

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

The Uncrowned King...

~ Omni Pov... ~




"You... You caused it... That spike in energy so many months ago..." The seemed as if he was asking, but he knew what he felt...

Daiko took his time to get closer to the king, every step cracking the floor beneath with emerald sparks of electricity following.

The king felt Daiko's energy rise with each step he took, a look of irritation as he inched ever so closer.

"Yes... King. I was that energy spike all those months ago, and recently too" Daiko said. His glare pierced the king.

The king looked on with horror...

And so did everyone else...

'Impossible... Can it really be his energy that grew that high?' P. Vegeta thought. Backing up a little.

Darles looked on with utter shock, hearing this from Daiko himself was jarring...

'To think the boy did all of that...' Bardock stated in his mind. His eyes not leaving the boy's figure.

"Then why is your power not as high as it was before? Are you hiding a transformation? I demand you tell me!" The king asked, his inferiority overtaking him.

Daiko stopped in his tracks...

"... That's, complicated to answer... But yes, I have... And it isn't super saiyan" Daiko said.

"Then what is it!? What other transformation/s could you possibly possess!?..." The king asked, his tone sounding a little delirious.

Daiko glared.

"You'll have to find that out for yourself my king" He responded, shocking everyone. However, for some reason, they didn't think Daiko would lose even with his current circumstances...

The king glared in anger.

"So be it!" The king said, with venom lacing his tone.

He dashed towards Daiko.

In a burst of speed. Daiko upped his guard. His instincts were now potent enough to overcome the difference in speed. So he did so.


A large shockwave blew everyone back with sheer pressure alone.

Daiko winced a little, the blow was heavy but nothing he wasn't used to.

The king didn't let up, he charged at the boy with no hesitance, hellbent on killing him...

His temper grew, but he could control it. The pain was making him grow even faster...

'*GRUNTS* I see how it is, KING!... I gave you your chances, now it's time to reap what you sow...' Daiko thought. His gaze now indifferent...




[21.7 Billion...]

[23.5 Billion...]





Daiko only took on a defensive position. His anger now growing as his saiyan instincts began to boil...

He continued to dodge the king's relentless flurry of blows.

The rest could only watch in astonishment...

"That boy... His power!... It's rising even faster!" Bardock stated aloud. Confirming the other's suspicions...

The prince looked at his father worried. Even though it looked as if he was winning. He couldn't help but get the sense that things weren't that way... And so did the others think that way.

And how right thy were...



[23.5 Billion...]

[24.9 Billion...]




Daiko blasted back into the ground from the air... That last attack rattled him a bit.


"That bastard! How could he do that to a mere infant? How low can he stoop for his ego!?" Rosetta started furiously getting off the floor.

She got up. Anger was now clear in her eyes.

She quickly powered up. Transforming herself into super saiyan 2 and blasting off toward the king.

As the king simply looked down at where the smoke was.

He scoffed.

'Fucking imbecile' The king spat mentally.

He then charged a yellow energy attack. As he was ready to fire...


A blast from his right came to halt him...

"What the?... Ro... Setta?! It's you, AGAIN!!!" The king shouted.

"...Yes, it is! Leave the child alone you mongrel! Our ancestors must be turning in their graves for what you are doing now, aiming for a child!" She said, a righteous fury burning in her eyes.

The king turned towards her... His eyes were cold and indifferent...

The prince saw that look before. His father only had that expression when he faced his worst enemies...

'He couldn't possibly be thinking of...' The prince thought. His heart thumping,

But his instincts shouted at him that what he did think, was so. "NO FATHER! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE!" The prince shouted at his father. But his voice fell on deaf ears.

"MOTHER! YOU HAVE TO GO NOW, FATHER IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" The prince shouted, alerting everyone.

The queen hearing her son's please, turned towards him, with a look of concern.

But in a flash... The king disappeared from his position...




The King with his armed outstretched right in front of the queen, ready to pierce her stomach in an instant.


Queen Rosetta seeing the king app in front of her, quickly put up her guard however, to the king she might as well be standing still with her level of speed.

Growling, the king drew back his hand...

