
This War must end

I'm now standing face to face with Ryu, whose eyes are shining because of blood-lust. I was sure that it was related to Bee Hive Gang, but I was still not really certain with how I should interfere in this war.

Ryu: "Young master Rei... I know you have only arrived today, but it's probably time to tell you the truth about our turf war." Ryu has a slight apologetic expression, as I nodded my head for him to continue."The Clan master, your father, didn't want me to tell you because he didn't want you to be involved... but we are fighting a losing war!" He spoke, both angry and pleading me at the same time.

Rei: "Ok, tell me more about our situation Ryu. Tell me everything." There was a little pause before he opened his mouth..

Ryu: "Well, we lost about a third of our territory to them... and the three injured men you saw yesterday... they were originally a group of ten. Only three of them survived. I didn't want you to be disappointed in us-" He was cut by me raising my hand.

Rei: "Ryu, answer me truthfully. Do you consider me family?" Ryu nodded without any hesitation."Then never.... ever hesitate to ask for my help. Ok?"

He nodded again, but this time with his face towards the ground.*If I'm gonna do anything... it has to be big to convince the Bee Hive group to not fuck with us...*I thought with a face full of bloodlust. Ryu saw my expression, and looked at me with eyes full of respect, and a little proud of his little brother I guess. *I'm going to have to do it by myself.* I made up my mind now.

Rei: "Ryu, give me a hot spot... the most guarded location in the city by these 'Bees'. "

Ryu: "That would be a place in the east of the city, in the red light district. It's a club called 'Kiss', taken from us by them about two weeks ago. I'll get the boys ready young mast-... no, sir. We'll be ready and armed in twenty minutes, awaiting your further orders then." Ryu bowed at the end of his sentence.

Rei: "Ryu, I've actually got a more important job for you and the lads.I'll handle this by myself " He lifted his head, his lips ready to contradict me. "Tomorrow, Ryu, is Raku's birthday. I don't want anyone injured or worse... dead on Raku's birthday. Especially you. Don't even dare to worry about me, you know my strength. I'll be back by the morning, and if dad asks.... it's fine to tell him the truth."

Ryu seemed to be contemplating my decision, before slowly nodding his head. I made my way to the door, before remembering that I forgot something very important.

Rei: "Ryu! I've got one last favour to ask of you... can I borrow a ride?" He looks to the side and scratches the back of his head before answering.

Ryu: "Well me and the boys wanted it to be a surprise... but... follow me." He leads me to the garage, towards what I think is a motorbike covered by a sheet of cloth.

When he removes the cloth, my eyes widen In admiration... *Ducati fucking desmosedici* my mind very ecstatic at the moment. In my previous life, I couldn't really say I was into bikes, but I got pretty hooked on bikes when I was completing my PHD in London. The doctors I befriended had a knack for adrenaline, to say the least, and so I started riding the day I turned 18.

I run my hands along the smooth surface, admiring the beautiful vehicle and not noticing that Ryu had just left the room. When he came back, he was holding a pitch black helmet in one hand, and swinging a pair of keys with the other.

Rei: "Ryu... I don't know what to say... thank you, truly." I spoke with the best smile I could form in the given situation.

Ryu: "It wasn't just my idea, so I don't deserve all the gratitude..." he smiled a little before his face turned serious again."Before you go sir, promise me that you'll come back. Not just for me, for the family!" He spoke with a very stern expression.

Rei: "I swear to you, Ryu, I'll be back before you know it." I shook his hand tightly, put on my helmet and disappeared into the darkness.

*Wheeeew, this is amazing!** my thoughts drifted off for a moment, as I got absorbed by the wind whizzing past my body. *The east he said... well it's still 7 and the club will be open by about 10 so I guess I got enough time to ride* I thought with a smile creeping on my face.

-4 hours later-

After touring the city and racing cars on the motorway to kill time, I found the club that Ryu talked about. It was pretty big with a huge line of people waiting to get in, three bulky bodyguards at the front. I knew this won't be a walk in the park, but it shouldn't be a challenge either. I knew that Claude would not be here, in the anime he seemed like the type that would hate these kind of places.

*Time to fuck some shit up* I started cracking my knuckles and pulling my hood down... I want it to be known that the Shuei did this, but I don't really want my identity to be exposed. I make my way to the front of the line, everyone else looking at me like I'm crazy, and size up all three of them who are now aware of my presence.

Bodyguard 2: "Yo Scott, look at this mother-" before he could finish, he received a perfect knee kick to the jaw, instantly knocking him up.

