
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · แฟนตาซี
716 Chs

Take A Guess

Many, many minutes later Xilo and Xelfia were finally done exchanging information together and just like Xelfia had said there was a lot to take in. So much so that Xilo felt exhausted just hearing about it from her. "Not Only do I have to worry about them being stronger, now they also have a lot of potential cards as well I'll have to deal with." If it was before Xilo could just throw the bigger punch and beat his opponent. Then now he had to worry about other things and strategize a little more. That combined with the fact that he hadn't gained any of his abilities yet so far caused a slight shiver to go through him.

"Thankfully, they are at least weaker for the beginning."

"You're right but we can't let our guard down because of such things, That information still doesn't include all the other unknowns."

"I'll try to keep it in mind, Though that makes me wonder, do you have your own Astral Ring or Innate ability yet?"

Putting a slight pensive look Xelfia thought for a couple seconds before she came to the conclusion to just tell him the truth. She didn't care if he knew in the slightest. She wholeheartedly trusted and believed in him and knew that there was nothing to hide from him at the end of the day. so she just came clean instead of tip toeing around it.

"Haa..I have neither."


Xilo was slightly surprised hearing that since she was a Solar Stage keeper herself but he was slightly surprised she was so depressed about such things. This was probably the second time since they had been together that he had seen her depressed now. But both times he still couldn't figure out why she acted like that and noticing that sent some slight frustration through him for a second but it quickly passed. "Weird, It isn't happening again is it..." But after noticing it disappear so soon he soon brushed it off and forgot about it.

"Surprising since you're at the Solar Stage already."

"Well I don't even have an Astral Ring yet, seems they come at some other time for beasts types and you know as well Innate abilities can awaken at any time."

"Guess that's true. But that also brings up something else I'm curious about. What's your Path type and Elemental affinity?"

"Lots of questions eh mister?"

"Sorry, Curiosity got the better of me."

XIlo couldn't quite help himself honestly. Once he had learned all these things and all these different possibilities he just got immersed in it all trying to figure out all the different questions he had, especially when it came to what Xelfia herself had. Unfortunately he didn't get to much information from her simply because she didn't have such things yet. So he would have to learn more about them and figure it out on his own when he eventually got them himself

Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck he tried to back step but thankfully Xelfia herself wasn't mad with his questions she was just messing with him a little bit. It wasn't like she didn't understand him.

Once he hit the Transformation Stage she would also most likely barrage him with similar questions at the time for the exact same reason.

"Don't worry it's ok"

With a slight Smile she told him.

"Well firstly I'm an attack type"

"I thought so."

Raising a slight eyebrow to that she continued on though not without getting a little payback.

"If you're so smart then how about you guess my elements then? Hehe."

Laughing to herself she pushed Xilo into a corner that wasn't going to end well for him no matter what. She had lost their little game and then he continued trying to tease her. She deserved a little venting herself with all the losses she had suffered from him so far. Xilo on the other hand knew he wasn't getting out of this situation so easily seeing the look in her eyes and that smile that still scared him. "Busted, Though it's my fault." with a slight sigh Xilo began thinking about what Elements she could have.

"I get it, I get it, Their based off personalities correct? then let me think."

"correct. But here's a hint, I have two."

"Okay. Well that might make it a little bit harder, it also makes it more fun"

With a slight smile Xilo began thinking about what they could possible be.

Since they were based off personalities mostly he started to focus on who and how Xelfia acted more than anything. "Maybe, Fire? No ice? That's it hmm..." Jumping from one possibility to another he continued his thinking while trying his hardest to remember every past detail and conversations that he had with her to try and figure out elements. But everything he thought of led him in multiple directions of what it could be. He thought he had a pretty good idea of what she was like but now he was second guessing himself. Especially since he only had an idea of what each Element could be connected with their corresponding element. "I mean just because your hot-blooded doesn't guarantee you'll get fire." At Least that's what Xelfia told him but it was something that was highly possible as well.

Meanwhile Xelfia being on the other side of Xilo's intense stare was unable to figure out what to do with herself while she waited beside trying to escape his gaze as much as possible. Unfortunately like glue he stuck to her whenever she moved. "Is he doing this on purpose?" But noticing his body tensing up slightly she knew he was just thinking and was doing such a thing unconsciously. After a couple more minutes of thinking Xilo finally decided on his answer and snapped out of his thinking.

"Water and...."


Slightly surprised with his answer Xelfia accidentally leaked her voice when she had heard it

Try and take a guess or two since Water might not be correct either c:


Thank you for reading...

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