
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

Mysterious encounter: the nature of the black widow

The group was shocked when the cocoon broke open, revealing a blue-skinned woman with both butterfly wings and dangerous spider legs on the side of her body. With these legs, she pierced the ants and drained their energy. The woman opened her eyes slightly, moved slowly and seemed surprised by her own transformation. Her gaze wandered over her hands and body, as if she herself did not understand what she had become.

Although this creature had insect-like features, with dark blue hair and an athletic body, it radiated a fascinating, almost sinful attraction. The men in the group froze when they saw the mysterious creature. At that moment, Mortis received a warning: "Charm and aphrodisiac detected. Spells have been broken. Beware, this creature is not as harmless as it seems." Mortis shook himself and realized that the melody the creature was humming was like a siren, attracting him and his male companions. The women who could hear the sound were unable to move and were forced to watch what was happening.

Determined to save his companions, Mortis reached for his scythe and struck his male companions with the staff part of his weapon to free them from the being's trance-like attraction. It was a drastic measure to snap the men out of their stupor and break the mysterious being's seductive influence.

The female creature stretched something resembling a dress from her spider legs, as if she was ashamed to be naked. She interrupted the melody she was humming and then opened her mouth. But instead of speech, a chirping sound emerged. Mortis, though confused, asked what it meant. At first glance, the creature did not seem to want to attack, but rather to communicate. The biggest question, however, was what this creature actually was.

At that moment, the system responded to Mortis' questions. It explained that this being should no longer exist because it had something demonic about it, even though it was not a demon itself. It was described as a kind of animal-man, but from another world. It did not fit into the labyrinth, and this creature was identified as a mixture of a succubus and a half-arachnid black widow.

But suddenly the labyrinth shook, and an intense sulfur smell spread. A hissing vapor began to rise from the cracks in the floor. The group immediately sensed the imminent danger and the urge to get to safety. Mortis reacted quickly, grabbed Lina tightly, and the entire group ran in the opposite direction from where the ants had come.

The moment they reached the corridor from which the ants had come, the geyser activated. A tremendous pressure hurled the group and the ants through the labyrinth's widely branching corridors. A deafening hiss accompanied them as they were hurled through the labyrinthine tunnels until they finally came to an abrupt halt in a narrower section of the corridor. Here the group crashed into the floor and walls, Mortis holding Lina tightly to protect her from the impact.

Mortis, pulling herself to her feet, asked the system what had just happened. The system replied that it appeared that this being did not belong to the labyrinth and had either destroyed it or teleported it to a suitable location. The gas leak was most likely a trap.

The ants that were too close to the source of danger were boiled alive, and the group was shocked by the effects of the trap. Although they had survived the trap, they were badly battered. However, the group's magical abilities allowed them to quickly provide healing and support.

Solaman tried to help Maria, but she slapped his hand away and stood up on her own. It was only at this moment that Mortis realized that, despite their marriage, there was no love between them, but rather contempt. This was something he would have to sort out later. For now, he concentrated on looking after the others, and Lina in particular, to make sure nothing had happened to her.

Lina didn't want to be treated like a child, but she didn't resist and let Mortis examine her. The priests healed the others, paying close attention to the moving ants, which seemed to have no interest in the humans and simply went back to where they had come from. After a short break, the group made their way to the right, hoping to get somewhere.

After walking through some passages created by the ants, they came to a path that was again adorned by a river. There were even sheets of ice floating on the river, and the temperature dropped well below freezing.

Mortis changed his magical clothing, which warmed him a little, and as he did so he looked at Solaman. "Man, it's as cold here as it is between you and Maria. Can I ask what's going on between you two?" Solaman looked at a patch of ice and replied, "We siblings, as with almost all noble houses, are forced to fight each other. Marriage contracts are made, but not for individuals, but between houses. She made the mistake of falling in love with my older brother before the fighting began. In the first round, it was me of all people who took his life. That's why she despises me. But the contracts meant we had to marry. After all, only the strongest are allowed to bear the title, and the losers' lives are taken, even if you don't want it yourself. And what can I say, I'm the strongest of us." Mortis patted him on the shoulder and said: "And I'm glad of that. But this stupid custom really should be broken. After all, not everyone is a warrior. It's a shame that so much potential has probably been lost. But I think you'll manage. After all, she knew what she was in for, and no world is a concert of wishes." 

Solaman patted Mortis lightly against the chest and said, "Thank you, my friend, but she can go ahead and hate me. I've got another woman and I can get some more to take out my frustrations, if you know what I mean." Then he laughed. Mortis replied: "I already have almost ten. I know what you mean." With that, they both joined in the laughter and continued on their way to put an end to this labyrinth.