
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · ไซไฟ
21 Chs


Chapter 4

The Minimizer landed her ship close to the planet, she took a deep breath.

It's this, this is the place I've been talking about. She thought to herself. She got off the ship and looked around.

The planet was covered by a thick layer of clouds and the landscape was rocky and dry. This place could only be called a barren wasteland.

The Minimizer walked around the ship and looked down at the planet.

I have to make this planet habitable for the Order, she thought.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the clouds. The figure was shrouded in darkness, so she couldn't see who it was. The figure got closer and closer until they emerged from the clouds.

The figure was a man, he wore strange armor. The armor seemed to be made of many layers of metal and it covered his body almost entirely. The only part of his body not covered by armor was his head. He had long black hair and wore a strange black skull-shaped helmet.

"Hi." The man said: "My name is Ea, I am the leader of the Order."

"IT IS?" The Minimizer said, "Do you have a last name?"

"Not." He said, "You can call me whatever you want."

"Very well. I am the Minimizer. I am the best pilot in the galaxy."

"Oh, really? Let's see about this."

"Oh, by the way, I brought some stuff with me, you know, to the new planet. We can talk about that later."

"All right."

The two walked into the barren landscape. The Minimizer walked to an opening in the ground and built a small shelter.

"We will have a base of operations." She said, "Now, tell me about this planet of yours. It's not very hospitable, is it?"

"It's a desert planet. I was under the impression it would be perfect for you."

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Because you're a space pirate."


"Yes, I saw you steal that ship. I've been watching you for a long time."

"Oh really? Well if you really were watching me then why didn't you stop me from stealing that ship?"

"I can't stop you from doing things you really want to do."

"Well, maybe I really don't want to do that."

"Maybe you do."

The two continued walking through the barren landscape. They found a small patch of soil and Ea began to till the soil.

"Now, tell me about your house."

"What you want to know?"


"Alright... Well, I live in a town called Ckor, it's on a continent called Korsikk. It's in the country of Nolist. My father is the mayor of Ckor and I'm the new king of the country of Nolist. We have a good relationship with the government of the planet Korsikk. The planet is almost desert, but there are some prosperous cities, including Ckor."

"You are a king, and a king can do… anything he wants?"

"Yes, anything."

"Even if it's illegal?"

"Well, if it's illegal then we can't do it, so it's not really an option."

"Like stealing that ship."

"Yes, like that."

The two continued walking through the barren landscape. They came across a small stream and Ea filled his skin.

"Now, tell me about your species."

"What you want to know?"


"Okay... Well, I'm a mammal. I breathe air, I drink water, I eat food, I get tired, I cry, I bleed, I have thoughts and feelings. I'm a mammal."

"A mammal is not a species. A mammal is a more or less hairy animal with two legs and an opposable thumb."

"Not exactly. A mammal is any vertebrate, or any animal with a backbone."

"Ah well, in that case a mammal is an animal with at least one rib, including humans."

"I thought it was only found in certain places in the galaxy."

"Well, anyway, you can find him anywhere there are warm-blooded creatures."

"It's a desert planet. I was under the impression it would be perfect for you."

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Because you're a space pirate."


"Yes, I saw you steal that ship. I've been watching you for a long time."

"Oh really? Well if you really were watching me then why didn't you stop me from stealing that ship?"

"I can't stop you from doing things you really want to do."

"Well, maybe I really don't want to do that."

"Maybe you do."

The two continued walking through the barren landscape. They found a small patch of soil and Ea began to till the ground.

"Now, tell me about your house."

"What you want to know?"


"Alright... Well, I live in a town called Ckor, it's on a continent called Korsikk. It's in the country of Nolist. My father is the mayor of Ckor and I'm the new king of the country of Nolist. We have a good relationship with the government of the planet Korsikk. The planet is almost desert, but there are some prosperous cities, including Ckor."

"You are a king, and a king can do… anything he wants?"

"Yes, anything."

"Even if it's illegal?"

"Well, if it's illegal then we can't do it, so it's not really an option."

"Like stealing that ship."

"Yes, like that."

The two continued walking through the barren landscape. They came across a small stream and Ea filled his skin.

"Now, tell me about your species."

"What you want to know?"


"Okay... Well, I'm a mammal. I breathe air, I drink water, I eat food, I get tired, I cry, I bleed, I have thoughts and feelings. I'm a mammal."

"A mammal is not a species. A mammal is a more or less hairy animal with two legs and an opposable thumb."

"Not exactly. A mammal is any vertebrate, or any animal with a backbone."

"Ah well, in that case a mammal is an animal with at least one rib, including humans."

"I thought it was only found in certain places in the galaxy."

"Well, anyway, you can find him anywhere there are warm-blooded creatures."