
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · ไซไฟ
21 Chs


Chapter 13

Fargrim Holderhek was never good at anything. He was an average dwarf, with average build, average features and average personality. He was average in every way and never stood out.

He was average until he was selected, at a very young age, to become the spear-wielder of Fargrim I, the first king of Nordgaard. Fargrim I was so young when he became king that he had no recollection of his life before he took the throne. As a result, he was extremely kind, extremely generous, extremely trusting, and extremely innocent. And that, combined with his youth, made him the most average of all dwarves.

The first thing he did after he came to power was to call a council, and he asked that it be a very large council. He wanted all the dwarves on the planet Nordgaard to attend, not just the faction leaders, but miners, farmers, servants and all. And he sent invitations to every dwarf on the planet.

Fargrim I wanted to show the people of Nordgaard that they were special, he was special, and that they were loved. And he wanted to prove that dwarves were not monsters and that they were just as human as people on Earth.

The council was a huge event, held on a huge plateau overlooking the largest ocean in the world. The sea was called the Glorith Ocean, and it was the second largest ocean in the world, after the Great Dal, which was in the southern hemisphere.

Fargrim I had a large wooden palace built on the plateau, with a large throne room. The palace was big enough to house a thousand dwarves. And it was big enough to house two. One of the dwarves, a dwarf named Enecloiv, was named "Guestmaster", and he was in charge of making sure that all the dwarves had enough to eat and that they were comfortable.

When the first week of the council ended, the king closed the council's affairs. The council unanimously voted to make Nordgaard a separate faction in the order of Drego Serenity, and unanimously voted to have a "Guestmaster" to oversee the running of the council. Enecloiv was very happy about this, because he loved the taste of the squirrel and wanted to eat some more.

All the dwarves were also happy, as they felt that there would be more chances of getting what they wanted, from now on, if they worked together.

The king, Fargrim I, felt it would be more efficient to run the council this way. The king would still be in charge. The council still had to obey him, and he would still be there for their meetings. But the dwarves no longer needed to obey him in their dealings with one another. He was just there as a figurehead, to remind them who was in charge.

There were some problems with this, however. Most dwarves thought it was good to have a leader to unite them. They would feel less of a threat if they felt like a group of dwarves instead of a group of factions. They thought it would be more efficient for the purposes of galactic warfare if they could work together, so they could more easily defeat humans and elves, as well as other races.

The king, however, was worried. He knew that the more factions there were, the less likely it was that anyone would unite them. He didn't want the Lonzstarry order to become the king of all factions.

So he decided to put an end to it. He returned to the council and told the dwarves that if they didn't unanimously vote for a new Guestmaster, he would kill them all.

So the dwarves came back to council the next day, and they had a big feast that they planned to have after the council ended.

That night, the king had the first part of the feast prepared. The dwarves ate it, and it was delicious. So the king prepared the second part of the feast, and the dwarves ate it too.

But when it came time to end the party, they discovered there was a problem. The king told them that the feast was not yet over, that the feast was only the first part of the feast.

There was a big party planned for that night.

The king invited all citizens of Nordgaard to the celebration. The celebration would take place in the center of the city, a large wooden stadium with a capacity of 100,000 people.