
Realist Cultivation

Humans are humans. They are lazy. So even if a young master who never did anything wrong to you suddenly lost all of his powers, why would you bother humiliating him for no reason? The same applies to his fiance. Why would she cancel her engagement with someone who treated her like the only star in the sky? Right, this is just logic and realism. A dog-eat-dog world where strength reigns above all isn't that much different from Earth after all.

AMajesticSight · ตะวันออก
2 Chs

A world different yet not at the same time

Alex: a university student suddenly reincarnating in a world of cultivation and strength after dying for drinking too much.

As a biology student and having learned the human body from the ins to the outs, he always wondered how he would fare in a world of fantasy where techniques to gain strength were based on the body he has been studying for years.

The knowledge modern earth humans collected in a world where science and technological advancements took a different route due to the constant conflicts superpowers brought to the table.

How could it be used?

Well, Alex got the chance to try.

Reincarnating in the Purple Sky world, inside the only family having the duke title of the Saphire Qilin empire, the strongest state of the world, it seemed Alex had everything to experiment.




'The air is so cold', is what Alex first thought after leaving his mother's womb and gaining consciousness.

After feeling himself for a couple of seconds, he quickly came to a realization that he was not in his old body, but a new one.

He was a baby.

Why did he seem so calm you might ask.

Well, this is just what someone who had no real attachment to his old life would feel after gaining a second chance at life.

An accident that his mother hasn't averted, she still gave him everything to live, but he sadly never got any real love.

No other family, no woman or girlfriends, he just had no worthy attachments.

So when he woke up in this new body, he wanted to make this life worth it.

And so his second life started.




Three years later, Duke Desmar estate, Saphire Qilin empire, North continent.

After three years, Alex became a celebrity in the empire.

Pretty normal since he was much more intelligent than any other kid his age.

After 4 months of being born, he learned how to speak, read and write the language of the empire. It seems like him being a baby greatly helped his learning capacity.

The moment he learned how to read, he burrowed himself into the library of the Desmar estate, which was so massive, it rivalled the one of the royal family's of the biggest and strongest ancient empire in the world: the Ash family, ruling the Saphire Qilin empire.

Alex now understood the geography of the world and its continents, the countries, empires, kingdoms, and any state that currently existed. He also learned the essentials of the world, like on what technological level they were, the politics of his country, and just general knowledge.

The only thing he hasn't finished learning yet is the history of the world.

Normal when you remember that anyone can gain longevity when gaining strength. So people living thousands of years can exist.

This means that no knowledge can be truly lost since people living since time immemorial can just transcribe it for future generations.

And the Desmar family who has been created hundreds of thousands of years ago of course has experts who have lived since almost the start of the family.

And all their knowledge belongs in the library.

Back to Alex.


Alex heard his name being called while browsing through some books in the library so he looked up.

"Yes Father"

"Come to my office, we have something important to discuss."

Alex's father left after saying this.

Anyone would've found this scene funny, as a grown man talked to a three-year-old child like that, but it was Alex we were talking about and someone who knew him well.

Yes, it was the Desmar's family patriarch and Alex's father: Charles Desmar.

While he kept a cold face at all times, he always secretly doted on his kids, and Alex wasn't an exception.

So when Alex heard the serious tone of his father, he knew that it was indeed an important matter that he had to discuss with him




*knock knock knock*


Alex entered his father's office and sat on a chair in front of the desk where he was seated.

"I just received news about a matter greatly concerning your future, so I wanted to have a talk with you about it." Charles said.

"Go on" Alex responded so his father could continue.

"His Majesty the Emperor asked me to ask your opinion on being engaged to his only daughter, Princess Luna. She is only two years older than you, and me being his long-time friend, he knew that she would be in good hands if left to my son."


"You can think about it for the rest of the week, but you need to come back with a decision."

Alex's father then signalled him to leave.

Alex got up, and left, returning to his bedroom.

'If I think about it for only a second, I am being offered a wife, known to be the prettiest woman of the empire even though she is still 5 years old basically for free except for the political ties it brings, but who cares about that, there's no enmity among the current top aristocratic and royal families of the empire and that's the reason the empire is so strong. I mean, who would refuse?'

Unknown to his father, Alex already came to a decision a couple of minutes after the meeting.

*knock knock knock*

Sounds of knocking were heard at Alex's bedroom door,m bringing him out of his reverie.


Three people entered after hearing Alex.

his two brothers and his mother.

All breathtakingly beautiful, be it the boys or the mother.

They, including Alex, all received the good genes of their father and their mother.

Dark purple hair like the dark sky in the night, inherited from their mother, coupled with silver eyes, like the stars in this very same night sky, inherited from the Desmar genes of their father, they were three of the most handsome men in the empire.