
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · แฟนตาซี
298 Chs

The City of Clesa

As dawn broke over the catfolk village, the soft murmur of farewells filled the air. Ida approached a group of villagers who had gathered to see them off. His question was straightforward, a final piece to the puzzle of their departure timeline. "How long ago did they leave?" he asked.

A village elder, his face lined with the stress of recent events, responded, "It all started a week ago, but they departed three days before you arrived." Ida nodded thoughtfully, processing the information. It was a critical detail that could help them anticipate Valarian's movements.

The team exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with the villagers, who had shown remarkable resilience. As they climbed onto Erohan's back, ready to take to the skies, there was a palpable sense of purpose among them. Once airborne, the conversation naturally drifted to their travel plans.

"We have over three weeks of travel based on the old speeds," Erohan started, his voice cutting through the wind. "But with our improved pace, we should be able to intercept Valarian before he reaches his next target." They were unaware that Valarian's dragon, being undead, did not require the typical care, giving him a hidden advantage in their race against time.

The topic soon shifted to the recent atrocities they witnessed. Amukelo's tone was heavy with determination. "We need to stop him. What he did in that village... it's unforgivable. We can't let him continue unchecked."

Yosue chimed in, his voice firm, "Exactly, every minute we delay could mean more lives lost to his madness. We have to catch up to him, and soon."

The journey proceeded with each member lost in their thoughts, the weight of their mission pressing down on them. They made regular stops every sixteen or seventeen hours to rest and replenish. During these breaks, Amukelo and Eliss took the opportunity to refine their newfound skills through practice, though they were mindful not to push themselves too hard. They recognized that while additional training was beneficial, real combat experience was necessary to truly enhance their abilities.

The landscape below shifted as they traveled, from lush forests to sprawling deserts and towering mountain ranges, each vista a reminder of the world they were fighting to protect. Conversations during the flights were a mix of strategy discussions and reflective silences, each member grappling with the scale of their task.

Their routine continued without significant incident, a stark contrast to the dramatic encounters of their past travels. This time, the journey was marked by a quiet intensity, a focused preparation for the inevitable confrontation with Valarian. As they moved swiftly across the skies, the team remained vigilant, ready to adapt to whatever challenges awaited them on this path to prevent further destruction at the hands of their formidable foe.

Upon arrival, the outskirts of the city revealed a bustling metropolis framed by ancient walls that spoke of its long history. The giant tower building at the city's center dominated the skyline, its imposing structure casting a long shadow over the surrounding area. This tower, is known to contain the dungeon where many people would go test their abilities and built a fortune. What not many knew was that it was the place where the fourth gate was hidden, which drew the eyes of Amukelo and his companions as they prepared to enter the city through its main gates.

The entrance to the city was heavily guarded, with a long line of visitors and merchants waiting patiently for their turn to be inspected. The atmosphere was a blend of anticipation and routine scrutiny, as each person was thoroughly checked by the guards. When it was finally their turn, the guards approached them with a professional demeanor.

"What's in your bags, and what is your purpose for visiting?" one of the guards asked, his tone neutral but firm.

Ida, taking the lead, responded with calculated simplicity. "We're here to visit the dungeon," he stated plainly. He chose not to disclose the full nature of their mission, particularly since the guard showed no sign of recognizing the significance of their necklaces—an indication that mentioning their true purpose might complicate their entry.

The guard nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer, and waved them through with a casual remark, "I guess that's the only thing this place is known for."

Once inside, the city unfolded in vibrant layers of activity and diversity. The streets were lined with stalls bustling with traders and artisans from various races, each displaying an array of exotic goods and colorful wares. Lizardmen, orcs, humans, elves catfolks, frogmans, and many other races mingled freely, each contributing to the rich tapestry of city life.

The architecture of the city was a fascinating mix of old and new, with ancient stone buildings standing alongside more modern structures. Intricate carvings and statues adorned public spaces, telling stories of the city's storied past and its significance as a cultural and economic hub.

The towering dungeon at the city's heart was not just an architectural marvel but also a beacon for adventurers and treasure seekers from across the lands. Its sheer size was awe-inspiring, and as they made their way toward it, the scale of their upcoming challenge became increasingly apparent.