
Realms of Infinity

This is a story about a boy who had an average life and was given another chance as a god's chosen. Ace was an ordinary man in every sense of the word; he had an average job, education and income, but he always aspired to be a hero, and leave this world like one.

Azure_Shard · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Interlude 1: Maria

The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a warm golden light across the tranquil landscape. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing melody that filled the air. The chirping of birds added to the symphony of nature, their sweet songs echoing through the forest.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, its rays filtered through the dense canopy of leaves, dappling the forest floor with patterns of light and shadow. The air was cool and fresh, carrying with it the earthy scent of moss and fallen leaves.

The forest itself was a lush tapestry of green, with towering trees reaching towards the sky and thick undergrowth carpeting the ground. A small stream meandered through the heart of the forest, its crystal-clear waters bubbling merrily over smooth stones and fallen branches.

Animals of all shapes and sizes could be seen and heard throughout the forest. Squirrels chased each other through the trees, their chittering calls echoing in the stillness. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their bright plumage flashing in the sunlight. Deer grazed peacefully in small clearings, their ears twitching as they listened for any signs of danger.

Overall, the forest was a peaceful and harmonious place, a sanctuary for all manner of creatures to live and thrive. The sounds and scents of the natural world combined to create a sense of tranquillity and beauty that was impossible to resist. It was a place of wonder and magic, where the wonders of nature could be experienced in their purest form.

As they walked further into the forest, the dense canopy of trees overhead blocked out most of the sunlight, casting a shadowy darkness over the path. The eerie silence of the forest was only broken by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant call of a bird.

Despite the ominous atmosphere, Maria felt a strange sense of calm and curiosity. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important waiting for her at the end of this journey, something that would change her life forever.

Suddenly, a soft whispering sound caught Maria's attention, causing her to stop in her tracks. She strained to listen, trying to pick out the source of the mysterious voice that seemed to be calling her name.

"Maria," the voice whispered again, this time more urgent and insistent. Maria felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that the voice was coming from the old oak tree up ahead, its gnarled branches twisting and reaching out as if beckoning her closer.

With trembling hands, Maria stepped forward, feeling a strange pull drawing her towards the tree. As she reached out to touch its rough bark, a blinding light suddenly filled the forest, engulfing her in a warm, ethereal glow.

And in that moment, Maria knew that her life would never be the same again. The mysterious oak tree had chosen her, and she was ready to embrace whatever adventure lay ahead.

The light faded, leaving Maria standing in front of the oak tree, her heart pounding in anticipation. The tree seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy, and she felt a sense of power and connection coursing through her veins.

Without hesitation, Maria reached out her hand and placed it on the trunk of the tree. In an instant, a surge of energy washed over her, filling her with a sense of purpose and determination. The tree seemed to vibrate beneath her touch as if it were imparting some ancient wisdom or knowledge.

As she closed her eyes, images and visions began to flicker through her mind. She saw glimpses of far-off lands, mystical creatures, and magical realms that she had never even imagined. It was as if the oak tree was showing her the endless possibilities that lay before her, urging her to embrace her destiny.

When Maria opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy, with the oak tree at its centre. Shadows danced around her, whispering words of encouragement and guidance. And in that moment, Maria knew that she was no longer just a mere mortal – she was a chosen one, destined for greatness.

With newfound determination and courage, Maria stepped forward into the vortex, letting the energy carry her away to parts unknown. The forest faded away behind her, replaced by a dazzling kaleidoscope of colours and light.

As she journeyed deeper into the mysterious realm, Maria felt a sense of wonder and awe, unlike anything she had ever experienced. She knew that her life would never be the same again, but she was ready to embrace the adventure that awaited her.

And so, with the sun still shining brightly overhead, Maria disappeared into the unknown, her heart filled with hope and excitement for the incredible journey that lay ahead. The forest, once tranquil and serene, was now pulsing with otherworldly energy, as if it too knew that something extraordinary was about to unfold. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the land, Maria's destiny awaited her, sparkling like a distant star in the vast expanse of the universe. 

She would travel to the city and find power.

The bright sun shone down on the bustling city streets, casting long shadows and creating a warm glow all around. People hurried by, each lost in their thoughts and worries as they went about their day.

In the distance, the sound of laughter could be heard, followed by the faint strains of music. As she turned the corner, Maria saw a lively street festival in full swing - colourful banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, stalls selling all manner of treats lined the sidewalks, and performers entertained the crowds with their dazzling displays.

She couldn't help but be drawn in by the festive atmosphere, and before she knew it, she found herself joining in the dancing and revelry. The music lifted her spirits, the laughter contagious, and for a moment, all of her cares and worries melted away.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Maria felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. This impromptu celebration had been just what she needed - a reminder that sometimes, all it takes to find joy is to let go of our inhibitions and embrace the moment.

And so, as she made her way home in the woods through the now quiet streets, Maria carried with her the memory of that magical day, feeling grateful for the simple pleasures that life had to offer.