
Re: Speedrunner

When the world suddenly changed, so does Zaine's life. "What the hell is going on?" "What should I do now?" ... ... Being bullied in school, Zaine decided to drop out of school and pursue live streaming as a job. While keeping his identity hidden, the only game he live-streams is Hellmode Hardcore Leveling. A very well-known game at the start, but soon left by the players because of its difficulty spike, so much so, after just two years of it being released, almost no one plays it anymore. Because of this, the people that watch his streams are almost nonexistent and he make just enough to barely live. Zaine got addicted to the game, it has become his identity, his will to live, his everything. He spends everyday playing the game. He knows the ins and outs of the game like the palm of his hand. One day, Zaine logged on. [Zaine has logged on] [Player Online : 1] "Haha... it seems that I'm the only one left" Suddenly a sound could be heard inside his head [Player Requirements Reached] [Activating World Optimization] Just then, Zaine's mind got forced with information. His life flashed before his eyes, or perhaps, the future of his life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is my submission for the WPC, so feel free to donate power stones and tickets to the novel. As a new writer, I know that it still lacks aspects of a good novel, so if you find something that may be lacking like the pacing or character development, feel free to leave a review. Thank you and have fun! _____________________________________________ Additional information on the novel. The world is completely different from Earth and it's purely fictional. The story won't contain any explicit content but may contain romance. There won't be any Yuri or Yaoi, but may contain a harem with one clear heroine. ____________________________________________

RobZ_ · แฟนตาซี
128 Chs

Chapter 26: Guilds

Zaine woke up to the sound of people talking. He takes a peek from the window and sees that there are groups of people outside the inn waiting for someone.

Zaine went downstairs and was greeted by the innkeeper.

"Morning, your name is Zaine, right? Ask the innkeeper, making sure she is correct. "Some people from the guilds are searching for you outside."

Zaine had a feeling that it was about yesterday's matter.

Opening the door, Zaine gets barraged by people asking him if he is the one who defeated the boss on floor 5 of the tower.

Zaine remains calm and tries to deny the claim, thinking he does not need fame.


A voice could be heard behind the crowd of people. They all seemed to be familiar with the person speaking.

They all make way for the man, allowing him to walk towards Zaine. His white hair and knight armor made Zaine realize he was not from the old earth.

"Hey, you, come to the kingdom right now. The king wants to see you." The guy said the message and immediately left after.

Zaine is confused about what is going on, so he asks one of the people asking him questions before.

"Umm... Who is he?" Ask Zaine, genuinely confused.

The group immediately went silent for a few moments before lashing out to Zaine.

"You don't know him? He is one of the S-class adventurers on Avalon!" One of the guys lowers his voice,

"Reports said that he is annoyed at the sudden change in the world." One of the guys whispers to him. "He is not like you and me. He originally comes from the other half of this merged world."

The other reporters and guild representative slowly leave the place, seeing that Zaine has an audience with the king and they can't take more of Zaine's time.

Zaine went upstairs to find that Amy and Albus were ready to go. They had overheard the conversation and were now eager to meet the king.

On the road, Zaine decides it would be best for them to wear a cloak to hide his presence. They go into a clothing shop and pay for three hooded robes.

They make their way into the kingdom, one stairway at a time.

The kingdom is in the middle of the island. Not far from where the tower emerged the day before.

Upon arriving at the entrance, two guards confirm Zaine's group identity, and they are allowed in.

They went inside a massive hall filled with bright colors where the traditional kingdom aesthetic of the place filled Amy in awe.

Zaine had told Albus beforehand to stay silent and follow him. Albus felt the seriousness of the situation, and she complied.

On the edge of the long corridor hall, can be seen a figure sitting on a majestic throne, leaning both of his hands to it while observing Zaine and his group walking towards him.

Zaine and his party finally reach in front of the king. They kneel in front of him while Zaine is making eye contact.

"Welcome to the kingdom. I heard about your action yesterday, Zaine..."

"I am the King of Avalon, and also the leader of the number one Guild in the world." (Self-proclaimed)

"We are very interested in you, and boldly speaking, we want you in our guild." Said the king, extending both of his hands.

"Our guild has a few S-class heroes and dozens of A-class heroes, and with your power, we can become an even better guild than before."

"We want you, Zaine."

"And you, the girl with blue hair, you are from our world, right?"

Amy stutters while she looks at the king.

"Y-yes. I used to be a receptionist."

"Oh! Perfect, would you come with Zaine over there, or do you want to continue working as a receptionist for our guild here?" The King questioned Amy about a very problematic choice.

Throughout the journey, Amy has always thought about this matter. While traveling with Zaine, Amy has developed a joy for adventuring and being beside Zaine, making sure he is doing okay.

At first, she went with Zaine to travel to Avalon and would part ways then. But after all they went through together, their bonds have grown more than before.

With a new and firm look on her face. Amy decided that moment to leave her past once and for all and continue on her journey with Zaine and Albus.

While they are having their conversation, Zaine has also come to a decision.

Zaine knows that this opportunity is a once in a lifetime. But the thought of being in a guild bothers him as he does not want rules being forced upon him.

"You look troubled, Zaine. Tell me, what question do you want to ask?"

Zaine decided to tell the truth and ask about the rules.

"Hahaha. The rules? We made the rules as simple as possible. We also won't invade your private life as long as you can help our guild with quests and achievements. That is enough for us." The king grinned as he explained the simple rules.

Zaine looked at the people beside him, nodding to him.

Finally, Zaine accepted the invitation, and of course, Amy and Albus also got in.

"Alright, I'll join."

And so, Zaine joined the so-called number one guild in Avalon.

I think about this chapter a lot. The Guilds in Avalon are very diverse. But not the same as in the other Safe Zones. So Avalon especially will have multiple guilds while the rest will only have the Adventurers Guild present.

Why Avalon has multiple guilds because of the abundance of people coming together to the city resulting in the many adventurers taking quests.

RobZ_creators' thoughts