She could not even express how grateful and relieved she is once she let out her secret.

"Wang Kai, I killed your aunt. I- I-" Xiao Ni could not finish her sentence as she planned to do. Her whole body is trembling as the images of aunt Wang Ju appear before her eyes.

"Shh! What are you saying? You did not kill anyone."

Wang Kai quickly covered Xiao Ni's mouth with his hand. Xiao Ni decided to stop talking, but she could not stop her sniffles.

Wang Kai took a deep breath and covered her head with his big hand. Xiao Ni felt her neck stiffened by his touch, but her shoulder gradually relaxed.

"You are such a crybaby. When will you listen to me? I said it broke my heart when you cry. It broke my heart when are sad. Why did you like breaking my heart so much?" Wang Kai sighed and wiped Xiao Ni's tear with his thumb.

"My heartfelt painful too," Xiao Ni hardly could speak in between her sobs. But Wang Kai could grasp and understand her sentence. Look how well he trained to coax his crybaby wife?

"It's painful?" Wang Kai asked with a worried face.

"Eum. It felt painful when you said I break your heart. I never want to hurt you. Really," Xiao Ni sob while averting her gaze from him.

Wang Kai was dumbfounded when he heard Xiao Ni's answer. They were in the middle of emotional situations. How could she still flirt and melted his heart with a honeyed word right now?

Alas, he is worried about their future children in the future.

If everyone carries on her mother gene, the Wang and Guan family will turn into a mess in a matter of times.


He and Xiao Ni would never stand a chance on that. Heaven gives them so many blessings and accomplishments in this life. But not a child.

And he is partly to blame.

Could he be as courageous as Xiao Ni and tell the truth about these matters?

He is alright without children. He is beyond grateful and happy to be with Xiao Ni. He is blessed with the capability to provided and give everything Xiao Ni wanted, both in material or other needs.

But Xiao Ni, what does his Xiao Ni feel about having a child?

She mentioned kids a few days ago, and he is too coward to face the truth. But those pair of excited and adorable pair of eyes. How could he say something that would wound her heart for the rest of her life?

Just like this, he could not contain the painful feeling when he sees her tears or hears her cry. He desperately wanted her to smiles and forgot the painful memories.

"Stop crying if you don't want to hurt me. Stop crying, will you? Hm?"

Wang Kai slowly coaxed Xiao Ni to calm down. He dried her tears with his thumb, hiding away the secret on the bottom of his consciousness.

The sun has set, and the air gradually got colder. Wang Kai and Xiao Ni walked back to their hotel after Xiao Ni stop crying. She hasn't returned to herself, but awkward smiles started to bloom on her face.

Wang Kai told her to sat down while he prepared the warm water for her. This time Xiao Ni did not fight with him and sat quietly on the sofa. She looked in the direction where he left before and waited for him.

Wang Kai comes out from the bathroom with a shelve roll up to his elbow. He is looking like a sexy greek god at the moment.

But one could not surpass Xiao Ni's curiosity. When those pair of beautiful eyes stare at him with deep silence, Wang Kai knew he needs to tell the secret he hides right at this moment.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wang Kai's smiles turned gentle when he found her wrinkle her nose.

"It's because," Xiao Ni's voice sounds nasal because she had cried too much before. Her nose filled with mucous that make her felt uncomfortable.

Wang Kai grabbed a box of tissues and handed it to Xiao Ni. Xiao Ni accepted it and blew her nose loudly. Wang Kai shook his head as he watched Xiao Ni, but he could not stop his hand from patting her head dotingly.

Xiao Ni threw away the unsanitized tissue after she could breathe clearly. Only after she finished her business, she suddenly become emotional again. The water from her eyes once again filled her eye socket as she turned to Wang Kai.

"Why are you crying again?" Wang Kai panicked when Xiao Ni's eyes filled with tears again.

Xiao Ni quickly looked up to the ceiling and brushed her finger. All her attempts to stop the tears from falling are not effective. A tear or two still falls from the corner of her eyes.

Wang Kai looked at her silly act could not help but soften his heart. He sat on the sofa where Xiao Ni sat before and pulled her into his lap. In his warm embrace, Xiao Ni did not resist when he made her lean her head against his shoulder.

"Wang Kai, why did you treat me so good? I clearly ruined your family. I don't even know how could you, grandfather, uncle, and auntie could stand my presence this whole time," Xiao Ni pouted, snuggling deeper into Wang Kai's neck to stop her tears.

Wang Kai felt the hot breath on his neck suddenly regret his action. His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to divert his attention on the significant matters he needs to finish today.

"You have done nothing. It's the other way around. My family owes you a lot," Wang Kai replied curtly.

Xiao Ni shook her head on Wang Kai's neck, brushing her soft skins against him. Wang Kai gritted his teeth, trying to calm himself in amidst the temptation Xiao Ni gives.

"No. How could it be the other way around. I- I killed your aunt," Xiao Ni's said the last words so softly that Wang Kai might not hear it if she is not close to him.

The electricity on his skin and fluttering heart suddenly stopped as soon as Xiao Ni bought up this matter. Wang Kai toughened his heart and tried to remember Xiao Ni's courageous looks before.

"Xiao Ni, since you've done a great job of being honest. I will also confess this secret to you. When I said you did not kill anyone, that is not a form of consolation. I meant every word."

"Aunt Wang Ju is not dead yet."


Anyone miss me?

I missed Xiao Ni and Wang Kai so much T.T

Snatcreators' thoughts