
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

Interwoven destinies: Mortis and the goddess

The mood in the celestial realm was legendary. The gods celebrated, laughed and took only the best, while rejoicing in the fact that they were victorious. Primus also raised his tankard and drank in celebration. The gods played and revelled in exuberant joy for hours. Only one remained calm and gazed into a small crystal so long and intimately that even Primus had to take it away from her. She saw Mortis even watching her sleep.

"What's the matter with you? So interested in the young man that you don't even realize we're at a party?" asked Primus.

"Yes, but something bothers me about him and I don't know why," replied the goddess.

"Hmm, maybe I'll explain it to you later. Now give me the crystal and take part in the celebration. After all, a celebration like this is something new for you too," Primus suggested.

Then Primus took the crystal from her and handed her a tankard of mead instead. She drained it in one go and joined in, but in her mind she remained with the young man. The crystals were only a relief; she could see everything if she wanted to. So she watched Mortis' features from nearby until the moment came when spells and lights exploded in the air. Mortis suddenly opened his eyes and it seemed as if he was looking deep into the goddess's eyes. It was as if he had realized that she was with him with her power. This startled the goddess and she almost fell off her chair. She would never have thought that she would be noticed. Or was it just a coincidence? The goddess didn't know. But when she saw the eyes so close and so clearly, she finally knew who he was.

The gods didn't know how to react. After all, it was one of the High Three. When they saw how Primus couldn't stop laughing and the others joined in because they would never have thought that one of the highest beings could be so clumsy, their fears seemed to fade a little. Her sister had turned red and scowled at Primus, who could hardly contain his laughter.

Still, her curiosity was piqued, albeit with a hint of fear, as if she might actually be noticed. She simply reached for the nearest glass to watch these hours pass and get through the celebration before she could continue to observe what was going on. She resolved to check back home later to see what she was missing in this little world that was now awakening and arousing a curiosity she had not known for a long time.

At the same time, Mortis went downstairs with Elysia to join his friends, who were also drinking and telling each other of their successes in battle. Baldur and William measured their strength in arm wrestling, while Merlin and Solaman embraced and sang sincerely. However, when Elara caught sight of Elysia, her gaze swerved and she blushed. Nevertheless, she approached and snatched Elysia from Mortis' arms.

When Mortis' friends saw their king, they raised their glasses and cheered. They celebrated their king, and the entire inn seemed to be filled with their cheerful sounds.

Mortis had barely sat down and was about to reach for a glass when trumpets and kettledrums sounded, the door of the inn opened and Emperor Kha Lamar entered the room with his closest entourage. He had come to bring Mortis and his friends to the castle, for a great feast was planned. Mortis was to give a speech and establish a good relationship between the two human continents. Mortis would have preferred to remain seated and hold his celebration here, but nobility obliges, and so he agreed with the emperor. However, he asked for some time to get himself and his women ready, and the emperor agreed, but waited outside the inn for Mortis and his men.

Mortis was feeling stressed and sought out Elara and Elysia. The two women could barely look at each other and seemed to be silently hurling expletives at each other. Mortis tried to calm them down and asked them to put on something suitable. He told them to look good so that they would not bring shame on him. His wives were puzzled, but agreed. Mortis sent them to another room so that they could get ready.

Faral, the faithful servant, could only marvel as they also carried off his mistresses. Mortis sought him out and asked why he wasn't getting ready too. He suggested that Lina should look for something blue to match Merlin. The clever servant looked at Merlin and nodded in agreement. He hurried off to dress the child appropriately and then send her to the other women. There the child could be made up and coiffed.

Mortis only had to think of other clothes, as his magical cloth took over the task of dressing him in fine clothes. The drunkards were also in a hurry to get dressed up at least a little, even if they would have preferred to sit on drinking and partying. But for them it was simply a case of moving from one party to the next.

In no time at all, everyone was dressed up and in their best clothes and armor. Even if some of them already had one, they would not allow even one negative rumor to harm their masters. So they all pulled themselves together as they walked to the castle. Mortis walked in front next to the emperor, behind him his wives and behind them his two new playmates. He had already introduced them to Emperor Lamar as his concubines and made no secret of the fact that he was sexually interested in both of them. This annoyed Elysia a little, and she decided to go for a second round with him when the opportunity arose before the journey home. She would be in no way inferior to the two newcomers.