
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · ไซไฟ
21 Chs


Chapter 17

In the morning, the captain will have everyone gather on the bridge.

Everyone gathers on the bridge, except for Mattos. He is in his quarters, resting.

Everyone looks very tired. The woman is Isabel. The three children are sitting in a row on a chair.

The man is Dr. Vahlen. He looks very tired and his clothes are wrinkled. He looks very old and young at the same time. His eyes look very sad. The woman also looks sad.

The 6th person on the bridge is a man sitting in a chair. He is looking at a console and is playing a video game.

The man is the pilot of the ship. His name is Aksumite.

The captain looks at everyone on the bridge. She says:

Captain: Everyone, please pay attention, we are entering Earth's atmosphere. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

The captain then presses a button. The screen in front of everyone on the bridge shows a map of Earth.

The screen shows a blue planet, with landmasses labeled Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania.

The captain says:

Captain: We should arrive at the air base located on the outskirts of Washington in about an hour. Everyone, please prepare for landing.

Everyone on the bridge rises from their chairs. The man continues to play video games. Everyone is very tired.

The woman says:

Elizabeth: What shall we do, sir?

doctor Vahlen: We should be ready for landing, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Yes sir, I will prepare everyone.

The woman walks away towards the bridge exit.

The captain says:

Captain: Everyone, please stay calm. We'll arrive at the air base in about an hour.

Everyone on the bridge walks towards their seats. They sit and wait.

The captain presses a button. The ship's holographic projector shows a large map of Earth. The captain says:

Captain: The United Earth Federation, also known as the UFE, is the largest and most powerful human empire in the galaxy.

The holographic projector then shows a map of the United Earth Federation military.

Captain: As you can see, our empire is the most powerful in the federation. Z.E.N gained control of Earth after a failed UFE coup attempt.

The captain then presses a button. The holographic projector stops.

doctor Vahlen: Oh, I see.

Aksumite: I understand why you took over Z.E.N.

Elizabeth: Z.E.N is the best of all factions.

Aksumite: Exactly.

Elizabeth: I mean, we're more powerful than UFE.

Aksumite: Not really, but I understand why you think that way.

doctor Vahlen: I hope so.

Aksumite: Captain, do you think we'll be safe here?

Captain: Safe?

Aksumite: Yes, do you think the Earth government won't persecute us for conquering their planet?

Captain: What makes you ask that?

Aksumite: I mean, now we are the most powerful faction in Z.E.N,

Mattos goes to the desperate captain

Mattos: captain we have a problem!

captain: which

Mattos: There's a big ship chasing us

captain: that

Mattos: I think I know who's running that navigator

captain: who

Mattos: Bae-shra

Captain: He must be following us

Mattos: I think he wants to murder us.

Captain: I'm surprised he's still alive

Mattos: But he is

Captain: I will activate our camouflage

Chapter 18: Landing

Elizabeth walks toward Mattos. She asks:

Elizabeth: Do you know who is chasing us?

Mattos: Bae-shra

Mattos: I have no idea where he is

Mattos: But he's coming

Elizabeth: And the captain?

Mattos: She covered for us, I don't know why, maybe she's trying to protect us.

Mattos: We don't know for sure, anyway.

Elizabeth: Okay. Well let's wait and see what the captain says

Matthews: okay

But when the ship's door opens Bae-shra He appears with a gun pointed at the captain's face taking him hostage.

Bae-shra: I'm coming in!

Elizabeth: wait

Matos: What?

Bae-shra: You heard me

Elizabeth: I think you might want to wait a second.

Mattos: Are you just going to talk?

Elizabeth: Yes, I'm trying to stay calm.

Bae-shra: Look, I don't want to hurt your captain, but he has something I want, the second galactic diamond.

Mattos: Ok, let us talk, that's all I want

Bae-shra: Okay, but I'll make a deal.

Elizabeth: I'm listening

Bae-shra: Talking sucks

Bae-shra Shoot the captain in the head who falls dead to the ground

Mattos: Isabel?

Elizabeth: oh my god

Matos: What?

Elizabeth: I knew it was a stupid idea

Elizabeth: I'm sorry

Bae-shra: Don't worry, I'll kill you after you give me the stone

Elizabeth: okay

Elizabeth takes the Z.E.N out of her jacket and hands it to Bae-shra.

Bae-shra: Good girl

But suddenly Mattos Jump is up Jumping is over Bae-shra The stone falling to the ground is Mattos is Bae-shra starts the fight on the ground is over

Isabel: Mattos!

Matthews: Yes, I

Mattos: I can't believe I ever thought talking to that guy was a good idea

Mattos: Elizabeth Take the galactic day and get out of here before Bae-shra kills you

Elizabeth: How?

Matos: I don't know

Mattos: We don't have any antigravity propulsion system

Mattos: But I have an idea

Elizabeth: what

Before Mattos can answer Bae-shra Push Mattos, Mattos ends up hitting his head on the floor

Bae-shra To look at Elizabeth with a wicked smile is to reach for your gun to shoot her

But Mattos himself throws Bae-shra again and the two fall to the ground and start fighting again.

Mattos: I won't let you kill Elizabeth!

Mattos: I'll kill you first!

Bae-shra: But you're on your own

Bae-shra kicks Mattos in the face and then punches him in the stomach

Mattos: You bastard

Matos: I'll get you

Bae-shra: I know

Bae-shra: I'm not your match

Bae Shra kicks Mattos in the chest, slamming him against the wall, then jumps back at him with the knife.

Mattos rolls on the ground trying to escape Bae Shra kicks Mattos in the face. Then Mattos uses his hand to push Bae Shra's arm and kicks his right leg. Bae Shra falls to the ground. Mattos takes Bae Shra's knife and stands beside him, pointing the gun at the ceiling and shooting her.

Then there is just silence. Mattos, Elizabeth, Dr. Vallen and Dr. Vahlen look at each other.

Bae-shra Starts to stand up is looking at Mattos is smiling wickedly

Bae-shra: You can beat this Mattos but I'll be back to kill you soon

Bae-shra Grab your control and click on the button for your ship to go to your location, Bae-shra Going to the exit of the ship is Mattos, one last look is jumping from the ship, Bae-shra Entering your ship is leaving.

Then the doors close on the ship

Elizabeth: That was close

Mattos: But it wasn't that bad.

doctor Vahlen: Maybe it would be if we didn't have those shields

Elizabeth: It's true...

Matthews: All right.