
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · แฟนตาซี
152 Chs

Orientation - Part 2

A couple of minutes later...

"Hmm, so the rumors were true, huh... who would've thought, but still, of all people would have never taken him to be the type," Felicia muttered as Maze walked away and she summoned, Igor, a mount she borrowed from her teacher, "I guess the saying is true, 'never judge a book by its cover,' luckily now at least have something to constraint you with my dear cousin."

She said as she took out a small Viking war horn and gave it a mighty blow, producing a sound similar to a whale's bellow as the symbols inscribed upon its surface lit up one after another. 

Followed by the trees in the vicinity beginning to sway as a flash of reddish-blue light could be seen streaking through the air. Until a massive griffin appeared in the compound of the Kurama Clan after bypassing the barriers placed around the city and the compound. 

Whoosh! Roar! Thud!

That had the body of a lion but the wings and head of an eagle, along with scales scattered across its body like ornaments on a Christmas tree. Plus, a tail that had a reddish-blue flame burning at its end, with faint goldish-blue lighting swirling around its body.

Simultaneously as that went on Rin could be seen making his way downstairs after packing everything, he needed…

'So, considering we're on a tight schedule, what type of Star Body do you want to create, Rin?' Pharoah asked as this was something they should have already accomplished, however, with everything that had been happening, they should be glad to even still be alive.

'I'd say the Varick Star Body, considering it is the strongest Star Body existence and the most straightforward with the least requirements to create.' Rin replied as he stepped outside and saw a griffin land a few meters away from him, "Hmm, while a bit showy it is an excellent fusion between beauty and horror."

'Rin… would you be so kind as to repeat that earlier statement, before you began appraising the crazed fool who combined a Lightning Griffin and Sun Salamander to create this hybrid monstrosity of a beast.' Pharoah asked to make sure Rn did not just say he wanted to create a Varick Star Body.

Which in all honesty was the easiest compared to the other six, however, while simple it was a daunting task to achieve for it required someone to bear the weight of seven stars each time, they formed a star.

'I want to create a Varick Star Body, what's so hard to comprehend in that, it's not as if I was planning to unlock all seven stars at once and achieve the impossible.'

'Please tell me you were not planning to as that would just be suicidal since no mortal can bare the weight of forty-nine stars at once and not end up a cripple at the bare minimum.' 

'I was not initially but as you said, "we are on a tight schedule," plus cultivation isn't supposed to be an uphill battle, so why not take a risk?' Rin said firmly without a shred of fear as he accepted the challenge with open arms.

'Sigh… fortunately, we have three to four weeks to prepare for the planetary alignment and the Super Blue Moon that will be appearing sometime near the end of the month. So, until then do not disturb me as you are now strong enough to figure out things by yourself but do be vigilant and sober-minded for while you may be at the peak of this world. There is always someone greater, so keep that in mind and do not reveal your hand until the time is right.' Pharoah said with a yawn and that was the last we heard of him, until that fateful night… 

'Thanks for everything, Pharoah and I'll see you in three to four weeks, mate.' Rin said with a subtle smile before walking toward Felicia and asking the question that had been on everyone's mind, "Can we leave now?"

He asked politely as our little demoness could be seen poking head out from behind Felicia with an unconcealed joyful glint in her eye.

"Sure, just don't fall off when Igor takes off," Felicia giggled as leaped onto Igor and sat down before proceeding to help Maze up. 

"I won't but thanks for the heads, Felicia," Rin said as he leaped onto the griffin's back and found somewhere to lie comfortably until they arrived at Forbidden Blood.

Which took off into the skies, moments after Rin got on, which was purposely done by Felicia to assess Rin's capabilities for an uncounted-for situation can reveal a lot about a person. 

"While funny, was that really necessary Felicia?" Rin asked as he gazed at his cousin calmly. 

"Just what could you possibly be… Ah, I see sorry about that Igor is a bit fidgety at times, my cousin."

"Oh, that is a first, I did not think the dead could still show signs of nervousness and anxiety, especially one that has had their soul extracted. But then again maybe the Master of this soulless creature wanted a nervous Griffin." Rin muttered to himself in a voice loud enough for Felicia and Maze to hear.

"While I could care less about what you said, Rin never disrespect my Master again, or else you better wish you never stepped foot into Forbidden Blood," Felicia said as she turned around and faced Rin causing the playfulness she had early to disappear and be replaced by a baleful and murderous aura like a sword that weathered a hundred battles.

"Noted," Rin said with a light smile, 'However, while you may scare others Felicia, The Sword Princess, and School President of FB, I am the last person who wants to cross. But thank God not I am not the person I used to be, or else things would have gone differently.'

Rin thought as he closed his eyes and took a nap, "Oh, and do wake me up when we arrive; oh, and Maze, don't ask for my help when shit hits the fan."

"Psst… as if anyone would your help of a dead man," Maze muttered as she took out her phone and headphones and began binge-watching a new anime series.

While Felicia just frowned as she looked at Rin closely, 'Hmm... my little cupcake's information was a bit outdated as he is not a threat… but an unruly dog, that requires a good lesson in respecting elders.'

She thought as she reassessed Rin's threat level since what could a measly Demigod, do to a Mid-Tier God… nothing except beg and plead for mercy just like the insects they are.

Felicia believed with all her heart before closing her eyes and focusing on her cultivation, considering it was going to take a while until they arrived at their destination.

'Hmm, while everything did not go as scripted, should not Felicia have at least slapped the shit out of Rin. Considering her superiority complex, cannot withstand people weaker than her tough and nonchalant. Followed by Rin finally curbing his rude behavior?! Tsk, why does life always go against expectations?' Wondered Maze as she could not fathom how Felicia gained such self-control when she knew first-hand she would not be able to contain herself as well as Felicia. 

But that is beside the point as steadily but surely, they were slowly approaching the once most renowned institution on Earth, Forbidden Blood.