
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

The decisive battle against Malgror the Glutton

As Mortis fought her way through the seemingly endless cave entrance, accompanied by the Highborne, they eventually found themselves in a gigantic hall filled with statues of dark gods. In its center was enthroned an altar of sacrifice, surrounded by countless corpses, both human and beast-man. But in the midst of this macabre sight, Helius stood laughing maniacally. In his hand he held a dark red, almost black pearl that seemed to greedily suck up the blood of its victims, growing inexorably.

In his delusional state, Helius turned to Mortis and said, "You have found me and foiled my plans. But I will not let you have this victory without a fight. I will not simply surrender and watch it all be taken from me. But I have been heard. Look at what I have been granted." The bead continued to swell and emit a shock wave before finally bursting open. A portal formed from the escaping blood. A moment later, a somber voice rang out, "Who dares to awaken me?"

Through the blood portal stepped a being of considerable three meters in height. It appeared decomposing and almost putrid, but it stood on two legs, with a terrible claw growing on one arm and a sword where the other arm should once have been. Helius, filled with madness, wondered confusedly what this thing might be, and could hardly conceal his annoyance.

The demon, however, lunged at Helius, rammed its sword into his heart, and began to absorb his blood as well as all his life force. Meanwhile, the demon visibly recovered, regained its color, and even shocked the highborn. With a smile on his lips, the demon spoke, "It seems you are the reason I was summoned. This poor sausage would not have been enough of an appetizer anyway. At last the time has come to wrap a new world in despair."

The vampire countess asked, "A new world, you say? You are not from this world?" The demon, Malgror, laughed derisively. "Me, a creature of this pathetic world? Hahahaa! I am from Hell itself, not one of those 'demons' as you call them. I am Malgror, the Glutton, and today is the day your world will be destroyed by my hunger."

Zarrara stepped forward and replied, "Pah, big words for someone summoned only to appear on this continent." He took his stand, accompanied by the other highborn.

Mortis, on the other hand, did not wait. He was the first to attack the demon. But the demon was alert and dodged Mortis' scythe with deft movements, as well as the elf's arrows. When the demon lunged for a counter-attack with his sword, Algrim swapped places with Mortis in a flash and blocked the attack with his shield.

Breathing heavily, Algrim said, "This bastard really packs a powerful punch. It seems like he's a true raid boss. We need to be more coordinated and not underestimate him at all."

The fight against Malgror the Glutton was a fierce and chaotic battle that tested the skills and determination of Mortis' group.

Malgror, a demon of unimaginable power, seemed tireless. His body pulsed with the dark magic of hell he had conjured. His eyes burned like glowing coals, and his face was a distorted grin of madness.

Mortis charged forward and swung his scythe down on Malgror with deadly precision. But the demon reacted with lightning speed. With a fluid motion of his calloused claw, he blocked the scythe and hurled Mortis back with tremendous force, sending him crashing into a boulder.

The elves shot arrows at Malgror, but he seemed to intercept them in midair and dissolve them into droplets of blood. Then he swung his corrupted sword with a deafening hiss. Algrim jumped in front of Mortis to intercept the blow, but was still thrown back several feet.

While Mortis and Algrim struggled back to their feet, the vampire countess attacked. Her eyes glowed scarlet as she shot toward Malgror with vampiric speed. But the demon was faster than expected. He sprayed blood from his pores, which formed into sharp daggers, and hurled them at the countess. She deftly dodged, but some of the blood daggers pierced her wings, and she hissed in pain.

Zarrara, the bear-man, roared and charged at Malgror, his massive body surging with power. His great brawling hammer struck the demon with force, but left only a deep cut on its skin, from which black smoke rose. Malgror laughed and flung Zarrara aside with a blow from his sword arm.

Meanwhile, Mortis drew his scythe to himself again and leapt into the fray once more. This time he tried to overwhelm the demon with quick blows and combinations. But Malgror was skillful. He parried Mortis' attacks with his rotten sword and repeatedly used bloody counterattacks that Mortis narrowly escaped.

Algrim had picked himself up again and attacked from the side, dividing the demon's attention. His shield protected from Malgrim's sword, but the demon was treacherous. It spewed a liquid from its mouth that solidified into a sticky web of blood, trapping Algrim.

The elves continued to shoot arrows at the demon to get its attention. The arrows dug deep into his tainted skin, and he hissed in pain. The Countess took advantage of this moment of distraction and launched a lightning-fast attack. She bit deep into Malgror's shoulder and drank his demonic blood, making him howl with rage.

Zarrara had risen again and joined the fight once more. Together they attacked the demon from all sides, forcing him on the defensive. But Malgror was still dangerous. With one last desperate surge, he hurled a jet of blood into the air, which turned into a huge spike of blood and crashed down on the group.

Mortis recognized the danger and summoned all his remaining strength. With a mighty slash of his scythe, he shattered the bloody thorn into a thousand pieces, and the droplets rained down on the ground.

The battle against Malgror was far from over, but the group around Mortis had shown that they did not intend to give up so easily. They were determined to defeat this powerful demon and protect their world from his hunger.

The demon Malgror, the Glutton, laughed maniacally as he pounced on Mortis, who fell through the air. In a last desperate act of survival, Mortis blocked the demon's deadly sword stroke with his scythe. But then something incredible happened. The drops of blood that had previously been scattered throughout the cave suddenly formed into tiny, piercing needles. They pierced both the demon and Mortis.

Both fell to the ground, their bodies riddled and wounded. The demon laughed triumphantly and said, "I cannot win today, but I will take you with me." He swung his sword at Mortis, but in a final act of desperation, Mortis managed to strike the demon's heart with the edge of his scythe.

Mortis tried to say something, but the drops of blood and needles continued to pierce him. Both the demon and Mortis lay on the ground, fighting for their lives with the last of their strength. The demon laughed again and said, "At least I could take you with me, human. Hahahaha, but the difference is, we demons can't die, and I'll see you again in hell, guaranteed."

Mortis laughed despite the pain and spat blood. He replied, "No, today your death will arrive. You will not end up where you hope, and your death will be my salvation."

Mortis desperately fought the pain and darkness. With the last strength he could muster, he grabbed the demon's soul as his own body dissolved. With one final, energetic thrust, Mortis hurled the demon's soul into his own sea of souls.

Everything went black before Mortis' eyes, and he collapsed. The battle was over, and the cave became silent. The other members of the group approached cautiously and found Mortis badly wounded, but still alive. They knew he had paid a high price for victory, but he had saved the world from a terrible threat.

The Countess of the Vampires rushed to Mortis' side and began to use her powers to heal him. She knew he would need a lot of rest and care, but they were ready to take care of him. The demon Malgror, the Glutton, had been defeated and extinguished forever, and the world could recover from this nightmare.