'This is what you get for disobeying your KING!' The king thought, his eyes bloodshot.

However, just as he was about to...





He stopped instantly, shooting his gaze toward where Daiko should be laying unconscious from those attacks...

"It can't be! He's conscious after I used the royal volley technique?" The king said. However, the power he felt... It was clearly Daiko's, he could feel it rising astronomically faster compared to before...

Out of the puff of smoke, Daiko's energy easily pierced it.

A bluish-green aura rose into the skies and pierced the clouds themselves...

"Everyone felt the sudden surge of Ki that came from where Daiko was... Not only that, more saiyans from around the planet came to see the event...

'D-Daiko? Is that truly you?...' Rosetta thought, her thoughts solely focused on the boy's new transformation. The king, however, went hysterical...

'Impossible... How can he still be!- How can his energy rise THAT much? What! Is he!!!?' The king thought, veins bulging on top of his head.

Daiko could be seen with both his hands widened... His left foot is ahead of his right foot, hovering slightly in the air... His aura now had both blue and green sparks of electricity gushing from his figure...




[Conditions have been met... The 'Super-suppressed super saiyan transformation' has been unlocked...]

Super-suppressed super saiyan transformation: This is the form legends!... Partially... This transformation gives a multiplier of 65-fold your base. (The requirement of this transformation is a power level of 25 Billion with little to no anger needed. It can also be used in conjunction with 'Ikari')




Daiko's Power level skyrocketed far beyond what it was... Not only that, he could keep his sanity pretty well whilst in the form...

Daiko with his greatly enhanced speed and perception, checked his status to see his new power level...




[1.62 Trillion...]

[1.79 Trillion...]




Daiko looked at his hands, clenching them...

'I feel so incredibly powerful...I feel as if I could vaporize the entire galaxy with a mere blast... And my energy, it just keeps rising...' Daiko thought. The power he was exuding, but he quickly re-focused. His darker shade eyes now locked unto the king.

'I need to end this fight, now...' Daiko concluded. His head thumped, his energy starting to grow a little too fast...

And in a burst of speed, he instantly appeared in front of the king. With his power, no one could perceive him moving...

Soon after, at a speed only comprehensible to himself, he barely moved his arm, then quickly he formed a fist, barely pushing it forward into the king's abdomen... As if he was struggling to not explode the king's body with a mere punch.

In real-time, however, the king was sent flying backward. From just a simple thump in his stomach...

"URAARRGHHH!!!!" The king shouted, the pain erupting from his midsection.

'W-What just happened! How did he!' Just as the king was about to finish his thought. Daiko appeared before him once more.

He saw the boy's new figure... He was much taller than before. His hair now stands up slightly in a dark shade of blue with a tinge of green... The king knew that whatever 'this' form was, it somewhat rivaled his legendary transformation.

The other saw the king that was in the air, now on the floor with Daiko in front of him, his eyes sharper than ever.

Daiko raised his hands slowly in front of the fallen King, in a split second a dark green ki blast with an equally dark blue outline, formed in his outstretched hands...

"Any last words, King?" Daiko asked...

However, the king seeing this started to sweat profusely. He didn't want to die!

"N-NO P-PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME!! DAIKO... I'VE WRONGED YOU... PLEASE!" The king pleaded, he de-transformed into his base, in a groveling position.

However, this served to upset Daiko.

"Really? Me, spare you? Are you fucking kidding me, you hypocrite? Do you think you deserve to be spared? Did you think I never realized that you wanted me dead on that mission? Why give it to me otherwise?" Daiko said, his power now doubling and breaching 3+ trillion...


"If our positions were reversed right now, would you even spare me, to begin with? Let's be honest King, you wouldn't even bat an eye. Hell, I doubt you would even let me speak as I'm doing now... Give me one good reason why I should spare you?" Daiko asked.

The king didn't know what to say... His tongue twisted unto itself...


"I thought so, you have nothing to say, right? Let me tell you something, King. Your ego blinded you. Your quest for power has made you ignorant and your strength has made you arrogant! The planet will fair much better without a king as pathetic and as weak, as you!" Daiko spat.

