
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · แฟนตาซี
152 Chs

Prologue: Dead Before Sunrise - Part 3

"Hmm, nice reaction you got there, pal but it's time to end this! So please do not disappoint me," Lucifer smiled as he stood up and slowly walked toward St. Vil while muttering a mantra, 

"Heaven fell and Hell rose as Creation has forsaken us, yet Destruction has blessed us. So may Devils rise while Gods fall as I become the Fallen. The Abomination of the Heavenly Way, the cursed one forsaken yet never forgotten. Until the End of Time May I Reign Supreme and Decree the Raven's Path."

That sounded like the whispers of a Devil, a tempting yet dangerous offer that plunged their surroundings into eternal darkness. After, Lucifer took seven steps and fully synchronized with the demonic figure causing everything to go silent for a moment as if in remembrance of a fallen soldier.

Before a loud explosion went off like the sound of a nuclear bomb, as a flash of crimson lightning shot down from the sky and vaporized St. Vil in a matter of moments. As the moment, Lucifer finished reciting the mantra of a Celestial-ranked Taboo technique, there was nothing St. Vil could do as he knew it was wraps from that point onward.

Swoosh. BOOM!!! ZAP!

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Truly this cannot be real?! Just how can a Bloodline Ancestor enable someone to gain temporary control of Space and Time, something not even Divine Lords can do? Sigh, so in the end it seems Christian won after all…' St. Vil thought before death grabbed his shoulder and smiled as the bolt of lightning engulfed him turning him into ashes. 

As in the end, all that was left was a broken sword and a silver ring that had the crest of the Lionheart family printed on it in gold. However, this wasn't the end of St. Vil's journey but only the beginning as fate had other plans for our twisted friend. After, dying at the hands of the Prince of Hell to a Celestial-ranked Taboo technique called Fallen Abyss Shadow World.

Which destroyed everything in its path ravaging the very space around them until it could collapse with just a touch. As stars were drained of their lifeforce and turned into nothingness; until it reached St. Vil and exploded just as he was released from his imprisonment.

Causing all light in a light-year radius to be extinguished for a few seconds before everything returned to normal. Allowing Lucifer to witness firsthand the aftereffects of using a Celestial-ranked taboo technique.

'Damn that felt good, but man the cost truly out ways the risk... as with just one wrong move, I would have died luckily, I had the help of my Blood Ancestor Katachi. Which helped lessen the burden tremendously.' Lucifer thought as he inspected the damage and the internal injuries, he suffered from pulling such a stunt.

"Welp… now that this is over, I guess it's finally time to return home," Lucifer sighed before disappearing in a flash of light leaving behind the sword and ring for whoever was fated to find it.


'Damn, who would have thought it would take this much time to kill a bunch of annoying ants? If only that seal did not exist, I would not be in this situation.' Christian complained as he destroyed one battleship after another with a wave of his hand.

Until all that was left were floating destroyed Galactic S1-type battleships and dismembered bodies of various races from humans, elves, beast kin, cyborgs, etc.

"Sigh, just when will it end… Oh Lord… just when will it end," Christian muttered as found somewhere to sit and wait for his demise at the hands of Elizabeth. 

"Y… Y-you have no right to be killing the weak y... y-you Monster!!! Have you not seen the blood that stains your hands that is not of your own but of the innocent people you've mercilessly slaughtered," The last surviving member of the Federations investigation squad bellowed after watching in awestruck and terror.

As his comrades died one after another at the hands of this demon in sheep's clothing while he just hid behind one of the fallen battleships and watched in horror like a coward.

"Oh, just shut up already as you're not any better than me, Josh! Plus, I could care less about the lives of some idiots who dare question me as if I am some peasant they could order around!" Christian spat with abhorrence as he glanced at Jash, the only surviving member of what could be considered a slaughter.

"H…h-how do you know my name, DEMON?!" Josh shouted with bulging red eyes as he walked from behind one of the fallen battleships clutching his hand as blood dripped down his hand and stained his torn clothes. 

"It doesn't matter as soon you'll forget anyways, but does Mission X22@ ring a bell, Josh Norton!" 

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Impossible! You were classified as dead and even your soul shard shattered… No, you can't be Luke as that would mean…"

"So, you finally figured it out, huh?" Christian stated as he got up and glanced at Josh, only to realize he already succumbed to his injuries, "Sigh, so in the end, I guess it was meaningless to try and change the future, hopefully, one day someone will be able to inherit my mantle and put an end to our misery."


Meanwhile, somewhere in Multiverse X near the location of Stella's descent, a region of space began to crack like thin ice on top of a river. As a hand slowly emerged from the shattered space, causing the Laws of Heaven and Earth to go haywire as lightning roared and astral winds ravaged the Cosmos.

Resulting in the destruction of countless planets and galaxies reduced to mere fragments as Heaven fell and Hell rose. Followed by the laughter of Gods throughout the Cosmos as Devils trembled at the power wielded by this entity, which rivaled a Cosmic Catastrophe.

Yet, with just one wave of her hand, all ceased to exist except one, the one who started it all Christian J. Grim, the suspect of nothing yet everything. The very same man who just a moment ago was catching up with an old friend just before they died but was now dozing off with a content smile.

As he waited for the perfect moment to orchestrate his final moment as Luke J. Void.

"Sigh, just why must you do this, Luke? Wasn't it better to live as a caged beast than an escaped prisoner for millions of years so you would not be a threat to master and the lives of trillions one day? Or was the thought of living on your own terms better than spending time with family within the shadow realm every century.' Stella muttered to herself as she cautiously approached her little brother. 

'Truly, I shouldn't even be here as Father already warned us of the consequences if we got tangled with Luke's destiny~' She wondered before Luke interrupted her train of thought.

"So, what did I miss, Stella?" Christian asked as he sat up with a yawn and glanced at his sister.

"Nothing much… however, your playtime is up, Luke so please don't make this harder than it needs to be. Also, what is with this strange aura lingering around you?"

"Oh… well that would be destiny trying to kill me," Luke replied, "However, it seems in the end she might have actually succeeded so goodbye Stella, and do tell Dad he can't die until he sees the monster, he raised all those years ago!" 

Christian/Luke shouted with a wink as a crazed smile broke across his face as he summoned Dust his life sword, the only gift that bastard of a father ever gave him. Before he suddenly stabbed it into his heart, conjuring a gigantic magic circle below his feet.

That froze time for a minute or so as a gigantic, hooded skeleton with a scythe appeared and decapitated him. Breaking the karmic chains that once bound him to the Void family and Elizabeth's influence. Before it plucked his soul and threw him into the abyss until a worthy candidate appeared that could fulfill his delirious dream.

However, in exchange for summoning it, Luke lost 90% of his power and had to fulfill three of its wishes and with that, the once-fabled Destroyer of the Cosmos disappeared. Never to be seen again until the birth of an ordinary yet extraordinary baby. 

Swoosh. Poof.

Yet, it seems upon gaining back her freedom… something wasn't so glad that her little brother died a coward's death.

"Tsk… so much for getting all dolled up to see someone die and as a coward at that," Stella stated as she shook her head and collected the blood-stained sword Luke left behind as a memento of her brother's death and the end of his terror.

Before she clasped her hands together and recreated everything that was destroyed during her descent to the lower realms.

Clap! Swoosh! Rewind~

And with that Christian J. Grim or Luke J. Void died, on September 17, 2165, just before the Sunrise. Following his sister's descent and his apparent suicide to achieve something that may one day become true just as the prophecy foretold,