
Realms of Infinity

This is a story about a boy who had an average life and was given another chance as a god's chosen. Ace was an ordinary man in every sense of the word; he had an average job, education and income, but he always aspired to be a hero, and leave this world like one.

Azure_Shard · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The Ruins (Part 1)

[Name: Ace Willamson]

[Race: Human (10%) Void God (90%)]


[Titles: Chosen one (X2 growth rate)

[LVL: 46>51]

[EXP: 48600/100000]

[HP: 7110/7110]

[MP: 7130/7130]

[STR: 344> 712 ]

[AGI: 342> 709]

[CON: 351> 711]

[INT: 339> 713]

[LUCK: ∞]

[AP: 205>230]

[SP: 0> 167000]

[Inventory: 199 gold coins, 453 silver coins, 787 copper coins]

[Skills: Attribute Plunder (Obtain 1% of enemy's attributes when you kill them) Analysis (See your enemy's attributes) Void slash LVMAX (Consume 25MP to unleash an immensely powerful slash of void) Void manipulation LVMAX (Manipulate void using mana. No fixed cost, Cost reduced by 80% because of bloodline) Void Transformation LV MAX (Transform yourself into the void for immense power and a duration of 20 minutes, with a heavy cost of halving your Attributes for the next 14HRS) Gruelling Determination (The lower your HP is, the more powerful you get)]

'That was a long day' I said

'More adventures tomorrow' I mumbled as I was falling asleep


As the soft glow of dawn bathed the horizon in a beautiful tapestry of colours, we savoured the few moments of respite that the morning offered. Our bodies, weary from days of relentless battles, yearned for rest. Victory had been ours in the Dungeon, as we emerged triumphant from the clutches of the final boss and quelled the onslaught of the menacing beast tide that threatened to engulf our world. Yet, the peace that now settled over the land was ephemeral, for new challenges loomed ominously on the horizon.

With the morning sun casting its golden rays upon us, Luna, Aiden, and I gathered around a modest campfire. The crackling flames mirrored the weariness etched in our eyes, a reflection of the weight we carried from our recent triumphs and the knowledge of the arduous trials that lay ahead.

Luna's voice, soft but resolute, pierced the serene atmosphere. "We cannot afford to linger in this respite," she said. "The world still teems with threats, and it is our duty to remain ever watchful and persist in our mission."

Aiden nodded, his fingers tracing the battle-scarred terrain that marred his arms. "Time is not on our side. We must regain our bearings and chart our course forward."

I gazed into the dancing flames, their mesmerizing glow captivating my thoughts. The path that awaited us was one shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. Our journey had barely begun, and yet we had already confronted unimaginable perils and uncovered the depths of our own power. But beyond the trials we had endured, there was a vast realm of untold wonders to be discovered, secrets longing to be unravelled, and battles longing to be fought.

Speaking up, I broke the silence that enveloped us. "Our next destination lies in uncharted territory," I offered, the words carrying the weight of the unknown. "Legends speak of ancient ruins concealed deep within the heart of a forbidden forest. They whisper of an immense power dwelling within those ruins, capable of reshaping the very fabric of our world."

Luna's eyes sparked with a mixture of curiosity and concern, her trusty bow resting idly by her side. "Do you believe it is worth the risk?" she inquired. "The dangers could be formidable."

Aiden's laughter, a harmonious blend with the gentle rustling of leaves in the morning breeze, filled the air. "Where lies the thrill of life if we shy away from risks?" he remarked. "Besides, we have journeyed this far, honing our skills to their pinnacle. Let us press forward and witness the wonders this world has yet to unveil."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, a surge of exhilaration coursing through my veins. We were adventurers, bound by the shared purpose that brought us together and intertwined inextricably by our fates. United, there was no obstacle we could not conquer.

"Then it is decided," I declared, a fervent determination shimmering in my eyes. "We shall venture into the unknown, courageously embracing the challenging that await us, unwavering in our mission to safeguard this world from encroaching darkness."

As our campfire crackled, casting dancing shadows across the land, we set about the task of preparing for the journey ahead. With the memories of our recent triumphs fuelling our spirits, we meticulously packed our bags, ensuring that we were equipped to face any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. "Food? Packed. Water? Packed. Potions? Packed. Spare weapons? Packed." Each essential item was accounted for, signifying our readiness to confront the enigmatic Ruins. Unfurling a worn map, I pointed towards the uncharted territory that promised great power and untold treasures. My teammates erupted in cheers and jubilation as the anticipation of our forthcoming adventure filled the air.

With our preparations complete, we extinguished the campfire, leaving nothing but a smouldering pile of embers. The morning sun had now risen higher in the sky, casting its warm rays upon us as we began our journey towards the forbidden forest. Each step we took was purposeful, our boots sinking slightly into the soft earth beneath us.

The air was filled with the scents of nature, a symphony of fragrances teasing our senses. The sweet aroma of wildflowers wafted through the breeze, mingling with the earthy scent of damp soil. The path ahead, dappled with patches of sunlight that managed to penetrate the thick canopy overhead, beckoned us with its mysterious allure.

As we delved deeper into the forest, the air grew cooler, a subtle chill creeping up our spines. The sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves mingled with the distant echoes of unknown creatures, creating an ambient melody that seemed to harmonize with our footsteps. Our senses were heightened, every minute detail capturing our attention.

Some tree trunks bore intricate patterns, etched by time and the whims of nature. Moss and ivy clung to their rough bark, creating a tapestry of greens and browns that seemed to breathe life into the ancient wood. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting intricate patterns of shade and light on the forest floor, as if nature itself was painting a masterpiece.

The ground beneath our feet felt slightly spongy, as if it cushioned our every step. Fallen leaves crunched softly. Whispers of the wind could be heard, rustling the leaves above us, creating a gentle melody that seemed to echo the secrets hidden within the depths of the forest.

Occasionally, a small creature would scurry across our path, their hurried footsteps blending with the sounds of nature. Squirrels darted up trees, their fluffy tails a flash of motion. Birds chirped and flitted about, their vibrant feathers contrasting against the muted greens and browns of the forest.

Time seemed to stretch as we continued our trek, the forest becoming denser and more mysterious. The occasional shafts of sunlight that once illuminated our path were now a rarity, as the lush foliage above us blocked out their comforting glow. Yet, we pressed onward, drawn by a magnetic force that seemed to emanate from the heart of the forest.

And then, as if emerging from a dream, we reached the edge of the forbidden forest. The trees stood taller and closer together, creating a natural barrier that marked the entrance to the Ruins. The air crackled with an electric energy, sending shivers down our spines. We exchanged knowing glances, our eyes filled with determination and adrenaline.

"The Ruins await," Luna said, her voice steady but filled with excitement.

Taking a collective breath, we stepped over the threshold, venturing into the unknown. In that moment, we became one with the forest, merging our hopes, dreams, and fears with the ancient power that pulsated within. The journey ahead would be treacherous, but together, with unwavering determination and trust in each other, we were ready to face whatever lay in wait for us.