

In the omniverse there was a screen in the sky that will show the heroes, villains, gods, demigods, supernaturals,etc across The omniverse. DISCLAIMER : I Do Not Own Anything

david_vazcano · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs



Name : American dragon

Species : Dragon

Abilities : shapeshifting dragon and magical powers.

Powers : Indomitable Will, Dragon Shapeshifting,Tail attack, Sharp claws and teeth, Flight, Fire breathing, Super Speed, Super Strength,Super Durability, Super Agility, Cards skills, Kung fu and Hand-to-hand combat, elemental powers, enhanced hearing, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced endurance, enhance vision, Doppelganger Creation, Spellcasting, Potion Creation/Making, Levitation.

Special skill : Unknown

Description : American dragon is a shapeshifting dragon that protects the magical community in secret. He already protect the magical community from 13 years old and now he is 18 years old. He is a hero and a guardian that protect the magical community and he is knwon in there.


Union academy

Azazel :"A dragon?"

Serafall :"Not just a dragon but an american dragon."

>Sirzech :"I never heard of this dragon before."

Michael :"Me neither."

Present mic :"Ok, so there is a dragon that we do not know and did not discovered."

Midnight :"It is also said he protected the magical community in secret what is that?"

Glynda :"Probably some sort of supernatural beings that was in secret."

Ironwood :"We need to find this guy and if possible we need to recruit this dragon to fight salem and the villains."

Ozpin :"I agree."

Avengers tower

She hulk :"An american dragon, fo you guys know about this?".She is asking to the people who are involve in magic and mythologies.

Dr.Strange :"I am sorry, but this is the first time I heard of this dragon."

Ironfist :"I know a dragon but This american dragon I do not have heard of it or seen it."

Magik :"Me neither."

Wanda :"I do not know anything about this dragon."

The mystical heroes do not know about this dragon, this is the first time they know about him.

Cap.America :"So we have a dragon roam freely and in secretly unknwon to us."

Natasha :"It is also said that he was a famous hero and guardian in the magical community."

Justice league

The situation is the same as the others, the mystical members of the justice league also confused about this dragon.

Wonder woman :"I do not even know of this dragon." she is confused of this dragon.

Flash :"The description also said that this dragon is a teenager that protects this magical community since he was 13."

Thry also see this and surprised that it was another young hero in the list.

Wonder girl :"So another young hero in the list?"

Kid flash :"This person is the same age with some of us."

Beast boy :"He is also a shapeshifter too, like me."

Raven :"Yeah but this guy can only turn into dragon only while you can turn many animals."

Batman see this and do not like what he got, This dragon is mysterious, none of the dark justice league and other who knows mythology do not know about this. He needs to know what are his abilities so he can make a contingency plans.


We can see a flyring red dragon in the city, we can see the city full of people, there are also heroes and villains roaming the city, We can see A tower that is so big and tall in the middle of the city, this is the avengers tower, We are see the new york city.

American Dragon :"Aw Man, I hope there is something to do right know because there is no bady guys i need to pounce." He then heard a noise of an explosion down there. he heard soemone shout.

Civilian :"Somebody help."

A.Dragon :"Oh yeah now is the time to do some hero work." he goes to the sound.


Union academy

Sona :"Wait, is he in new york?" She recogmized the structure of the city.

Akeno :"Why did you said he is in new york?"

Sona :"Well it is because I can see avengers tower."

They can see Avengers tower in the screen

Tsuyu :"Oh yeah, so he is in new york,Ribbit."

Bakugo :"FINALLY We can see some action."

Glynda :"So this dragon is in new york."

Ironwood :"We shall see what this american dragon can do."

Ozpin :"Agreed."

Avengers tower

Miles :"Wait is that Avengers tower?"He pointed to the screen and they realized where the dragon is.

Rouge: "Wait ah minute, so ah this time he is in new york."

Ghost spider : "Looks like it."

Jessica jones :"But how do we not know before that there was a dragon in new york?"

Mockingbird: "It seems like he use some technology to hide his presence in new york."

Wanda :"Or magic."

Tony :"Yeah, magic." he said sarcastic, he is the man of science not magic.

Justice league

Dr.Fate :"So they are in new york."

Superman :"How come we never know him if he is in new york?"

Aqualad :"Maybe he use any means to conceal himself until now."

Batman see where he is, when he returned back to gotham he will scan and search for this american dragon.


We can see american dragon arrive at the scene and he is going to attack them, the monsters see tgisbalso attack him, he breath out an immense fire, He also take them all ay hand to hand combat, he is using his air manuver fighting style to defeat his opponents.

American Dragon :"All right, Who's next?"

??? :"That will be me."

American dragon see behind him and there is a giant monster looking at him using an axe.

A.Dragon :"Um, hello?" he looks at him nervous and sweating.

The monster swing his axe at him and he dodge it.


Union academy

Kendo :"This dragon fighting style is good."

Ojiro :"I agree it feels like it is kung fu."

Nora :"Look he also can breaths fire."

Bakugo :"Big deal my explosion is still better than that dragon." he said arrogant amd confident.

Issei :"What is so cool abou that dragon, I am still stronger than him."

Ironwood :"That dragon hand to hand is good."

Azazel :"He also have a fighting style that use in mid air." he said impressive.

