
reaping souls in another world

this is a story about a teenager named Leon Reid who set foot in a new world of fantasy, watch as he learns magic, fights dragons, defeats the demon lord, discovers the truth of the world, and most importantly Reaps souls. this is my first novel, and English is not my main language, so expect some mistakes, but feel free to comment what you want, and please share your thoughts. *cover is not mine, if you are the owner and you want me to take it down, just comment on it.

the_gaming_HZ · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

First day in town

in a room inside an inn, a boy in his fifteens woke up, "so this wasn't a dream...."

after waiting for a bit, the boy named Leon got up and started getting ready for his first day in town,

standing in front of the mirror in his room, Leon could see a teen with black hair and golden eyes.

he had an average look, but his golden eyes made him stand out from the crowd.

exiting his room, Leon said hi to Catty and ordered a cheap breakfast then took a seat at the bar,

(I'm in another world that I know nothing about, that's why I need information, and what other place to find it better than an inn)

catty came in shortly with the food," Here ya go nya~~, chikendeer wing with eggs nya~~~"

weird name but it's delicious, so who cares, "thanks"

one thing I noticed since coming to this town is that I could understand, write and speak with other people, even tho it's a language from another world, I guess god isn't so useless after all.

during my breakfast, I was able to know a lot of essential things thanks to my eavesdropping,

firstly, there is a human kingdom near this town, which contains an academy for talented people to become heroes for mankind, I also heard of a contest happening at the end of next year to determine which school will be named 'Hope'.

thanks to this, I now know what I must do: enroll in the academy.

another thing I heard is that a well-renowned knight will visit the town.

I was also able to figure out the currency for this world, coins, there are 4 types of coins, platinum, gold, silver, and bronze.

the difference is that 1 platinum coin=100 gold coins=10000 silver coins=100000 bronze coins

after I finished eating, I went out of the inn to start training, even with the 'Reaper' ability I am still weak physically, that's why I went to Max, the only knight I know.

--at the entrance of Kendra--

an armored man could be seen patrolling around the entrance, the guard stopped after hearing his name" uncle max! " shouted a teenage boy with a big smile across his face.

"what do you want boy?" smiled the man kindly, the boy, of course, was Leon.

" you know I want to become a hero right?" I said," That's why I want to become stronger!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hmmm..., well as you know, there are two paths to becoming strong, the first path is to strengthen the mind, people who follow this path can control the elements, they could make fireballs, hurricanes, etc.., and to strengthen the mind you need the talent enough to manipulate mana in the environment, these people are called mages.

sadly I am not talented in magic, that's why I could only teach you the basics of the second path, while the first path focuses on the mind, the second path focuses on the body, and the people who follow this path could split mountains and do other extraordinary feats with their body, I even heard of someone who was able to cut space with just a sword.

to start on this path you need the ability to absorb the mana from the environment and then manipulate it inside the body, making it flow in your veins and heart to strengthen yourself, but if a weak body tried to absorb a certain amount of mana that the body couldn't handle, then they will suffer from mana poising which would lead to the destruction of the hearth and death, so try not to bite more than you can chew, that's also why you need to train the body to make it able to contain more mana."

"so what do you think, still want me to teach you?" said Max after his explanation.

"...." Max stayed silent for a bit then said" Yes, ill train my body till it breaks if necessary"(not really but I'll try...)

"good! That's exactly what we will be doing anyway, to make the body contain larger quantities of mana, you'll need to break its limit, that's why the most efficient way to train in this path is to train until you can't anymore!" said max with a scary grin plastered on his face.

I don't think this will be good...

--later that day--

*huff* *huff* I'm starting to doubt my actions...*huff*

I've been running for a while now, Max said that this exercise will boost my endurance and leg strength, it has been 2 hours and my legs are about to give up, but Max is just staying there silently watching me suffer, he said that I will not stop until he says so.

--after an hour--

I'm still running, or am I? Ahh, I don't know, I'm already starting to lose consciousness, at this rate, I'm just running automatically...

*TUD* my legs gave up, I can't run anymore, heck I can't even stand up...I'm tired...I want to sleep...

and just like that, I lost consciousness and fell asleep.

max then stood up from his chair, "Hahaha, you remind me of the good old days, I also fell asleep just like you did, but I've gotta say, I'm surprised by your endurance, even though I gave up after 2 hours of running at max speed."

"I think you deserve to rest, so sleep well, tomorrow is waiting for you, hahaha," said Max then lifted me and took me to the inn.

--near Kendra--

a squad 5 of knights and a mage could be seen making their way into the forest.

at the lead, there was a silver-haired armored man in his 30s and wearing a cape that had a silver sword piercing a crescent moon on it, at his side was a young 15-year-old girl, she had the same features as the man, she also had silver hair with silver eyes and the same symbol of a silver sword was on her chest plate.

"ALRIGHT, BOYS! tomorrow we'll be going to Kendra, so we will be camping here tonight" said the knight to his subordinates, he then looked at the girl beside him, "Noriko, the mission will be easy, after we're done I will take you to the academy in the human kingdom, and as a member of the moon clan and as my daughter, I have high expectations from you"

the girl just nodded" mhm, father"