
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · แฟนตาซี
297 Chs

Push or Retreat

Amukelo's fury was a palpable force on the battlefield, driving him forward with a relentless energy. His deep-seated hatred for Oxius and his followers wasn't born from a hero's altruistic desire to save the world but from a visceral reaction to the cruelty and suffering they inflicted upon the innocent. The pain they had caused Eliss, the chaos unleashed by summoning Leviathan—these were not merely strategic moves in a larger game, but something personal that Amukelo felt in his very bones.

As he lunged again at Oltax, his path was increasingly obstructed by a growing swarm of demons. Each demon that blocked his way only fueled his rage further, their grotesque forms a barrier between him and his target. Oxius, sensing the tide of the battle and the potential threat Amukelo posed, seized the moment to command a strategic retreat. "Retreat! Soon we will cross from Level forty-five to Level forty-six, and from there we will have a clear route. Push!" he shouted to his followers. His command was sharp, a clear directive that saw his followers disengaging from the direct fight, leaving the dirty work to the summoned demons and undead.

The battlefield shifted dramatically with Oxius's order. The minions surged forward, a relentless wave of dark magic and flesh designed to hold Amukelo and Eliss back. Amukelo, driven by a surge of determination, attempted to break through to Oxius, but the dense swarm of demons proved to be a formidable barrier. Eliss, recognizing the precarious nature of their surroundings, withheld her more powerful area-of-effect spells. The risk of collapsing the passage was too great, a potential disaster that could seal their fate just as surely as any demon's claw.

Instead, they adopted a methodical approach to the horde, coordinating their attacks with precision. Eliss targeted the weakest points she could identify, her spells slicing through the air and striking with deadly accuracy. Amukelo, meanwhile, focused on maintaining his composure. He knew that letting his rage dictate his actions would only lead to mistakes; each swing of his sword had to be calculated, each movement deliberate.

As Amukelo managed to temper his anger, their progress through the swarm of demons and undead became noticeably faster. The battlefield was a blur of motion and magic, with Eliss and Amukelo moving as a single unit, their actions synchronized to maximize efficiency. The demons and undead fell one by one, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault of the two warriors.

The clash was exhausting, more because they knew that if they weren't fast enough, their mission would fail than because of the fight itself. It wasn't much different than just fighting a swarm of monsters from the dungeon. With each fallen demon, they edged closer to their goal, driven by the knowledge that Oxius was just ahead, possibly reaching the safety of the next level. The urgency of stopping him before he could secure his escape added an extra layer of intensity to their fight.

After vanquishing the last of the demons and undead, Amukelo and Eliss pressed forward with renewed urgency, the distance between them and Oxius and his followers gradually shrinking. Their strides were swift, their determination palpable in the echoing corridors of the dungeon. However, as they approached the threshold of level forty-six, an ominous sensation halted their advance—a palpable aura of murderous intent that chilled the air and tightened their chests with apprehension.

Just beyond the crossing, they could see Oxius and his followers engaged in a fierce battle to break through the dungeon's defenders. The intensity of the conflict was stark, underscored by the sinister energy that permeated the area. Oxius, spotting Amukelo and Eliss hesitating at the edge, shouted across the divide, taunting them with a sneer. "What happened? Weren't you supposed to stop me?" His voice carried a mocking tone that echoed off the stone walls, filled with contempt and challenge.

Amukelo turned to Eliss, his brow furrowed in concern. "You know what this feeling is?" he asked, though the grim set of his jaw suggested he already knew the answer. They could feel a heavy murderous intent in the air. 

Eliss nodded solemnly, "Leviathan." She then posed the crucial question, weighing their options amidst the tension. "So, what do we do? If we come back, we will escape, but then Oxius will surely get the fourth artifact."

Before Amukelo could respond, Oxius's laughter boomed through the crossing once more, his words laced with malevolence. "No matter what you do, Leviathan will haunt you. You want to stop me? You're welcome, here; I'm not moving. But even if you decide to come back, Leviathan will block the other exits and wait for you. There is no escape. Hahah..."

Amukelo clenched his fists, anger simmering within him, mostly infuriated by his inability to immediately punish Oxius rather than the truth in his words. It was Eliss's calm demeanor that anchored him back to rationality. "Amukelo," she said gently, touching his arm to draw his focus. "I think we should take a break. We're exhausted from catching up to Oxius. We should rest first, so we can make the best decision."

Amukelo took a deep breath, the storm within him settling as he considered Eliss's words. He knew she was right; they both were very exhausted. Nodding in agreement, he replied, "Let's find a safer place to rest." Together, they retreated from the crossing, seeking a quiet enclave within the dungeon to recover their strength and strategize their next move.

Oxius watched them retreat with a dismissive snort, "Hmpth…" His focus then returned to advancing deeper into the dungeon, his followers rallying around him as they pushed forward toward their sinister goal.