
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
214 Chs

Hidden dungeon in the cemetery

Lumina looked up at Mortis in love while he carried her, but Valeria had had enough and was running out of breath because they had been running and sprinting for 4 hours which was getting to be too much for her and she asked Mortis why they didn't use a horse or other mount. Mortis said "I have never forbidden you to do that, but I prefer to run, it keeps me fit and I love to move through the area".

This made Valeria a bit puzzled and she said angrily. Why don't you say that in town rather I have to run all the time while the pervert gets carried. "You didn't ask in town, and why should I chew your cud? You can think for yourself, but if you want to ride, I have a mount you can use.

Mortis took out the soul of the bear he had killed a day ago and made it appear so that it could also carry the women. Valeria recoiled when she saw the ghost bear, but Lumina went and examined everything, she was as curious as a little child when she saw the ghost bear.

Where did it come from and what is it? Valeria asked in shock. "This is a ghost bear as you can see, I still have its corpse in my ring and I have its soul somewhere else. As expected from a high priest of Argentum mortuum, you are a necromancer, but that you can so easily use souls you kill is new. Said Lumina.

Argentum mortuum what is that? Valeria asked. Do you live behind the moon, that's the new order of the goddess who showed herself to the world a few months ago and she's also after Osmirnis, they say. But if I remember correctly, it is also said that you can become a necromancer and 2 new classes, but nothing is known about them yet. What are the names of the 2 classes? Lumina asked. Mortis said. That is once the soul priest and the death guard. So a healer class and a melee class.

So you're a death guard and this Daniel is a soul priest? Lumina asked curiously. "No, Daniel is a Soul Priest, but I'm a little different from the normal Death Guard." So is it true that you are a hero with a special class? Lumina couldn't stop asking, she wanted to know everything and curiosity and research was her greatest quality. "Yes, I have a hero class, although I don't know what the difference is between that and the normal death guard, since I have to train a couple of guardians first, but enough chatter, sit on the bear and we'll get on with it." Where are we going this time Valeria asked. "To cemeteries that must be cleared because Osmirnis denies peace to the dead and so the dead walk the planet."

Valeria didn't find it exhilarating but she just nodded and pointed to the bear so Lumina would climb up but Lumina shook her head and demanded that Valeria take a seat then Lumina sat behind her. Mortis smiled and said, "Well, let's get on with it." He gave the spirit bear a gentle pat and the bear began to walk. The countryside flew by them as they rode the bear through the green valleys and hills. Valeria enjoyed sitting on the bear and letting the fresh air blow around her. Lumina sat behind her and watched everything with wide eyes.

After a while they reached a large cemetery area. The graves and tombstones stretched as far as the eye could see. The cemetery was deserted and eerily quiet. Suddenly, the ground began to shake and countless skeletons and zombies rose from the graves. Valeria screamed out while Lumina used her magic and formed a shield of light around herself and Valeria. Mortis raised his weapon and attacked the undead creatures. He fought with incredible strength and speed while Valeria and Lumina tried to keep the attackers at bay.

But just as Mortis was about to attack another group of skeletons he felt himself stop moving and the whole graveyard disappeared before the eyes of Lumina and Valeria who stood amazed and went in search of Mortis. But not even Lumina found him and she was a goddess which shocked her and she thought it was Tenebris who wanted to take revenge on Mortis but she knew that this was his way so she took Valeria and sat down by a tree because the only thing Lumina could think of was that it must be a hidden dungeon that teleported Mortis somewhere.

The dungeon was dark and silent, but Mortis could sense that something was wrong. It almost felt like the dungeon was made especially for him. He was on guard and ready for any attack. Suddenly, he heard a soft whisper in the darkness. It was hard to make out, but it sounded like "Reaper."

Mortis calmed down but didn't let his guard down because he could sense undead and there were more than a few here, he felt like he should be in Primus' kingdom, so many dead he sensed.

Mortis continued to fight the countless undead crawling out of their graves. With each movement of his scythe, he cut through the bones and flesh of the undead creatures. It was an uphill battle that demanded everything of him. He fought like a hero, striking with all his might to defeat his opponents.

