
ch. 10 minato and kiri

(AN: if you don't like my logic of how there can be two kyuubi's than 🖕.)

"Ah high son."

As Naruto and kana's heads both swiveled to the side and took in minato's figure they both blushed and looked away. "High dad." Naruto replied lamely not knowing what to say. "I thought you would have been released back to the pure realm." He finally spoke after a minute

"Hmm me to but I can still feel a bit of chakra within this vessel, i probably have about a minute left." Minato replied before looking at kana "and this is?"

"Kana uzumaki, I'm Naruto's…friend." Kana answered

Giving her a knowing smile minato turned to Naruto. "I can sense how strong you are and I'm proud Naruto, now I've left your mother alone for far too long and I have to go and deal with her temper." Minato announced as he started at Naruto with pride shining in his eyes. "I expect plenty of grandkids." And with that he turned into ash that was blown away by the wind.

Smiling Naruto wiped away a tear before looking at a blushing kana. "As much as I want to stay here with you baa-Chan assigned me a mission. You coming or not." Naruto asked while looking anxious.

Seeing Naruto look away from her while casting hopefull glances at her every now and than kana smiled and thought 'awe he's like a puppy.' Shaking that thought off she walked over to Naruto and held his hand "where ever you go I go." She replied firmly making Naruto have a giddy and excited smile.

"Yatta now let's go to kiri and help the rebels kill the mizukage." Naruto exclaimed as he pulled kana in for a hug and using the hiraishin to teleport to a kunai his clone left in kiri.

Blushing kana called out while her hair rose up to form nine tails and a dark aura exuded out of her "Baka-ruto warn me next time and where are we now."

Shaking Naruto replied "I'll warn you next time ka-hime, and we're near a rebel base it's on the island next to this one ."

Hearing Naruto affectionately call her ka-hime kanas murderous aura disappeared and she blushed while mumbling idiot. "What's the intel you've gathered from clones and the hokage."

"Yagura the fourth mizukage is a bloodthirsty basterd that wants to exterminate the bloodline clans. He has gathered most of the civilian shinobi to his side and has already exterminated the yuki, kaguya, hozuki, and a few other smaller clans. Yagura is also the sanbi's jinchuuriki, and has full control over the biju. Now onto the rebels, the leader is terumi Mei she has two bloodlines boil release and lava release. The rebels have not engaged in open combat but have employed gurilla warfare which is smart considering their main enemy is a perfect jinchuuriki that can just send a few tailed beast bombs and destroy her side."

Humming kana asked "so are we supposed to meet with this terumi or do this solo?"

"Make contact with rebels leader, make a good impression, defeat Yagura and his forces of genocidal maniacs, than finally make a favorable alliance betweeen the new mizukage and konoha." Naruto summed up his mission assignment.

Nodding kana asked "and how will we meet with this terumi mei."

Smiling Naruto replied "simple I had a clone infiltrate her camp and explain the situat….." Naruto trailed off as his eyes glazed over.

Blinking kana snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention "Baka what happened?"

"Hmm oh sorry as I was saying my clone talked to mei and she agreed to a meeting tomorrow." Naruto replied while blushing

Narrowing her eyes kana asked "why are you blushing and giving off a perverted smirk?" Kana asked while her hair rose up again

"Ahh well umm my clones have no sense of self preservation so he sorta kinda slapped mei's ass as a way of dispelling himself." Naruto replied while looking away.

Narrowing her eyes kana stomped her way over to Naruto "your clone did what?" She asked menecingly.

Gulping Naruto whimpered 'Damm clone.' He thought as he awaited kanas punishment.

*the next day*

"Mei-sama are you sure about this?" Asked a man with an eye patch.

"Yes Ao we cannot continue like this, we keep loosing men while Yagura's forces keep growing." Mei replied while sighing

After a bit of walking they came across a clearing. "Hmm this is the place now where are they." She mumbled before seeing Ao stiffen from the corner of her eye.

"Ah hello there I suppose your terumi mei." Whispered a masculine voice from behind her as mei felt a kunai poking her spine

Turning her head Mei spotted the blond haired kid who spanked her yesterday, she also spotted a red haired woman who was similarly holding Ao hostage. "Yes I'm Mei and this is my second in command Ao."

"Ah so I was right this was Ao, guess it's a good thing I prepared my anti-byakugan seals." Naruto replied as he chuckled and removed his kunai and signaled for kana to do the same.

"Yes now you know our names but we don't know yours." Mei replied playfully while giving Naruto a sultry smile

'She's beautiful but her tits are just too big they look like tumors.' Naruto thought while ignoring her sultry look. "Ah right I'm Naruto uzumaki and this is kana uzumaki." Naruto introduced himself and kana with a nuetral smile while kana glared at Mei.

Widening her eyes Mei asked "Uzumaki's?"

Smirking kana draped herself over Naruto's shoulder and gave Mei a smirk "yup a pair of uzumaki's came to save you."

Narrowing his eyes Ao spoke "just the two of you, what can just two kids do. Mei-sama we should go who knows when yagura would attack."

"In two weeks yagura will make his move, he had a spy infiltrate your little group and find your main bases location." Naruto spoke with a smug smile

"Huh how would you know that?" Ao asked aprehensivly.

"Ah the same way I found your little base." Naruto replied not giving anything away.

"What do you want in return for helping us?" Mei asked

"An alliance with konoha." Naruto replied

Humming Mei took a few seconds before replying "fine we'll draw up terms after yagura dies."

"Alright now care to lead us to your base?" Kana asked impatiently

Giggling Mei replied "yes yes we'll lead you to our base."