
Meeting the two geniuses and a half

I go through the same routine as I had yesterday, except that this time I decided to make 3 lunches. Yesterday I had noticed that both Itoko and Onizuka ate some instant noodles, so I'll introduce them to the beauty of healthy home cooked lunch-not much of a bother so why not.

When I arrived at school I saw that there was quite the crowd gathered by the bulletin board at the front of the school.

Rei: *So Onizuka's challenge had begun huh* if I remember this must be class 1C's first step.

On the bulletin board there was a photo of Onizuka nearly butt naked, in what looked like bondage clothing. The students and teachers surrounding the board all looked at Onizuka with a mocking expression, while Azusa was making her way through the crowd and towards the board.

Onizuka: "Azusa, I swear that's not me!" He was desperately trying to at least keep his image with the person he liked. I decide to save him just as Azusa raises her hand to slap him.

Rei: "Damn man, those are some great photoshopping skills!" I raise my voice so that everyone surrounding the bulletin can hear, especially Azusa. "It looks just like you as well... but you have to look hard to see that it's clearly fake."

Azusa: "What do you mean... how can you tell it's fake?" She had a bit of relief in her voice, while Onizuka was on his knees with tears in his eyes and looking at me gratefully.

Rei: "Well, for starters just looking at the contours near the neck. You can spot small unnatural irregularities, or the fact that there is no reflection in Onizuka's eyes. The latter is probably the most obvious one though."

The crowds realise that it's just a prank of sorts, so they disperse no longer interested.

Onizuka: "*Phew* you saved me Rei, thanks. But who do you think put that up there?" He was scratching the top of his head pretty clueless.

Rei: "Honestly I think it was your class man."

Onizuka: "What do you mean.... they were behaving so nice when I met them yesterday...."

Rei: "Well don't forget, they made their past 3 homeroom teachers quit without anybody getting called out for it. That means their methods are shrewd and secretive, what happened right now is a prime example."

He pieces two and two together, and it was just as if a light bulb had lit in his brain.

Onizuka: "Those snotty kids... we'll see who will prevail!" He shouts with flames in his eyes.

Azusa: "Onizuka, I'm so sorry for accusing you." She faces the ground with an embarrassed expression.

Onizuka: "Don't worry, it was nothing!" He smiles brightly and flexes in an idiotic manner causing her to chuckle.

With that misunderstanding over with, Onizuka tears off the poster and throws it into the bin.

I know that we were being watched by the culprits, but decided to let Onizuka deal with the situation.

The situation with Noboru... well let's just say that I don't think Onizuka handled it that well in the anime.

The bell rang and so we left for our respective homeroom, Onizuka leaving with fire in his eyes.

Akari: "Rei, wait a minute. Before you leave I was told by the principle that she wants to meets you, wasn't really told why." She called from behind me with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Rei: *From her expression, the principal is her sister huh* "Got it, thanks for telling me."

I reach my homeroom and start doing the register as usual, but this time I feel burned by the gazes of the girls in the class.

All is going well, even Harima took his glasses off and wasn't didn't look as sour as yesterday. Judging from the bandages around his body, he must have gotten quite the scolding from his cousin(Itoko).

The class lost its awkwardness from yesterday and were now fine to talk for the rest of homeroom, unlike yesterday when they were completely silent.

Tenma: "Mr Ichijo, I've got a question for you."

The class goes silent waiting for my reply, guess that they have some respect for me now.

Rei: "Go right ahead Miss Tsukamoto."

Tenma: "A friend of mine that you don't teach asked me to give you a physics question that she was stuck with." She takes a sheet of paper from her bag riddled with scribbles.

Rei: "And why won't she give it to her usual physics teacher?" I ask and take the paper from her hand.

Tenma: "She did, but the teacher wasn't able to answer. After I told her about you and how easy your lessons are, she asked me to give it to you."

Rei: "Can you tell me the name of your friend?"

Tenma: "Yeah, her name is Takano Akira. She's in class 1D."

I wonder how she can keep her smile for so long, every time I look at Tenma she is smiling.... even throughout this entire conversation.

Rei: "Tell Miss Takano that if she ever has another question, just come see me at lunch or aftershool. I don't mind, I'll be here anyways." I have to admit the problem she gave me is complex, but still only took me 2 mins to complete.

The people near me were just dumbfounded at the problem, looking at it and seeing only symbols they have no clue about.

I had one biology class with my homeroom and one physics class with Youhei's second year class. Since Youhei would be a little lonely in the afteschool lessons, I told him that Okazaki Tomoya will join him.

Tomoya had no idea what I was talking about, but after finding out he was not impressed to say the least. However, it wasn't anything that couldn't be solved with a little 'motivation'.

Lunch soon arrived and Onizuka & Itoko were thanking me endlessly for the lunches I made. As we were making plans for today's evening and deciding where we would go for a little drinking party, I was tapped on the shoulder by Mafuyu.

Rei: "Oh, hey Mafuyu, you want to come with us as well?"

Mafuyu: "Umm I can't, I'm quite busy. That's not why I got your attention though, can we talk a little outside?" She blushed a little, still not used at me using her first name.

We head outside and there were three students standing there-looks like they were waiting for Mafuyu.

Rei: "Mafuyu, I recognise these students but you do know that I'm a physics and biology teacher right?" The three were Ohara Rizu(a mathematics genius), Furahashi Fumino(a literature genius) and Yuiga Nariyuki(normal student that works extremely hard to help his impoverished family).

Mafuyu: "Yes, but I also know that you've graduated high school at the age of 15. Your scores for Japanese Literature and Mathematics were perfect, being the only student to achieve 100% in all subjects for the past 10 years." The trio widen their eyes, admiration and worship in their eyes.

