
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

Fighting the shadow of her husband

Ready to face Mortis' shadow doppelganger, the women spread out and prepared to fight. They seemed to be ready for anything, but when the shadow opened its eyes and looked at them with a dark look - the eyes of her husband - the women changed. From the very first moment, they realized that they only knew the good side of him. A powerful pressure spread, accompanied by an icy cold mist that immediately surrounded Mortis and took over the floor of the room. Even Silvia and Mia were shocked that this human intimidated them so much and made them feel like little foxes in front of a giant predator.

Mia and Elara put up a front and tried to attract attention. But before they could land an attack, he disappeared in front of them to appear in the rear ranks and attack the ranged fighters and mages with his scythe whirl. Nimble and frightening, they all managed to escape the first attack by ducking and pouncing. When this ability wore off, Elysia and Valeria confronted Mortis in close combat. However, the shadow was nimble and dodged them easily, while parrying with wind blades aimed at them and the women standing around.

Jasmine danced around him with her two scimitars, trying to hit him critically. But as soon as they thought they had him cornered, only an effigy remained, and he himself disappeared from their pincers and emerged five meters further back. Elara and Mia used this moment to taunt him and draw attention to themselves. But as soon as almost everyone was within a certain radius of him, he struck the ground with his scythe and activated Weapon Graveyard, where a variety of broken but deadly weapons sprouted from the ground and dug into any flesh they could hit. The mobile characters just managed to escape the attack, but the mages and healers were completely exposed, as was Mia, as she had not expected Mortis' ability. As a result, she suffered many wounds and a severe bleeding debuff, which slowly weakened her and drained her concentration.

However, when Silvia tried to heal quickly from shock, she was caught by Mortis with Crystal Prison and could do nothing but watch. Shiva, Marina and Kathrin bombarded him with all their spells and tried to stop his mobility. But no sooner had they managed to corner him with the others than a second Mortis appeared and leapt towards them with scythe whirls to strike them down, hitting as many as he could to increase the damage with each hit. Jasmine was prepared for this and gave each dancer buffs to act quickly and have bonus mobility. However, both Mortis were relentless and connected scythe whirls with the wind blades, leaping through the ranks for around 10 seconds and hitting as many as they could.

After this tirade of attacks, it was quickly over for most of them. Silvia, who had already been caught, was the first to be sent to the healing area, followed by Marina, Helga, Shiva and Kathrin. The melee fighters, with their agility and stronger armor, held out a little longer, but then they also fell: first Elara, who tried to survive a cosmetic blow, then it was Jasmin, Valeria, Elysia and finally Mia.

In the healing area, the women sat dejected, never thinking they would lose so easily, even if some hits were scored. They knew that their husband's shadow doppelganger still had over 70% lives and it seemed like he was just toying with them. Mia held her neck and said, "This man is very dangerous. If the shadow is really like him, he has no mercy. He squeezed the air out of me when he realized I was the last one, and that murderous look was truly frightening."

The other women were also crestfallen and could hardly believe that they had gone down without a sound. But at the same time, this experience made them want to see what else was waiting for them in the tower. A new ambition was awakened in them. Once they had calmed down, they began to make battle plans. They thought about how to stop Mortis from jumping through the ranks and decimating the ranged fighters, as well as how to draw his attention completely - if that was even possible. Because there are bosses who are also immune to abilities like taunt.

Once they had recovered, they were all ready to face the shadow of Mortis again. And even if they were stuck here for days, they were determined to fight this battle until they won.