
Chapter 3


As he said these words a warm feeling came around him, however this warm feeling was very short lived. His skin began tearing, muscles ripping apart and his bones were breaking, and then set into place as to what he selected to look like. He began hurling up his breakfast all over the placedue to the extreme pain.

Kade didn't think about what he looked like in the moment, he was thinking about two things while in a pile of vomit. 1, 'holy f*ck balls, that hurt so muuuch!' and 2. 'what is this voice inside my head?'

The voice Kade was referring to was a robotic sounding female voice, it kept saying

<You have gained the skill [Pain Resistance] Lv 1>

<[Pain Resistance] Has leveled up>

<[Pain Resistance] Has leveled up>

<[Pain Resistance] Has leveled up>

The pain slowly subsided with the help of the skill, but it hadn't yet full dissipated. It was thanks to [Pain Resistance] that he hadn't lost consciousness during the time. He sat up, dribbles of vomit still on his lips, got up and started walking. After this change in his body it used up a lot of energy and he needed some food to fuel up. So he went looking for berries, he found a bunch of them in bushes and in trees surrounding the place where he first started.

He wanted to dive in and eat them, but he didn't know if any were poisonous. He needed to eat so he ate the smallest first, it was a dark red berry. When he swallowed the berry a notification came in his head, just as he felt a burning sensation in his throat.

<You have gained the skill [Poison Resistance] Lv 1

<[Poison Resistance] Has leveled up>

<[Poison Resistance] Has leveled up>

"Oh f*ck, really?!?! What is with my luck" He sighed. "Well might as well eat the rest of these berries, now that I got a resistance, it should be fine." He ate every single one of the dark red fruit and his throat burned many times worse than the last time. It hurt, and a lot!

<[Poison Resistance] Has leveled up>

<[Pain Resistance] Has leveled up>

"Huh..Huh..Huh.." He was breathing deeply although still hungry he still decided to eat the rest of his spread, there were 24 berries and 3 different kinds, blue, orange and yellow. He ate all of them but nothing happened. It seemed like these were safe to eat.

'I can't continue eating potentially dangerous foods forever.' He walked around his surroundings and he picked up 4 things, one long stick (4ft) a long curved stone (1.5ft) some sort of rope from intertwined plants and another smaller stone.

He first took the small stone and started beating it against the long stone to break the outer layer of the rock. This then left sharp and jagged points, useful for killing animals. After he had done this to an entire side of the long rock he used the same sharp stone and started cutting into the top of the long stick. He cut a hole, big enough for the sharp rock to get through but small enough for it to be snug. He took the rope and proceeded to tie it around the stone to secure it in place.

<You have gained the skill [Craftsmanship] Lv1>

<You have gained the skill [Survival Arts] Lv1>

"Dope, now I need to practice swinging this Scythe to get a skill for it."

He picked up the weapon and swung it once.

<You have gained the skill [Slash] Lv1>

<You have gained the skill [Scythesmanship] Lv1>

"Huh, pretty basic skills but I guess that's still pretty good for only one swing.


He kept swinging and upgraded his skills by quite a bit.

Name: Kade Scott

Lv.1 Race: 'Death'

Class: ???

HP: 25/25 MP: 50/50

STR:13 VIT:17

INT:18 WIS:10

AGI:20 DEX:20

Skills: AP:0 SP:0

[Life Energy] [Ageless] [Affinity for Dark, Space and Illusion Magic] [Scytheman] [Scythe Superiority] [Pain Resistance] Lv 5 [Poison Resistance] Lv 4 [Craftsmanship] lv 1 [Survival Arts] Lv 1 [Slash] Lv 6 [Scythesmanship] Lv 4

Not only did his skills upgrade, but so did his status. He decided that he should probably eat some real food, and by that he meant MEAT! He took his scythe and ventured off into the woods. It wasn't long until he found his first opponent.

<You have spotted a Rabid Rabbit>

"Damn, what a cringy name" He snorted "But I shouldn't let my guard down, he could be strong.

Kade raised his Scythe and used his new skill [Slash], the rabbit instantly got cleaved into two with no resistance. Kade's jaw dropped, he never expected it to be so easy. He picked up the rabbit, well the two parts of it and noticed that it had a weird smell, not just blood and guts but a pheromone. As he noticed this 4 pairs of bright red eyes appeared from the shadows. It was 4 Rabid Rabbits.

3 charged at him and he instantly mowed them down. The one in back started to walk back and run away but thanks to his high agility he caught up and ended the poor rabbits life. As he did this he noticed a small heat wave like radiance go from the rabbits to himself. He had a guess for what this was, it was life energy (LE)

"Sigh, I didn't that it was gonna be that easy, they must be chumps in this forest. Anyway lets check my status."

Name: Kade Scott

Lv.4 Race: 'Death'

Class: ???

HP: 40/40 MP: 65/65

STR:16 VIT:20

INT:21 WIS:13

AGI:23 DEX:23

Skills: AP:15 SP:3 L:5

[Life Energy] [Ageless] [Affinity for Dark, Space and Illusion Magic] [Scytheman] [Scythe Superiority] [Pain Resistance] Lv 5 [Poison Resistance] Lv 4 [Craftsmanship] lv 1 [Survival Arts] Lv 1 [Slash] Lv 7 [Scythesmanship] Lv 5

"Ooh, I leveled up 3 times, it seems my stats go up by one each time I level up. I have some AP and SP, so ima use them. I should invest in VIT DEX AGI and INT. Im also going to use 3 SP on [Slash] and get it to level 10."

"Is L the total number of lives I have? So I can die 5 times until i'm on my final life. That's some good insurance. It also seems like LE sates my hunger, so I don't need these rabbits anymore" He tossed the rabbits aside and checked his status once more.

Name: Kade Scott

Lv.4 Race: 'Death'

Class: ???

HP: 40/40 MP: 65/65

STR:16 VIT:23

INT:24 WIS:13

AGI:28 DEX:27

Skills: AP:15 SP:3 L:5

[Life Energy] [Ageless] [Affinity for Dark, Space and Illusion Magic] [Scytheman] [Scythe Superiority] [Pain Resistance] Lv 5 [Poison Resistance] Lv 4 [Craftsmanship] lv 1 [Survival Arts] Lv 1 [Slash] Lv MAX [Scythesmanship] Lv 5

<Skill [Slash] wants to evolve, do you accept?>

"Hell yes!"

<Skill [Slash] evolved into [Shadow Slash]>

(Attacking the foes shadow will also do the same amount of damage as it would on the real body.)

"Hmm, that could seem pretty useful" He stated "YAWN- I'm pretty tired, I should go back and sleep"

He headed back to the cave from the beginning and set up a barricade with a bunch of sticks and drifted of into a peaceful slumber. Little did he know he was asleep for 2 weeks.