
Realms of Infinity

This is a story about a boy who had an average life and was given another chance as a god's chosen. Ace was an ordinary man in every sense of the word; he had an average job, education and income, but he always aspired to be a hero, and leave this world like one.

Azure_Shard · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The Calm After The Storm & A New Class (Part 1)

[Name: Ace Willamson]

[Race: Human (10%) Void God (90%)]


[Titles: Chosen one (X2 growth rate)

[LVL: 51>59]

[EXP: 48600/140000]

[HP: 8260/8260]

[MP: 8320/8320]

[STR: 712> 814 ]

[AGI: 709> 806]

[CON: 711> 826]

[INT: 713> 832]

[LUCK: ∞]

[AP: 230>270]

[SP: 167000> 248000]

[Inventory: 1246 gold coins, 4530 silver coins, 12248 copper coins, Golem core x50, Hydra skin x25, Hydra meat x 300, Repair crystal x3]

[Skills: Attribute Plunder (Obtain 1% of enemy's attributes when you kill them) Analysis (See your enemy's attributes) Void slash LVMAX (Consume 25MP to unleash an immensely powerful slash of void) Void manipulation LVMAX (Manipulate void using mana. No fixed cost, Cost reduced by 80% because of bloodline) Void Transformation LV MAX (Transform yourself into the void for immense power and a duration of 20 minutes, with a heavy cost of halving your Attributes for the next 14HRS) Gruelling Determination (The lower your HP is, the more powerful you get) Improvisor LV5 (Your mind is capable of nearly instantly coming up with another way to help your situation) ]


The Ruins, once a battleground teeming with fierce clashes, hidden treasures, and unpredictable storms, now stood eerily still, the remnants of a hard-fought victory. The air crackled with a sense of accomplishment as we surveyed the aftermath. It was time for the next chapter in our journey - obtaining our first class. I hurriedly made my way towards the makeshift camp where Luna and Aiden had settled, gently rousing them from their slumber despite their groggy protests.

With a mix of excitement and determination, we packed our supplies meticulously, ensuring we had everything we needed for the arduous trek ahead. Unfolding the worn map before us, its faded lines and markings spoke of countless adventures awaiting us. This was going to be an endurance test, a journey that spanned across vast landscapes, first taking us through the formidable Whitepeak and then leading us to Dragonford where we would finally attain our desired classes. 

Our plan was to make a brief stop at Whitepeak, a bustling hub of activity, to restock our dwindling provisions and procure horses to hasten our progress. Discussing the details further, we set off on our path, eagerly engaging in cheerful banter about the trials and triumphs that had shaped us before our paths converged. Yet, amidst the jovial chatter, a sense of unease crept over me. Aiden's words caught my attention, his confession hanging mysteriously in the air. The unsettling revelation lingered as he began, "All my teammates in my last 2 parties died in their sleep..." His voice trailed off abruptly, like a tongue caught in a snare. Questions gnawed at the edges of my mind, suspicion growing with each passing moment.

Exhaustion settled upon us like a heavy blanket as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting Whitepeak into a shroud of darkness. The town lay silent, its shops shuttered and devoid of life. We sought refuge in a nearby inn, its name, 'The Violet Knife', alluding to the assortment of ornate blades proudly showcased within its premises. We wearily entered the establishment, eager to find respite and perhaps unravel the obscure secrets that awaited us on this new part of our journey.

The moment we stepped into the inn, a wave of warmth engulfed us, replacing the chill of the night air. The inviting crackling of the fireplace provided both comfort and solace as we made our way towards an empty table in the corner. The innkeeper, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, greeted us with a weary smile. Her once vibrant red hair was tinged with streaks of grey, a life spent catering to travellers like us.

As we settled into our seats, the flickering glow of the candle on our table danced in the stillness, casting ever-shifting shadows upon the aged wooden beams above. The scent of wood polish mingled with the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting in from the kitchen. It was a sanctuary amidst the chaos of our adventures, a place where we could momentarily escape the trials that lay ahead.

The inn was dimly lit, save for a few strategically placed lanterns that cast a soft, golden glow, creating an atmosphere of tranquil seclusion. The worn wooden floors creaked under the weight of countless patrons who had sought refuge within these walls, their hushed conversations and muffled laughter providing a gentle backdrop to our own quiet musings.

As we perused the menu, our eyes were immediately drawn to the exquisite illustrations that accompanied each dish, a testament to the innkeeper's attention to detail. The slight smudge of ink on the corner of one page hinted at the meticulousness that went into each hand-drawn page, reminding us of the care and dedication the innkeeper poured into her craft.

The innkeeper soon returned, carrying a tray laden with steaming bowls of hearty stew and thick slices of crusty bread. The aroma wafting from the hot bowls was tantalizing, instantly igniting our appetites. We savoured each spoonful, the flavours bursting upon our tongues, providing much-needed nourishment after our gruelling battles. The broth was infused with a delicate blend of herbs, each one carefully selected to enhance the distinctive flavours of the meats and vegetables simmering within.

Conversation flowed easily, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter that echoed through the inn's hushed corners. The soft clinking of cutlery against plates accompanied each bite, a symphony of contentment that momentarily drowned out the worries and uncertainties that lay ahead. It was a moment of respite, a small pause before we embarked on the next leg of our journey.

As the hours drifted by, the inn gradually grew quieter, the weary travellers retiring to their rooms one by one. The dim glow of the lanterns finally faded, the innkeeper taking care to extinguish each flame, bidding the remaining occupants a peaceful rest. With heavy eyelids and a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, we bid the innkeeper goodnight and made our way to our modest quarters.

The room, though simple, exuded a sense of rustic charm. The soft glow of the moon cast ethereal shadows on the worn wooden floors, while a soft breeze whispered through the open window, carrying with it the distant echo of a nightingale's melody. Crisp, white bedsheets beckoned to us, their inviting warmth a welcome respite for our aching bodies.

As fatigue washed over us, we couldn't help but reflect on the intricate tapestry of small details that composed our journey thus far. From the intricate patterns etched into ancient artifacts to the careful brushstrokes on a menu, it was these small, often unnoticed elements that shaped our experiences and added depth to our adventures.

With a sense of gratitude and wonder, we slipped beneath the covers, embracing the comforting embrace of the unknown. Tomorrow, our journey continued, and we would face new challenges and discover new treasures. But for now, in the embrace of the inn's tranquillity, we drifted into a peaceful, dream-filled slumber, ready to face the rigorous challenges that awaited us.