
Meeting someone truly beautiful

-6 year timeskip-

The past six years were pretty uneventful, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have plenty of fun. Saki has signed me up to every piano competitions she could, to spread my name, I even sometimes competed with adults.

I soon became known as a child prodigy, but the kind that made getting second place feel good,after all-I never lost the leading position.Never. Which might be why it became a little boring, and so I asked Saki to give me a little break until I start high-school at least, and to my surprise she agreed.

I have also received my rewards from the quest about 3 years ago(didn't receive any new quests though)and I obtained World-Class Violin skills, Sign Language Understanding and World-Class Japanese orientated cuisine Chef skills. The first and third were extremely useful, especially the third- Raku was good at cooking in the anime and cooked for the household, but he's too young right now and so I took that responsibility upon myself. Although I didn't understand why the second was even a reward from the lottery system( with my new IQ I could probably learn it in less than half a day), I didn't doubt the fact that it would come in handy one day.

Raku's childhood meetings with the girls in the anime took place during this time, and I was only present for only one-Chitoge. The reason was simple- my father thought that I should take a break from the piano, and gave me no choice in joining him in the trip to the countryside for a couple of weeks. When I met Chitoge for the first time, I could swear she had a slight blush on her cheeks but I let it slide.*Raku, I guess I accidentally stole one of your harem members.... not that I feel sorry though.* The three of us had a fun time there and I managed to avoid the event of Raku's injury, didn't really want my little brother to have a scar now do I.

In the last 3 years I also started working out; going for regular 5 km jogs in morning and swimming 4 times a week. I realised that the body I customised is simply a potential I can reach- through hard work I would gain that appearance. I can't say that it didn't pay off as my body is currently at 5'4, v-shaped torso and with a face that looks like it was sculpted by gods(I'm currently 10 my face still containing a small amount of baby fat).

At the start of elementary school, although I was eye candy for the girls, l was walled off from the rest of the class(their parents knew of my yakuza background, so they told their children to keep their distance). Now, the current me is halfway through elementary school, bored with my head being forcefully held up by my hand,contemplating if I should just use my intellect to race through the rest of elementary, middle school and high-school alike. I was tired of dealing with teenagers going through puberty, it was affecting me as well I can't lie,but I inherited an excellent self control from my past life.

My train of thoughts was however interrupted by our homeroom teacher, telling us of a new transfer student.

Murmur: "Do you guys think it's a cute girl?" Asked a spiky haired skinny boy.

*I swear he reminds me of someone... can't pinpoint who though exactly...* I tried to remember where I saw this boy before. The person that opened the door and arrived inside the class caused my to actually lose my bored appearance, which didn't go unnoticed by some girls in the class.

A very cute girl with short light-brownish har entered the class, but what caught my attention the most were the hearing aids in her ears.

*Nishimiya Shouko* I thought to myself. I remember her to be the female lead in the anime 'A Silent Voice'. I admired her character hugely in my past life because of her ability to forget and forgive....I mean... if I suffered what she did....blood would spill.*Ain't no way in hell I'm going to let those things happen to her this time* I resolved myself. I then looked at the spiky black haired boy from before, after remembering him as the ringleader of Shouko's bullies in the anime, I gave a little glare in his direction.

As soon as she introduced herself to the class, the teacher directed her towards the empty desk next to mine.

Shouko-Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Shouko!

She wrote it on a small notepad, looking at me with a bright smile planted on her face.

Rei: [Hello, nice to meet you Shouko. My name is R-E-I] I replied in sign language, which caused her to widen her eyes in surprise. This little moment was ruined however, by a spoilsport.

Teacher: "Rei, you've got plenty of time to talk to the transfer student after lunch, so please pay attention as we're going to begin our lesson now." I replied with just burying my head between my arms just to spite him.

To everyone else, I seemed shy and reserved, I didn't seem like the son of a yakuza at all so me being Shouko's friend won't really put them off from bullying her. Guess people think that the yakuza can't do anything to ordinary people, they have no ideas I don't even need the backing of my family. But, I guess you do have to bite someone every once in a while, to remind everyone else that you have teeth.

As soon as lunch time comes, people start surrounding Shouko and ask her various questions,some even pretty offensive about her hearing aids, while I just follow my usual routine and eat lunch on the roof. Unbeknownst to me, I was followed by someone. Right before I open my lunchbox, I feel a little tap on my shoulder and turn around to be greeted by Shouko.

Shouko: [Why do you eat lunch by yourself? Don't you have any friends? I mean, you don't seem like a bad guy] *or a bad looking guy* she thought that last part to herself with a light blush on her face.

(A/N-I use square brackets for sign language , for readers that didn't clock yet)

Rei: [No.I don't need friends] me keeping a straight face.

Shouko's face then slowly fell towards the ground with a dejected face, and tears slowly fell from her face.*What the fuck did I do? What's wrong with her? It was a only a short sentence! Is it about something that happened at her last school?* I thought as I widened my eyes, with my breathing stopped for a moment. It didn't take long for her to wipe her eyes and wrote something on her little notepad.

Shouko-It's funny you know... I tried so hard to make friends my entire life... and here I met someone that rejects the idea of friendship.

I paused for a few minutes, before raising my hands and this time speaking towards her.

"From now on, if no one wants to be your friend, don't worry. Come to me, and I will be your friend, Ok?"

Her reaction was priceless: the corners of her mouth arched upwards to form a bright smile, tears falling again from her face but this time in clear joy. She was writing again on a notepad, this time so quick that it came out in messy handwriting.

Shouko- Thank you for being my first friend Rei!

I replied by squinted my eyes, a small smile on my face and nodded my head slightly. I started eating my lunch but as Shouko forgot her lunch, I let her have half of mine.

Shouko: [This lunch is so good! You're mum is such a great cook!] she was waving her hands with her mouth full.

Rei: [I actually cooked it myself... and... my mum is actually dead] I tried to hide the pained expression as hard as I could.

Shouko drops her head slightly, losing her cheerful aura again.

Shouko: [ I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of a bad memory. Also... you don't need to speak to me with sign language, I can hear you with these] She then points towards her hearing aids.

Rei: [No it's fine... and] "I can't have you being the only special one in conversations now can I?" I spoke the second part,giving her a gentle smile.

She blushed at my words, and pursed her lips pouting a little and looking away from me. I chuckled slightly as her little act causing her blush to only increase. I wish moments like these would last a while longer but again, as expected of my luck, it was ruined my the ringing of the bell.