

A regular otaku decided to complete a survey of an underrated character in a random show which ended up being Saji from dxd

Jobert_Alistar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

I am (not) Saji


In a small, yet comfortable looking household was a Japanese otaku. The otaku in question had dark circles underneath his his eyes like he never slept. In the small , dirty room was a desk with a cheap computer and monitor which was the reason this otaku had circles underneath his eyes

The monitor had been showing a questionnaire filled with characters they questionnaire creator deemed had not been using the full potential or could've grown more had the author been concentrating more on that character.

The list including character like Gohan , Saji , and more the otaku after scrolling decided to pick Saji after the decision to do so he felt an intense urge to sleep . His body slumped forward and fell onto the keyboard before the otaku woke up again in a room that wasn't his


Saji pov

After going to sleep I stood up an saw a different scenery from my house. It was familiar yet new at the same time the confusion was only there for a couple moment before a terrible headache struck me . The sense of dizziness made my wobble and fall to my knees with a heavy thud that result a call from a concerned voice ."Saji is there something wrong . " The voice was familiar it was Saji's mom . Then she started walking up the stairs , indicated by her footsteps . Standing up I retreated back to the bed I woke up from . The footsteps ended and Saji's mom opened the door , with a look of concern on her face


General pov

The child and adult looked at each other ,one with a look of concern across their face and another the stare of continued before the first question was asked breaking the builtup tension. "Is something wrong" the women said gazing intentfully to the child on the bed . This question was a simple yet effective way to judge the child status.However the reply was even more simple with a quick reply from the sleeping ."I'm okay " The sense of assurity from the reply was enough for the concern on the woman face to wash away a heavy sigh of relief escaping from her lips as she began to drift away from the room of the child .


Saji pov

After that rather stressful encounter with the first person I saw since passing on to another universe so it felt so impossible that I was talking to a character from a show I have watched and read. The most important thing that I had to do was try out one the only thing making relevant to the supernatural world I entered .

My sacred gear , the tool that God gave the humans to stop the tyranny of the other race ruling the word in secret . Unlucky for him his only way of 'protecting the human race was exploited to the maximum. Sacred gear nullifiers, extractors and the transformation of a human to another race was common and done all over the world . Making humans the weakest race with a few exception of ultimate class exorcist that broke the norm

My or rather Saji's sacred gear was called absorption line witch was one the four Vitra sacred gear. Vritra was the black dragon king . Specialising in containing and sealing . Absorption line took the the form of a deformed lizard head which ejected blueish line that absorb or transfer energy to allies . Saji's use of his sacred gear was okay but it felt like he had been realiying on it completely with no other things in his arsenal like magic or a weapon of any sort which is why I started meditating trying to feel my mana then after a while of controlled breaths and silence I had felt a warm cozy feeling from the area where my solar plexus is .

The energy then went up and finally situated in my brain waiting for my command ."This is probably why devil have imaginary based magic ". For my first spell I decided one that would help and support me in combat . A black magic circle materialized infront of my hand as black hazy looking chains appeared infront of me . I willed the chains to move and found out that I could make the longer with more mana I then took out a pencil and made the chains thinner while wrapping them around the pencil making the chain press harder around it before it burst into pieces.

Smiling I started feeling dizzy before dissapating the chains , after that I felt my consciousness fade away resting peacefully


General pov

After a hectic first day , Saji was up and ready for his first day at school . Arriving Saji was in shock, Kouh academy was simply magnificent the structure was large yet had a sense of tranquility that didn't take away from the natural view which included the sakura blossom trees that brought the Japanese culture into the school as a whole , staring at the beautiful site would not bore most people especially Saji who was a weeb that has always been fantising about the day he could be there himself since he started watching the show. As he was walking towards he class while admiring the view Saji saw three people staring at girls without the decency to hide the fact they were doing. Due the indecency of the the group and the lecherous behavior they were called the horny trio .

Still walking towards the class Saji finally arrived and started his first day of school.


After school ended Saji went to the student council and was assigned some jobs to do in which he had to give some fliers and contract some humans

While walking back home Saji heard a scree of an unnatural creature before his instincts kicked forcing him into roll which was just enough to avoid a massive claw attack from the beast


To (not) be continued