Time passed and it seemed as if the battle would never end. New waves of undead creatures kept coming out of their graves and attacking Mortis. Mortis was exhausted and his strength was waning. It was a hard battle and although mortis was not drained of physical stamina it was the spiritual one as his stamina and mana were constantly replenished by the souls he absorbed.

But then, when the sun had already set and it was getting dark, they suddenly stopped. The skeletons and zombies stopped fighting and disappeared into the graves from which they had come. It was as if someone or something had stopped the fight.

Mortis was confused. He had never experienced this before. Usually the undead creatures fought to the end. But this time it was different. He wondered who or what was behind this fight.

Mortis continued on his way, fighting his way through the graveyard. He came to an old, dilapidated mausoleum. The entrance was barred and covered with runes. Mortis could not read the writing, but he sensed a dark energy emanating from the building.

He opened the gate with a sweep of his scythe and entered the mausoleum. The interior was gloomy and full of shadows. It was an eerie place where light did not spread properly. The group proceeded cautiously and heard a soft whisper. It came from a coffin in the center of the room.

Mortis approached the coffin and opened it. Inside lay a woman whose face was covered by a veil. She was not dead, but she was not alive either. Mortis could feel her energy, which was as dark and cold as the shadow that filled the room.

He asked the woman who she was and what she was doing here. The woman replied in a low whisper that she was the servant of Gilles and that she was here to destroy Mortis.

Mortis was surprised. He didn't even know who this Gillas was and yet he sent him undead and servants to fight now. He asked the woman how he could stop her, but she did not answer. Instead she jumped out of the coffin and attacked with 2 sickles.

Mortis was pushed backwards like a fury, but suddenly she disappeared and appeared behind him, cutting his back open with a bleeding back and pain. Mortis turned around so that he could fight her off before anything worse happened.

The woman laughed evilly when she saw Mortis writhing in pain, but he didn't get upset and used Fog Trace. Because of the increased combat power and especially the increased speed, the woman from the coffin had to defend herself and she did that rather badly because when Mortis swung his scythe, it simply broke through her block and knocked her across the room.

What kind of ability is that? You shouldn't have that, you're just a bad copy! Roared the woman. "I don't know what you've got on your head, but if this Gillas thought you were enough to stop me, then this cowardly dog had better try to learn more about me than to send a hysterical woman. Said Mortis expressively and with shining silver eyes.

Mortis set Silver Sealer to cut an Exploding Soul Seal and his Disappearing Mist to meet this Hysterical Woman in no time. She turned on all sides, hoping to dissuade Mortis, but he hit her from behind and from each side, but when the mist disappeared Mortis stood just in front of the woman and he said softly to her. I'm sorry for you, but your time is up, but maybe you and this Gillas will see each other again someday.

The seal exploded and shook the woman, causing considerable damage to her soul and body. Her wounds became more severe and she dropped her weapons and landed in Mortis' arms. Just before she died, she touched Mortis' cheek and said with her last breath of life, "At least I could see those beautiful eyes one last time. Then she sank down and with her death everything changed and Mortis stood down in the crypt of the cemetery where Mortis immediately smashed the statue of Osmirnis and waited for the change to occur.

In front of the cemetery, under a tree, Lumina and Valeria saw the cemetery appear, which was desolate and eerie, but suddenly lightning came from the sky and struck the area, changing everything from the stone graves and even the plants in and around the cemetery. Valeria looked at the transformation with wide eyes, but Lumina felt not only the appearance of the area changed, but the structure of power and divinity changed. After a short time Lumina saw Mortis in the middle of the cemetery, standing in front of the crypt to receive the souls and bring them peace.

Lumina ran as far as she could to the center of the cemetery to jump into her new man's arms. Valeria followed, but when she saw Mortis, she just said "I'm glad you're okay" and raised her hand in greeting. Mortis was sincerely pleased with the welcome, but saddened to remember the dying woman in his arms who knew someone he must have resembled.