
The Accident, the beginning

100 days ago...

"Mum, stop arranging blind dates for me. I'm only 21, I'm still young." Lucia helplessly says to her mother over the phone as she puts down her cup of latte on the saucer. Currently, Lucia was trying to enjoy her brunch before her mother called.

"Hmph, I'm the one growing more closer to putting a foot in my grave Missy," replied her mother, Marilyn Hild.

"It's not like you're going to die anytime soon anyways. The way you're arranging blind dates left and right shows you got maybe 100 more years to live." She scoffed back.

"Don't talk back to me. Me and your father just wants you to be in a loving relationship and give us grandchildren! You know I had you when I was younger than you with your father. Look, I have a friend whose son is such a lovely and sweet boy, you should-" Lucia's mother was cut short as phone beeped at the indication that the call was hanged up. "How could she hang up on me," exclaimed Marilyn.

"Sweetie, you should stay out of our daughter's love life. Or else she would stop liking you or even avoid you completely. You wouldn't want that do you?" Lucia's father, Arthur Hild consoled his wife. He wraps his arms around her waist from behind, bringing his wife into his loving embrace.

Marilyn leans onto his chest and sighs, "I know darling... But I just want our big household to become livelier. I want to enjoy my grandchildren before I get too old to keep up with their youth."

"I understand sweetie, but we are still young let our child to find who she loves. The less pressure she have upon her, the quicker we will enjoy our many grandchildren" Arthur smiles brightly as he answered. Only to be returned with a meek nod.

Back at the cafe. Lucia sighed as she stared at her once appetizing latte with a cute cat latte art. Then, she stood up and walked away with her Michael Kors shoulder bag, leaving a few pennies for tip on the table. Standing at the crosswalk lost in her thoughts, Lucia waits for the green man to show itself, to be allowed to cross the road. As she waits a mother's shout enters her ears gradually becoming louder bringing her back to reality, "Annie. Stop. Running. Stop!"

Just as Lucia was going to turn her head around to look at the source, a force hits her back pushing her forward towards the road. A mother screaming. A child crying. A car's horn honking. Shock stunned Lucia's entire body, unable to register the events happening around her. Everything seemed to be in slow-mo until. Bang. Human and car engaged in a fight with each other, obviously the winner was the car. Excruciating pain overwhelmed Lucia's senses. Blood dripped down her forehead, her leg was in was in an unnatural position and her chest felt like it caved in. She battled to stay awake. She didn't want to die, not yet, she had many things she still had to do. Her mother, her father, Lucia didn't want to leave them. Tears overflowed, as her body denied her pleas.

A black figure entered her line of sight. Others seemed to not even notice his existence. Lucia unconsciously extended her movable hand towards the mysterious, death cloaked man. "Please, save me..." She struggled to say, before black circles blinded her vision and her mind fallen to the abyss.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed the second part/chapter. Now the story will truly begin. I wonder who this man is.. hehe C:

I will try to upload chapters twice a week or even more maybe.

See you next time!~

honeyyumAcreators' thoughts