I didn't even let on of the other bodyguards raise his arms before-*pow*

I turned mid-air and kicked him to the side of his face with my heel.

The last one standing, released a roar and charge at me as he readied his right arm for a heavy swing. I moved to the side in the last moment, letting his hand slide past my face and elbowing him in the throat, nearly crushing his trachea. At this point, the people waiting in the line backed of greatly, some with phones out and taking videos. It was dark, light wasn't shining on my face so I wasn't really worried about them.

It took only a couple of seconds before four more Hive members rushed out of the club, this time all of them carrying weapons; one swinging a metal pipe, two had pocket knives while the last had a handgun. *Better watch the handgun* I made that my priority, ready to engage the group.

Without a moment of hesitation I charged at the group, and the one with the pistol shot twice, missing once but grazing my shoulder the second time, causing me to grunt in pain. This did not stop my advance as I ducked at the swing of the pipe, and landed a heavy punch in the man's solar plexus taking him out of the fight in one hit.

I wasn't cautious enough, and one of the two with the knives managed to stab be from the side, but to my luck, the knife missed any vital organs. I reacted quickly, and elbowed him in the jaw, knocking him out instantly... leaving me to deal with the other two. *I have to end this before other come* I had to make sure I don't get completely surrounded. I jumped from the ground, towards the one holding the pistol, and kicked him with all my momentum on the top of his head. He also blacked out instantly.

So far, I was using only Muai Thai, as I decided that I didn't really want to kill any of them. *This will only make them angrier, while my act of mercy will just show them we are a force to be reckoned with*.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the last one standing, who released a battle cry and started swinging his blade toward me like a madman while I dodged his attempts. Finding an opening after his fourth swing, I rushed forward and elbowed him in the chest which was followed by a hook kick to the ribs. He wasn't knocked out, but he was on the floor, wailing in pain and no longer able to fight.

I figured that I was currently pretty injured and sent quite a clear message, so I decided not to risk my life and wait for any more members to rush out and ran towards the alley where I parked my bike.

Before I start the engine, I check out my injuries and after confirming that they weren't too serious... maybe except the stab wound which still had the knife inside, I was fine.

I rushed back home, and after parking the bike in the garage, I limped a bit to a first-aid kit leaving a trace of blood in my tracks. The house was extremely quiet, as it was the middle of the night, so I tried to take the knife out by making as little noise as possible. Now with the knife out, I'm clenching my teeth for what comes next; disinfectant. I hiss at the pain, my eyes slightly watering at this point and I start to wrap bandages around my torso, and the graze of the bullet on my left shoulder.

*Ahem* Before I got up from the floor, I was startled at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Issei: "So you think that because I have two sons, I am happy with losing one?!"

*pow* he slaps my face pretty hard, even with me in this injured state. I just keep my head hung in guilt, not daring to face him.

Issei: "I don't want to drag this matter any further, but I don't ever want to catch you taking this kind of risk again... do you understand!"

I just nod my head, still hung in shame.

Issei: "Ryu, hell Rei get to his room." At his words, Ryu quickly dashed to my side, lifting my arm and acted as support as I made my way to my bedroom.

-At the scene on the club-

Claude: "When I get my hands on the bloody Shuei that did this I'll-" He was cut off by his boss.

Adelt: "The fact that they were all spared, means one thing." He spoke with a heavy tone in his voice."And the fact that it was done by one one person, just adds more to that message."

Claude: "And... What is that message you speak of sir?" Claude asked a little confused.

Adelt: "You are smart Claude, but only a veteran of these Gangster wars understands the message. The message is: 'We are a force to be reckoned with, but we do not seek war'. My guess is that the Shuei want to solve this matter peacefully." He spoke, a slight look of relief now in his eyes.

Claude: "You can't possibly be serious sir-" He was cut off again.

Adelt: "Claude, how many people did we lose in this... turf war huh? How many more? And now that you see what the Shuei are truly capable of... do you wish to continue this war?" He didn't expect an answer before he continued."I will contact Ichijo Issei... we will then decide if peace is truly an option."

When Adelt left, Claude was still surprised that only one man caused this situation. The men stationed at this club were his best... and they have just gotten singlehandedly taken out. Killing, that is easy to accomplish but incapacitating armed opponents... even Claude doubts he will get out of this situation without the need to kill. *The Shuei really do have a monster...* were his final thoughts on the matter.

(A/N- Yeah guys,I was a pussy and MC didn't really kill anyone, but I really think that would escalate the war instead. Sorry if you didn't get the war you wanted. I tried....peace out✌️✌️)

Sorry if fight scene is a little messy.✌️✌️

Author76creators' thoughts