
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · แฟนตาซี
152 Chs

New Student - Part 2


Click. Thud.


"Give me one sec, I'll be there shortly." Someone shouted from down the corridor as they left the meeting room after Alex walked in and rang the bell at the front desk.

'Hey, um Angel I don't think it's a good idea, we enroll here,' St. Vil said after pondering over the situation.

'And why's that, old man?' Angel asked as it was too late to turn around now.

'Let's just say an old friend of mine attends this school.'

'What type of old friend, St. Vil? Will they be a hindrance to my task, or is there something more iniquitous going on, that you are not telling me?' Angel asked as he thought back to the bloodlust that appeared out of nowhere a while ago.

'Let us just say our friendship did not end on the best of terms, but if you can attain True God by the end of this month. I should have a chance of defeating him, so until then by all means do not antagonize him.' St. Vil warned as they had important things to worry about than getting on Rin's bad side.

'Tsk... fine, however, if they dare stop me from accomplishing my task, I will kill them St. Vil.' Angel said as he returned his attention to the current task at hand getting registered.

'Sigh, if it ever comes down to that then by all means, I'll offer my help.'

Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

"So, what can I do for you on this lovely day?" The school receptionist asked bubbly as she glanced at Alex and Angel after placing down a stack of papers.

"Um, I was wondering if there's a possibility, I could register my son today to this wonderful institution of yours?" Alex asked politely with a smile.

"Sure, just fill out this form right here, while I take your son to our testing room right quick." The receptionist said before continuing, "Or if you'd want, I could wait for you to finish first, and then we could proceed with the registration process."

"Even though I'd love to see the process of how a top institution evaluates the talent of its students. I have to return to work in a while but thanks for the offer." Alex smiled.

"Sigh, well then hopefully, one day you'll be able to see it so, could you please stick close to me and try not to make a sound? As the principal's been quite eccentric nowadays so it's best, we try and be cautious."

The receptionist said as she looked at Angel for a while before walking down the corridor for a couple of meters. Before taking a sharp left and heading toward a dead end.

"Oh, well what do we have here? A little gumdrop wants to enroll in our school, how cute." A ghastly pale individual said as he appeared from the shadows and inspected Angel.

"What are you doing here, Casper? Aren't you supposed to still be in closed-door cultivation?" The receptionist asked sternly with annoyance without turning around as she traced her finger along the wall drawing a Star of David.

"Don't be like that, Alice, I swear you were going to be the first I was going to tell, it's just that something came up and I didn't have time to tell you."

"Hmph! Enough with the lies, Casper I do not have time for your foolishness right now, so please return to your duties, so I can finish my work." Alice said as she finished the drawing and tapped the wall three times.

Revealing a simple room with an empty bookshelf, a few desks, a podium, and a mirror on the wall.

"Sigh, just why must you be like this, my heart? But your word is my command; so, bye young paladin and I hope you may find what you seek." Casper said mysteriously as he vanished into the shadows and returned to his post.

"Don't mind him, Angel he has a couple of issues he hasn't yet resolved. But that's beside the point so come on as this should take no longer than 10 minutes."

"Okay... but just who exactly was that?" Angel asked.

"Oh, he's my finance, but don't tell anybody that as it's still up in the air, however, he can be considered one of the teachers/guardians at our school," Alice replied as she walked in.

"Come on, I promise you it won't bite." She giggled as she motioned for Angel to follow, who looked as if he saw a ghost as his body shivered uncontrollably.

'Calm down, Angel it's just a test, no need to be so tense.' St. Vil consoled as he expertly used his energy to calm down Angel's heart rate and body.

'Thank you, but you are aware that with one wrong move were cooked right?!' Angel questioned as he knew that if he passed through that door, his body would go through a soul search. Exposing the fact that his soul is fractured, and he has the blood of a Devil Saint.

'Relax, kid the search will only dig up the fact that you have an extreme affinity with darkness and fire. Along with the fact you have a mysterious bloodline.' St. Vil said considering not even an Ancestor God would be able to read their soul if he didn't allow it.

'You make it sound so simple yet if anything goes wrong it's on you.' Angel replied as he took a step through the door and was transported to a white room.

With an altar in the center of it and seven different colored orbs swirling around it, that pulsated like a heart as if it could not contain whatever energy was within them.

"Now I know you must be curious, but before the official registration process begins. Can you please answer a couple of my questions, Angel Sánchez?" [Alice]

"Okay." [Angel]

"First question, why do you cultivate?" [Alice]

"So, I can acquire the strength to protect myself and take hold of my life." [Angel]

"And why is that?" [Alice]

"Because without strength, you are nothing in this world, so I need to get stronger so I can one day accomplish the dream, I and my best friend made in elementary." [Angel]

"Hmm, interesting response… second question, what's your current cultivation and elemental affinity?" [Alice]

"Mid-stage God with an affinity to fire and darkness." [Angel]

"That's quite a high cultivation for a 17-year-old, Angel. Are you sure Forbidden Blood is the best school for you? What about Cape Cod, I'm sure they would love to have a student such as you." [Alice]

"Cape Cod might be the best school for me, but it'll never provide me with the freedom Forbidden Blood can offer me." [Angel]

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Nice answer kid, but while freedom may be something we can give, do you truly understand just how difficult it is to attain it?" Casper asked as he reappeared from the shadows and stood before Angel.

Dispelling the illusion that engulfed the room as Alice could be seen standing behind the podium while Angel sat at a desk with his right hand on a book.

"I do but isn't that why we cultivate to make the impossible possible, sir.?" Angel asked Casper with a smile.

"True, but that's only if you have a good master to lay the foundation. So how about becoming my disciple and proving you are more bite than bark."

"Hmm… even though that sounds good, you're the one who's all bark and no bite as which master doesn't gift a potential disciple something valuable to coax them to agree," Angel said with a sly smile as he glanced at Casper awaiting his gift.

"Tsk, here kid, now am I eligible to be your master?!" Casper asked as he threw a chipped rock toward Angel.

'It seems we struck it rich this time, kid!' St. Vil exclaimed as he rubbed his hands greedily while looking at Casper.

'Huh? But he only gave us a rock?' Angel frowned as this didn't seem like anything special.

'I'll tell you later when we reach somewhere more convenient.'

"Sigh, disciple, greets master…"

"Well, congratulations Angel you're now a freshman at Forbidden Blood, however, before you get your hopes up could you please drop some blood on the altar," Alice said as she giggled as she could already imagine the headache Angel would bring Casper in the future.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

Pop. Swoosh. Sizzle.

'Hmm, so the array didn't malfunction after all.' Alice thought as she received the same reading as what the array gave her earlier when Angel walked through.

"So, what's his reading?" Casper asked Alice as while his disciple may be a bit greedy, who isn't plus if he's talented even the world is something he would gift him if possible.

"Here, you can see for yourself as I got more important things to do, so goodbye, Angel, and hope one day, you'll remember this day and realize you made the correct choice," Alice said as she gave Casper Angel's reading and left the Master and his disciple to their own devices.

[Name: Angel Sánchez

Cultivation Realm: God [Level 5.5]

Techniques: ???

Affinity: Fire [90%] & Darkness [90%]

Laws: Darkness, Fire, and Blood

Bloodline: ???]