
New Neighbours

The goofy smile on my face slowly turned into a grim expression, as when I arrived at the mansion there were about 3 heavily armoured vehicles parked outside.

Rei: *They're clearly not police, and Bee Hive travel in style... who the hell could it be?* I thought as I park the car and make my way inside.

I enter the mess hall and I spot Ryu and the boys standing straight and upright, competing with five men in front of them who were wearing complete black suits and ear pieces. Ryu and his men were puffing their chests but the bodyguard looking men in front of them didn't even flinch, since they were wearing sunglasses it was hard to tell if they reacted at all.

Ryu: "Oh, I didn't notice you arrived sir. The clan master was actually waiting for your arrival to introduce you to someone, our new next door neighbour." He had a little worry in his eyes when he spoke, which made me all the more curious.

Rei: "Alright, I'll be on my way. Are they both in the office?" Ryu nods and I just start heading upstairs past the five huge men, who moved aside and constructed a path for me.

I hear some laughing coming from inside the office, and open it to be greeted by the biggest surprise in my life.

Issei: "Oh Rei, you're here. We were just speaking about you, meet Miss Sofiya Pavlovena. Her father saved my life years back, so I was just telling her stories of the old times.

She told me how you helped her in Thailand, she had a desire to meet you again to thank you for your work." Next to him stood the notorious Balalaika with a shrewd smile on her face.

Rei: "No need, you paid me in full with the piano Miss Pavlovena." I smile but think of every possibility as to why she might be here.

Sofiya: "Please, call me Sofiya. I don't think the piano was enough repayment, but if you insist I'll back down of course.

Now let's toast to a healthy life, new neighbour." She opened an expensive bottle of brandy, pouring it into three glasses.

Rei: "Neighbour?" I'm pretty lost at the moment.

Issei: "Yep, exactly like you've heard. Miss Pavlovena is our new neighbour. She had recently bought and refurbished that big abandoned mansion behind ours, so she came to greet her neighbours."

I could tell that my dad also knew that it wasn't so simple, but I guess that because he knew her dad he gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Rei: "Welcome to the neighbourhood Sofia, I hope you'll enjoy it here." We all clink glasses and down it in one go, Sofiya gave me a smile which sent chills down my spine.

Sofiya: "I'm sure I will, Rei. I'm very sure that I will."

I soon leave the room and make my way downstairs to relieve the tension a little, both myself and the boys.

Rei: "Ryu, let's go to the bar. I'm going to play the piano for a bit." Ryu's expression soon lightens and we all go to the bar at the end of the hall.

Ryu: "Sir, would you prefer brandy of whiskey?" Holding two very expensive looking bottles in his hands.

Rei: "Is that from your private collection Ryu?"

Ryu: "It's nothing sir." He rubs the back of his neck and smiles.

Rei: "I'll take whiskey then." He pours me a quarter of a glass, and puts it on top of corner of the piano. "Any suggestions?"

Ryu: "Sir, I would like it if you would play some jazz." He was shuffling the cards near a round table, about to get into a game of poker with some of the guys.

Rei: "Sure." I start playing around for a bit, and eventually begin playing 'Like Someone In Love-Billy Evans' to relax the atmosphere even more.

Finishing the song I can notice that even the bodyguards are now standing a little closer, some of them unconsciously tapping their feet.

Rei: "Alright then, any other preferences?" To my surprise the bodyguard that looks in charge spoke up.

Bodyguard: "Waltz in C sharp minor" Ryu and the guys are a little surprised just like me, while the one who spoke up just stood there expressionlessly.

I lift my glass up at in the man's direction, sip from it a little and begin my playing. The one who requested the song seemed to lower his shoulders a bit, not dropping his guard but clearly less tense when the song started playing.

My father and Sofiya were making their way downstairs and took a seat on a couch in the corner, sipping their respective drink and listening to my playing.

The atmosphere was much better than before, with no tension left in the air between the two parties.

Ryu: "Sir, sing us a song! We miss your singing!" Ryu was a little tipsy right now and let his thoughts out.

Random Yakuza 1: "Yes Sir! Sing us a song!"

Random Yakuza 2: "Please Sir sing us a song!"

I wasn't really in the right mood to start singing, but I was left with no choice at the next request.

Issei: "Rei, sing a song for the boys and the guests. I'm sure that they'll like it." Sofiya next to him was eying me with curiosity.

Rei: *Now what song do I sing.... Oh I've got one!*

I begin playing a slow introduction and start singing 'Rocket Man-Elton John', a song not too fast and not slow to bore everyone.

Some people that were sitting down got up, all staring at the stage and caught up in the mood.

When the song ends there was one applause which stood out from the crowd, coming from a specific couch.

Sofiya: "And I thought you were a doctor, now this just confirms every thought I had about you." She stood clapping and smiled towards me.

Rei: "And what were your thoughts on me?" I stop playing, get off the stage and sit on a chair near the couch.

Sofiya: "You don't seek fame or glory. With singing skills like yours, you'll get quite far in today's world. And I'm pretty sure the song was an original as well."

Rei: "Let's not exaggerate, I'll rather leave the singing to the professionals." I try to divert the topic.

Sofiya: "I know that you know how good you are at everything you do. And the thing that piqued my interest the most, is how someone like you isn't interested in money, fame or women." She was swirling her drink while eying me with curiosity.

Rei: "I'm pretty sure you won't be interested in me if I was drawn by such things. Now that I think it's wrong or anything, a wish is a wish. But money, fame and women just simply aren't my desires."

Sofiya: "And what are your desires?"

Rei: "To live a life worth living, a life with no regrets and no pointless moments going by. I want every second of my existence to be worth something to me."

The room went silent at my answer, Issei and Ryu looked towards me proudly and Sofiya was... smiling?

Sofiya: "That was one satisfying answer to hear, you've just made my day. It is pretty late and so I will head out, have a good night Rei."

She left with her crew while I saw them off and headed back to my room, thinking about the long day that finally came to an end.