He didn't need to hear anymore. He charged his ki blast even more now...

"WAIT!!!" A voice shouted from afar.

Daiko stopped, hearing the familiar voice...

He then turned towards it... 'Prince?' Daiko thought.

The Prince made his way towards both where his father and Daiko were.

As he arrived. He got a closer look at his father on the floor, groveling... His once proud father who never once shed a tear or bat an eye on the battlefield, was scarred...

As he Daiko's figure, he could only see an irritated 5 feet tall muscular beast, with piercing glowing blue eyes staring into his very soul... And the power he emanated didn't make the situation any better at all, it was growing as they stood there...

'I-Is this really Daiko... His energy is unimaginable... I almost can't sense it...' The prince thought, terrified at the boy. He knew that Daiko had his father at his own mercy, but it was his father, he couldn't just let him die.

The prince then turned towards Daiko's intimidating figure...

"Please Daiko... Spare my father, just this once! I promise you, he will never do something like this again!" Prince Vegeta said.

Hearing the little boy's please somewhat pricked Daiko's heart... Now he wasn't just ending a tyrant... He was ending a tyrant with a child who respected and loved his father, even if it was in a crude manner...

Daiko's eyes twitched.

His anger spiked once more at this development. The king began to cry as Daiko's energy rose...

'... I can't just let this bastard do what he wants... He needs to pay, somehow...' Daiko thought.

In the next moment... Daiko's energy ball dissolved. Surprising everyone who knew about their history greatly.

He then faced backward, de-transforming into his base. The rumbling and shift of the atmosphere returned to normal instantly...

"You! Vegeta. I want you gone off the throne, effective immediately." Daiko said, not even calling him King anymore. He didn't deserve that title.

In the meantime, he then turned towards a saddened queen.

"Queen Rosetta, I know this might be a bit sudden, but... You can remain in charge of the saiyan race instead, your power should be enough to do so, I think you are a capable enough leader..." Daiko decided.

However, the queen protested.

"I cannot do so, Daiko... By defeating the king, one gets to rule the race. I cannot just accept this... It's been our tradition for millennia..." The queen stated.

Darles and Bardock looked at the queen, both understanding what she meant.

"Then it's time we change them. A planet with a muscle-brained king will only get so far in history... You are both intelligent, strong, and caring, a perfect candidate for a ruler. And I... I see no need to rule here... I am not cut out to be a king..." Daiko said.

Daiko made up his mind before he even reincarnated... He didn't want to micro-manage this place, and with the queen knowing the ins and outs of the race far better than he did. Daiko knew she would be perfect for the position...

Hearing his tone, The queen nodded.

"But... What of you? What will you do from now on, King?" Queen Rosetta stated...

Hearing this, Daiko exhaled...

'She won't stop calling me that, will she?... I won't waste my energy and even try to stop her...' Daikod decided.

"Where will you go now?" A small voice chided.

Daiko turned to see who it was...

"Darles!? Why would you want to know that? It shouldn't be of any concern to you..." Daiko said, genuinely serious...

"I'm simply curious, that's all..." Darles said, her face stoic...

Thinking for a bit. Daiko responded.

"I might say for a couple more years here. Then I'll head out to the cosmos and explore..." Daiko said.

"I see..." Darles said, thoughts formulating in her head...

"Well... I'll grab a nap and something to eat. Today has been quite, long..." Daiko said, walking off towards his home...

As he did so, he called out to see his status once more...





Name: Daiko

Age: 1.9 years Old+

Height: 3 ft, 4 inch

Weight: 129 kg

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly, Super Genius, The Uncrowned One, The Strongest

Level: 72/∞

HP (Health Points): STR + END * 5 = 360,543,757/360,543,757 HP

PL/Power Level: (STR) + (AGL) + (END) * 500 = True PL: {53,550,240,020} - (Forcibly Suppressed to 892,569,650) - Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Healthy

Strength: 35.6+ Million

Agility: 35.1+ Million

Intelligence: 141

Endurance: 36.4+ Million

AP: 81








