
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · ไซไฟ
21 Chs


Chapter 20

Clanger POV

Clanger is a dwarf, he is strong and tough, he is always cheerful and he is a good fighter. He likes to tell funny stories and often doesn't mind being misunderstood. Clanger is cheerful and adventurous, always wanting to travel and see new places. Clanger often gets into trouble, gets lost, and finds himself in dangerous situations, but he always comes out alive. Clanger is easily amused.

Clanger is the leader of his own mercenary company. His company is made up of the toughest men in the world, there isn't a man who is afraid of a fight, who doesn't want to get into a fight and who wouldn't take on Clanger.

Clanger's mercenary company is known as The Rotten Crew. The Rotten Crew is also a good name for a band, but not as good as "The Dwarven Boys".

The Rotten Crew is a mercenary company that travels and works for anyone willing to pay their hefty fee. Clanger travels with his crew for the sole purpose of earning money. The Rotten Crew worked for warlords, gangsters, pirates, and anyone else who could afford their hefty fee. They too have worked for governments, they have worked for planets and even for themselves. The Rotten Crew is a traveling mercenary company that has no place of allegiance.

Clanger is leading his crew through the forest when they are ambushed by a large group of humans. One of the humans grabs Clanger, he tries to punch him, but he's not strong enough, Clanger pushes him, and the human slips, he falls and hits his head on a rock. The human is dead.

Clanger and his crew begin to make their way through the forest. Clanger looks back, the remaining members of his mercenary company are walking slowly.

Only 100+ arrows start to fall and hit Clanger's companions.

Members of The Rotten Crew begin to fall.

The human soldiers who ambushed The Rotten Crew begin attacking the remaining crew members with their spears and knives.

Only Clanger, the leader of The Rotten Crew, survived, he grabbed a tree branch and started fighting the humans.

Only one arrow hit Clanger's left chest, and he fell to his knees.

After the leader responsible for shooting the arrow into Clanger's chest appears, the leader's name is Alicia Waters.

Alicia Waters looks at the Clanger kneeling in front of her and smiles.

Alicia Waters: You are a good fighter. And a good leader. I like you, Clanger.

Clanger: Then why did you shoot me?

Alicia Waters: You're not the leader of The Rotten Crew anymore, I am.

Alicia Waters: That's why I have a surprise for you

Whistle by Alicia Waters

There are three guards hold Clanger very tightly

Alicia Waters: Take off your pants Take off your pants

The guards start taking off Clanger's pants.

Alicia Waters: We will castrate you

Alicia Waters Grab a Giant Knife

Alicia Waters: And we'll castrate you so you can never lead anyone else.

Alicia Waters: Because you are no longer worthy to lead

Alicia Waters: You're just a talentless idiot who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun.

Alicia Waters: I'll make sure everyone knows what happened to you

Clanger: You can't do anything about it, because I'll tell the universe what you did.

Clanger: And I will kill every one of you

Clanger: I'll tell everyone about the genocide you're about to commit.

Alicia Waters: You're going to lose everything, Clanger. You will not have a home. Your friends will miss out on everything that makes life worthwhile. You will be left with nothing

Clanger: All right, I'm going to lose everything. But you'll lose the only thing you care about

Clanger: You will lose the people you care about

Clanger: And if you shoot me again, I will.

Alicia Waters : Get the fuck out let's get started

Alicia Waters: Give Clanger a smirk

The guards hold Clanger tight so he can't let go.

Alicia Waters starts cutting the clanger dick

Clanger screams and screams

Clanger: No, please!

Clanger: Stop!

Clanger: You'll regret this, you'll see!

Alicia Waters: And you too

Alicia Waters Cuts Clanger's Dick

Clanger screams in pain

Clanger: No, please!

Clanger: Stop!

Clanger: I can't, I can't!

Clanger: I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! I won't do it again! Please! Stop!

Alicia Waters finely sliced ​​Clanger's penis

Clanger faints from pain

The guards then release Clanger's arms and drag him outside.