
Rebel's Defiance

*SNATCH* We in the MCU with it. ^_^ slow paced give it time.

4o4oNoved · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Sorcerers of sin?


Title: Sorcerers of sin


"Huh what is this?" Susana asks confused. "Please don't let it be algebra.. please don't let it algebra.. please please please please please." Ban repeats with his eyes closed worriedly.

"O ho ho no worries child keep reading" the director says while gesturing with his hand.

Note: (This guy loves gesturing)

"Uhh.. okay.. it says once millions of years ago there was an Kingdom built by gods and where all could find opportunity at every corner both mortal and god a like... Director is this necessary? This seems like some type of fairytale" Susana expresses her confusion.

"I'll explain when you finish no worries dear." The director says kindly.

"Hmm .. The king of the kingdom at that time even with his immortal body and almighty power began to succumb to an illness. This caused chaos throughout the kingdom and all dimensions near by.

In an attempt to resolve the chaos and strike down beings who wanted to overrule their reign. The royal family killed the eldest son of every powerful mortal family. So that no one could shake their rule on the throne in the upcoming years.

This would backfire though, as the anger of loss changed the hearts of the mortals. They began losing faith in the once royal family of Gods.

Turning away from the Gods mortals subconscious strengthened long forgotten powers.

The Mortal Sins.

Bear's sin of wrath

Dog's sin of envy

Frog's sin of greed

Goat's sin of sloth

Cow's sin of lust

Pig's sin of gluttony

And horse's sin of pride

Beings who absorbed too much of this negative energy would become demonic souls fed to the sin making it stronger after their death.

Faced with the war against Gods who used the powers of the righteous and heavenly. The mortals developed ways to control a fraction of the power of these sins in weapons against lower Gods.

This was not enough though and when tough times called. There was a group of individuals who were worthy of such power.

Only those who truly accept the sin and can retain their will against the corruption can fully utilize the power they hold to fight the gods... Well that was a neat story." Ban opens his eyes shuddering a little "Was it about algebra?"

Last one for tonight. Ban will not be limited to one sin but it wouldn't be Ban if he didn't have a foundation of his power first.

4o4oNovedcreators' thoughts