
reaping souls in another world

this is a story about a teenager named Leon Reid who set foot in a new world of fantasy, watch as he learns magic, fights dragons, defeats the demon lord, discovers the truth of the world, and most importantly Reaps souls. this is my first novel, and English is not my main language, so expect some mistakes, but feel free to comment what you want, and please share your thoughts. *cover is not mine, if you are the owner and you want me to take it down, just comment on it.

the_gaming_HZ · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 2 : reincarnation

Leon Reid, a normal 15-year-old guy, today was his first day at school.

"ugh...Mom! I told you I already ate enough! and I'm getting late for school!"

but his mom was not having it "young man! I woke up early to make breakfast, and you're going to eat it" Leon nearly saw a demon behind his mother "a-alright alright, I was hungry anyway" after eating breakfast, which was actually pretty good, he left his house to go to school.

"hmm...I feel like someone is watching me" Leon felt this sensation the whole way, "ahhh" "watch out!" he heard a lot of shouting and the sound of footsteps quickly coming his way looking at the source of the screaming, he could see a man wearing a mask running towards him, he had a bag of money on his back, and a knife aiming towards Leon, "get out the way kid!" 'what the hell is this scenario?' 'huff, as my dad used to say, I just need to keep calm' keeping his eyes unfazed on the robber, he waited until he was 1 foot in front of him, "I told you to get away, don't blame me for what's about to-", he couldn't continue as Leon striked his jaw with his fist, dislocating it, "sorry, but I'm not planning on dying yet."

"Ugh, Y-oU" before the robber could move again, a cop came and aimed his gun at him " Police! Get down!".

the robber was quickly apprehended by the cops, "thank you young man for your help" "no problem, I'm glad nobody got hurt...aside from the robber, well I need to go, goodbye!"

On his way, a truck was about to hit him but he somehow dodged it, a flower pot was about to fall on him but he dodged it again, " this is getting tiring...why is the world trying to kill me!"

And as if the world heard him, he saw a bright flash in the sky coming towards him, "a lightning strike? You gotta be kidding me" 'boom'

that was his last thought as everything turned black.

Waking up again, he found himself in a white room, devoid of anything, just blank white, "dying by lighting then waking up in a weird place, is this an isekai?", to answer him, a figure covered in dark smoke appeared in the room, the only feature of this figure was a mouth, no eyes or nose, just a mouth.

Leon immediately raised his guard, "who are you, what is this place!", the figure just scoffed at him, "calm down boy I just want to talk, I'm god, nice to meet you!"

Leon was weirded out by the self-proclaimed god's attitude, (I always thought a god should be proud, and of course arrogant).

"I heard that!" the god said scaring Leon, "well don't worry, I won't Zap you or anything, well, how about we get serious" as he said that, the air around the god immediately began to apply a small pressure on Leon, he felt as if he was looking at a being that could erase him from existence, which was what is happening. he didn't dare look disrespectful around him, so he gave him his full attention.

"I need a hero, the god said stupefying Leon,

(so, let me get this straight, you caused my death, kidnapped me here, and then asked me to play hero? You are a god right, go and fix it!)

He said this in his mind as he didn't dare say it out loud, forgetting that God could hear his thoughts.

"Leon, I can't interfere in any worldly manner...yet, I should also tell you, I chose you because you are young and your soul is strong enough to exist in that world" the god continued with a frowning look," I need you to save the other world from the demon lord, he will soon break free, and once he has done that, the people of Ullola will suffer a great period of pain and anguish "

The youth listened to the god's words silently then, after thinking a bit he said, "What will happen to my mom? She is the only person I have left in my world." The god, seeing the look of sadness in the youth's eyes said, "Don't worry, you are already dead in your world, but your mother will experience a happy life, I promise you that"

"So I don't have a choice, do I? Alright, take me to this world", the youth said to the god, "thanks for understanding, wait till I give you your power then I'll transport you", as the god said that, he approached the kid and pressed his hand on the boy's forehead, then a magic circle appeared under the boy's feet.

Looking up towards the god, "wait am not re----" the boy couldn't continue his words as he vanished, teleported to his new home.

The god, alone in this infinite room, sat on a throne.

"The plan has started, now all that is left is to watch how things will progress" a smile adorned God's face.