
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

Harmony in the castle: strands of emotions

The tired goddess, who had secretly distanced herself from the celebration of the other gods, sat in her divine realm and continued to watch Mortis. She was surprised when she caught sight of the slightly corrupted looking World Tree Core in Mortis' world.

The goddess began to wonder how a World Tree Core could just be lying around in Mortis' garden. Restless and tense, she searched the world with her power and took it all in. When she found a young world tree on the continent of the Alps, her questions only intensified. She set herself in motion and went to her divine weaving room to see what had happened and what was now emerging. She realized that more and more threads of fate were unraveling and the world was on the verge of a profound transformation. In this new reality, she had to weave new destinies and considered how she could guide Mortis without him upsetting fate any further. As the son of the god Primus, he was untouched by fate, could do as he pleased, and had already upset fate on many planets through his rebirths. Here his influence seemed particularly strong, reinforced by the emergence of new and stronger threads of fate that had not existed before. She took the threads of the world in her hands and followed the old fabric to find out what had happened to him and what was going on in this small world.

At the same time, Mortis greeted Helga and Jasmin. He introduced Jasmin to the great merchant of the desert, as he urgently wanted to discuss business with her and insisted on the money for the two slave girls. However, when Mortis' wives heard the word "slaves", they immediately became suspicious. But when they took a closer look at the entire entourage, they were struck by the extraordinary beauty of the two vixen women, and Mortis swallowed hard. The merchant had ruined his careful preparations. Mortis quickly received a side blow from Jasmine and felt Helga's claws on thin patches of skin in his body - a clear sign that his wives knew full well that their man was a lecherous bastard who liked to pretend and now collected women like hunting trophies.

Helga's angry green eyes sparkled and she said: "Well, I'll have to get on with it, then, lest you forget us. Come on, Jasmine, let's show him what he's got on us." Then she pulled Mortis up while her fingernails were still clawed into his skin. Jasmin apologized to the merchant and promised that she would find time for him, but now female duties were necessary. Then she hurried after Helga.

The merchant was taken aback and wondered what had just happened, but Shiva came up to him and invited the man into her study, with Elara following, because when it came to money and politics, she and Leonie were responsible for that.

Kathrin, who didn't even get to receive Mortis, went to the three new arrivals and asked in shock: "Lina, you're not an applicant too, are you?" But Lina just laughed, while Silvia did the talking: "No, she's not. She's too young to get married and have such duties. She'll be Count Merlin's third wife in two years, it seems." Kathrin breathed a sigh of relief, although she didn't know why she should be relieved; after all, the two women before her had also been beautiful and so she was afraid of being truly forgotten.

At that moment, a message reached her in her thoughts from Mortis, who said: "Come up to the bathroom, there's still room here, otherwise you'll think the wrong thing of me because the others are so jittery." Almost in tears, she nodded silently and ordered the servants to give the three women rooms with the concubines while she made her way to Mortis.

Shiva, Leonie and Lumina received a message from Mortis saying that he was looking forward to seeing them in the evening. Then he broke off contact, as his mind wandered as he was pampered by Helga, Jasmin and Kathrin, who arrived later.

Silvia and Mia, who had moved into their room, could hardly believe that after so many hardships and moments of despair, they would now be living in a castle again. They were surprised at how friendly everyone seemed and that even such unusual circumstances didn't seem to bother anyone. Silvia in particular was so touched that she cried when she felt so peaceful again after a long time. Even though she wondered why there were high lawns in the garden, she was mainly happy to be able to enjoy the smell of the forest and fresh air wafting through the window. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Valeria was standing outside with coffee and cake to welcome the new residents.

Mia opened the door suspiciously and quickly realized that Valeria was probably an assassin, because none of her movements made a sound that indicated her great talent. This intimidated the two foxes a little. But Valeria said: "Normally Edna or Kathrin take on such tasks, but I've decided to overcome my shyness and interact more with the others. That's why I'm here to greet you. However, if you prefer more empathetic people, you can go to Edna in the garden. I'm sure she'll be happy, as she's bored with the ice cream anyway. But how about we get to know each other better first? I've got time at the moment as I'm taking a break and letting the others have their fun." Then she laughed, sat down at the table in the room and began to cut the cake. 

Edna was bored in the garden, even though the elves and even the alves appreciated her very much and talked to her in her dragon form, washed her scales and pampered her. However, she would have preferred to be somewhere else, be it in the forge with Mortis on his lap, cuddling with him, or in battle in the Black Tower. But here she was, keeping warm the dragon egg that had been entrusted to her. Deep in thought, she wondered what the dragon would look like and what gender it would be when it hatched from the egg.

The elves, although friendly, were annoyed at the human who had disappeared without saying a word just for his own amusement. However, some of the elves understood the situation and decided to lighten the mood. One of them took out a lute and began to play a funny song to lighten the atmosphere in the garden.

Meanwhile, more and more elementals gathered around Edna and the world tree core, dancing and floating in a fascinating rhythm. The interplay of the forces of nature around the tree and the lively music created a magical atmosphere that even Edna in her dragon form could not escape.