
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

Wedding under stone, love under the stars

The morning of the wedding day dawned and the castle awoke to a day full of anticipation and festive atmosphere. The sun's rays broke through the windows and illuminated the carefully selected decorations in the great hall, which now resembled a magical dwarf's den. Flowers in bright colors and sparkling crystals complemented the stone elements and created an atmosphere that honored both the dwarven and human worlds.

Edna, in her private chamber, looked at herself in the mirror. Jasmine, who had become her trusted fashion advisor, had created the perfect dress for her. It was a masterful blend of dwarven style and human elegance, richly adorned with gemstones that sparkled in the light. Her hair was artfully pinned up, framed by a tiara that emphasized her royal status.

Meanwhile, Mortis was getting ready in his room. He had chosen a traditional dwarven costume to show respect for Edna's culture. The heavy fabric of the robe was skillfully crafted, and the fine embroidery told stories from dwarven mythology. He felt a mixture of pride and humility in his heart - proud to have Edna by his side, and humbled by the traditions and customs he would be honoring today.

As the guests arrived, the hall was filled with cheerful chatter and the sound of music. Elves and dwarves, humans and other beings from Mortis' realm mingled with one another, creating a scene of remarkable diversity and harmony.

The ceremony began with the entrance of Edna, led by her father. Her walk through the hall was like a journey through her life - past friends and family, each step an echo of the many paths she had taken to get to this point. Mortis waited at the altar, his gaze full of love and admiration for the woman who would soon be his wife.

The High King of the Dwarves, an old friend of Edna's family, presided over the ceremony. He spoke words of wisdom and connection that were deeply rooted in dwarven tradition. Edna and Mortis exchanged rings of pure gold, forged in the depths of the dwarven mines and adorned with symbols representing their union.

As the ceremony reached its climax, the anvil in the center of the hall struck with a sacred hammer. The sound echoed through the room, symbolizing the unbreakable nature of their bond. With the words "I now pronounce you man and wife", the High King blessed their union.

The cheers that followed were deafening. The guests rose to celebrate the newlyweds and the festivities began. A feast was served, with food from all parts of the empire being enjoyed. Music and dancing filled the room as Edna and Mortis celebrated their love surrounded by their friends and family.

As night fell, Edna and Mortis retired to spend their first night as a married couple. They reflected on the day, grateful for the love and happiness they found. In their hearts, they knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their life together, a chapter full of adventure, challenges and unwavering love.

The stars twinkled like diamonds in the night sky as Edna and Mortis walked hand in hand out of the magnificent hall that had been the venue for their unforgettable wedding ceremony. Their eyes reflected the light of thousands of candles that illuminated the path to their private retreat.

Once in the room, bathed in soft candlelight, the atmosphere was one of tenderness and quiet anticipation. Edna, in her elegant wedding dress that reflected the artful craftsmanship of her people, looked like a character from an old fairy tale, while Mortis, strong and calm, regarded her with a look of deep affection.

Gently, Mortis led her to the window, where they gazed out at the night landscape together. The moon, large and bright, illuminated the scenery and bathed everything in a mysterious light. Their hearts beat to the same rhythm as they looked into each other's eyes, filled with a love that was deeper and stronger than the stormy sea.

Mortis gently lifted her hand and kissed it softly. His lips were warm and soft, and as he looked at her, she recognized in them the promise of an infinite bond. Edna responded with a smile that expressed all her love and trust in him.

Slowly and with a tenderness that surpassed any of their previous encounters, he helped her out of her wedding dress. Her skin was like ivory in the light of the candles, and he touched her as gently as if she were the most precious jewel. Every touch was a caress, a word without sound that said more than a thousand poems.

When they finally snuggled into the silken sheets of their bed, the night enveloped them with its silence and peace. In that moment, far from the duties of a ruler and the expectations of the world, they were simply Edna and Mortis, two souls who had found each other in the infinity of the universe.

The love they shared that night was a soft whisper on the wind, a gentle rain falling on the earth, and a dance of stars in the sky. It was a night of tenderness and devotion, an unspoken vow anchored in each other's hearts.

As the morning dawned and the first rays of sunlight broke through the window, they still lay entwined, a silent testament to the deep connection they had cemented that night. They knew that no matter what challenges life had in store for them, their love was strong enough to get through anything.