Rei: "I see, but aren't they pretty much the pride of this school? One the mathematics genius, the other being the literature genius and the third pretty much this schools all round best student." All three smile proudly, while Mafuyu sighs and her eyes drop.

Mafuyu: "Well, that is only if they chose so study in that particular field..." She slowly starts to explain the current situation to me, and how bad Rizu and Fumino are with their other subjects.

Rei: "Right that explains things, but what about Yuiga here. What is he here for?" If I would be their tutor then what is his role?

Mafuyu: "When he found about the chance to be tutored by you, he took it. You see, he wants to pursue medicine later on and found out about you being a doctor by accident." She was holding the bridge of her nose with a little frustration.

Rei: "Well that's alright, I don't mind an extra student. We will start tomorrow lunchtime if you guys don't mind, you see I would do it after school but I'm tutoring two second years and I don't want to mix you guys up."

The three of them just nodded enthusiastically, and left for their classrooms.

Mafuyu: "Thank you so much, Rei, you don't understand how much you've helped me this time." She still pauses a little before saying my first name.

Rei: "Don't worry about it, it is my pleasure. Just treat me to dinner or lunch or something if you don't know how to repay me." She blushed heavily, she clearly misunderstood my intentions.

Mafuyu: "S-sure, I'll tell you after I plan it out." She ran back to the staff room with her face releasing steam.

"Mr Ichijo!"

I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me, an I spot a group of girls making their way towards me. The group consisted of Tenma, Eri, Mikoto, Chitoge and two other girls I haven't met yet.

One looked shy and cute with shoulder length black hair, while the other looked confident, mature, serious and with short brunette hair-Takano Akira and Ichijou Karen.

Tenma: "Hey Mr Ichijo! This is my friend Akira that I talked about, after I gave the paper back she wanted to meet you!" She points towards Akira, the latter looking at me up and down.

Rei: "Nice to meet you Miss Takano, I'm Tenma's homeroom teacher." I extend my hand and she looks a little confused, but smiles and shakes it.

Akira: "I've never met a teacher that shakes the hand of students, I think you're getting more interesting by the second." I chuckle at her words and tun my face to Karen.

Rei: "I recognise the rest of the group, but not you. You can call me Mr Ichijo, I'm Tenma's homeroom teacher if you weren't paying attention." I extend my hand and she grabs it shyly.

Karen: "Hello Mr Ichijo, my name is Ichijou Karen and I'm one of Tenma's friends." She quickly retracts her hands, and looks away from my face.

Tenma: "Wow, your surnames sounds so alike! Mr Ichijo and Miss Ichijou, it's like your husband and wife!"

The rest of the group chuckle, with the exception of Chitoge and Mikoto who both look a little uncomfortable with the joke. Karen blushed heavily with steam rising from her ears, fidgeting with the side of her skirt.

Rei: *chuckle* You're right, why don't I call you Miss Karen then. Would that be better, or would everyone else just like to call me Mr Rei when it's just us?" They all seem particularly excited with the second option, especially Mikoto and Chitoge.

Tenma: "I say it would be better to use Mr Rei!" The rest just nod their heads, Karen nodding hers very quickly.

"Oh Mikoto, what are you guys doing?"

The voice comes from a passive looking blonde student who I recognise as Imadori Kyousuke-one of the biggest perverts in 'School Rumble'.

Mikoto: "We aren't really on a first name relationship Kyousuke." She answers defensively, steering away from him.

Imadori: "That's the first time I've seen you act that hostile, anything wrong?" At his words Mikoto looks a little uncertain on wether I found out about her little crush on me or not.

Rei: "You must be a friend of hers, nice to meet you Mr Kyousuke. I'm Mikoto's teacher, Mr Ichijo." First time I ever used her first name so she blushed heavily and tried to hide behind Akira.

Imadori looked at Mikoto a little wide eyed, and then back at me to shake my hand. When he got a clear view of me, he gave me a little bit of a glare which I of course ignored.

Imadori: "Right, nice to meet you Mr Ichijo. I'm Kyousuke Imadori, I'm a friend of Mikotos." It's kinda cute how he tried to judge if I was good enough for Mikoto, guess he cares a lot for his friends.

I was about to head back inside the staff room until I was stopped by Akira who held my arm.

Akira: "Hold up Mr Rei, I've got another question to give to you. I doubt my teacher or tutor is able to answer so I'll have to ask for your assistance." She takes out a folded piece of paper from her pocket, filled with her attempts at the question.

Kyousuke looked dumbfounded at the situation, guess that Akira never really asked for help from her teachers.

I glance at the piece of paper for only about 10 seconds, until I spot her mistake.

Rei: "You've just substituted the wrong values in this line, of you fix that the rest should be fine." She takes it back and realised her mistake, chuckling a little at how silly it was.

Akira: "The fact that it took you 10 seconds to go through what took me half an hour is still pretty amazing Mr Rei."

Like last time she emphasised the 'Mr Rei' part, as if to differentiate me from the other teachers.

Rei: "Don't give me so much credit Miss Takano, I'm more astounded at your ability to do those kinds of questions at such a young age."

Akira: "Still not as good as you. I have to be honest here, I considered myself smart until I heard what Miss Kirisaki said earlier." The other curious at what conversation she was talking about, so I nodded in confirmation to let the others know.

Tenma: "Wooow! You're so amazing Mr Rei!" She shouted with sparkles in her eyes.

Rei: "I'm fine with you guys knowing but let it stay in between us."

Now the whole group looked at me with amazed expressions, especially Kyousuke who looked at me no longer with bitterness, only respect. I guess that he thought that Mikoto fell for my extreme good looks, but now he was sure of my ability.

The bell rang soon after, but as I had no lesson to teach now I went back inside the staff room.