
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · แฟนตาซี
294 Chs

Whispers of a War

Amukelo stood on the rooftop of a half-ruined building, surveying the chaotic landscape before him. The town's streets were swarming with the undead - a grotesque parade of zombies, skeletons, and other nightmarish creatures. The tall, robed figures of the Liches stood ominously in the distance, their staffs glowing with an eerie light as they continued their dark incantations.

With a deep breath, he tightened his grip on his twin swords, taking a moment to gather himself. He then launched himself off the roof, diving headfirst into the seething mass of undead creatures.

His new legendary armor and weapons came to life, shimmering with dark power.

Each swing of his swords cut down multiple undead, their cursed existence ended by the blade's cold bite. But for every one he dispatched, it seemed like three more took their place.

The relentless assault of the undead did little to slow him down. With every swing, dodge, and parry, it was evident that Amukelo's training in the draconian lands had transformed him. He moved with a fluidity and grace that belied the strength of his blows, and his mana manipulation skills were evident in every aspect of his combat.

However, as the minutes turned into hours, even he began to tire. The sheer number of undead was taking its toll. Their clawed hands grabbed and pulled at his armor, trying to drag him down, while skeletal archers took aim from the rooftops.

Suddenly, a colossal undead giant lumbered into his path, wielding a massive club. With a roar, the giant swung down, aiming to crush Amukelo. But with a burst of speed, Amukelo darted to the side, evading the blow and scaling the giant's body. Within moments, he had reached its head and with a mighty swing, decapitated the giant, which crumbled into a heap of bones.

With the path clear, Amukelo continued his relentless march toward the Liches. Their dark magic was palpable in the air, the very atmosphere thick with malice and hatred.

As he neared them, the Liches became aware of his approach. They ceased their incantations and turned to face him, their empty eye sockets glowing with a cold blue light. They began to chant anew, conjuring dark barriers and summoning elite undead guardians to protect them.

Amukelo faced them, swords at the ready. The first barrier, a wall of dark flames, was immediately extinguished as Amukelo channeled his mana into his blade, cutting a path through. Elite undead guardians, armored and wielding enchanted weapons, tried to stop him, but their efforts were futile against his might.

One by one, he confronted the Liches. Their skeletal fingers crackled with dark energy, and they unleashed powerful spells.

Arcane bolts, chains of darkness, and shadowy tendrils were all thrown his way.

But Amukelo deftly evaded or blocked their assaults, closing the distance.

The first Lich fell with a swift combination of strikes, its body crumbling to dust. The second tried to flee, floating into the air, but Amukelo, using his mana, soared after it, delivering the final blow. The third and final Lich proved to be the most formidable, channeling a vortex of dark magic. But with a determined yell, Amukelo charged, his dark sword absorbing the Lich's energy before striking it down.

With the Liches defeated, the magic sustaining the undead army faded.

Zombies, skeletons, and all manner of creatures began to collapse, turning to ash. The town was saved.

As dawn began to break, Amukelo, exhausted and battered but unyielding, looked out over the town he had saved. His friends joined him, their relief and pride evident. They had faced the unthinkable and emerged victorious.

. . .

As the sun rose two days later, casting its golden rays over the once besieged town, the relief that had been palpable in the air was replaced with an uneasy tension.

Couriers from distant lands arrived, bearing grim tidings that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened warriors.

At the heart of the town's square, a massive wooden table had been set up, scattered with maps and reports. Eliss, Kael, Lyon, Ksara, and Amukelo gathered, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"A week! The dwarves have been holding their ground for over a week now," Kael exclaimed, eyes scanning the report from the dwarven capital. "They're known for their resilience, but even they have their limits."

Lyon added, "The mountainous terrains and their underground fortresses give them a defensive edge, but the Liches are relentless. They're pushing the dwarves to the brink."

Ksara, reading a scroll from the elves, looked equally worried. "The Elven capital, usually so full of life and song, has been turned into a battleground. They managed to defeat the Liches, but at a great cost. The beautiful Elvish architecture, the ancient trees... many have been reduced to ruins."

Eliss, deep in thought, spoke up, "What I find most puzzling is the humans. They've always been reactive rather than proactive. Yet now, they've assembled their armies at the borders. What do they know that we don't?"

Amukelo, having donned his legendary armor, looked determined. "We can ponder their motives later. Right now, we must aid the dwarves. If their capital falls, it will be a significant blow to the alliance."

Before the group could mobilize, a human envoy approached, adorned in the colors of the Human King. "Greetings, brave defenders. My King has received word of your valor against the undead. He believes a greater threat looms, one that has forced the Liches into this aggressive stance."

Kael raised an eyebrow, "And what might that be?"

The envoy hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath, "A prophecy, foretelling a darkness that will engulf all lands, one that even the Liches fear. They are trying to gather forces, to aid this impending doom."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the group. An enemy that the Liches feared? The stakes had never been higher.

"We need to unite," Amukelo declared. "The differences between our races, our past conflicts – they all pale in comparison to the threat we now face."

Eliss nodded, "First, we aid the dwarves. We have to save them! Then, together, we prepare for the storm that's coming."

And with that, the heroes set forth, knowing that the real battle was yet to come.