Avengers tower

Colossus :"This dragon is not bad at all."

Wolverine :"I agree, not to mention he is also fast." he looked impressed.

Ironfist :"Seems like this dragon is a real dragon the same from k'un Lun and from his hand to hand combat I think it is kung fu."

Tony :"Friday record everything from the drwgon fighting style and abilities."

Friday :"Yes sir."

They are now still watching and study about this dragon and what he can do. They also want to know more about his powers.

Justice League

Zatanna :"I sense magical power from him."

John Constantine :"I agree love, there is also some other kind of energy that was inside of him."

Robin :"This guy hand to hand combat is good."

Batwomen :"I agree and it seems like it is kung fu."

Hal jordan :"He seems like also have a fighting with his flight."

Flash :"Not to mention he is also fast."

Batman is anlyzing the screen and the dragon that was display, he is taking notes of what was in the screen.


The american dragon dodge of what was coming from him, he backflip from the axe coming towards him. He turns around and see no one, but he snese danger from behind and moved back.

Monster :"I gotta say you are powerful and slippery dragon."

A.Dragon :"Thanks for the compliment Dawg."

The dragon charge again at the monster, but the monster use a fire magic at him and jake dodge thta but many fireballs are coming at him. He dodge and dodge at incoming fires, when he was near the monster, the monster use his sword to slash him but make use his claw hands to block and hold it.

The Monster is pushing his sword to strike the dragon but the dragon is still holding his ground holding the sword that will kill him. The american dragon breath out fire at his face, The dragon smirk at this but when the dust dissapear he see he is okay.

American Dragon :"B...But how?"

Monster :"Idiot you know what this means right?"

American Dragon :"No...You are immune to fire attacks and magic." he said in horror.

The monster laugh at the dragon and he see him "Yes I am fireproof all fire attacks or magic are nullified."

The dragon see this and grit his teeth. He is thingking that this battle won't be easy.


The world see this and can see this battle won't be easy since the monster the dragon faced is fireproof.

Union academy

Rossweise :"That monster is strong and fast."

Sona :"Not to mention it us also fireproof."

Shoji :"That dragon need to act fast if he wants to get out of there."

Midoriya is analyzing the screen and writing the abilities that the dragon and monster he see, From the looks of it the monster have a great strngth, speed, durability, Agility, fire proof and also he has an axe. While the dragon well a dragon abilities which is great stregth, speed ,durability, agility, breathing fire, and suprisingly this dragon know martial arts. They can hear him muttering and shook their heads and drop of sweat, they already get used hearing him muttering while analyzing.

Avengers tower

Miles :"Man that dragon is powerful."

Bobby :"Not to mention that monster is strong too."

Scott :"Big deal I bet even I can beat that monster because I am homo superior" he said arrogantly.

Hawkeye :"I bet I can shoot him with my bow and arrow."

Tony :"Come on guys, I can beat that monster using one of my suits."

The other heroes see them and shook their heads They are so tired of them being arrogant and ego.

Justice League

Red tornado :"I gotta say, this dragon is impressive."

Dr.Fate :"Indeed, not only his fighting skill is good even his magical powers are good." he is observing the dragon magical prowess.

Flash :"We need to see more of these kid powers if we want to know him more."


The dragon use his fire against the monster but it did not affect him, he Charge forward and use hisnmartial arts prowess to take the minster down. He use His flight ability to avlid and incoming fire attack and suprisingly an earth attack that was display.

A.Dragon :"What the hell you can use earth magic?"

Monster :"Hahahaha, what do you think dragon?"

He summon many sharp shaped lance rocks at the dragon and launch it at him. The dragon dodge many of the attacks with great speed and agility. He devised a plan he then taunt the monster.

American Dragon :"Come on Dawg, is that the best you can do?" he taunts him.

Monster :"Well I will show you dragon." he was angry that he was underistimated by him.

He send many fireballs and many earth lance at him dragon then begin to dodge everything he was thrown from the monster.

Monster :"Why are you dodging dragon? Are you just a coward?"

American Dragon :"No man, I am just waiting for the perfect moment." he is grinning at him.

The monster was confused then he heard something from above, he see a large of crates is going to fall above him, he was going to run but is was to late because the pillars that hold the crates are destroyed and he was smashed by those crates.

American Dragon see this grinning at his victory and fly away because his mission is over.


The world is impressed by the power display and the genius way of the dragon, He is using his environment to his display and make the monster fall into his trap so he can take down the monster.

Union academy.

Nezu :"I gotta say that dragon is smart." he is smilling.

Midnight :"What do tou mean Mr.Nezu?" she is confused of what he say.

Nezu :"What I said is this dragon see taht he can't winning against the monster so he used his environment to take down the monster." he explained it to her.

Ironwood :"In other words he taunt the monster to make him believe he is weak to proceed to his plan."

Nezu :"That is right and I must say I am impressive by these dragon strategy."

Avengers tower

Natasha :"Impressive."

She hulk :"I agree this dragon is strong and clever."

C.America :"He use his environment to beat the monster and trick him to make his plans work." he explained it to them.

Justice league

They are impressive by the power display of the dragon and his cleverness to make the monster get beaten.

Black canary :"This dragon is good."

Superman :"I agree, He take down the dragon and devise a plan to take him down."